after Harrys commitment in the army and his actions in Afghanistan since Charles, as a real connoisseur of the Quran and a religious perennialist was against the belligerent intervention in Irak; he apparently expressed his moderate opinions to Tony Blair at the time. Pluto leaving Capricorn to enter Aquarius. You will find France and any other foreign country or nationality ceases to be such an issue from March 2023. It may end up being one of the most important journeys of Harrys life. I read in the press that AK reported to QEII that H apparently used a swear word to her over the (Vladimir) tiara not being brought as requested Astrology can help cut through the noise, as I always say, and it is very clear that you cant look at Prince Harry by himself; he is one of two targets attacked at much the same time, Prince Andrew being the other. Thank you. The family didnt know about it, for quite a while. Mr Welby, who will be the first Archbishop to crown a monarch since Geoffrey Fisher in 1953, has admitted he is having nightmares about the Coronation going wrong. The family of the British monarch saw several ups and downs, including Prince Andrew's controversy, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's exit . As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, married in the Church of England, they have become public property (paid for by taxpayers, until they walked away) and so do have to answer to the public, for the roles they accepted. Harry and William, Castor and Pollux, have been acting out the retrograde for all the world. A psychic that I follow named Christian Dion was right onto her from late 2016. These are my thoughts. Henrys divorce so outraged the Pope in Rome, he sent word from the Vatican that Henry was forthwith to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Nostradamus predicted that in 1999 we would see (in various translations) a king of terror and 1999 was the year that Vladimir Putin began his rise to power. For astrologers, many of whom are joining the discussion, youre watching transits to Uranus at 9 Sagittarius in the Ninth House in opposition to Chiron at 8 Gemini. A CBC investigation traces the ownership of Mille Fleurs, a lavish Vancouver Island mansion where Meghan and Prince Harry wintered in 2020, revealing ties to Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and murky laws that experts say make Canada a target for money laundering. Now were told H is consulting lawyers as hes angry about Sasha invading his privacy and that the focus of his book (how he feels aggrieved by the RF) is not the one in the public mind as the sex/frost bitten body part etc has taken over no surely that rumour cant be true- yet with H we can almost believe anything these days however ridiculous. This will change the way we work and live forever and deliver a four-day week. I always thought Diana writing the book with Andrew Morton was a turning point and I personally felt that it should not have been published written yes to help with her therapy but published no. And it certainly does not explain why the celebrated house of Givenchy delivered a bridesmaid dress to Princess Charlotte, that did not fit. Our late Queen. There is also a question about the FBI under Donald Trump, during the era known as Trump Russia. Meghan of course played an FBI agent on television. Somewhere in my memory I recall Fergie wrote a book and in it she said she contacted plantar warts due to borrowing Dianas shoes. Her Mulberry bag shes holding possibly mirroring the moon. This may actually be just astrology of course which works even when you dont believe in it. They added the Church of England was disqualified as their historic Mother Church.. I stood my ground for mutually fair terms and that has worked OK so far. In a way one can understand why he subconsciously and/or consciously needs to use the media to stop being reified and (to try?) Thank you for keeping us on our toes Jessica. The mistakes within have been widely reported. For the first time in 248 years Pluto is in Aquarius, where he stood when Henry VIII gave way to Mary and Elizabeth and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette met the guillotine. Andrew Mortons book is her biography, and she wanted us to know. I need to read through each one. Current and former British military commanders have accused the Duke of Sussex of giving ammunition to Irans propaganda machine and exploiting his military career for financial gain. It is beginning to look like a very deliberate operation for a very deliberate reason. All this trauma and revelation for him but my life is (Im very grateful to say) pretty calm. The primary drama is still March, though. As someone who quite enjoys the occasional Gin you must try it with Bitter Lemon! Why the subliminal messaging? This is classic Pluto in Capricorn stuff. We are owed trust. Of three potential years, Nick favours 2017. These transits are a perfect storm in the ancient chart for the Church of England (its birth chart) but also Charles III. Something Ive found really odd is the pictures of the late Queen and Prince Philip as a young couple participating in a druid-style ceremony in a wood somewhere. Its not over. Thanks for the interesting article. Well from what I have read of Harrys book in the tabloids it seems interesting but not earth shattering. Thank you Jessica. The miscarried child was male and it was immediately after this that Henry told Anne they would clearly never have male children together, and turned against her. If your birth time is strictly accurate, the IC refers to your ancestor/s. The name of Harry and Meghans California mansion is actually Chateau of Riven Rock, not River Rock. I didnt know Anne Boleyn had been executed on Harry and Meghans big day. As its always about money, behind everything else, youd anticipate a Soho House share investment or a new Soho House opening in California, drum roll. Most interesting, grasshopper. A moment. We are part of the desired outcome, just by discussing her, but it has to be done. Do you think its significant? Thanks for sharing your psychic insights, it is much appreciated. Lady C is really of no help whatsoever by saying the massive secret was something the public told the family, online. The subject seems anachronistic or it proves that The Establishment is as odd as it was in Henry VIIIs time. I think he knew very well. Yes, thats the idea there are foreign enemies who would like to see a referendum on a republic in the United Kingdom, and certainly to see Commonwealth countries either leave, or drop the idea of the monarch as Head of State. I had no idea. There was a time when someone who predicted a plague (in Jessicas case, Covid) would have been burned at the stake. Sagittarius and the Ninth House are about foreign cultures (multiculturalism) as much as foreign countries. So on to the present-day, and staying aware of the coming cycle you mention in your answer to me. Theres much buried treasure in that area-also in matters omitted from history as chronicled by those ignorant of certain past events, as well as by those motivated in preventing future generations from learning them. Julie. This is not just a war of truths, politics or families. There were other people in there coordinating various things. It's possible Meghan encourages him to 'do less . That is exactly what this blogpost contains: many unfounded allegations. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. I think Harry has been trying to replace his mother in his life and in Meghan he feels he has found that replacement. My IC is the anaretic degree of Leo and my father willed the grandchildren money on the same level of his children, yet not all his children had kids, plus he paid for their schooling, yet other families (in our family) without kids were not also given money to use as they pleased: so his cash was not evenly this about BLOODLINES in Leo? Harry contradicted so much of whats been said before and appears to have no self awareness. Disruption. And a security guard for either the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or the couple. "She lights up the part of his chart that's all about creativity, charisma, confidence, and he lights up the parts of her. Pluto will immediately square Harrys own Pluto at 0 Scorpio. Years ago, my son and I read your website every day and followed his horoscope to guide him as he went through a difficult time. For Meghan they begin earlier, in March 2023, which is why it was possible to file that prediction with The Express in December last year. Unfortunately not everyone see Meghan as Harry does. I am really pleased you have had an Aha moment about Russian Americans, and American Russians, and Russian Britons. But of course. As this is a key part of who you are, you have been blocked, stopped and delayed. Pushing back will require tremendous self-mastery and hard work but it will also be the making of you. This all lasted less than a minute. Spirit people have a choice to remain close to us if they need to and many do. And you say it also talks about a split in the Commonwealth. Its deeply dark at the moment. Why doesnt that inspire confidence? Please God that he will somehow survive this and build a new life where he is in control. I was on a Zoom with Penny Thornton at the end of last year and we discussed her dreams about Diana and the future of the monarchy. Hi Jessica I know you have read Spare not out of interest but more for research. Their stories are so muddy it makes no logical sense. This version was directed by John Boorman, and starred Helen Mirren, Liam Neeson, Cherie Lunghi & Nicholas Clay, amongst other luminaries of the acting world. Thanks Elaine. It is no longer the liberating experience it once was. Why? I am not sure what that means but it was interesting. The name spare spare to what the crown I dont think the people would welcome Prince Harry back as part of the royals family with Megan, separate yes but not together. If the Commonealth is in danger I fear that more smaller countries may upsticks, which is their right, of course. Again, we are back to his inheritance from Diana; his inheritance from his father and The Queen; his own will, made out to Archie in particular, who was the bump we saw a week before the eclipse and Lilibet. I have read about the allegations that Meghan Markle was involved with Epstein and Maxwell, and paid as a yacht girl in the company of Prince Andrew. Timing! Having left Canada, Meghan and Harry bought their America home from another Russian, Sergey Grishin. She habitually wore a seat belt, has been photographed multiple times doing so, and yet it was off. Stormzy was referenced by Welby, jokingly, in a discussion about the music. Your point of view on Harry and Meghan from Macedonia is really useful. Playing a role! Im just a Taurus pleb; those big scary organisations wont be coming across me! Dont know how much more I can take.thank you so much. * Because the birth time information is missing for this chart, the Moon may range up to 6 before or after this position. What was Harry Styles first word? Of course bluff King Hal was a spare, eventually taking the throne after the earlier death of his gentle, learned brother Arthur. Customize orbs for aspects in birth charts: * Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings. As fate would have it, Prince Harry bears Henrys name and has his beard, and his spare status. Is it just me or is the following a very surprising public comment from an Archbishop of Canterbury its from The Daily Mail. We may have another viewpoint on tiaragate among other things, whenever Angela Kellys book comes out. By now, I think we have also come to realise that Meghan and Harry are running a disruption narrative. The team behind Meghan and Harry have found the one thing Americans do care about, though race. Both Harry and Meghan have condemned Russias war on Ukraine. What he did to his wives is now being rolled out, with quite another family, but with the same issue. Peace is an interesting notion, given the complete lack of peace in the horoscopes in March. March 2023 will resolve a great deal for this family and for those of us who are in the Commonwealth, as their subjects. Can we withstand it? Its being played out in the internet age with an awful lot of red flags suggesting nothing here is by the two of them, just for the two of them. I believe depositions are being scheduled for you guessed it March. Yes, heading for a 400-way conversation about the monarchy now. Its a Neptune problem. The post of Earl Marshal has been held by the Dukes of Norfolk since 1672. Harry and Meghan (the mini-series, literally) does make people angry. It would be great for some Anglican theologians to join this discussion. Monarchy comes with Shakespearean levels of drama; Elizabeth I knew that and so did Shakespeare. The testifying wont be pleasant but probably not the main worry. Thats interesting too. Jessica And it really is manufactured, all the better to divide and conquer which is a really old, old military tactic. Its not about prevailing fashions or causes. About the publication of Share, it is insinuated that this was done to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom and to alienate large sections of the American population against the British. This was one of the most unusual things to have ever happened in my presence. How very interesting that Henry VIII may have married Anne Boleyn twice. This would mean his security would be paid for by the government of the country that he is in. Things have changed. The look on her face is heartbreaking. Can he really have thought that this was the best way to go? Deep seated ones, in some cases. You often get the public being hoodwinked on eclipses. Shes on this side, shes an intelligence agent and this was definitely London. Of course it did. Fortunately you read royal biographies so you know your history. He knows too well that his father and particularly his brother cant release their own book refuting the claims so we are left with one side of a story which at best is subjective. While I am not privy to what went on in the Duke and Duchess of Yorks marriage, it was a long time before Elizabeth their eldest child was born. This is where Harry and Meghan come in, of course chip, chip, chipping away at everything our late Queen achieved. It would be good if more army veterans approached Harry, even through an open letter in the newspaper. Happy New Year Based on the assumption that the wedding happened during the usual hours when weddings happen, this gives us a Moon somewhere around roughly 10 degrees Gemini. Thank you for letting me know the Daily Mail is reporting the eviction from Frogmore Cottage (and incoming new resident). I feel rather like a worker in the basement of an intelligence service who has come across information & is wondering if reporting it will result in the boss standing by her desk saying If you are not going to take this seriously, you can leave now. Yes. Millions of pounds were pumped into the Conservative party by Russian interests, and Russian oligarchs found supporters in the House of Lords. It just remains to be seen what happens with Charles. Mine is that she was killed on the pretext of her landmine activism and, in a botched rush job, because she teased the press she had a secret to reveal. Catherine just launched her Shaping Us campaign about how the first years of our lives greatly shape our future and our future mental health. But that means something happens to Prince George to take him out of the running. astrological predictions for ben barnes . With so many thanks to you, Becky, There will be a mutiny against Welby at the General Synod, or in response to that, near the first or second week of March. Also in July 1997 a colleague at work showed me an e-mail from a friend. Lambeth Palace. Can you help, and if so, thank you. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. The fact that you understand the goal of an activity is enough. Im curious, what do you think of the prediction that Prince George will become king at a very young age? If you were writing this, what would you dream up? Ive said this before, but every time I look at the transits to Harrys chart, I sense a show bible and pin board of looks, images, memes, influences. What seemed to come out of the Anderson Cooper interview is H&M want a Commonwealth role. That is what this is. When I started reading your Harry blog I could hardly believe that there could possibly be sinister manoeuvrings behind H & M. Over the last few days, every now and then, I have been pondering or found things coming into my head. It is famously easy to get lost there. This runs much deeper. Archery and archers (the synchronicity here is with Archie, Archewell and the Archbishop of Canterbury. On a lighter note, you mentioned in a previous post to have the Gin and Tonic handy for what is going to unfold in the near future. And another prediction, which is interesting as it precedes Megxit:Ceres enters Leo on Sunday 24thSeptember 2017 and stays there until Thursday 28thJune 2018. For the short term anyway. I dont think she would have given in to someone she didnt love. The way Harry tells it in Spare, One of the five stood out. I hope that this is of some help to you. He will meet his Nemesis,for sure presence on all occasions.. Seemed rather grudging after the Queens 70 years service. I was talking to an old friend of Princess Dianas last night and we agreed that it is the people who are missing from all this. She accepted. The astrology says, no. Regarding splits in the Church of England, it seems there is already a formal division where traditionalist priests that cannot accept the role of women in the modern Church are allocated to work exclusively in parishes which support that same view. I appreciate your knowledge. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. No matter, just glad you arent working into the wee small hours. I cant be the only person to consider that the scandalous events that dogged the royal family in 1992 were not mere accidents of fate- that it was more than a colossal coincidence that the photographs of John Bryan and the Duchess of York just happened to be taken and released worldwide a matter of days before the Squidgy Tapes hit the headlines. Edward. Are Harrys latest revelations (i) the beginning of the end of the Royal Family as we know it, and (ii) will he ever learn to take accountability for his decision making? The Firms brief is to represent the Church of England and the people including the Commonwealth. You may spend money buying some artefacts or household stuff. In London its March 23rd 2023 at 12.23.21pm. Fortunately the eclipse days later tells me that the photo shoot, the angles of the lensmen involved, the fallout online (easily manufactured) and so on, had a purpose. And this isnt a recent event. Thank you so much. I personally think the C of E There is also a familiar story here about vulnerable men, whose hearts are prone to dangerous shock. She was beheaded after 9 days and Catholic (Bloody) Mary 1 took the throne followed by Protestant Elizabeth 1. View this post on Instagram.
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