[17] Rowling also disclosed that after the publication of Prisoner of Azkaban, there was one female fan who guessed Snape loved Lily Potter, making Rowling wonder how she had given herself away. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is a 2011 fantasy film directed by David Yates from a screenplay by Steve Kloves. [2] Actor Alan Rickman portrayed Snape in all eight Harry Potter films, released between 2001 and 2011. [32] The sessions are made difficult by their mutual hostility and end prematurely when Harry uses Dumbledore's Pensieve to view one of Snape's worst childhood memories without the latter's permission. The spirit of the question was clearly direct-action murder (as in 10 commandments), not legal caveats, so Potters don't count. Snape dies at the hands of Lord Voldemort in the seventh book, at which time his back story is revealed. [40] (Towards the end of the book, Harry learns that this was Snape's Patronus, taking the same shape as Harry's mother Lily's Patronus, a visible sign of his lifelong love for Harry's mother, and that Dumbledore had asked Snape to ensure that Harry gained possession of the sword. As the series progresses, it is revealed that his treatment of Harry stems from Snape's bitter rivalry with James when they were in school together. Despite this and Harry's angry questions, Dumbledore avers his trust in Snape. [32], Like some other prominent members of Slytherin house, Snape is shown to be a clever and cunning wizard. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Published: 07:12 EST, 27 February 2023 | Updated: 10:20 EST, 27 February 2023 . In the final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the younger Snape, perhaps ten or eleven, is played by Benedict Clarke. In this vision, Harry learns that Snape befriended Lily as a child when they lived near each other. And, as Bellatrix Lestrange says in Order of the Phoenix, a person has to really want to perform an Unforgivable in order to do it successfully. his arm. 1 favourite Harry Potter character in a public poll held by the Bloomsbury publishing house. We know that he was a Death Eater for around 3 years before Voldemort fell; Lily and James died at 21 and they were the same age as Snape, so it would have been 3 years since they left Hogwarts. the way things did go, snape's residual hatred of james carrying over to harry was very convenient for the purposes of maintaining the narrative that he was still loyal to voldemort because it was a good excuse for why he hated harry so much (because he killed the dark lord) and a good diversion for him loving lily which he wanted to keep a secret because if voldemort was aware of it, it would . ", "Alan Rickman Interviews Transcripts about Snape", "Alan Rickman French Interview Translation", "Snape voted greatest "Potter" character in MTV poll", "Harry Potter Fan Film 'Severus Snape and the Marauders', "What Would "Potter" Have Been Like With Tim Roth As Snape? cowardly Coward, did you call me, Potter? shouted Snape. WIKIPEDIA: FELONY MURDER. In the US, many states have a felony murder law, which holds a person who is associated with a murder equally as responsible as the murderer. nose-bleed. Rowling didn't give away the secret to the various directors of the movies and trusted Rickman to both keep it to himself while also being able to subtly portray the character the way the . [34], At the start-of-term feast at Hogwarts, Dumbledore announces Snape as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Did Snape know that Quirrell was possessed in The Philosopher's Stone? Borders Group published a separate book on the topic, The Great Snape Debate, containing essays and arguments from both sides of the debate. father would never attack me unless it was four on one, what would you Many sketches feature students brewing potions that did silly things, like enlarge students' behinds, give males large breasts, or change people into bras. He is sarcastic, stubborn, etc, etc. Snape, who maintains that he "never had the impression that [he] had been able to teach Potter anything at all", is suspicious of Harry's newfound Potions success. the rushing of the flames, Hagrids yells, and the wild yelping of the Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. [73] Shortly after the release of the final film, MTV held a public poll for fans to vote for the best character in the series, and Snape was voted #1. [36] Snape is adept at reversing or containing potentially fatal damage from other dark curses as well, due to his vast knowledge of Dark Arts, as he does when Dumbledore[41] and then Katie Bell[63] are cursed. [7] Although Rowling has said that Gilderoy Lockhart is her only character that she "deliberately based on a real person",[8] Snape was reportedly based, at least in part, on John Nettleship, who taught Rowling chemistry and employed her mother as an assistant at Wyedean School near Chepstow. Harry finds marginalia, including a variety of hexes and jinxes seemingly invented by an unknown student, and substantial improvements to the book's standard potion-making instructions. During the confrontation, Snape reveals himself as the eponymous "Half-Blood Prince" (being the half-blood son of Muggle Tobias Snape and pure-blood Eileen Prince). Opening weekend: $125.02 million. According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts. "But this is touching, Severus," said Dumbledore seriously. If Peter Pettigrew is the most obvious choice for a list of the most evil Gryffindors, Dumbledore is the best disguised one. Severus figured that she did it on purpose. until you learn to keep your mouth shut and your mind closed, Potter! If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Snape demonstrates his expertise with potions by brewing the complex Wolfsbane potion for the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin. He hung out with the likes of Avery and Mulciber who became well known Death Eaters, he joined Voldemort right after he left Hogwarts, and he basically became Voldemort's right hand man until the very end. Towards the end of the school year, Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout force Snape to flee the school. How can I find out which sectors are used by files on NTFS? [22] Snape is a sinister and malicious teacher who makes frequent snide and disparaging remarks at Harry's expense. The issue was given special attention in the marketing campaigns on behalf of the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. After the release of the book and movie, Snape passed away in June . Snape killed Dumbledore and this is a huge big deal that we can't just exclude. "[51] Director David Yates said Snape is a character with gravitas, authority and power. [65] As part of the Waldenbooks marketing campaign, two free stickers, one that said "Trust Snape" and another that stated "Snape Is A Very Bad Man" were available with the book. Snape was willing to give Harry information via the Pensieve that should have directly led to Harry's death. feet before he could complete it; "" Cruc yelled Harry for the I have a lot of fun impersonating him. Voldemort has marked Harry as his equal, but he has a power that Voldemort knows not: the Sacrificial Protection. There are two possible scenarios (in which Snape is still on the dark side) where everything can go wrong: It was all a ruse. [84] In Team Starkid's A Very Potter Musical, Snape is played by actor Joe Moses.[85]. Then after Voldemort came back in book 4, Snape would have been a Death Eater again for around 3 years. [30] He is seen prior to the start of school at Number 12, Grimmauld Place giving reports to the Order of the Phoenix. [47] He had conversations with Rowling about his character and is one of the few Harry Potter actors that she spoke to prior to the completion of the book series about the future direction of the character. Snape, who had not realised until too late that Voldemort had interpreted the prophecy to be referring to Lily and her family (as it could've also referred to Frank and Alice Longbottom and their son Neville Longbottom), asked Voldemort to spare Lily. It was a war with many casualties, and The sixth novel, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, departs from that model. But he is also fascinating. Death would be so much easier, but that release would not, could not be given to him. Harry had a close call during his first Quidditch match when his Nimbus Two Thousand started a strange impromptu dance trying to knock him off. [He] was so blinded by his attraction to the dark side he thought [Lily] would find him impressive if he became a real Death Eater. Compared to some of Snape's other actions, this is rather tame, but his childish habit of favouring students in his own house is still pretty pathetic . In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when a dying Snape gives his memories to Harry, why does he trust Snape, of all people, and go to the Pensieve to see them? Rowling described him as "a gift of a character"[1] whose story she had known since the first book. The latest movie news, trailers, reviews, and more. Fight back! Harry screamed at him. As Harry, Ron and Hermione race against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, they uncover the existence of the three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows. When it was all said and done the films collectively made an astonishing $7.73 billion worldwide. "Potter, remain after class." The boy's friends looked outraged, but his own response was an opaque look and a quiet, "Yes, Professor." When the other students had been herded out, Severus turned his gaze on Harry and without a word, unleashed his legilimency. Snape is famously menacing and strict, and Hogwarts students know better than to talk back to him or try to argue with him. In talking with Scorpius, Snape had learned that Harry would name his son "Albus Severus" and would regard Snape as "probably the bravest man I ever knew" and is deeply moved. As proof, Snape willingly shows Fudge the restored Dark Mark on his arm. "Is Snape Good or Evil?" "[51] He also said Snape is a fascinating character, and that he takes immense pleasure in playing such an ambiguous person. He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways. Instead of answering, Snape summons his Patronus, a Silver Doe, which was also the same exact Patronus of his late, unrequited love, Lily Potter. Enraged, he pursues Snape, Draco, and the Death Eaters as they flee the castle. Being an Occlumens, Snape is able to keep his betrayal from Voldemort, who is himself described as being "the greatest Legilimens" in history. Several characters express doubts about his loyalty, but Dumbledore's trust in him is generally taken to be the final word. [38] The full relationship between Dumbledore and Snape and the reason for Snape's actions remain unknown until the final book. Is there any canon verification of Snape having committed an outright homicide, excluding Dumbledore's murder? He's not from a wealthy, influential wizarding family. A spin-off prequel series, planned to consist of five films, started with . Harry survived the Killing Curse. "PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part two. Snape's behaviour and attitude towards Harry also remain unchanged. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. That's a total of around 6 years of Death Eaterhood with Voldemort. His anger had a lot to do with his troubled childhood. He didnt want to play the same character for the duration of the franchise and not see some sort of character development. [37] Rowling maintains this impression through the early chapters of the seventh novel. and slid down it to sprawl on the floor. James realised the danger and stopped Snape, saving his life; this is the incident Dumbledore referred to at the end of the first book. [34] By killing Dumbledore toward the end of the novel, Snape seems to place himself firmly in Voldemort's camp. And please note I'm not suggesting there is for certain any kind of law similar to this in the Wizarding world -- we have no idea about that. He specialises in potion making and has talent and passion for the Dark Arts. call him, I wonder? Stupe Blocked again and again and again Skilful in the arts of Legilimency and especially Occlumency, Snape is able to both access the minds of others and protect his own thoughtsindeed, though Snape does not care for the term himself, Harry forms the uncomfortable impression early in the series that the Potions Master is able to "read minds." Not to mention promptly dealing with poor Lockhart to who never stood a chance: Snapes upper lip was curling. Snape then carries Harry's cryptic warning about Sirius' capture to the other Order members, allowing them to come to the rescue in the Department of Mysteries. You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment? So, naturally being the actor that he was, Rickman felt his role as Snape wasnt going to progress by any means: He didnt want to play the same character for the duration of the franchise and not see some sort of character development. Later Harry accidentally falls into Dumbledore's Pensieve and views memories of several Death Eater trials from years before. chat with J.K. Rowling", "J.K. Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival", "Chepstow inspiration for Harry Potter prof dies", "Real Harry Potter inspiration alert:", "Interview with Stephen Fry at Royal Albert Hall", "JKR: Snape and Dumbledore Two of the Most Important Characters in 'Deathly Hallows', "The Leaky Cauldron and MN Interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling Part 1", "Transcript of webchat with J.K. Rowling", "UPDATED Videos: First Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II ABC Family preview - SnitchSeeker.com", "Anelli, Melissa, John Noe and Sue Upton. You have used me., Deathly Hallows - pages 551 - Bloomsbury - chapter 33, The Prince's Tale. While in school together, Sirius once tricked Snape into almost entering the Shrieking Shack while Lupin was there, transformed into a werewolf. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? I have I have asked him She adds, however, that she would like to think Harry made Snape's true loyalty and heroism known in the Wizarding world, and that he lobbied to ensure that a portrait be installed in the office. I really didn't guess it was for Lily though. Snape had a short reign as Headmaster of Hogwartsmuch of it spent secretly helping Harry and attempting to protect students from the Carrowsand it ended rather abruptly. [36], Before leaving Hogwarts to accompany Dumbledore in locating another horcrux part of Voldemort's soul Harry discovers from Professor Trelawney that it was Snape who overheard the prophecy and told it to Voldemort, resulting in Voldemort hunting down Harry and his parents. [70] She claimed that Snape is the only protagonist who genuinely has a choice to make and who struggles to do the right thing, hence the only one to face a "compelling inner crisis". and if snape has killed someone why would Dumbledore let him teach at his school. A Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape is hostile to Harry due to his resemblance to his father James Potter. [54], In 2011, Empire magazine published an open letter from Rickman to J.K. Rowling, ruminating on the ten years of working on the Potter films and thanking her for telling the story. The text is inscribed as being "the Property of the Half-Blood Prince". Suddenly, the prophecy comes into focus. So how exactly did Rowling convince Rickman not to quit the franchise and ultimately stick with Snape until the very end? He was a halfblood, had parental issues and was thoroughly bullied by James and Sirius at Hogwarts. Snape interrupts the planned murder, killing the headmaster himself. [66][67], The secretive attitude and gradual unfolding of Snape's character was broadly admired, with Stephen Fry, the UK audio books narrator, saying in 2003: "Most characters like Snape are hard to love but there is a sort of ambiguityyou can't quite decidesomething sad about himlonely and it's fascinating when you think he's going to be the evil one, then slowly you get this idea he's not so bad after all. Snape easily blocks Harry's spells and jeeringly points out Harry's mistakes, but never strikes back. And I was completely thrown by the end of the sixth book. As a sixth year he already invented curses used to slice up the opponent, causing damage that even talented witches like Mrs. Weasley were unable to heal. [3] Snape is a talented duellist, able to hold off by himself (if only briefly) a group of three Hogwarts professors that included former duelling champion Filius Flitwick. You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? RELATED: Daniel Radcliffe Would Love To Star In Fast And Furious But On One Condition. Snape may be the Potions Master, but he is more than just another Hogwarts teacher. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. In the movie, this was. In. After just two films into the Harry Potter franchise, despite its box office success, Alan Rickman had some serious doubts about his character Severus Snape, having stressed to producers at the time that he had even contemplated leaving the wizarding series after likening his role to an unchanging costume. From what was gathered at the time of the revelation, Rickman wasnt all that happy about the lack of diversity Snape had brought to the movies and felt as if he was giving the same performance for both Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. [32] Back at school, Snape's allegiance to the Order has no effect on his dislike for Harry. He is an exceptionally skilled wizard whose extremely cold and resentful exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. This is rare for a Death Eater, as remarked in the last book, though Voldemort himself also had a Muggle father. And Then He Lost Her Some people might consider Snape's relationship with Lily obsessive , but he did step back as she went on with her own life, even if it meant Lily marrying a man who used to bully Snape. Fictional character in the Harry Potter series. She believed the popularity of the character is due to the moral journey and inner conflict that Snape undergoes within the series, as it is the hero's struggle and costly redemption that really matter: "[Snape's] character ached for resolution. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? When Draco and Astoria Greengrass' son Scorpius Malfoy finds himself in an alternate timeline in which Voldemort won the Battle of Hogwarts, killed Harry and his allies and instituted a terrible reign of terror, he desperately searches for help in restoring history to its original course. AND: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. So, in either of these periods, did Snape commit murder as part of his job as Death Eater? Not that I'm aware of (As always, please let me know if I'm wrong.). Maurice is a self-proclaimed reader by day and reality TV watcher by night, with a passion for all things pop culture. I think the coolest thing you can do with an audience is deny them a little bit of information. As a fan of the Harry Potter movies, I feel inclined to say that there are a lot of characters that deserve the spotlight on them for their amazing moments and big . Snape serves as the potions professor for most of the series and later teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts. "He needed to understand [] where this bitterness towards this boy who's the living example of her preference for another man came from. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, "Harry's Final Fantasy: Last Time's the Charm", "Web Chat with J.K. Rowling 30 July 2007 on Bloomsbury.com", "Barnes and Noble and Yahoo! To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. However, near the climax of the book, Snape leaves Harry his dying thoughts (to be viewed in the Pensieve) and ultimately reveals to Harry that he had been loyal to Albus Dumbledore throughout the series. Give a pair when you buy a pair, and get 20% off your first purchase at http://bombas.com/supercarlinbros.Today Ben dives into the Wizarding World of Harry P. Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. Even after he knew Voldemort was targeting the Potters, Snape was only interested in saving Lily -- does failure to prevent a premeditated murder imply culpability? Alan Rickman was born on 21 February 1946 in London to a working class family, the son of Margaret Doreen Rose (ne Bartlett; b. [9][10][11] Rowling based Snape's given name on "Severus Road" in Clapham,[12] and his surname is borrowed from the name of a village in England. At one point, Snape is named as a Death Eater by Igor Karkaroff, but Dumbledore comes to Snape's defence, claiming that although Snape had indeed been a Death Eater, he changed sides before Voldemort's downfall and turned spy against him. "Murder" and "homicide" are technical terms which simply mean one human being causes the death of another. .OLD Sorting Hat (old Pottermore) Books Personality House Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Harry Potter Hat Slytherin Sorting. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. RELATED: 10 Most Charismatic Movie Villains. I couldn't believe that Dumbledore would trust him blindly without reason, even if we couldn't know that reason. Your [52], Rickman's performance as Snape was widely acclaimed by critics, fans and Rowling herself. Voldemort killed Charity Burbage in the final book because she portrayed Muggles in a positive light while teaching at Hogwarts. Dumbledore chided him for thinking only of himself and not of Lily's husband and child, but agreed and ensured that they were placed under the Fidelius Charm. I believe it is impossible to discount Snape's killing of Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince. Now, we have got the complete detailed . Fight back, you Rowling was less forthcoming about Snape than she was for other characters, because his true loyalties and motivations were not revealed until the final book. In fact, Rickman considered Snape to being nothing more than an unchanging costume, referring to the fact that the movies hadnt explored his background by the second film, and the only time viewers saw him on camera, he was alienating Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Great answer in showing that Snape certainly had it within himself to have been capable of murder, but it doesn't convince he was actually guilty of committing the act himself - even if he was legally an accomplice and witness to many (in our laws and eyes). [80][81] Snape appeared in a Harry Potter parody named "Louis Potter and the Philosopher's Scone" in Alistair McGowan's Big Impression show, played by Alistair McGowan himself. was one of the questions in Scholastic Inc.'s seven-question series, part of its marketing campaign for the book. Warner Bros. Snape first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, shortly after Harry arrives at Hogwarts. I couldn't believe that Dumbledore would trust him blindly without reason, even if we couldn't know that reason. Worldwide box office: $960.43 million . [41], After Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape's loyalty was a matter of intense debate among the fans. heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried: Expelliarmus! The fact that Lily chose James Potter, Harry's father, only fuels Snape's hostility towards Harry. Apparently, he wanted to be challenged, and if producers werent going to bring along a change to his role, he would have ultimately left the franchise. Maurice is a writer from Germany. Snape has never liked any Gryffindor students and hates Harry in particular, as he still holds a grudge against Harry's father, James, for a joke James played on him when they were at school together. Harry Potter franchise has made many changes from book to movie, but one specific difference made an integral character's storyline way worse. He was a double agent, so many character details were kept a secret. Why was Slughorn so surprised that someone he taught was a murderer? Also as a student, Snape shows a rare gift for discovering new spells. This was the proper way to pay him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude. Snape seemed to shrink a little. Although Snape was reluctant, even asking about the impact of such an action on his own soul, Dumbledore implied that this kind of coup de grce would not damage a human's soul in the same way murder would. (See the felony murder info.). rev2023.3.3.43278. running as fast as he could in the opposite direction. In a candid conversation between Dumbledore and Snape, Albus asks Severus if he had actually grown to become fond of Harry. It becomes clear to fans engaging with . Snape was Dumbledore's man from the moment Lily was murdered. But when the headmaster of Hogwarts revealed Harry's true fate, Snape's reaction was not unlike ours. [43][61] He is intelligent and has a keen, analytical mind. ", The final revelation of Snape's loyalty in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was viewed positively by fans and critics alike. If killing splits one's soul, why does Slughorn say Voldemort was the first person to split his soul more than once? [74] Around the same time, Empire magazine held a public poll for fans to vote for the 25 greatest characters in the series, and Snape once again came in at #1.
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