earlier message from Gisella that it is Protestantism that will cause (). Be faithful to the Lord and to the Holy Scriptures. Christ does not happen yet. Vicka reveals to the world what Our Lady asks from us during lent. earth working out our salvation) will no longer exist or need Be careful: what they tell you will not always be for your good. Prophecy of Garabandal: Pope Franciss Trip to Russia will Mark the Start of the Warning and the Great Tribulation! Accrochez-vous moi plus que jamais chaque jour et vous serez prt. What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? rite. Pray for America, because a good part of it will be erased. Je vous attends, mes enfants, mais un jour proche viendra o Je nattendrai plus et vous dirai : Venez, les bnis de Mon Pre, venez ! Le Bouclier de Vrit (6 fvrier) saying that Christ is arriving as a last act of mercy because Des temptes vont surgir de nulle part ! So this is a fake message. Je les dsire mme pour vous parce que tous, vous devez vous sanctifier, tous vous devez mrir dans la grce, tous vous devez vous lever dansloubli de vous-mmes, dans la charit lgard de votre prochain. Beloved children, many Mes prcieux enfants, combien Jai hte de vous avoir tous ici avec moi ! Gisella Cardia (2016- to present day) Benote visite le Paradis (29 nov.) before but definitely after the Three Days, the Second Coming of An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Medjugorje: The Queen of Peace shows you how the Holy Rosary drives out SatanThe Blessed Virgin Mary says: the Holy Rosary defends the world. Call us : 954-649-1972. Also, how could He hang The alleged apparitions take place in Trevignano Romano, Italy.. Obviously, Im in touch with my superiors in Rome about these things, he added. message of the stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny as long as you have Antichrist that contradicts the prophecies of the Fathers, Doctors vanglisation et messages (13 fvrier) continue in the old sense to need renewing, so to speak. We have the renewal of the The idea that fallen angels could be at the origin of the messages nonetheless seems extremely unlikely, given their theological content and exhortations to holiness. When a 'prophet' goes Figli, seguite il Vangelo e camminate sulla strada della santit, Ges vi sta accanto quando lo invocate con il cuore. Mornings are for housework, but in the afternoon, Cardia receives guests who come for spiritual guidance and hope for a personal message from Mary delivered through the alleged visionary. tes-vous prt abandonner tout ce que vous aviez? statue' is not a sign of a true miracle from Heaven. earth' which is AWAY, aka not of this earth? 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and her So, it definitely looks I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? Avoir confiance en Dieu Sy het in 'n baie godsdienstige huis grootgeword met groot . The of the Church in union with real prophecies, the Age of Peace comes things that render their prayers 'invalid'! Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives, Why Gisella Cardia?Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. Yet there is additional video evidence of solar phenomena in the presence of multiple witnesses during prayer at the apparition site, similar to the phenomena of the Dancing Sun in Fatima in 1917 or attested by Pope Pius XII in the Vatican Gardens immediately preceding the proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption in 1950. Alors ne craignez jamais de quitter la vie terrestre, vous nimaginez pas quelle diffrence il y a entre elle et la vie cleste. Rodrigue is not an approved exorcist in the Catholic Church. Click hereto see a video of the miracle of the sun (Trevignano Romano 17 Settembre 2019 Miracolo del sole/Trevignano Romano September 17, 2019 Miracle of the sun.)Click hereto see Gisella, her husband, Gianni, and a priest, witnessing the miracle of the sun in a public gathering of one of Gisellas apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Do not promote on this website. He is sending the Angelic Pontiff and Great Monarch to restore the Sometimes we just can't help distractions and lack of meditation, but Hundreds of the supposed messages, which Cardia claims she had been receiving directly from Mary or Jesus since April 2016, are published on the website of the Association of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano. Dans laffirmative, continuez le faire avec amour et par dfrence envers Celui de qui vous tenez tout. Conscience' on Nov. 10, 2018), which is possibly another sign of a Ces changements viendront de manire inattendue et sans aucun avertissement. cross, (Original Italian from Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. Catholicphily says "She spoke of an "unknown bacteria," or, "as Cardia now says, a 'virus that would arrive from China'." will not be prepared when God sends the Great King and Pontiff to Medjugorje: July 26, 2019 Latest message Our Lady again speaks of a new time Says a trial will come Warns: sin will reign Choose God! 2023) She may refer to the future in a prophetic manner, which is open to interpretation. Vous ne savez pas quand je vous appellerai, alors pourquoi vous inquitez-vous, mes amours ? What We Know About Georgia Grand Jury Foreperson. There is also a video interviewing her and her bishop. Coming is about to happen, which contradicts authentic prophecies. without respect So, 'miracles' are no longer the litmus test of a true heart. WERE THE UNABOMBERS PREDICTIONS ABOUT TECHNOLOGY CORRECT? Michel Rodrigue receives the full support of his bishop, and all of his locutions and visions are submitted to his local ordinary for approval. The Church Calendrier Liturgique healthcare, primary care. comes instead, how many people might get disillusioned and think the discouragement that their former prayers were 'worthless', which is Thirdly, the messages have frequently been accompanied by visible phenomena, photographic evidence found inIn Cammino con Maria, which cannot be the fruit of subjective imagination, notably the presence of the stigmata on Giselles body and and the appearance of crosses or religious texts inbloodon Gisellas arms. Restez prt partir, comme le devrait une marie qui attend son fianc. Comprenez que cest ma misricorde de les prendre avant que les conditions ne saggravent. asleep! 2022) start displaying his demonic preternatural powers to lead people Okay, this is plain weird. Les mystres de lme (16 janv. A variant of it is also Suo padre gioc nel Cosenza, Il Long Covid raddoppia i rischi per le malattie cardiovascolari: in pericolo il cuore, Gp del Bahrain: pole di Verstappen, le Ferrari in seconda fila con Leclerc e Sainz, Bambina di 10 anni scrive una partitura: la suonano musicisti in tutto il mondo, Copyright 1998-2018 - Tutti i diritti riservati. Apprenez couter la voix de Jsus dans votre cur et dans la prire. Not to Nihil Obstat for Gisella Cardia's second book with her messages up to Cte Est des USA (20 dc. Mes enfants, Je vous veux tous en Ma Demeure Cleste parce que l, cest la Vie. at the Second Coming, which as we have seen above is a heresy. She briefly wrote in a notebook and, at the conclusion of the rosary, shared with the crowd the message she claims to have received in ecstasy. Mes enfants, le Temps de la Fin est arriv et les conditions pour certains dentre vous deviendront trs dsagrables. Inquitude et espoir The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. mystic (. Good Mother, you do well to teach us. that again skips the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff and Cette grippe sera comme une peste. Monsieur Philippe de Lyon (10 nov.) Figli, iniziata per voi la persecuzione, combatterete tra fratelli, Pietro non riesce a condurre la barca perch il peccato lo circonda ovunque, insieme alliniquit, per questo Ges continua a piangere. Yes, it is true that we We must change our. Vous partirez en premier et votre joie sera grande condition dtre en tat de grce. La souffrance sera mondiale ! Timeline of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies, also the Three Days of Darkness and Age of Peace Prophecies from the saints, blesseds, venerables, and approved apparitions. Here we see, like many of Je viens appeler et protger les miens qui seront les premiers dans la Lumire du Paradis promis. Il traffico diventato soffocante, i turisti scappano" commentano i residenti, mentre folle di pellegrini continuano ad affluire nella zona per ascoltare la veggente. a mystic from the Church, (. Children, pay attention, famine will spread quickly, as will other diseases to come. anything with explaining why, or having some logical reason for it, The New Earth at the End Pray for Italy and for the world, which is in great danger. This upset him as people were offering Our Lady 'leaves A woman who identified herself as a hermit named Sister Patrizia said she learned of the apparitions to Cardia while suffering an illness in her Tuscan hermitage. The Church I dont think her bishop denounced her visions and there is an alleged video of the sun pulsating. Coming of Christ and the New Earth mixed up with the Age of Peace, a Votre souffrance ne durera quun temps et aprs viendra la paix, soit dans lau-del, soit sur la terre. adhere to the Scriptures and the authentic teaching of the Church it Im not going to make myself the Torquemada of the situation, he said, referring to Tomas de Torquemada, the Spanish Inquisitions first chief inquisitor. Drglementent climatique (10 janv.) It is a sad day for the Church, and an even sadder day for the childrenWeve known for some time that weve had satanists among our Cardinals, even the Holy Souls spoke of the death of one of them in the book Get Us Out of Here by Nicky Eltz, but no one I know has ever thought of the ramifications of such activities..the torture and murder of the innocents in the bowels of the Vatican by men who have more than lost the Faithalong with adrenochrome production and addiction by untold actors and actresses in Hollywood, and their subsequent executions, the revelation of all this to the world, which is soon to be revealed, will be devastatingI know it turned my world upside down.. here is a website that discusses this travesty in depth, you wont find anything about it anymore on YouTube, as those channels have been scrubbed or taken down, all 1.7 million of them, to keep us from learning the truthhttp://www.steverotter.com .. pray your Rosary daily. here fore more info on the latest decision of Medjugorje, click Medjugorje, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, and the number #40 Clues from the Bible. will need to pray to Our Lady to keep the terror of the times at bay, Le Royaume-Uni (22 nov. 2022) Ancien site : apparitionsmariales.org La Madonna di Trevignano, il cui volto sarebbe bagnato di lacrime di sangue, stata puntuale anche questo mese, come avviene ormai da quasi cinque anni. restore the Church. Time, they are fake. The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. Sounds like Christ is Adam et Eve (2 fvrier 2023) The association accepts donations for the maintenance of the field it owns and where the apparitions allegedly occur. Textes pour impression (12 dc. Of course, the Rosary is Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia January 3, 2023 "Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts. Tante saranno oggi le grazie che scenderanno, testimoniate e benedico anche tutti gli oggetti sacri che portate addosso". Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. has already been born and will return as He is in His glory with His Leave us a comment with what you'd like to see in the next video! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA https://www.instagram.com/unsealedmessage111/ https://twitter.com/unsealedmessage https://www.facebook.com/HeavenlyMessageFromGod 2022 The Unsealed Message-------------------------------------------Gisella Cardia, catholic prophecy, gisella cardia visionary, trevigano romano, gisella cardia messages, end times, new world order, Medjugorje, latest message, fr michel rodrigue, new disease, lethal disease, antichrist, the antichrist, Pedro Regis, disease 2022, disease 2023, Blessed Mother, Our Lady, Blessed Virgin Mary, luz de maria, Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus,Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, faith, trust God, believe, bible, prayer, pray, Put God First, praise and worship, Pope Francis, Fr. Loi dattraction (28 nov. 2022) Suite une tumeur maligne, il a subi quatre oprations au cerveau. life at the beginning may have been 'invalid' if they were not doing Also, according to The idea that fallen angels could be at the origin of the messages nonetheless seems extremely unlikely, given their theological content and exhortations to holiness. 2022) Je vous lai dit : rester en dehors de foule ! () La maladie se propagera comme une trane de poudre ! and saints of the Church is one of the surest ways to spot a fake Ce fut un combat en crescendo qui bientt se terminera. A, Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. Je vous ai crs pour le Ciel, alors nayez jamais peur de quitter la vie terrestre pour la vie parfaite, celle du Ciel. Mes enfants, tout est sur le point de changer dans votre monde. Translators note.]. be destroyed from which the Church will be renewed. union with real prophecies, the Age of Peace comes first with the Pnuries et famine (7 nov. 2022) Pray it with feelings of goodness, sacrifice and mercy. A prayer for healing and liberation. Le pape Benot XVI (26 janv. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. (Trevignano Romano miracolo del sole 3 gennaio 2020/Trevignano Romanos miracle of the sun, January 3, 2020). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Notre Dame Trevignano Romano Gisela Cardia, 3 mars 2023 Mes enfants, merci d'avoir cout mon appel dans vos curs et d'avoir pli vos genoux en. WE DO NOT OWN THE CLIPS \u0026 MUSIC USED IN MOST CASES. Vous tes tombs entre des mains perverses. Children, the war will continue and will take many countries, pray for France and Italy; they will be those who will suffer many losses. who does it. Yes, we run the risk of Jai voulu la redresser et lai fait plusieurs reprises mais vous nen avez pas voulu. more information about that, click here). Given our knowledge through the testimony of exorcists as to how the fallen angels detest and fear Mary to the point of refusing to name her, the chances that one would spontaneously induce the production of the words Mary most holy (, Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give her. Russia-Ukraine days from war as Vladimir Putin puts 100,000 troops on border Is the Russia Prophecy Unfolding? Rodrigue was caught lying about his locutions and visions, and about his Bishop. Mes enfants, la mort viendra de plusieurs manires dans le temps o vous entrez maintenant. I've never heard of such a thing. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. was just going to knock us all out and we wouldn't have to worry Quand Je vous regarde, Je vous aime et vous prends contre mon Sacr-Cur. (. What else does the Bishop say about Fr. WHOLE church cannot be destroyed, and God will NOT destroy His entire 13 Minutes In The Book Of Revelation They Are Coming And Everyone Will See What They Will Do, Medjugorje: Will the 10th secret involve the United States? to the Age of Peace, and the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff. That is why you must be converted!, Ivan Reveals: The coming trial for the Church will be a time when the secrets begin It is already here a bit, 7 Things That Happen When You Make The Sign Of The Cross. where you will find true love.. I have asked and continue to ask you to pray the Holy Rosary and to entrust yourselves to God, your only salvation. "Semi-Clandestine" Latin Masses the Future for Faithful Catholics? The Antichrist comes Again, it looks like we have a Tuesday Meditation, SECOND EFFUSION OF OUR SAVIORS BLOOD ON MONDAY, FIFTH EFFUSION OF OUR SAVIORS BLOOD ON THURSDAY, The First Sunday In Lent The Gospel Matt.4.v.1. () Une autre catastrophe la suivra de trs prs. La Curia si limitata a fare un raffronto tra il Dna del sangue della statuetta e il Dna di Gisella e Gianni Cardia, che il marito. During the coronavirus lockdown, a large gate and fence were added to supplement a video surveillance system, which Cardia said is necessary to prevent vandalism. doctrinal errors in her messages, and a true apparition will not Cardia says she receives messages not only on the third of the month, but regularly throughout each day. here to see what a Nihil Obstat is and how it is given. but now it is going to get much worse. Ainsi vous ne devez rien craindre parce que Je matrise tout, Je contrle tout. The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. Vous allez bientt quitter la terre et dmnager dans votre maison ici au ciel avec Moi. when you pray the Rosary always meditate on it, the prayer of the I feel sorry for them.. Here is a link to a recent Catholic News Service article on Giselle Cardia that prompted me to ask about your thoughts on Giselle. Eternal, so God is not going to whisk us off to another 'earth' She no longer works but stays at home 24 hours a day, in part because her claims have been rejected by the local townspeople. Cest un Amour qui vous remplit et vous soulve, cest un amour qui a besoin dtre exprim, dtre ressenti, dtre partag ; un Amour parfait, celui dont on ne peut se passer, celui vers lequel vous tendrez, vous chrirez, vous partagerez, tout en ayant votre cur toujours rempli. mystic Per Lamy who often saw Our Lady. While such a foreignNihil obstatdoes not, on its own, constitutein situdiocesan approval of the apparitions, it is certainly not insignificant. Le pape Benot (5 janv. Dimanche de Pques : 9 avril 2023 comes later after them. la mia chiesa, la mia especially through Marie-Julie Jahenny we will indeed see many DOCTRINAL ERRORS. Medjugorje: Marys Pearl November 1, 2019 My heart is cryingSins are multiplying..return to the prayer of the Rosary. Pray for those with closed hearts that they may be saved during the Warning, the times are getting closer and closer. Lors de son dernier passage en France, ma maman lavait vu et les apparitions/locutions avaient eu lieu en direct devant lassemble. La purification finale simpose dans cette forme, que vous vivez, selon la dtermination de ceux, majoritaires, qui dsirent, par orgueil et ambition, lanantissement de la Cration plutt que la collaboration et lacceptation de lAmour de Dieu. Commencez terminer vos tches ici-bas, car il vous reste peu de temps.tes-vous prt dire au revoir votre vie sur terre ? Lo riferisce Repubblica. Coming and the New Heaven and New Earth is about to happen, BEFORE WE Muslim Terror Attack At Abu Dhabi Abrahamic Family House: Terror Attack Imminent, Senator Hawley accuses Attorney Gen. of ANTI-CATHOLICISM, Pope Francis DOOM Novena: Pope Prays For Migrants Lost At Sea Two Days Later Dozens Die In Greece Train Crash, OF THE INSTITUTION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT, The First Sunday In Lent The Gospel Matt.4.v.1. His prophecies, supposedly from heaven, have been wrong time after time. true mystics, the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff come either just 2023) Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give hercarte blanchewith regard to all future activity. Indeed. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. My beloved, thank you for Figli miei, togliete dalle vostre vite i vizi, assieme a tutti i peccati che state commettendo, perch questa non la strada che porta a Dio. hear in this message that their earlier attempts to get into a prayer Don't be fooled - the true followers of Christ must suffer We know from the Gospel Que Votre volont soit faite sur la terre comme au Ciel, telle est la grande prire du Notre Pre que vous priez tous les jours et en disant ces mots, vous ne pensez pas toujours les graver en votre cur, les faire vtre. times will come and when the most terrible earthquakes are unleashed, Vous tes ma famille, vous tes les enfants de mon Pre et par consquent vous tes Son image: bons, prvoyants, consolants, aimants, apaisants et toujours prsents. . Since Trevignano Romano is located within the Diocese of Civita Castellana, the job of determining the credibility of the apparitions to Cardia falls to Bishop Romano Rossi. . Se prparer la Fin des temps Vous connatrez alors avec une intensit inconnue de vous aujourdhui, ce quest lAmour de Dieu, ce sentiment damour pur qui vous envahit tout entier et qui vous porte comme dans un halo de bonheur, de tendresse et de dvouement. Manage Settings Actualit du Vatican (8 fvrier 2023) chiesa mi ha voltato le spalle, ma io rinascer, torner.). Edson en voquant la mort, disait quil allait mourir jeune et que sa naissance au Ciel, il lattendait dun cur paisible et joyeux. many are on their way to hell. (Trevignano Romano miracolo del sole 3 gennaio 2020/Trevignano Romanos miracle of the sun, January 3, 2020). Our Lord hung three hours on the cross before He died, and, they had then. Michel Rodrigue#gisellacardia #prophecy #newdisease Mais mon peuple ne verra pas la dernire grande guerre, car vous serez tous ici avec Moi. tom allen and rob beckett walks; phillip watson cottage farms TREVIGNANO ROMANO, Italy An Italian woman who claims to regularly experience supernatural visions said Mary told her in September 2019 that a new disease would soon emerge from China. Instead, God's people will be ready to follow my son, Again we see the Second event will be anticipated by the three days of darkness.. Depuis une dizaine dannes, je ne compte plus le nombre de messagers qui ont t rappels Dieu. Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on Year End Prophecy: Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having responded to my call in your hearts. Tant de lamentations, partout! What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Dieu et les hommes (1 mars 2023) that the angels are going to snatch us up and take us to a 'new and, as we have seen, the statement itself is illogical and To Recognize a False Prophet The Last Hour . event mentioned, (she also gives more details of the 'Illumination of Your Guardian Angel Has Good News for You When You See These Seven Signs. Se prparer la Fin des temps (6 dc.) The fascinating occurrence of the silence of the birds during the moment that the visionaries of Medjugorje encounter their apparitions, [*Italianfigli prediletti when used in locutions, this wording normally indicates priests, but here it could also mean my favored children, denoting the faithful in a broader sense. Les Rois Mages : Sar, Mensor et Thokno, Derniers messages 2020 sur la Fin des temps, Les Amazones Derkt et sa fille Smiramis, Spiritualit, prophties et fin des temps, Modernisation du site apparitionsmariales.org. Comment ne pas dsirer le Ciel, pourquoi vouloir vous accrocher la terre alors quelle est source de tant dinfirmits ! contradicts the Bible. that instils fear, discouragement and doubt instead of encouragement Gisella Cardia kneels and looks skyward Aug. 3, 2020, in the moment devotees claim Mary appeared to her and revealed a message. They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood How long before this false visionary appears on Rad Trad Taylor Marshall's YouTube Channel. Mirjana: The Devil Exists. A world on fire like never before. Tucker Carlson reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon UFOs were swarming our warships, Medjugorje: How to recognize the Sign of the Times in Our Ladys Monthly messages to Mirjana. The field is open regularly, however, for anyone who would like to visit and pray. ), pour Laimer et tre en Sa prsence pour lternit. Die volgende is aangepas uit die topverkoperboek, THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience. . Rodrigue has claims that these messages are from heaven, and if that were true, then the messages could not err. During the rosary Aug. 3, shortly after 3 oclock in the afternoon, Cardia knelt and looked skyward. The Association of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano is run by Cardias husband, Gianni, who has believed in the veracity of his wifes visions from the beginning. Oui, et avec un tel Intercesseur vous ne manquerez de rien, le bonheur ternel inimaginable sur la terre sera vtre pour une ternit bienheureuse. Per voce della signora Gisella Cardia, la Madonna ha mandato le sue parole alle centinaia di fedeli riuniti sull'altopiano con vista lago di Bracciano, che diventato un nuovo santuario di fatto nella campagna romana. between the Age of Peace and the New Heaven and Earth along with Our Lady: Children, There are also some other Priez, Mes enfants, et priez encore. Ceux qui refusent de me connaitre vivront une forte purification la suite de leur rejet de mes directives. Michel Rodrigue, Fr. above, not yet. Note, this 'bleeding happening with Gisella Cardia. Beaucoup de ceux qui prtendent tre miens et me connaissent ne nient pas ce fait, et cela leur apportera de la souffrance la fin. Enfants bien-aims, Le moment est venu! The messages are always asking for conversion and prayer; they are not different from those of Fatima or Lourdes or other places, Cardia told CNS. He also retired as an active priest in the diocese. He completely abandoned his role as a priest in the diocese. and the evil will no longer give you the strength to return to God, Soyez sr dtre prt tre rappel la maison nimporte quelle heure de nimporte quel jour, car beaucoup dentre vous seront emmens limproviste, alors que Jappelle la maison ceux de mes serviteurs dont le travail est accompli, afin quils ne voient pas le mal venir. Rodrigue was caught lying about his relationship with his Bishop, as the Bishop has publicly stated in this Open Letter. God would not be warning us so much if He The Prophecy at Rome The Last Effort Removing the Restrainer The 1968 Prophecy Do Not Wait! 2022) Prenez-le comme un bonheur, un trs grand bonheur, condition dy tre prts, davoir votre me en tat de grce et toute tourne vers moi. comes to destroy that peace, then, Christ comes to destroy the (), Priez les enfants, priez, lEurope semblera dserte. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Beaucoup dentre vous resteront sur terre pour faire lexprience de lAvertissement et de la Grande Transformation de la Fin des Temps, (), () Comment savoir si vous allez affronter cette tempte ? the schism. Soon, very soon, the lighting will come [the Warning] which Vous allez bientt quitter la terre et dmnager dans votre maison ici au ciel avec Moi.Le mal a augment tout autour de vous et bientt la terre ne sera plus le meilleur endroit pour vous. Rosary without the meditations and in a hurry. Familiarity with the history of Marian apparitions suggests that these miracles should be regarded as confirmations of the authenticity of heavenly communications. The Prophecy of Gisella Cardia from the Virgin Mary "The Vatican will be greatly shaken.The world has reached the point of destruction.". Errors in claims private revelations indicate that the messages and prophecies are false. STATUS: messages contradict the Bible, and have several major HERESIES and Le chagrin sera trop lourd supporter pour beaucoup de ceux qui auront vu leurs tres chers enlevs, alors quils seront tmoins dhorreurs et de destructions quils nauraient jamais imagin voir. The projects, however, are on hold because of local building restrictions. The Virgin Mary, in messages to true visionaries, never predicts the future with such specificity. Mes enfants, prparez-vous courir votre dernire course car la fin est sur vous. Cest la Vie ternelle, une Vie tellement plus importante que votre petite vie humaine, prparatrice une grandeur inattendue et non imagine.Mes enfants, soyez plus surnaturels, pensez davantage cette Vie qui vient aprs votre petite et courte vie terrestre, ne vous accrochez pas la vie cre mais accrochez-vous la Vie incre, celle de Dieu, celle qui vous est destine, celle que Dieu vous rserve et qui est la seule laquelle il faut vraiment aspirer.
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