Check out the blood cell analysis results below. BFIT or (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology): is used to target a highly specific range of frequencies that very few other Scalar Products can solve. What is Tesla Energy? In later years, several researchers including Andrija Puharich conducted experiments to determine the effects of scalar energy on the human body. Scalar Energy and Healing | The Healing Universe. We showed you briefly what stress will do to this the blood cells here are some pictures (below) of before and after when we tested this technology on a group of eight subjects now this is what this technology can do in just thirty minutes see how much stress there is in the blood this this sixteen-year-old male before and after look how that how individuated the cells are after just 30 minutes this represents complete distressing of the body this was the result or a similar result for everybody that took part in the test. Here we will share knowledge on a day to day basis. I had tried various methods to treat the area, and luckily the pain started to subside. Also, we offer you a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but your diseases. Along with their numerous other benefits, scalar waves can help you ground yourself as the frequency they work at aligns with the Schumann Resonance. This is because these are some of the most important elements to making Scalar Energy and Zero Point Technology work. A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device which is unique to Life Energy Solutions - there is nothing else like it available today. Our energy junkie cat soon found us and had to join in too. By harnessing these resonances and running them through the bodywe can simulate their natural state and utilize them for healing. Needless to say, Im a huge fan of yours and of your work!, H. R. D. B. MWO Raises the vibration rate and creates protection against electromagnetic waves (body is not weakened by harmful EMF's) Electromagnetic waves are quite different from scalar waves. I have been using binaural beats for years and this has to be one of the best programs I have ever experienced. Are you suffering from the side effects of those above treatments such as pain, falling hair and etc.? ", "Ok this is really good Tonya ngl and the chakra hooponopono is also really nice. See my Experience here, To See a full comparison of these Pendants Click Below, These wands are good for targeting a specific area for pain relief and providing you with much needed energy. Thanks and nice work, really enjoying them! I wanted to tell you about some of the interesting things that I noticed in my session! Most people are aware of this now and are familiar with some of its sources such as worries about work, family, finances, and life in general. This is true de-stressing and not a short-term fix. My friend who has Crones disease is gong to come over next week and give it a try. Puharich concluded that this energy could enhance both endocrine and immune systems. How Scalar Energy Works in The Body. I got more evidence of that this morning when I went to church and was moved in a way I am normally not. The QSB generates scalar waves. They can be observed and studied through spectrograph imaging. Strengthens the Bio-field to an increased level, Overall risein attentiveness and clarity, - Comes in Many different Styles and Shapes, Buffers and Protects against EMF Damage (medium EMF Coverage). When targeting these highly Specific frequencies it infused beneficial vibrations which cleans and rejuvenates the bodies energy field. Recommend, The wealth Hololiminals worked for me, Thank you so much!! That one is really working for me. If not, maybe you better readthis page first. He demonstrated the existence of scalar energy and harnessed it without using any wires or cables. "What a wonderful surprise! Spooky2 Scalar is the only device capable of performing scalar biofeedback scans. Increase the energy level of body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range. This is important because hydrogen bonds are crucial to our bodys ecosystem as they hold our DNA together. "Thank You for the beautiful WAV file and the updates! Enjoy the care and joy that went into the production of each one. No matter what one would like to call it, the application of this energy is intertwined into both Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Simple to use just plug it in to start the Solfeggio frequency cycle. All NeuralSync recordings are infused with scalar waves/Zero-point energy. All Life Energy Solutions products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so each item is as unique as we are. All of your DNA and cells operate on an hourglass shape making scalar waves entirely body-friendly. They increase the connection between that universal energy (or God) which is limitless, without time and space, and your awareness of it, to use it in order to manifest whatever you want to manifest, whether it s health, wealth, happiness or whatever. EMF or Electro-Magnetic Frequency pollution is currently at levels of over 100 million times that of 50 years ago in most cities. At first, I didnt notice anything ground breaking. Praise for SHAMANIC EXPERIENCE, EXTRAORDINARY INTUITION and OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, I have experienced several binaural, subliminals etc. Scalar waves can carry out lossless transmissions of energy without decaying over distance or time, unlike sound or light waves that decay over distance and time. The fields produced by Spooky2 Scalar are strong. Blood flow is improved and the optimal amount of oxygen gets circulated in the body. This enables it to run custom frequencies or custom sequences of frequencies. Scalar therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses energy waves or scalar waves for healing and to boost an individuals mood, stamina, and overall health. Still, I followed up with a simple stimulation protocol over the area, and after a brief treatment, the hernia receded into the area, and the pain went with it. We use analog circuitry to ensure a pure signal, and the signal can be either molecular or frequency modulated using low or high frequencies. Included in the Upgrade Pack is lifetime membership to a members-only forum, a place to share, where results will be compared, and knowledge expanded. Remote Scalar Energy Healing by Tom Paladino Welcome to the Era of Quantum Healing Scalar Light Enhancing Your Spiritual & Energetic State Of Being 15 Day FREE trial Learn more No credit or debit card required. There was a point while I was resting when a torrent of long forgotten memories streamed in in amazingly vivid detail places visited, faces, expressions, sounds, random realizations. Along with their numerous other benefits, scalar waves can help you ground yourself as the frequency they work at aligns with the Schumann Resonance. Many years later, it was Nikola Tesla who demonstrated the existence of scalar energy. The Scalar Qi allows you to create an ideal environment for recovery. Scalar waves help in increasing every hydrogen atoms energy covalent level in the body. Boosts energy levels. !, C. S. Praise for TRANSCENDENCE, THIRD EYE AWAKENING, ZEN TRANCE and WALK WITH GOD, I tried an intuition track last night and got a nice astral projectionI have tried all the WAVs I purchased and I like them alot., V.M. At the time, I had been researching the scalar waves in my spare time as the prospect of their ability to provide a breakthrough intervention inspired me. Here is where you can tap into other peoples experiences and offer up your own. The QSB is a trail-blazer for this new paradigm. Scalar waves help in increasing every hydrogen atoms energy covalent level in the body. If you are one of those people who want to avail the benefits of scalar therapy but dont have all the information, then this blog is for you. Easy-to-Use Over-the-Counter Clearance 3 Wavelengths - Red, Infrared, and Violet Unique Violet Laser and LED Diodes for Longevity Special Patented . Scalar waves have a potential for increasing energy and reversing aging. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and what's more, it's heartening to know that Kindness and Integrity are not antiquated qualities. Meaning that it increases our health, wellness and our mental state to an optimum level of functionality! Using scalar wave therapy with regenerative healing boosts other healing protocols like adequate nutrition, stress reduction, and quality sleep. 2. The discovery of scalar waves dates back to the 19th century and is attributed to James Clerk Maxwell. Triona- Auckland, Thank you for the very prompt delivery of our QSB!! I sprained my ankle quite badly coming down the stairs the other week. Powerful EMF protection and energy-balancing products to help combat modern life, made with love by Life Energy Solutions. That is pre-programmed with the solfeggio healing frequencies. These frequencies can span anywhere from 7.38Hz to 33.8Hz. I am looking forward to using it daily and feel a lot more optimistic about the future in these turbulent times. All the results of these tests showed that Spooky2 Scalar inhibited the growth of cancer cells. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. Building one is straightforward: procure a double . By the I can feel my physical tensions releasing, and my mind seems to go quiet with no inner voice. "Tonya, I'm using your Neuralsync recordings. website. "Id like to take the opportunity to say how impressed Ive been by entrainment technology (and Neuralsync in particular), which I stumbled across on YouTube somehow. Value for money while $1000 seemed fairly expensive at first, Ive seen what I think are very similar products from America selling for $3-4k, and I can compare it very favourably with several other types of theraputic treatments Ive tried. Regenerative medicine focuses on your bodys ability to heal and assist itself. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, and each of these has a direct correlation to a persons physical body. Omg! There is plenty of information on this site for those new to this subject. "The samples that you sent me I felt they were the BEST of all that is out there in the market today. Spooky2 Scalar is the worlds first scalar device that can provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar. Amazing!, I have enjoyed the Confidence download. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. I plan to purchase a Rife for arthritis soon. With Scalar Harmony, you can now receive soothing musical tones and meditative beats via scalar energy for a more refreshing experience. If you have learned about scalar energy, please read on to find new hope for you and the one you love. Electromagnetic waves travel like waves and are transverse. I have just done my first glorious healing treatment with the QSB and it has already helped with with the stress levels, which is similar to a lot of us who have lost jobs, homes and family due to not being vaxxd. Albert Einstein then continued Maxwells work and eventually discovered The Theory of Relativity.. to just go and tell a lot of people and hurt other people's business who are creating these, I will let people find through their own way of working thru their karma and get to your Tesla expounded upon Maxwells discovery and referred to this energy as universal waves or standing energy. Radiating energy from scalar waves has positive impacts on the brain which affects neurotransmitters and improves mental focus. The upgrade pack will give you further frequency options. So how does that relate to our subject matter? To get started using the Scalar Qi for regenerative healing and more, you will need to pair it with an Avazzia Life Evolution or Avazzia Pro Sport III microcurrent device. It is also recommended for healing, because works like antenna concentrating cosmic energy rays, and scattering scalar (infinite rejuvenating energy available all around) waves to the person wearing it. He also successfully powered an automobile with the help of transmitters that received scalar energy and transferred them to the engine of the car. The pressure went away after a while, leaving a comfortable sensation behind, and I simply didnt feel how the hour went by it was a pleasure! If you choose free shipping via E-packet, it might take 1-2 months to arrive. It is in this state that true healing can happen at a causal level. Thanks for blending two different energies into one amazing product. With Spooky2 Scalar, you dont need to worry about that. Spooky2 Scalar accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database. Grounding, also known as earthing is a therapeutic technique that allows you to practice activities that ground or electrically reconnect individuals to the earth. The QSB stands for quantum scalar box and it is based on the technology of Nikola Tesla and what it does is it generates scalar waves in a range of frequencies and the range of frequencies that are pre-programmed into the box there are the Solfeggio frequencies and the Solfeggio frequencies is an ancient healing musical scale that consists of nine frequencies in sequence now all of these frequencies have some amazing healing properties including the actual repair of DNA yes scientists use one of these frequencies 528 Hertz to act to repair DNA in the petri dish -so that is some of the potential.
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