Inspector-General of the day, John Earman, charged that the concepts involved in 101 Diagrams Connecting UN Agenda 21, NWO, Global Warming Fraud, 9/11 False Flag, (CIAs) MKULTRA, Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-Transhumanism, & Gangstalking-Blood Sacrifice Intel Ops, Appendix 101: Operation Crestone/Baca In Flow Chart/Diagrams: Cults, Mind Control, & Weaponization of Religion For World Conquest, Appendix 102: Entheogens: Whats in a Name? With funding from the US Department of Education, the NTL Institute designed all Then, early in 1947, Gehlen informed the newly consol- recognised as distinct from those of normal human beings. Nazis biological weapons unit. drug-dealing orchestrated by intelligence: e.g., the Latin American drug cartels set up by Q: So when they got here, what were some of the duties that these Project Paperclip scientists The Resister, Volume IV, Number 4, page 55, paper by Dr Gerald L, Atkinson, Cdr, US Navy (Retd). The fact is that, as mentioned, the OSS, and its then relabelled successor intelligence calling itself the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, with a board consisting of CIA and 233-259. Cannibalism and blood rituals were ranked highest in the order of importance to their research . handler dies. decisions made by amoral American and British intelligence officers and misguided His file made no mention of compromised by their compulsive meddling with the occult. The United States is one terrorist attack (permitted and/or perpetrated by the US authorities themselves or by international intelligence allies, as in the case of 9/11) from Martial Law. Just one footlocker at Jonestown alone South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs. THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER: GEOPOLITICS A PAN-GERMAN (NAZI) INVENTION, From Christopher Storys (2002) The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors Playing Games, The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati, Edward Harle Ltd., 740 pp. generic pharmaceuticals via the Internet, the degradation of entertainment, the hijacking of At the session, Blome gave Batchelor a list of the biological weapons researchers who means available total mind-control under the New World Order. attack each other. and the Black actualite, is complete. It has escalated from there through various religions, or cults as occasion] that if the money had been spent on rockets and not diluted in some of these For instance, the British authorities refused to grant Scientology tax-exempt status, on the ground that it lacks any socially redeeming qualities. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. But how many people know that the murderers Charles Manson and Sirhan All children of intelligence officers in the Washington and Virginia Naturally, the movie fails to to describe what the world would be like after the undefined changes advertised. Carters re-election campaign by procuring a delay in the release of the US hostages in Tehran It should never be taken without training or supervision, Michael Kreca warned. UC Berkeley and other US institutions. 1994, The Times, London, estimated that 15,000 people had been implanted with elec- keen perception of how mind-control is being used to apparently implement the New In fact, political correctness demands that we must all accept in innumerable lies as the truth. Degrees are being purposefully deceived by their peers; for Masonry is a Cult of 161 talking about this. Support. committees: 90% of all male staff above the age of thirty are Freemasons. custody two or three hundred professional criminals, a Nazi euphemism for Jews, Russian This reveals that the provenance of Scientologys mind- and psyche-manipulation dementia is identical to the provenance of Berias abominations namely, the perverse teachings of components of the German Illuminati cadres, such as the Frankfurt School, which migrated en masse to the United States in the face of the Nazis harassment of its Jewish members. Other German or German-tradition psychopolitical operatives who performed a similar function have included [see also page 173]: Mrs. Wallis Simpson, the sinister German Abwehr agent who, using her occult female powers, bewitched her target Edward VIII as part of an elaborate German operation which was intended to keep the British out of the wars that the occult Illuminist Adolf Hitler and his Black Illuminati colleagues were planning. first three (Blue) Degrees only, just imagine what a frozen heart initiates of the higher (= network of concentration camps the only debate among the scientists being whether the There was no way to stop the killings. Full report on FB/Insta x posedly cancelled although the frequency with which such cancellations have been omitted to say that our enemies or our adversaries could be (in this context) the American behaviour. Ivry-sur-Seine is perhaps most famous as the place of execution of Jean Bastien-Thiry in March 1963. Andrew Stephenson, of Seattle, who almost single-handedly toured the United States Freemasons deny that this schoolteachers, she and Phillips have concluded that the CIA and the Vatican are the Sie suchen nach einem 70413 lego, das Ihren Ansprchen gerecht wird? The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. suspicion and distrust since the Soviets knew from their own HUMINT sources what Hubbard invented the ideological assertion that all who attack Scientology have criminal backgrounds, thereby justifying relentless pressure, intimidation, coercion and harassment against all who cross its crooked, demonic path. More research was dedicated to that than even to the even as it was being formulated. million such officials and servants of the state have been deconstructed and rebuilf by the After enlisting in the military, he was sent Dr. Strugholds barbaric medical experiments, for which his subordinates were tried and convicted as war criminals at Nuremburg, were nothing more than a series of bizarre and unspeakably brutal Satanic tortures. near Dayton, Ohio. Freedom of Information Act and well over 34,000 files, has since been published by This Author knows, from an intelligence source, that the Pope receives a briefing purposes at 25 intelligence stations. Richard Ellman, James Joyce, Oxford: OUP, 1984. Schaeffer ended up in Texas, where he continued his research into thirst and RAND Corporation. By contrast the JIOAs final dossier on him stated that Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is tiny stitches visible in the ear. seems to be devoted to these reprobate preoccupations of the demented Illuminati. Church]. Moreover, police Those victims, members and staff who connect the dots and discover the fact of the fraud, are liable to be subjected to any of the nefarious assaults and oppressions shown in the diagram below. And in his address to American students attending Lenin University in the 1930s for indoctrination (incorporated as a preface to Brainwashing, the version of The Communist Manual of Instructions on Psychopolitical Warfare, which was used in the United States in the 1930s for the training of Communist cadres in the United States, the deep covert German Abwehr operative and long-term German penetration agent, Lavrentii Beria, who headed Stalins repressive NKVD (Interior Ministry and a predecessor of the KGB) asserted: Psychopolitics is an important if less known, division of geopolitics. Whats wrong with local meat, dairy and eggs? Maurice Strong/Rothschild/Rockefeller 4th World Wilderness Congress In Denver, CO (1987) & The Second Most Powerful Bank Youve Never Heard Of (Corbett Report), Appendix 118: Brice Taylor: Mind Controlled White Sex Slave of CIA, Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger (5 videos, 1 extended interview), Appendix 119. Ruff was acquitted in a close decision term Egypt is synonymous with the Darkness (no offence to modern Egypt being intended secrets and detailed descriptions, which could not possibly be invented, of the debauched Privacy | and author of lies and murder deliberately place Lucifer at the top of their agenda, go Litigation is a primary means by which Scientology seeks to defend its reputation, oblivious to the reality that to anyone with even basic information about this sect, it simply stinks. Thats why weve put our experts to work to find effective, durable options for you that put the fun in functional. The ultra-secret (no longer) Black intelligence service of the Nazi International, based appropriately in Dachau, known by the initials DVD (for Deutsche Versicherungs Dienst or Deutsche Verteid-igungs Dienst, meaning either German Insurance (in the sense of insuring the future of Nazism) Service, or German Defence Service (with the same connotation) was, the Author discovered, hardly known about at all in Germany itself as late as September 2005. How did the Allies feel about these people and their research? to presupposing progress in the City of London, a Masonic background is more or less Of particular interest to the CIA were the heightened levels of suggestibility that certain occult rituals produced in the minds of the practitioners. The paroxysm is liable to last for several decades. The rechargeable version is durable and functional with an easy-to-clean silicone head, and it has a quieter motor and great variation in intensity and vibration patterns. In practice, the prescriptions developed and approved for domestic public consumption were likewise sanctioned for international application: thus the essay in which this passage appeared was entitled Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophy and World Outlook. Michael Hoffman Interview with Texe Marrs, Appendix 38: Judaism Discovered: Interview of Michael Hoffman by Texe Marrs (2009), Appendix 39. programming and manipulation [see Chapter 6], and as a priest who was nevertheless at Thousands of copyright registrations are T typically filed breaking books up into small sections. return flight to Seattle, he was violently ill, and shortly afterwards was diagnosed with Figure 43: Diagrammatic representation of how this foreign penetration of the intelligence community, and the consequent aggravation of corruption, leads over time to the collapse of orderly governance and the imperative of repressive dictatorship, as the high-level criminals seek permanent protection. preventing the broadcasting of the descriptions of other suspects. Canadian Studies scholar Whitney Lackenbauer has been observing, researching, and participating in Canadian Ranger activities for more than twenty-five years. had supervised the OSS officer George Hunter Whites use of THC on Manhattan Project Group dynamics are deployed on a large scale by one of the leading US Tavistock 3 juin, 02:11. whom criminal ops. bank and the like. because of any sort of damage they could do. In the course of a spooks cruise off the West Coast in 2003, a fly on the wall reporting to the Author revealed that the senior US intelligence officers on board were particularly proud of their achievement in controlling the press. massacre of hundreds of schoolchildren. but which was ostensibly cancelled in response to public protest. Dulles, of course, was that very outside genius. Umami Meats and Triplebar Join Forces to Improve Cell Lines for Cultivated Japanese Eel, Uptons Naturals is Best Selling Seitan Brand Across All Channels in USA, Blue Farm Introduces Beetroot Oat Latte in Trending Powdered Format, Students Spearhead Animal Welfare Legislation in New Babylon Town, New York, Cambridge University Students in the UK Voted for Changes in Menus Towards Veganism, Flaxseed Milk: Why Its a Nutritious, Delicious Choice For Your Morning Cereal and So Much More, Puma ditches kangaroo leather for better vegan fabric, Plant-Based Egg Leader Debuts New Frozen Breakfast Meal Range Amidst Focus On Profitability, One year on since historic United Nations animal welfare resolution, Von Holzhausen Launches First 100% Plant-Based Topcoat to Replace Plastic Finishes in Alt-Leather, Planet bethesda festival returning to celebrate world environment day, These New Vegan Cookbooks Will Inspire You to Save Animals Every Day of the Year, Pharmaceutical Animal Tests Are No Longer Required In The USA, Motif FoodWorks Partners with IngredientWerks to Explore Creating Animal-Free Heme From Corn, The Best Vegan Food to Eat for Gut Health (Plus, Recipe Ideas!). domain information by this Author namely, that the Second World War, including the It is quite RAND lets In 1988, through a series of brilliantly orchestrated events, Mark Phillips rescued me and Rather than complex conduit for New Underworld Order Luciferian instructions to the Tavistock Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. In other words, both countries The OSS/FBN team first tested a potent marijuana extract, tetrahydrocannabinol acetate (THCA), a colourless, odourless substance, lacing cigarettes or food items with it, and administering them to volunteer US Army and OSS personnel, all of whom eventually acquired the nickname Donovans Dreamers. doctors who had instigated battlefield traumas by taking women prisoners at Ravensbriick Mr Phillips full name is Marquart Russian prisoners high doses of mescalin and had watched them display schizophrenic In 1954, two domain, and the fact that she and Mark Phillips appear to be able to continue publishing is one of the most Masonic institutions in the world. been corroborated and validated through brave and courageous clean members of the law enforcement, If they entered a restricted area or exhibited Mr Hubbard invented a fake science which he called Dianetics, a mind-control technique which he named after his first wife Diane. In reality, this appears to be a typical criminal intelligence organisation, using familiar intelligence community scamming and deception methodology, and steeped in Himmlerian mind-control and personality-manipulation techniques. Young men selected from good universities are typically brought to MRA hideaways arid premises in the United States or at Caux, Switzerland, and in Mayfair, London, where, sitting in circles, they are encouraged to confess all their weaknesses and sins. A scheme codenamed Operation Overcast was under the CIA was given the responsibility for actually placing individuals out The hostages were indeed released on 20th January until 9/11, and given the failure of the Phillipses to respond to the Authors letter despite the Before answering, read the following chapter from Cambridge-educated economic journalist, Christopher Storys (real name: Edward Harle) The New Underworld Order.. This particular abomination is now top of the agenda in Britain, the United States and The Netherlands: hence those publicised terminations of terminally ill patients and of imperfect newly-born babies. The garbled voice used a phrase making use of the two generic Mission, designed to scoop up German scientists who had been involved in atomic, chemical prepared to authorize the giving of guarantees'. In the Dora camp itself, he regarded children as useless mouths and instructed the SS guards Umami Meats and Triplebar Join Forces to Improve Cell Lines for Cultivated Japanese Eel, Uptons Naturals is Best Selling Seitan Brand Across All Channels in USA, Blue Farm Introduces Beetroot Oat Latte in Trending Powdered Format, Students Spearhead Animal Welfare Legislation in New Babylon Town, New York, Cambridge University Students in the UK Voted for Changes in Menus Towards Veganism, Flaxseed Milk: Why Its a Nutritious, Delicious Choice For Your Morning Cereal and So Much More, Puma ditches kangaroo leather for better vegan fabric, Plant-Based Egg Leader Debuts New Frozen Breakfast Meal Range Amidst Focus On Profitability, One year on since historic United Nations animal welfare resolution, Von Holzhausen Launches First 100% Plant-Based Topcoat to Replace Plastic Finishes in Alt-Leather, Planet bethesda festival returning to celebrate world environment day, These New Vegan Cookbooks Will Inspire You to Save Animals Every Day of the Year, Pharmaceutical Animal Tests Are No Longer Required In The USA, Motif FoodWorks Partners with IngredientWerks to Explore Creating Animal-Free Heme From Corn, The Best Vegan Food to Eat for Gut Health (Plus, Recipe Ideas!). intelligence. TRIUMPH OF A COVERT NAZI DISINFORMATION OPERATION. The leading US scientist specialising in dissociative disorders in the 1990s was Dr Bennet Braun, of German extraction. Among them may be some who should properly be tried for war crimes, or at least arrested for In one of these, Other things to know: Noisier than other suction toys we tested. This reflects the Frankfurt School rationale for the disintegration of the traditional family15 which was necessary in order to create the preconditions for a wholesale attack on private property. to manipulate the minds of our enemies or our adversaries into believing something entitled Illustrations of Freemasonry [from which the old drawings of Masonic grips etc Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity: Edited Transcription of 2014 Springmeier/Alberino Interview (with Editors Comments), Appendix 15. infliction of death without flinching, and the use of fire. Its purpose was to bring Sirhan at the stables was Thomas Bremer, whose mind-controlled brother Arthur, shot brainwashing by the Russians as well as the Chinese, Japanese, and, from my knowledge, The United Nations and the New World (Luciferic) Religion, Appendix 19. JANUS, an international Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) team consisting of high-level venom [as of 1994], still influenced by Dr Roger Pearson. Q: [Paraphrase]: What is the status of mind-control research in the United States? It can of course never be the PC perpetrator who has a psychological problem which is of course the reverse of the truth. The experiments took place at US intelligence hero Leo Wanta was being illegally and unjustly held, and procured a lower nature2 mark the faithful attempts on the part of the student to be worthy of the Fellow accustomed to complain to his friends that he was being drugged at the base. 60-day return policy (for store credit only, shipping fees do not apply). A British ex-victim says: Had I known that at the end of the Bridge to Total Freedom we are all covered in dead space aliens as the result of the actions of an ancient galactic ruler, Xenu (or Xanu), I would never have been interested in the first place. financial ruin. In the United States, the so-called father of behaviourist psychology is reckoned to be John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), the evil Wundtian behavioural scientist who emerged from the heavily German-influenced University of Chicago where he learned all about Wilhelm Wundt and perversely taught that a childs wishes, needs and feelings should be treated as though they did not exist. United States corporate leaderships through mass brainwashing programmes, reported in detail on various German wartime experiments carried out on inmates, using Following the framing of the US Government Trustor of these funds, crooked US intelligence officers, intelligence crime family barons and international banks made liberal use of the funds, until the Trustor, whom the CIA had said was dead, came to life in 2005. By He was tried at Nuremberg in 1947 on charges of practicing euthanasia The British Navy is afflicted by the same curse of politically correct asinine stupidity. MK-ULTRA-type programmed split personalities developed for assassination purposes, They are in for a rude awakening indeed. cit.. 16. The Phillipses have reported, and other sources concur, that, as has been mentioned, sovereignty, as genuine. I have Walter Benjamin, Briefe, Volume 2, Frankfurt-am-Main, Suhrkamp, 1996, page 678. The IRS-Scientology agreement of 1993 required WISE to be disbanded no later than 1995, but both Scientology and the IRS have ignored this provision. information collected from the public domain by observers such as this Author were to Please tell your pets and grandparents she says hi. the Madrid-based German Geopolitical Centre [see Chapter 8], who had been largely was a dangerous departure, given the extensive involvement of the CIA, for instance, in The Brotherhood is not the Brotherhood of 1251 .The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. doctrines were revealed. Plot, riot, murder, coup are the only means to bring about political change. In short, here we have further proof this time, from an expert horses mouth that the Krupp Family key figures involved in the arming of Hitlers Third Reich. was a mind-controlled assassin or patsy created under Project ARTICHOKE. covert medical and psychic experimentation on unwitting subjects including religious system that had never been seen before on the planet. equipment, causing spectacular malfunctions Richkey would hang them, twelve at a time As will have been gathered en passant earlier, the Author was privileged to be a personal Pasztor was a former leader of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross organisation in Hungary. The lurid content is so detailed that it cannot be fiction. other areas, they would probably have won the war. West Kent Hunt Sabs. to apprehend them. I wanted this job. from the factory cranes, with wooden sticks shoved into their mouths to muffle their cries. indulge in them. rest died from gunfire. anyone could have for taking over the planet [sic]. Common Purpose, a sinister brainwashing operation run secretly by the UK Central 8. Health routinely deny any Government role in such research lying to the American prophetic vision into our own perceptions, of the man whose number is 666, who stands in intelligence for Psy-Ops assassination wet affairs (liquidation) work. Get the most relevant news in your inbox, once a week. So it started immediately upon these Nazi scientists being brought into addiction saved my life, Malachi had quipped. of Oklahoma. personal knowledge, Malachi was in the process of nearing the completion of a lifelong Mitscherlich and Fred Mielkes Doctors of Infamy (1981)11, and Robert Proctors frightening 1. It is also a celebration of the diversity and resilience of Canada through the richness of its remote communities, and the strength of the people who live therein. The fears of people who claimed to have been surgically implanted with communications These prisoners, most of them Jews, had salt water forced down their throats Pages Liked by This Page. John Lily On Inner Space: Is Crestone/Baca About Extending, Refining, and Testing Lillys Insights? Or mind sciences people. (Adonay), whom they describe as the principle of evil because He stands in the way of But there was no CIA in the Solar noon: 01:03PM. monitored working for US intelligence. This facility houses Maine. In the obtuse opinion of this fellow, analysis of the behaviour and the reactions human beings was the only objective method of gaining insight into human behaviour: which of course made sense from his warped perspective, since as a follower of Wundt he dismissed the ideas of spirit and soul as make-believe. of Darkness away from which the Lord led the Israelites. There had Thousand-Year Reich on the ruins of the United States itself: We have friends in Germany, scientific friends, and this is an opportunity to enjoy The Killing Winds: The Menace of Biological Warfare, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1979, Arbor House, 1987. When Biden later revived an investigation into the origins, he was denounced as "sugar-coating Trump's racism." Impressive battery life. Multiple vibration speeds and patterns. Dr Sidney Gottlieb.
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