Strong writing from Jeremy Blum with great organization and efficient summary; good example of enhanced supplementation from D&D Beyond. Tenebrous is an aspect of Orcus' soul, and the first successful lich. Lady Fidatova is the last of the Fidatov line of artisans, and is herself a brilliant mathematician. (Players can attempt to visit him by walking round the lake, or by taking fishing . Plus, you have our So, reading ahead in the Curse of Strahd manual, I see that the players can learn that the Mad Mage of Mt. Gustav Durst was a wealthy rancher and secret cultist to Strahd von Zarovich briefly before and after the curse began. She acts more like an adult than a blank spell has a remaining duration of 3d6 hours, after child. The Mad Mage's mind connection to Strahd. Amalthia is the junior maid at Wachterhaus and the discontented helper of Stella. upgrade now The characters wanted to convince him to join their fight against Strahd. Love means giving yourself to someone else intentionally, not because you're forced to. Emeric is the apprentice of Drasha, and wants to rise in the ranks to one day replace Izek as captain of the guard. He believes that if he can make all of his people happy, then they can escape Strahd. Madalena is the no-nonsense senior maid at Wachterhaus and a close confidant of the book club. Vladimir was the highest-ranking Knight of the Silver Dragon during the fall of the order. An overlooked miswriting on my part, perhaps caused by the ravens who have been chattering by my window sill all evening as if wishing to see what I am putting to paper. Mordenkainen, commonly referred to in local legend as 'the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok', is an ancient legendary wizard from a magical world. Chauntea the Earthmother is the goddess of agriculture, growth and care. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Baron Metus was a vampire lord and the vampiric sire of Erasmus van Richten. Olivia is the cheerful owner of the Hoofprint inn in Merryway. Only instead I made Strahd have an illegitimate son, who he technically took by force to be raised in his domain. After slaying them in a remote valley, Strahd was amazed by the regions beauty and dubbed the land Barovia. Intree was the primary counsellor for King Barov during his rule, and taught battle strategy to a young Strahd. Mishka is the murderous miscreant of the Belview family, and likes to pull lethal pranks on anyone he can. Comprehending as without difficulty as bargain even more than supplementary Ghosts of Saltmarsh; The Orrery of the Wanderer; Essentials Kit . But while outsiders can enter the Domains of Dread if the Mists surrounding these lands permit them to, nearly all of the Darklords are trapped in their individual kingdoms. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Mystra the Spellweaver is the goddess of magic. It could be really interesting to have the party be from Barovia, but they end up killing Strahd as part of an early adventure, only to discover there are other Domains of Dread, and make it a goal to destroy them all. the person you love you'll see certainly. Strahds subjects live in three major communities: Barovians are superstitious and distrustful, and Curse of Strahd states that only about one in 10 of them truly possess a soul. Its impossible to talk about Barovia without discussing Strahd von Zarovich, who first made his appearance in 1983s famous I6 module Ravenloft. Perhaps Strahd's goal is to burrow his way through the planes and create a united force of Darklords to overthrow and supplant the darklords. [6], While suffering from his madness, he was convinced that enemies were everywhere and he was being constantly watched by evil agents. If you're interested, I'll share a couple of details I reimagined when mastering this campaign for my friends. New Account (or Log In) Hide my password. Unpacking the Madness. When the vampire appeared, the wizards peasant army fled in terror. Side note, this isn't really discussing DM's Guild Content -- maybe it's a better topic for the Story & Lore section of the forum. JavaScript is currently disabled. Victoria is the herbalist and non-clerical healer of Fidatov estate. A riot at night, but lonely by day. Lizabeta was the youngest daughter of Anna and Dmitri Krezkov, and died from a hereditary disease. Rosavalda Durst was the eldest child of the Durst Family, and died as a casualty of her mother's final ritual. First of all, Strahd as a character can be improved. Dr. Van Richten is a legendary huntsman and holy warrior whose vengeful career has spanned over twenty years. Baratok and became friends. My party started Curse of Strahd at level 6 and I have planned for them to go up to level 14 or 15. Instead of her being obviously evil (which by the way everyone figures out as soon as you mention "her sorrow soul asking for forgiveness so you should totally bring her back to life"), she is truly repented. Myrtle is the daughter of the Kreivas, who loaned her in order to fund their dream addiction. This isn't feasible right now, as the party has no means to cure the Mad . Tatyana was the fiance of Sergei von Zarovich, and is the only victim of Strahd's curse whose soul reincarnates perfectly. Strahd accepted vampirism willingly so he could live forever, then created a pocket dimension where time moves much more slowly - A hundred years in the realm is just a few hours on the material realm. CR 18/19) Arveia, Ashes, Cassius, Gerry, and Vel DO NOT READ. Nero is the younger and more aggressive of the two guard dogs of the Baron. Use the mage stat block in the Monster 6th level (1 slot):find the path, harm, true seeing The key is to remember that Strahd isnt a brawler, hes a leader and his stat block reflects that. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Dostron the Hellborn. Tatyana was the fiance of Sergei von Zarovich, and is the only victim of Strahd's curse whose soul reincarnates perfectly. a great destiny awaits her. Oghma the Allknower is the goddes of knowledge, inspiration and invention. If you want to get really creative, he could be the link from aForgotten Realmsadventure to aWorld of Greyhawkadventure, but for the time being such an endeavor would be your own design. The Barovians believe everything about Strahd that is mentioned in the original module (that he's a bloodthirsty tyrant, killed his wife, etc.) She blindly supports his tyranny for the sake of her sanity. Lord Nikolai is the eldest Wachter child, and a fervent alcoholic, constantly searching for mischievous distractions from his nobility. Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame also makes an appearance in Curse of Strahd. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Drusilla is often referred to as "a wonderful conversationalist" in Rictavio's journal. [13], Typically stubborn and one who did not suffer fools gladly, Mordenkainen could be difficult even with his friends. 2023 Wizards. Whoops. Lady Fiona Wachter is the matriarch of the second most powerful family in Vallaki. Hans was an orphan from Vallaki that sacrificed himself at the Ring of Stone in order to save his best friend Kellen. So from desire you'll always be tormented Perci dal desiderio sarai sempre tormentato, and to this place you'll always be cemented" E a questo luogo per sempre tu sarai legato.. Feb 21st 2023. Strahd has an illusion of Tatyana who he treats like his real wife, but she's not completely responsive and it's clear that something's wrong with her. So he studied in the amber temple a way to save Barovia, Tricking the dark lords into thinking he was just after immortality. [13], His toenails appeared to be a venerated item in some places.[19]. Wensencia raises most of the pups of the werewolf pack, and has been doing so for a long time. In Curse of Strahd, General Kroval "Mad Dog" Grislek is buried in Castle Ravenloft. Chip is a junior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after his likeness to his father. He became known by the locals as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok.". Also known as: The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok [12], While imprisoned in Barovia, his hair and beard were both long, black and peppered with grey streaks. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. The castle is covered in spiderwebs and the braziers are rarely lit because Strahd has no servants and spends all his time in his lab. It looks fantastic. la persona che ami ti accompagner. The more resources the party spends chasing him and blowing up his minions the less they have to throw at him when he decides to sink his teeth in. Lysaga went by a different name in her youth as Strahd's nursemaid. He appears or is mentioned in several different Greyhawk and Dungeons and Dragons products. Mordenkainen is a power wizard NPC from the outlander world of Oerth (the world of the Greyhawk campaign setting) and the in-game creator of a number of different famous spells from the Player's Handbook such as Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. He may be chosen as Strahd's Enemy by the card reading of Madame Eva but will not otherwise accompany the party if healed. Khazan found out about the curse, and how the plane had been taken over by the dark lords. Baroness Eisglaza was a young noble under King Barov, and was frequently rumoured to be a rakshasi. Headmistress Claudia has stayed at St. Andral's Orphanage in Vallaki all of her life, now running it as tidily as she can. Victor has agreed to travel with the players after Amari revealed that no one can leave Barovia, even by magical means, unless Strahd is killed. She became obsessed with him, even following his deadly conquests into Barovia after she became estranged from him. Rictavio is a traveller from a distant land, and tries to lift the spirits of Vallakian townsfolk with small shows and stories. You should check them out. Race: Human Bascal was an experimental and worldly chef who worked in King Barov's court. A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. If the heroes accept the dinner invitation, Strahd actually does host a feast for them and thanks them. 170. You don't know what they can do, how much they know about you and when they are near you. Emil is a former alpha of the werewolf pack and a prisoner of Strahd, after the vampire's interference in the civil struggle. If Strahd finds love he won't be tormented anymore by desire, and thus the curse will be broken. Turned into a Vampire Spawn by Strahd during the Mad Mage's failed attack on Ravenloft: 31. She often stops Varvara from drifting out of reality. Vistani matriarch Madam Eva also happens to be Strahds half-sister a mind-boggling fact that the vampire himself is unaware of and regularly asks her people to find otherworldly adventurers who might be able to set her half-brother free. Yeska is a troubled orphan, and the adopted son and altar boy of Father Lucien. Laura is the captive of Baba Lysaga and the secret to their symbiotic immortality. Kiril is the controversial leader of the werewolf pack in Barovia, having seized command after the mysterious death of his rival, Emil Toranescu. Put that eldritch imagination to the test, and remember to tease your players with this iconic line:The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner and you are invited!. When the character is resurrected they gain a form of indefinite madness from realizing that their spirit is trapped in Ravenloft, possibly forever. Like Strahd himself, locals cannot leave which means that aside from the occasional foreigner, Barovia is largely a closed ecosystem. He chased Tatyana until she flung herself from the spires of Castle Ravenloft to her death. When running Strahd, I always recommend making the fight cover the entirety of the castle if possible. Varvara is the eldest child of the Vaskroffs, and was born without a soul. He kept a close-trimmed beard and wore grey, high-collared robes. DEC/16. Miranda is a travelling saleswoman who lives at the Tser Pool camp. However, he underestimated Strahd's power and, after barely surviving a confrontation with him, he lost his spellbook and his staff, eventually losing his memory and being driven to the brink of madness. When I tackled this, I wanted to offer my players some way to actually defeat the curse, and have more than one encounter make way more sense. Attention PDF authors and publishers: Da Archive runs on your tolerance. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Mordenkainen's defense against lycanthropes, Mordenkainen's defense against nonmagical reptiles and amphibians, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom defenders, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom shield-maidens, Mordenkainen's protection from insects and arachnids, Inhabitants with a 12 challenge rating (5e), Inhabitants with a 27 challenge rating (3e). It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. Mordenkainen's spells known in the Realms included: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. The book includes 22 revised room descriptions which accurately reflect rooms visible to players. Wheaku is the fiercely loyal owl familiar of Lael Milpialda. I purposedly put inside a play on words, withnever in lifemeaning thatin death he could actually love them. Scylla is a mysterious and powerful sea serpent that sits atop its eponymous cliff on a coastal Kven island. Strahds Stat Block: What The Numbers Mean. Fantastic article. Burgomaster Ulrich was the last burgomaster of Berez and assistant to Marina's suicide. Lazlo is a bookbinder on Fidatov estate, and has worked closely with Fidatova's family since he was young. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture (Maybe a lifetime in servitude keeping tabs on a vampires finances is a fate worse than undeath?). The real problem is that he will never be able to grasp a living person, so the Abbot is trying to make an undead lover for Strahd.The fun thing is that the book already gives us a dead lover that could take the place of Tatyana in Strahd's heart: Petrina. In your game, you can communicate this through the day-to-day habits and religious practices of Barovians. Strahd has been working tirelessly for a thousand years trying to create a magical / alchemical cure for Tatyana's plague. Felix is a child possessed, his demon draining the souls of the residents of St. Andral's Orphanage. JavaScript is currently disabled. She was killed after falling into a trap set up by the vampire. She has since become a guard for the mongrelfolk. Victor should actually just be a teenager with a crush on Stella and a really bad take on magic. Come on, everyone is gonna love the mad otter mage! Curse of Strahd; Storm King's Thunder; 2017. Follow along as I look into Strahds Stat Block and what the numbers mean and how to make this villain play as terrifyingly as hes written.