Do what makes *you* feel good. Evolutionary Astrology of which I am a student and teacher believes that we have multiple lifetimes and that, as Steven Forrest states: The chart simply tells us what we need to know in order to effectively navigate the present life. Many people believe that the North and South nodes hold the key to understanding our karmic life lessons and discovering a sense of purpose in this earthly lifetime. . Speaking of which, the subconscious talents include a basic understanding of how networks are created. When looking at our South Node in terms of our Karma, past lives, and ancestry, we can potentially uncover areas of deep, inner healing that can be achieved and find peace by coming to terms with that aspect of history. Thats why its important to follow the way your North Node always pushes you and challenges you, as it pulls you toward the level of karmic growth that your soul is always aiming for. . Youve wondered how theSouth Noderelates, what it signifies or how to find both your north and south node; we have the answers for you. stories for every girl with a wanderlust spirit. It describes prior lifetimes that are relevant to the present one. Therefore, in current lives, the main emphasis is on working alone and isolating from large groups of people and friends in order to concentrate on realizing unique and creative ideas. Youve spent many incarnations studying the fine print, asking the right questions and searching for the truth, as a South Node in Gemini indicates a soul filled with intellectual knowledge. Your South Node in Taurus indicates that youve spent many lifetimes cultivating beauty, fine-tuning your creative skills and doing things that bring you pleasure. Make sure under Calculation Options that you have clicked "True Node" and "Descending Node" and under aspects make sure you click to show aspects to "lunar nodes and eclipses". TheSouth Nodein your birth chart denotes the challenges we have already learned to overcome in the past. In a past life, you took the Aquarius trait of logic to an extreme. Regarding personality traits, Leo signifies self . If you needed to put yourself aside in past lives, now it is your time to shine. Being that your South Node is ruled by Venus . Because time has sped up so much, even just in the past 50-100 years, as long as we continue coming back to Earth in a body, we will have new challenges to face. Like the changing of the guard, the South and North Nodes move together, rotating backwards on Wednesday May 6th 2020. An Aquarius South Node indicates that you werent so great at sharing your emotions with others. (Sahih al-Bukhari 3446, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 5, al-Baqarah 2:228, Riyad as-Salihin 278)(Words From The Last Sermon Of The Last Prophet [PBUH])All people are practically beleivers if they believe in one God, The Prophets (some of them: Solomon, Moses, Jesus) and The Seal of Prophets (Muhammad) peace be upon them. The nodes change signs every 18 months, approximately. Libra is an Air sign and its expression is analytical, strategic, and curious. During this incarnation, youre meant to spend more time nurturing a strong family dynamic and a healthy relationship with your home. When someone's planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. If needing attention, they can get too much involved into other peoples issues. At the same time, theyre emotionally detached when things are becoming personal. Taking up intense physical exercise (i.e., kickboxing) can be a great way to do this, and of course, meditation also helps. My Mars in Aquarius is conjunct my ex-boyfriend's South Node. North Node in Aquarius/South Node in Leo: Motivations/goals solely for personal . The north node, meanwhile, indicates the purpose you need to fulfill in this lifetime. With that being said, they must apply extra effort to acquire information through various experiences before tasting the fruits of success. All the articles are based on the information given by Ancient Sages as seen from various classical sources which are addressed to Vedic enthusiasts. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster, zodiac sign that represents your South Node. When considering the fact that they used imagination and developed inventive ideas while fulfilling their past life duties, it shows that they have naturally acquired a lot of information during their past lives. All the content of this site is legally published only on this domain. The North Node in Aquarius and the South Node in Leo encourage you to keep going on your spiritual development by setting yourself free from the shackles of egoism and self-importance. Learning to relinquish just a tad bit of control is a lifelong lesson for these folks, who had previous lifetimes where they had to hold it all together. People with the South Node in the 11th house are used to studying what seems gloomy when it comes to life and cant see their future if not having a vision. Your South Node sits exactly 180 degrees opposite of your North Node on your birth chart.It represents where your karmic journey has begun and what gifts you're bringing into your present life from past experience. In past lifetimes, these people were used to other people (usually in their family or a partner) taking care of them financially. They were inclined to fulfill their karmic duties with dignity and integrity while following the code of ethics. "Astrology for the Soul" is beautifully written and offers valuable insights into the lessons and issues that face each position (by sign) of the . Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. With the south node in Aries, yournorth nodeis in Libra, the sign of partnership and harmony. 1) Synastry of birth charts. The South Node represents our knowledge from past lives and lessons we already learned. This placement also indicates creative talents that have been used in previous lifetimes and that may come through in the present lifetime or a desire to express them. Being ruled by Uranus I feel the leftover karmic energy of a feeling like having to hide who I really am especially in terms of my spiritual beliefs and practices. When it comes to them being fair and democratic, they prefer to teach themselves things and to shine like stars among others because theyre aware of their big destiny. They keep pushing forward until achieving their goals also in current lives. Its not likely that misbehaving and going against our moral code of ethics will have us coming back into the next life as a toad, at least not in astrological symbolism. (Riyad as-Salihin 1808). For instance, if yoursouth nodeis in Aries, you may be quite naturally skilled at working and living independently from other people. With that being said, they harnessed their inventive way of thinking towards producing frauds and other unethical methods that were meant to attain selfish goals. Seda Unlucay February 6 . You could also have been an artist who used creative mediums to explore the outer realms and express your imagination. Those with a Pisces south node or a Piscesnorth nodemight naturally draw people to them that feel like or project that they need fixing. Not gonna lie, you were probably famous in your past lives! The House of the South Node the realm, physical environment, and circumstances of the significant events of this past life. They can understand that the big picture is more important than anything else and can help many govern life itself, but they dont want to abandon their ways of expressing themselves. In past lives, you may have been a lawyer or a mediator. A fallen Saturn indicates that they also performed many sinful deeds because of excessive greed. So this distinction is important, our chart is not describing every past life we have ever had can you imagine trying to interpret that?! Think about it from the perspective of relationships: The more serious relationships you have, the more emotional ups and downs and baggage you carry into the next relationship. A Leo South Node can indicate that you were overly fond of having the spotlight shine on you. This eventually leads them to combine the leadership qualities and creative self-expression of their Leo South Node (SN) with the idealism and altruistic qualities and inventive genius of their Aquarius . Just like Aquariuses, theyre rebels and unable to fit in. Create an account at and set up your birth data. If you were born with your South Node in Scorpio, youve likely lived very difficult past lives. References to The Last Word of God are included not to mix Sunnah Kitab with worldly science, but to offer the best cure for worldly issues. So in this lifetime with anorth nodein Capricorn, your point of growth and fulfillment is all about taking the people skills you innately possess and pointing them towards structure outside of your home life, namely in your career. You could have been the captain of a world famous ship or a pilot for Pan Am. They fear being in the spotlight, as well taking any risk, so they may become just simple members of their community, giving up on their individualism. When it comes to observing and getting involved, people with South Node in Aquarius are as well detached, rational and able to immerse themselves into crowds while maintaining the distance. You are learning to have fun and enjoy . Their soul evolved during the process greatly and their experiences are carried on to current incarnations. Whether or not you believe in past lives, discovering the sign . Your North Node Aquarius Life Journey. A Gemini South Node can indicate that you were overly talkative or too much of a gossip in your past life. Youre someone whos gifted when it comes to making friends and networking, which has led you toward many grand opportunities in life. In fact, you probably dealt with a lot of paparazzi and hordes of obsessed fans. They are dictated by the middle points of the moons orbit. They have at least a basic fundamental understanding of various topics without extensive studies. With a North Node Leo in the 9th house of expansion and the higher mind, you are developing a personal philosophy of life. Draconic Synastry ChartSynastry of birth and draconic charts. A Cancer South Node may suggest that in your past life, you dealt with a family crisis or have poor relationships with family members. Whatever they experience during these significant periods it narrates something about their mistakes done in their past lives on which they have to intuitively work on in order to become free from limitations caused by negative karma. Well most of my life Ive felt like I didnt really belong whether in my family, in workplaces or within friendship groups. Taurus is a sign that . Its not their objective to be the most prominent and respected people in town or in the world, but they wouldnt mind being wealthy and having a good position. You may also have helped other mothers by being a midwife. Individuals with their South Node in Aquarius are detached and not personally involved, so when it comes to the glorification of the self, theyre completely behind it. This is commonly explained by South Node connections- an angle between a person's planet and the lover's . Every person brings their own karma into relationships, as indicated by position of Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) in their birth chart. With your North Node in Taurus, youre trying to learn how to establish stability in the form of financial independence and material comforts. Their deeds and actions were largely motivated by their selfless goals. South Node in 1st House The individual has learnt to accept the assistance of others and not to plough a lonely, solitary furrow. Take a look what ancient Sages wrote about your chart; Specific periods when the results of planets manifest fully - with personal interpretations; Dignities of planets with five-fold table - see if bad dignity is cancelled; Cancellation of debilitation calculation; Detailed analysis of planetary main and subperiods many years ahead; Solar Return Analysis - Monthly analysis of 2 years ahead; All the Divisional charts - Discover Planetary Effects in Different Life Areas; Mathematical Planetary Strengths - Determine how prominent the mentioned results will be; Many General Detailed Predictions by Classics; And much more in a 177+ page report (from 0.15 usd/page). In fact, you valued logic over your emotions. If you need help creating your natal chart then click here for instructions. Image: Getty; Adobe. You are likely the natural caretaker in your friend group, and people are drawn to you when they need a little nurturance. The idea is that the chart illuminates past life issues that remain unresolved AND that we have a soul intention to work on in this lifetime. You may have felt isolated, may have had to hide who you really were and likely were innovative and intelligent. Thus, they may have come into this incarnation with a subconscious feeling that they are more exceptional or worthy of attention than others. The South Node is shaped similar to an upright horseshoe (in a lucky position). For a short-cut to identifying your natal north and south nodes, enter your birth date, time, and location into this nodal generator. Asouth node in Sagittariuswitha north node in Geminidenotes a person who in this lifetime has mastered the life path of being the eternal nomad traveler, moving from quest to quest, and guru to guru. There can be transits that awaken their consciousness and have them giving up old behaviors in order to make room for new ones. Our south node placementindicates where we are most comfortable in this lifetime. Now, your North Node in Gemini wants you to lay down roots, connect with your local community and bring clarity to your lifes work. How Is the south and north node used in astrology? They are able to use this knowledge to prosper in the goals of current life, which are indicated by North Node Rahu in Leo. You may have been a nurse, an herbalist or a healer of some sort; someone who understands medicines and how to administer them. When overdoing love and having high ideals, they can also experience the pleasure of ordinary romances. These natives are insisting in being different and for what they want to also be embraced by others. Therefore, the results and outcomes of Ketu, the South Node in Aquarius are highly dependent on the dignity of Saturn which is the ruler of Aquarius. To begin with, this combination of South Node Ketu in Aquarius means that the main activities and life events in the past lives of individuals with this combination were deeply related to the significances of the given zodiac sign. Thank You. Because of these mistakes done in past lives, these individuals are prompted to endure increased trials and challenges in current lives. Yet, anorth node in Geminisignifies the souls need to put down roots in one place for a while, nourish and take an active part in a community, and nurture longer-term friendships and relationships where there is a baseline of mutual respect, understanding, and learning from one another. There can be times when theyre outrageous on purpose, as well refusing to show how much theyre worth to those in higher positions. More on Jupiter More on the 2nd house It is important to note that the positive placement of the 2nd house lord (in addition to Jupiter, the significator of 2nd Last updated on August 26th, 2021 at 11:05 pm What does Jupiter in Taurus mean? Instead of fussing over gossip and close friend groups, youre meant to travel far and open your mind to a whole new world. North Node Aquarius in the 6th house pushes you to develop an . A South Node in Sagittarius suggests that you were unrealistic in a past life and you need to learn structure. Perhaps a witch or medicine woman or perhaps a creative person who was ahead of their time. Because you were born with your South Node in Aquarius, youve always been able to work a room and navigate a social environment. Select your name from your AstroData. In your birth chart, you will find that the zodiac sign that represents your South Nodemay feel somewhat familiar to you. In this lifetime, youre always ready to answer the call to adventure and live life to the fullest. More than this, they want to make new friends with every day that passes. Our North Node then gives us the information on how we are meant to work through and overcome this karmic energy and pursue our purpose. Youve spent many lifetimes enjoying high positions of power and leadership roles that carry immense magnitude and clout. 21k. Perhaps not many astrologers have associated Chiron along with past life karma and wounds. Just like the current life youre living, our past lives are riddled with challenges and lessons. In this lifetime, this person is meant to incorporate the Sagittarian qualities of seeking and knowing and realizing truth when they hear and see it and using that to propel their studies into different topics they are curious about but do not currently understand. The Leo north node/Aquarius south node person is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. The Lunar Nodes are points that form an axis in your birth chart and are central to your life's story. If Saturn is fallen and weak in any other way as well while South Node Ketu is in Aquarius, it shows that they caused damage to their community and cheated on their teammates. Your natal chart not only acts as a map of the sky at the moment of your birth, but it also holds the key to understanding your karmic path. The South Node is trying to persuade you to change your life because you are different from the past, which is trying to cling to you. They can expand in the same directions easily in life, because they have some patterns established. Saturn is the planet of karma or deeds and when it is dignified it shows that they were extremely responsible and dutiful. In this life, youre learning how to be a team-player; how to cooperate and make adjustments based not only on the needs of your allies, but for the benefit of the entire collective. A South Node in Taurus may indicate that your past was filled with material things and you put too much emphasis on them. A spouse or business partner may be significant in this life. The south node: Your innate gifts and past life. A south node in Pisces has spent many lifetimes being a psychic sponge for other peoples ailments and can fall ill easily if they do not take enough time to recharge alone and out in nature. And on January 18, the North Node is moving from Gemini to Taurus and the South Node is moving from Sagittarius to Scorpiosigns they haven't been in since 2004! The traditional interpretation of North Node in Leo is the ability to realize one's desires. It's the search for enlightenment, purity and the like. Some people believe that our Draconic chart is linked to our past life or even our soul-mates. On the other hand, if yoursouth nodeis in Libra, you have spent many lifetimes accommodating what other people need and trying to keep the peace between them. The North Node in Aquarius represents growth, change, and new beginnings. As the 11th sign Aquarius represents the triangle of desires, an undignified Saturn shows that materialistic values were more important to them which lead them towards performing unethical deeds and shortcuts in order to satisfy personal materialistic desires. Your discomfort is rewarded with fantastic fulfillment as you feel your lifes mission engaged. You incarnated with to learn the same lessons. Past Lives Aquarius Nodes have had past lives as royalty and entertainers - people that are used to being in the limelight. From January 2022 through much of July 2023, the north node moves through Taurus, with the south in Scorpio. If your south node is in Libra, then yournorth nodeis in Aries, and you are here to stand out from the crowd, not to go along with it. This means youre naturally gifted when it comes to strengthening your intuition and refining your connection to source. North Node Aquarius / South Node Leo: Humanitarianism, progress, nonconformism; North . Living a lifestyle that encourages self-expression. You could have been a match-maker and a party-planner; someone who brings people together. During your past life, you were very distant, almost cold, and impersonal. Aquarius represents the air element which shows that they were socially outgoing and talkative which also helped them in various activities within groups of people. Every year and a half, the lunar nodes change signs. North Node: Leo. You have no problem being on your own, because you know that meditating in solitude is the fastest way to connect with your innate self. Instead, your preference for things that are sustainable and that you can find material value is the point from which you might begin a quest for the spiritual, the things that are not seen but felt and experienced but cannot necessarily be explained. And because Taurus is naturally surrounded by wealth and abundance, you may have dabbled in profitable financial enterprises as well. You need to work your way towards the North Node, which is, in theory, the karmic destination you are headed for, says Gonazalez. Don't make your Leo qualities the centre of your life. When members of groups, they may want to give up their personal quests because they think its easier to be members of a pack and to take actions that can be attributed to someone else or the entire team. You could have been someone who works in public speaking or communications. Big intellectuals, they seem to know what theyre supposed to do in their lives. It's familiar and comfortable, so we tend to hang out around the South Node for a while, and can revert to it in times of stress and emotional upset. South Node Ketu also signifies intuition and the subconscious mind which holds every experience, skills, and pieces of knowledge that have been obtained in the past life. Making more room for play in your life. Youve had many relationshipsboth romantic and platonicand youve placed value in unity over identity. So we need to look at the Past Life Astrology by the south node placement and consider how we may have been limited and how it may be limiting our potential and distorting our present life experience. However, they must not obsess over the idea that they have to be isolated from other, not to mention they need to not grow too attached to luxury. Now, your mission is to create loving and close relationships with others. This tendency may play out in your intimate relationships or within your friendships. The south node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the north node. When they isolate themselves from friends and large communities while working on goals, they are able to concentrate more and therefore fulfill their tasks more efficiently. Sometimes lovers feel connected, as if they knew each other in past incarnations. In order to find out your South Node, you need to input your date, time and location of birth into this natal chart calculator. Leos are bold, and aren't afraid to stand out in a crowd. You've wondered how the South Node relates, what it signifies or how to find both your north and south node; we have the answers for you. 2) Synastry of draconic charts. North Node Leo in the 9th House / South Node Aquarius in the 3rd House. Do you attract wealth like a magnet? Your instinct to comfort and your inherent nurturing abilities indicate that you have been a mother in several lifetimes. The interaction of these two dictates which path you are going to take. Your first inclination is probably to do things alone, and your impulses to act upon the first idea may be pretty intense. Changing of the Nodes: 6th May 2020. The term DRACONIC comes from the Latin names for the Lunar Nodes: Caput Draconis, the dragon's head or Moon's North Node, and Cauda Draconis, the dragon's tail or South Node. In order to get the full scope of your past lives, you also need to take the astrological house of your South Node into consideration. You came to this life with a level of charisma that youve acquired throughout your past lives, making you someone whos learned how to be incredibly persuasive. They are tools that youre encouraged to utilize so that you are pushed toward a better future. StyleCaster is a part of Penske Media Corporation. People born within your same lunar node group are like your "soul squad.". The North Node is a point in space that represents the place where we are going, the direction in which we are moving. A Libra South Node can suggest that you were too much of a people-pleaser in a past life. Most North Node in Aquarius/11th house people struggle with connecting with others or feel accepted by society. South Node in Sagittarius: Past Lives as a Vagabond, a Gypsy, a Scholar. If you want a life of purpose, align yourself to the path of your north node. South Node Ketu is all about detachment and liberation while Aquarius represents the 11th house which belongs to the triangle of desires. And because the meaning of the South Node can tell you who you were in a past life, its the best way of understanding not only where youre going, but where youre coming from. The South Node in Aquarius in the natal chart indicates past life situations or current life circumstances in which you are overly attached to a rational thought process to the point of denying your own self expression. Many astrologers believe that your South Node reflects your past life: Who you were, what you learned, and where your soul left off. 2. Aquarius South Node. Obviously, these natives shouldnt live after the same patterns all over again because this can have them stagnating and their soul is always looking to move in opposite directions or to pay more attention to their life at home. This means you could have been an athlete in a past life or maybe even a military commander. . THE NODES IN 2022. A Virgosouth nodecomes into this life with superb skills of analysis and critical thinking. For this week's Transformation Tuesday Jessica Adams has created a special podcast . After all, your past always contains clues about your future. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Moving past childish, attention-seeking relationships with others. Thats because your South Node also describes the innate talents and natural gifts you were blessed with from birth, shining a light on what youve already mastered in your previous incarnations. And while the highest pointthe North Nodeguides you toward your ultimate destiny, the lowest pointthe South Nodetells the story of your souls history.