Fixed Armenia peacing out after revolting in the NatPop Ottomans path. Updated the party names in German puppet splinters. Fixed Gandhi not retiring after elections in a post- Lucknow Summit India. We are not yet fully satisfied with this. Fixed Patagonia not taking Paraguay in peace conferences. Made the Baku Conference checks more clear to the player. Fixed some problems with the Guatemalan search filter. Fixed Insulindia getting volunteers after their war with the Dutch East Indies is already over. LKMT now always puppets warlords that accept their negotiations. Added Tang Shizun and Guo Xunqi to Sichuan, as generals aligned with Liu Xiang (though the latter will defect alongside Pan Wenhua to the Officer Department). Division limit calculations now take compliance into account. Changed some Syria focus icons to fit the new Iraq Arab unification section. Fixed Lithuania being couped by its own allies. Fixed Guangdong getting the wrong staff if Guangxi win the Civil War. Fengtians pre-rework bandit events have been fully gutted and reworked. Fixed Mittelafrika building railways in South Africa if they are hostile. Releasing Namibia now requires South Africa to be released first. Fixed totalist Commune of France losing its ministers. Fixed Centroamerica getting more than four ministers. Fixed the Treaty of Budapest not firing for Bulgaria if Germany intervened. Fixed coastal defence and panzerschiff cruisers types - now they are correctly defined as capital ships. Fixed JBS strengthening ties with a dynasty they deposed. Fixed a West Indies Federation event not modifying the NCP concessions national spirit, if it's already present. Added some more oil to Bolivia, reduced it in Paraguay. The Spanish Civil War will now always occur, unless bypassed in Game Rules. Updated a line in Zhang Jinghuis description for Fengtian that incorrectly said he was Manchu instead of Han. Fixed Idris forming Ifriqiya without owning Tripolitania. Canada now has access to the Iceland decisions to build up Icelands port and airport level once Iceland is in the Entente. Amended Commune of Frances AI so that it always attacks Germany eventually. Egypt will now give Arabia to Hejaz in the Ottoman Peace Deal, if possible. Creating cosmetic tags is much easier than creating a complete country. Fixed Socialist Bulgaria performing their Opportunistic Strike decision on other socialist countries. Fixed Ottoman unrest effects being triggered on non-core states. Fixed the Beijing Government reverting to the Qing Empire. Increased the level of army experience and political power given in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies national foci. Added state ownership checks to the Assyrian Rebellion event chain. Fixed the Kingdom of France not getting the correct name, upon return to the mainland. Fixed the War Propaganda generic decision instantly cancelling. Fixed Russia peacing out inappropriately with EE countries. Ireland is now able to complete its Ancestral Ties national focus, with related decisions, if someone else other than the USA wins the American Civil War, depending on their own government. Fixed Sichuan starting with the Zhili Exile focus tree. Added names for train equipment for Japan, and several Western Hemisphere countries. Fixed Northern California's factories being added to the wrong state. Changed the Iraqi king from Yusuf al-Sa'adun to Ajami al-Sa'adun, as the latter staying in charge of Muntafiq federation in KRs scenario is more likely. Fixed Boris not correctly leaving Bulgaria. For multiplayer, increased the number of days needed for the game to be lagging, before the game speed is decreased or the game is paused. Added the missing description for an Iceland event. Fixed missing ship names for the Union of Britain. Puppeted Serbian Yugoslavia no longer has access to the unique Yugoslavia tree. Overhauled the strategic regions for Central Asia, now split into five regions from the original one. Fixed Siams Thamrongnawasawat Rebellion not firing as much as it is supposed to. Fixed Socialist Russia not getting their generals back from France and Patagonia, when the Second Russian Civil War starts. Added the Militia Officer trait to several CNT-FAI generals. Changed the icon for the The Saviour of Poland national focus. The Garner-Wagner Bill passing or failing is now an event choice, instead of being random. Japan no longer keeps southern Manchuria when releasing MAN. Fixed a timing problem with Oppenheimer's event for the United States. Fixed Bulgarian reconciliation decisions instantly disappearing after selecting. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, the Pacific States and New England. Adjusted the Costa Rica - Panama border provinces. Fixed dynamic countries not having their claims cleared upon annexation. Fixed Australasia not losing its British advisors after the New Guard Coup. As always this update comes with a mass of other tweaks; Italy and Russia have got massive changes, new game rules have been added, bugs fixed, performance improved and many other changes. Fixed the Entente sometimes staying out of the Third Boer War. Focus times have been standardised across the United States splinters. Yang Yuting now promotes himself to Field Marshal when taking over the Fengtian Government. Updated several victory points in the Pacific Islands. Fixed overlap in the different Serbian puppet trees. Manchu Coup Qing will now have elections every four years, instead of every six. Zhang Xueliang and Wu Junsheng die as generals and ministers when they are killed. Added annexation mission for the Legation Cities. Removed Gaston Billotte, Marie-Pierre Koenig and tienne Schlumberger as potential members of the Commune of Frances Military High Command. Fixed Norway getting mountaineer units without the required tech. Removed the faction-unique army spirits, for now. Improved the regularity that Serbia and Romania declare on Austria. Georgia now begins with a core on Batumi. Chen Yi now defects to Anqing if Nanjing promises his lands to Shangguan Yunxiang. Added failsafe surrender progress requirements to the Treaty of Thawai events. South African Federation has been given a unique military tree. Hundreds of text standardisations and typo corrections. Added some flavour to Quentin Roosevelt and Floyd Olsons nomination events, to differentiate them. Fixed NatPop Mihai Romania being unable to finish their focus tree. Algeria: Abdelhamid Ben Badis, Amar Imache, Belkacem Radjef, Ferhat Abbas, Messali Hadj, Mohammed Belounis, Mohammed Saleh Bendjelloul, Bohemia: Alois Podhajsk, Bohuslav Kohout, Eduard Hork, Josef Bl, Josef Votruba, Viktor Hoppe, Bolivia: Enrique Hertzog, Mamerto Urriolagoitia, Brazil: Ablio de Nequete, Avelino Foscolo, Minervino de Oliveira, Nereu Ramos, Otvio Mangabeira, Britain: Basil Liddel-Hart, Brian Horrocks, Clement Armitage, Eric Charles Hayes, Frederick Browning, Geoffrey Layton, Hebert Lumsden, Kenneth Anderson, Kenneth Strong, Lewis Evans, Dutch East Indies: Abdulkadir Widjojoatmodjo, Bonifacius de Jonge, Henri van Zanten, Ecuador: Alberto Enrquez Gallo, Carlos Mancheno Cajas, Edmundo Chiriboga Gonzalez, Hugo Ortiz Garcs, Isidro Ayora, Nela Martnez Espinosa, Ricardo Paredes Romero, Galicia: Karl Albrecht, Dmytro Vitovsky (moved from Ukraine), Franciszek Kleeberg, Stanislaw Szepticki, Tadeusz Kutrzeba, Wladislaw Sikorski, India: Ajit Rudra, Akbar Khan, Ali Haidar, Archibald Wavell, Azam Jah, Azizul Haque, B.G. Persia's elections are now disabled if they're released by a socialist or authoritarian country. The Fate of Galicia event now lets you choose who keeps Lww. Russia will now take Crisis on the Don ASAP. The Aral Sea is no longer part of the Khorezm state. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Swedens Industrial Sabotage national spirit it receives from Norway is now timed. Buffed a Papal States national spirit, to give more conscription. If Bulgaria accepts the Balkan War loss event, its conscription and economy laws are immediately moved to minimum. Streamlined Nepals peace-deal to make it less laggy. Re-added Manfred von Richthofen as a Chief of Air Force for Germany, after being forgotten from the initial release. Small changes on various parts of South Africas focus tree. SocDem Italian Republic now has Meuccio Ruini as its Second in Command, instead of Carlo Rosselli being Head of Government and Second in Command at once. Lithuania's Cultural Autonomies national focus is now available to the RadSocs. Updated the requirements for Austrias national foci to add countries to the Donau-Adriabund. Fixed Sichuan somehow requesting aid twice from the same country. Toned down the severity of several of the French Republics resistance effects. Fixed an Ottoman event removing parliament votes, when the Ottomans aren't decentralist. Bolivia now tag-switches to Peru, when the Peru-Bolivia Confederation is formed. Removed some RNG for the Ethiopian events asking Germany for aid, a guarantee or an alliance. Romania now only gets Alfld if they already have a claim for it. Fixed the missing portrait for Morocco's generic admiral. Floyd Olson is uniformly referred to as governor in 1936, Combined two national spirits for Mordacqs CSN path, Add resistance to former French colonies when back under NFA control, If National France controls the Aosta Valley, they can decide to give it over to SRD, or keep and integrate it. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies now starts with two more dockyards. Added a new general for Georgia - Vladimir Goguadze. Removed the strait between Zanzibar and the African mainland. Fixed countries getting claims instead of cores when land is transferred via an event or effect. Slightly increased New Englands starting unit count. Overhaul the Paraguayan design companies. Added Wilhelm Mnzenberg as a potential leader for a socialist German puppet. The Soviet Union can no longer core Korea. Gaining cores in China is now based on compliance, with access to a special occupation law. Fixed a couple of Russian ministers being added too early. Legation Cities can now request concessions that their allies hold. Fixed the plane designs given by Japans Carrier Aviation Breakthroughs national focus. Fixed the Federalist infrastructure decisions not working for Sichuan and improved their availables. Fixed Georgias seizure of Batumi triggering an Ottoman-Georgian war. Albania now follows its guarantor into and out of factions, should their guarantor subsequently join or leave one. Fixed the Phalanstere not working for players without Together for Victory. Farouk no longer marries before asking his bride, however historically authentic. Tweaked the effects of the Left Kuomintangs Popular Support national spirits. Removed the Polish Autonomy state modifier due to it being unbalanced. Some players, however, use the console to allow use of those buttons for their own purposes, so weve added a rule which allows the restoration of the buttons if the user so wishes. create_faction = "factionname" creates a faction for your country called "factionname". United States of America: John Nance Garner. Bhutans decision to Proclaim the Thunder Dragon Empire now grants claims on Nepal. Fixed Guatemala spawning factories in states that they dont have cores on. Added an event for Armenia about the collapse of the Tseghakronutyun. Added a new trait and description to Kaiser Wilhelm II. Scandinavia will now inherit several Danish, Norwegian and Swedish advisors upon its formation. Manpower and equipment values for battalions have been reverted to vanilla values, and as such are no longer inflated by 50%. Fixed the United Kingdom being unrestorable by other members of the Entente. Fixed Nasir Shah being retired in the wrong moment, breaking the rest of the events for the Kumul Khanate. Countries will now be prompted to abandon the Legation Cities if they're targeted by Japan. Increased the population gain in a Xinjiang national spirit. Serbia now cannot switch between Entente and Moscow Accord after joining one of the two. Fixed Korea not having the correct national focuses and spirits after being re-puppeted. Fixed the starting flags for Hungary and Illyria. Socialist Russia now recovers from the Second Russian Civil War more quickly. Removed a random 1% chance of Turkey being refused into the Internationale. Fixed the Combined Syndicates 1948 election for Norman Thomas not firing. Fixed the German capitulation event not firing if Austria outlasts them. Removed a random 10% chance of Romania not being accepted into the Entente. Reworked the Fate of the Spanish Colonies event, after a CNT-FAI victory, and of the seizure of the colonies in general. Fixed a missing tooltip in the final United Baltic Duchy Forest Brothers decision. Peru and Ecuador can now do a white peace if Ecuador is doing well in the Pastaza war. Fixed Left Kuomintang "National Reconstruction Commission", capital relocation and inviting to faction decisions missing AI factors. Fixed the wrong influence level being checked in Polands decisions to deal with socialist and nationalist unrest. Removed Walter Dauge as a Belgian leader (replaced with Albert Marteaux.). Added many military Operation names for countries, a mix of vanillas list of names and original Kaiserreich names. Industry technologies values in KR are now in line with the vanilla ones, i.e. Armenia will now get a choice as to whether or not it wants to leave its faction with Persia, after beating the Ottomans. Fixed Border Clashes on Hispaola not working for Haiti. Pennsylvania has been split into Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Fixed Denmark keeping an inappropriate national spirit upon being released as a puppet. Added several leader descriptions to the Union of Britain. Fixed a couple of misfiring Legation Cities events. Socialist Russia now gets a temporary reconstruction national spirit. Fixed the Radical minitree disappearing when Yugoslavia is formed by Serbia. Added triggers to avoid subjects being annexed before all expeditionary forces are returned. Fixed a few instances of the Commune of France or Russia not starting the Second Weltkrieg. The next scheduled release will be 0.14, barring any unforeseen major bugs that crop up, and in the meantime stay safe and plague-free. Fixed French Republic cores regaining the colonial resistance modifier. Changed Chile national spirit icon to something that fits even non-socialist Chile. Fixed Ceylon not being released correctly. Replaced all improper uses of a ROM-specific champagne icon. Fixed Chayaburi being transferred to China without the latter controlling Laos. If Bulgaria goes SocDem or MarkLib after the Balkan War, the possibility of an Absolutist or Narrow Socialist coup is now triggered by a separate event, and this is under player control (no more relying on RNG for it to occur). Australasia's naval focus names now account for the possibility of it no longer being monarchist. Socialist Russia now forms its own temporary faction (the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale) with any syndicalist neighbours, and will only fully join the Third Internationale after Germany is defeated. Added rubber to Ethiopia as part of its map overhaul.. Tweaked the French Republics starting division templates. Fixed German East Asias decision to reintegrate Indochina being invisible. The results of Scandinavias elections are now influenced by the former ruling governments of its constituents. 2nd: set_ruling_party fascism. We cant guarantee such a rapid release schedule in the future, we are after all a group of volunteers working in our spare time, but wed like to think this represents just how much our standards and practices have improved as a team. Fixed Polands Red Intermarium claims disappearing. Fixed Two Sicilies Pietro Ago having the vanilla Bearer of Artillery trait. Bohemia has been given new, more historically authentic states and population figures. Removed the compliance gained when seizing Alaska. Fixed several Polish general purges / returns from exile. Fixed a logic error in a Costa Rica focus. We've done our best to keep this hotfix save-compatible, though as usual we can't guarantee that due to the weird things HoI4 sometimes done when content gets changed mid-game - so we recommend starting a new game. Fixed Sichuan getting doubled election events. Fixed a Netherlands national spirit that increased air accidents chance instead of decreasing it. Uruguay now gets its 4th research slot later. Streamlined and optimised the Wallonia code. The normal State Transfer Tool can no longer be enabled in multiplayer - it will always default to the multiplayer version instead. Ireland no longer starts with two duplicates of the same Destroyer. Some Fengtian collaboration focuses will now provide intel to Japan (if La Resistance is owned). Fixed Oman keeping inappropriate national spirits upon puppeting. Updated Japans starting divisions and templates. The Ottomans can now complete the Reorganise the Azeri Vilayets national focus, if they have puppeted Azerbaijan. Fixed Yunnans civil war leadership takeovers not being random. Hopefully fixed any remaining capitulation state control transfer bugs. Nations can now actually get Korea when they defeat Japan. Germany in Exile now gets government ministers and admirals. Fixed paternal autocrat Armenia not getting a fifth research slot. Fixed the members of the Belgrade Pact remaining majors when joining a faction. Chinese countries can now integrate puppets even without being faction leaders. For the War in the Southern Cone, Argentina / Patagonia now get the ships of the other side, upon capitulation. Added city fall events for Tokyo, Manila, Vladivostok and Dublin. Fixed some incorrect tooltips on Ottoman national focuses, depending on the incumbent government. Fixed a few untriggered Norwegian events. Yunnan's "National Pacification Army" is now known as the "Army of National Pacification" for disambiguation reasons. Expanded the Mexico / Entente Peace Deal to also cover Centroamerica attacking Costa Rica or Panama. Increased the number of Victory Points for the Pacific States, to prevent them surviving on Los Angeles alone. Fixed Mongolia not getting its claims when the Ma Clique sues for peace, Fixed the layout of the Zimbabwe army tree, Fixed the missing checks for the formation of the Belgo-Dutch research group, The RKMT will no longer accept Federalist ultimatums, Fixed the UPC decisions not showing up correctly, AI Qing will no longer go for war decisions before 1938, Fixed Wallonia not getting cores on Antwerp, Fixed an unlocalised FRA tooltip and improved the checks on the Phalanstere decisions. Updated Mexicos states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Fixed Bulgarias King Boris staying around in a republican Bulgaria. Added a few more events about Yunnan integrating Kachin and Shan. Countries supported by Canada will no longer refuse volunteers. Fixed instances of ships spawning when the country has either no naval base or not enough manpower. Fixed the SocCon West Indies tree not unlocking when they restore democracy. Added "Anglique, O", "Choucounne", "Harvest Song", "Haiti" and "Little Bird" for Haiti. Added a couple of missing operative mission modifier text entries. American Union State: Arthur Bristol, Clifton B. Cates, Bruce C. Clarke, Jacob Devers, Henry Hodes, William Hood Simpson, Joseph Lawton Collins, Claire Lee Chennault, Matthew Ridgway, Pedro del Valle, George Van Horn Moseley, Anqing: Wang Pu, Peng Xuefeng, Shi Zhongcheng, Belgium: Achille Van Acker, Hendrik Borgignon, Raoul Daufresne de la Chevalerie, Georges Deffontaine, Edouard van den Bergen, Maurice Keyaerts, Albert Marteaux, Maximilien de Neve de Roden, Jean Baptiste Piron, Hubert Pierlot, Paul-Henri Spaak, Joris Van Severen, Paul Van Zeeland, Bhutan: Sonam Topgye Dorji, Jigme Wangchuk, Combined Syndicates of America: Upton Sinclair, Smedley Butler, Commune of France: Henri Frenay, Richard Sorge (operative), Egypt: Fuad I, Ahmed Abdullah Al Mwawi, Mohammed Naguib, Sabry Pasha, El Salvador: Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez, Fengtian Government: Ma Zhanshan, Tang Yulin, Wan Fulin, Zhang Haipeng, Zhang Jinghui, Zang Shiyi, Zhang Xueliang (civilian and general), Feng Zhanhai, Yang Yuting, Galicia and Lodomeria: Stanisaw Szeptycki, German Empire: Heinrich Bruning, Curt Hasse, Franz Jacob, Kurt Schumacher, Otto Wels, Wilhelm III (civilian and general), Hawaii: Lydia Liliuo'kalani, Samuel King, Walter Short, Arthur Rutledge, Ireland: Tom Barry, Cathal Brugha (civilian and general), Michael Collins, Daniel Hogan, Liam Lynch, Hugo MacNeill, Daniel McKenna, Richard Mulcahy (civilian), J.J. O'Connell, Gearid Cuinneagin, Peadar ODonnell, Left Kuomintang: Hu Zongnan, Zhou Enlai (civilian and general), Lithuania: Vytautas Alantas, Edvardas Adamkaviius, Vincas Galinis, Antanas Maceina, Stasys Rastikis, Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, Eberhard von Urach, Lucjan eligowski, Silvestras ukauskas, Mexico: Vincente Toledano, Antonio Villareal. Fixed the formation of Andesia requiring the wrong state. Germany can no longer take "The Oil Must Flow" national focus before Romania nationalises the Ploiesti fields. Fixed Nestor Makhno returning to the Commune of France from Patagonia having a missing event description. Adding a wargoal on Turkestan in Persias "Liberation of Tajikistan" national focus. Fixed a lot of the Latvian tech description mistranslations. Added an Independence Fervour national spirit to Armenia, which is granted and upgraded by existing national foci and decisions. Romania is no longer denied access into the Reichspakt, if requested. Changed the effect of the Back to the Basics national focus for Shandong, to now improve the stats for all generals, instead of granting NatPop popularity. Removed an Egyptian national spirit that had no relevant effects. Merged Eastern and Western Ukraine into one larger strategic region. Improved Patagonia AI handling of post-war focuses and decisions. Fixed the leader of the United Provinces of China faction not properly being selected in events. The base unit count now takes into consideration the number of owned states, and the industrialisation factor now works on an asymptotic curve. You should now see the AI properly upgrading their starting templates and building a larger variety of decent units. Bulgaria: Atanas Burov, Ivan Dochev, Dimitar Gichev, Vasil Ikonomov, Dimo Kazasov, Ivan Mihajlov, Nikola Mushanov, Rusi Rusev, Manol Vasev, Fengtian Government: Xing Shilian, Yu Zhishan, German Empire: Franz von Bayern, Walther von Reichenau, Haiti: Carl Brouard, Alfred Auguste Nemours, Paraguay: Eusebio Ayala, Obdulio Barthe, Rafael Franco, Eduardo Schaerer, Serbia: Srdan Budisavljevic, Milan Gavrilovic, Milan Gorkic, Milan Grol, Trifun Kaclerovic, Albert Kramer, Vukasin Markovic, Dragoljub Mihailovic, Zivojin Peric, Koca Popovic, Dragomir Vasic, Josip Vidmar. Fixed the Oman-Saudi peace mission not triggering, and breaking the entire event chain. Yunnan now loses its claims on China if couped by Long Yun. Updated the text for the Stone Mountain Combined Syndicates event. Fixed an inverted East Turkestan consumer goods modifier. The Long Road to Moscow focus for Transamur no longer bypasses during the Russian Civil War. Renamed the Congo strategic region to Congo Basin. Fixed German East Asia not guarding Vietnam's borders. Lowered the manpower reduction of the Mittelafrikan Schutztruppe focus from 70K to a more reasonable 2K. Adjusted the Finnish-Russian border in Karelia, Added correct jungle terrain to Southeast Asia, Fixed broken frontlines along the French-Belgian and Serbian-Bulgarian borders, Added new portraits for Italian countries. Fixed Assyrias Assyrian Division national spirit being re-added if they complete "Propose End to Tribal Divide" before "Expand Missionary Work of the Catholic Church". Fixed a missing tooltip for the German Government in Exile. Fixed Centroamerica being unable to join the Internationale. Fixed all remaining cases of units spawning in the middle of the Taklamakan during the war in Xinjiang. Stay safe out there! Removed the effect in Kaiserreich of passive stability gain being greater while at low stability, which is now on par with vanilla. I like the limit, but I feel its unfair to country X! The governor's coup in the West Indies Federation will no longer peace them out with enemies of the Entente. Weve also spent time working on other changes, such as letting you recall volunteers, along with many bug fixes and performance improvements. The headline of 0.11 is the Canadian rework, giving them a new focus tree, new events and new decisions, on top of new content for the whole of the Entente. Further work on Germanys AI with managing its two main fronts successfully. Added an anti-exploit measure to the Treaty of Budapest. Added English translations to the Romanian party names. Brazilian splinter states will now always be released by the AI in their original form, if the AI can do so, or given to Brazil if it exists and is an ally. Fixed Siamese infrastructure decisions zeroed AI factors. Added proper ship name lists for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, South Africa. Fixed the Bulgarian event about Vazovs return firing multiple times. The Austro-Hungarian Empires puppet constituents now share a grey colour on the map, until they revolt, and/or get their independence. Fixed Polands Clover Revolution occurring after the country has already been taken over by socialists. Removed Germanys Imperial Pride starting national spirit. Fixed the Reichspakt not disbanding sometimes if Austria took over its leadership. Fixed all cases of the PSA losing its ministers without replacements. Fixed the triggers for the West Indies Federations 2nd Cayenne Meeting decisions appearing in the completion effect. Removed the African Minors generic national focus tree for now, pending review of effects, and rebalancing with the new Irregular units. Independent Chinese splinters can declare rival governments if they are as strong as all other government claimants or control Beijing. Added Trento and Pola as new VPs for Austria. Fixed South Africas Plan Smuts decisions missing AI factors. King Nicolae I can succeed instead of Michael. Fixed some missing Chinese general descriptions. Standardised the use of Ethiopias Amharic endonyms.