2. 87 . In Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 14 Recap, Cooper's imminent delivery is approaching. I still love pastor Bob. Lets not use this thread for our personal theological musings, please. While you are rejoicing in the fall of another you should do your home work and renounce you idol worship of your anti-Jewish god Luther, along with the gracious burn them at the stake unrepented Calvin. What if Sharon doesnt come in the postoperative period? That body recommends candidates for higher legal office to the governor. I am crystal clear on everything you have told me and havent told me anything I didnt already know. You are covering for a very scary thing. Was a 2nd announcement made today at services? Against a power play by Bob [ie. His congregation will continue to thrive and fight the good fight of faith. The crime scene was scandalously unprotected. Abraham the father of the Jewish nation and subsequently the Christian as well was promised a son and became frustrated over time and slept with his wifes servant, regardless of tradition, which lead to the birth of Ishmael an illegitimate child and penalty was that Ishmael would become the father of the Muslim nation. The story has hit the local news in Fort Lauderdale now http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-calvary-chapel-resignation-20140406,0,5071679.story. In 2006, Coys church in Fort Lauderdale landed in court over claims of lax oversight. Andy, I made a couple of comments to Mary! ", Anne Marie Giri, a churchmember who was present at the announcement, stated that although the she was disappointed, we must not put our faith in human beings. He attended machinist trade school and completed a three-year apprenticeship in machining. According to Christianity Today, he'd been fired twice before for sexual misconduct, including once after getting caught having sex on church grounds, but kept getting his job back. When we fall, we have to model the humility and fidelity to the Scriptures that we demand they recognize.then model the love, grace, and restoration to the body that proves our complete fidelity. Right now I agree that the church in Florida needs to rally around Bobs wife and children while at the same time taking necessary steps in church discipline towards Bob that he would overcome these sins and salvage his marriage and the relationships with his children if thats still possible. Though having an affair is the most likely of the possibilities, there is NO factual confirmation of this and anybody reporting it as fact at this point is wrong. I must say that in knowing very little about the build up to this story, it appears that the church took much faster action in dismissing Coy than in the case of Mike Kestler. No bitterness here. Calvary Chapel also has more than 13,000 Facebook followers. I forgive him and i still love him. Which is precisely why Im questioning you. Money creates a disconnect. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. The pain of church shopping is excruciating, especially since last time I was at Potential I was in tears over the horror I experienced there. Many asked what where his motives for this if not selfish and serve serving and THAT is NOT of GOD!!!!!! Name one of these men you refer to, the men Im asking on this thread cant and wont answer the question, if theyve ever viewed pornography or thought of someone else while theyre with their wives, that should tell you something, and the women Ive been with enjoyed our intimacy as much as I did, we enriched each other and learned from each other and brought each other boundless pleasure, so I dont know what youre talking about, discarded women and wrecked lives? Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!. Thoughts and prayers go out to a fallen brother, his wife and children, his church family and the church leadership as they determine the scriptural course of action. I do wish he had faced the congregation, it would be helpful in the cleansing and restoration process, besides Ive seen him hold people accountable publicly and so should he but thats water under the bridge. An ongoing issue. Is the IRS coming to take them to jail? Diamond Donny How many people did Coy or Calvary go after that left the church.Coy never did he didn;t care. In fact, the church had been battling accusations nationwide for years that it empowered predatory pastors while demanding little accountability. Personally I saw through thi scumbag years ago ..he used his popularity to con people and he was smart enough to do itHe never took the word seriously to his heart. Bob wrote: Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark?. Im sorry for you and your pain. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. How do you know that Isaiah is speaking of the millennium other than Missler or some other end times guru told you. Its not speculation. I dont know if I can remember everything I said. Im Glad God is in charge and not most Christians, I guess most of us would not have let Peter preach at pentacost so soon after denying Christ! Deal with it. I just wish I could walk away from everything with millions in my pocket when I get caught. My point was that I do not put myself in a position to be tempted. Loss of friends. Then go to the board of CCFTL and get it. Michael and erunner, thank you for the kind words. The point is that sin is a type of adultery against God, if we are the bride of Christ, lying, lust cheating or anything that puts something in front of Christ is an adultery because it violates that covenant. "She had an experience with God and has found forgiveness" for Coy over his abuse. No way around the fallout. His popularity soared. Something about sitting behind a computer screen can change and embolden us to post things we might not say to a persons face. I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. None are anointed in this age, none are special, none are transformed in a practical sense. All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! The reformed/protestant groups picked up on it, since they were catholics and knew nothing else. Im not answerable to you. Amillennialism is for those that refuse to take the Bible literally, and shuck it off as if it just originated in the last 150 years (which is a lie, since all the first believers were against this ghastly false doctrine). I completely agree with Michelle @175. Thanks for the attribution Michael, thats how it went down. Nice try. episode has aired, viewers are eager to find out what will happen in the Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15: You know that each episode of Blue Bloods consists of multiple storylines that all somehow relate to each SWAT Season 6 Episode 16 [Blowback] Luca makes a major decision, Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 15: Meet the newest Cooper. I am deeply stunned, sickened, hurt and devastated about this news. Did Pastor Fidel Gomez know anything? If God says He does it with a chain, then He does it with a chain. Being estranged from God and condemned by our sinfulness, our salvation is wholly dependent upon the work of Gods free grace. I dont like that at all. Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting. Seems sad, really. do unto others as you would have done to you. You probably dont want to go there with me, as I may know more than you want to hear. It shows just how broken the Calvary System is. In a congregation this size of course there are others who have been / are guilty of the same transgressions and there will be others in the future. even a little. If there werentBob would just own up. I know the solution is to get right with many people that were hurt. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. Get your own. Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida This is really funny have all of you married guys been tempted and have actually struggled to not have an affair. "When Chuck Smith died, there was nothing left to hold back all the competing factions," church critic Michael Newnham says. May todays revelations be just one more step in your growth as a person of faith. I have nothing that suggests what you just said is true. Im not amill, but that was a ludicrous statement. Thats getting copied and pasted and saved to be used a lot in the future . Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? Im not accusing, Im reporting. So he led the people through the Port of New Orleans and up the Mississippi River to St Louis in what began the LCMS. His gray goatee is neatly trimmed, and he wears a light-blue plaid shirt and expensive jeans. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. In 2007, Christianity Today spoke to numerous Calvary pastors across the country. Why do you express yourself behind screen names ? after being a Christian? Please click here to learn how. . No one even asked. where the Bible literally says that there will be a 1,000 yr EARTHLY reign of Christ this should not be hard since it is so clear. Anonymity has been part of my schtick too for most of the time here. I have absolutely no sympathy for the adulterer. http://thelasthiker.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/pastor-bob-coy-the-church-adultery-consequences-and-grace/. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. MLD this is interesting and the first ive heard of this. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. She has worked with and directed women's ministries, including teaching and writing curriculum for ladies Bible studies in Ft. Lauderdale, FL where she lived for 25 years; as well as speaking . Were the prophecies of Revelation already fulfilled? As an attendee of Calvary FTL I disagree. Michael, Heres a great picture that you will appreciate, courtesy of Reddit http://ppcdn.500px.org/46961604/93440f80cd492bca3ff2ae5626d488dfc26c4bb4/2048.jpg. And because of this I rejoice. Did he really? Part of HuffPost Religion. So what your all saying is your stronger than samson, you love God more than David and your wiser than Solomon. Michael Newham, have you ever committed adultery? Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. What about their families? All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. A core of my current belief system is that none are truly transformed when they are saved. There is a lot more mercy proffered on this blog this weekend regarding this matter than I read last weekend when the subject was the WV matter. But two weeks after his surprise resignation, Assistant Pastor Chet Lowe filled Coy's followers in on what had happened. There are many Christian men who would not trade their happy monogamous marriages for the most beautiful women in the world. The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. Others who knew of this pastors sin and felt the Lords call to also speak up, had dead birds put in their mailboxes and were threatened in other ways as well. Lets come together as a body and shame the devil. It began when the girl was just 4 years old. Really? Good for you. we his congregation, and his family, are the ones that need to deal with it yes or no? Glory(Pride) Gold-(Obtaining personal financial advancement from the ministry) Girls-(giving in to self serving sexual pleasure from Women) I think that older men with less testosterone can dodge these bullets. Sauder read a letter Bob Haskins wrote, talked briefly about Bob not being there, then turned it to Satan being at work, and how this is a time to look at ourselves. I guess the scars remain although toughened with time. In other words, let the church handle the churchs business. Not one of us is perfect, which is why we are to put our faith in the Lord, not in man. And so if you cant read shall reign with him 1000 years as shall reign with him 1000 years, that is your personal issue. Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. Whats the big deal, so he diddled a few broads, werent they consenting adults, how can anyone judge, maybe they had an open marriage, comman people relax its only sex, it only last a few minutes, what is that, like less than 5% of all the other things hes doing for the church, leave the guy alone, I dont see any women complaining, didnt King David have a few dozen women standing in the wings waiting for their turn, and how bout Solomon, a few hundred to choose from, well dont read their works in your Bible then, and isnt every pastor guilty of adultery if you take Jesus words seriously, that to look upon a woman with lust youve already committed adultery, using this criteria shouldnt every pastor in America be fired, give the guy a break, hes a good teacher, everyone strays a little bit and has a little strange on the side, many wives know this and realize it doesnt mean anything, just a little release. I know I personally struggle with being physically attractive enough for my husbands desires. May I test you on this? Try and keep up:). Im just trying to figure out why Michaels on the take. Lol. I am sorry for sounding so bitter. The founder's son-in-law, Brian Brodersen, left the network of Calvary churches and started his own organization with many of the chapels, including Coy's old church in Fort Lauderdale. His fame went to his head. Andy, OK, you go with that but to hold your position you have to call Peter a liar in Acts 2. In the same vein, Sharon had no cause for alarm. Let the people of God rally to those who are hurting and those who have been sinned against. Those in moral authority are more accountable than the flock. By that account we are all guilty, except it would seem for MLD. I actually have people Im accountable to and I speak with them almost daily. My family loves Pastor Bob and his leadership and every week he led hundreds to our Savior. We wait until we know and can prove what we know, then we report. The regulars here are great people. It is not material at this point whether anyone was complicit or the Moses model created this situation. Get back to us in a year. Every man in my life has had some struggle with it, in some way. And when I was little, they often took me with them to church, and I remember the impression the services made on me. That passage is no more teaching dispensationalism than ice hockey rules. I pray Coy takes the time needed before he returns to the ministry. fscaduto, WELL PUT and that was precisely my point early on. One too many run-on sentences of ignorance for me today. Why does the emphasis these days seem to be on altering The Message in a manner which appeals to the culture? Big difference. everybody is broken by stuff like this. The tribulation as Jesus described in Matthew 24:15 is at the middle of the week. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Something really big is going to come out soon. Is God through with the nation of Israel? Police say the victim wasn't a church member, and Calvary Chapel says it immediately fired Tague upon learning about the claims. #472, anonymous.. how are you related to all of this. How you define orthodoxy isnt the final word on the matter, is it? MLD, nothing in your 708 says that the 1000 years of Revelation, are figurative. He had admitted to a grave "moral failing." "Everyone was visibly upset," she wrote on Facebook, according to the Christian Post. My question was can you recommend a Biblically sound LOCAL church? Thank you for the correction. He sat on a U.S. presidential advisory board and received weekly updates straight from GOP mastermind Karl Rove. It was failing, no one knew it because they were told and shown drawings of a new church in the works. Just so you know 80% of the Church worldwide holds this position except in American Pop Evangelicalism. Ill let the heavy hitters take the rest of the shift. Zero. Thank you for sharing this hard news, Michael. > Steve Wright, ( obviously a real person, one of the brave ones): as you correctly state, I am in fact a visitor, and apparently one arriving with nievte (relative to a newcomer).as you so poignantly state, caught in the wreckage Yours is the only post that reflects some of what I would expect/hope for amongst believers , (and for that I thank you i.e. Look Jesus does speak of his return very clearly in Matt 25, the 2nd half about the sheep and the goats 1.) I'll never forget that meeting.". Lets not forget that we are all susceptible to sin and God can heal broken hearts. In case of her demise, she promised not to file a lawsuit. The vision of this church is multi-sites everywhere all under the umbrella of one man. 8. What Coy did is wrong, he committed adultery. What happened at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? In 2003, John Flores, a pastor at Smith's flagship in Costa Mesa, was arrested for having sex with the 15-year-old daughter of another pastor. For the gates of hell will not prevail against my church, thus saith The Lord! it is entirely an inner journey and it is solely between each individual and Jesus. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? That is pretty poor turnout given the news and I wonder how many of the 7500 already knew something was up anyway. Coys church is listed by Outreach magazine as the 14th largest church in the U.S., and one of the fastest growing. Mercy should not be misused to render punishment ineffective for both. He had been in hot water in the '90s when multiple women in his church claimed he'd sexually harassed them, but Smith gave him another chance. The root of Calvary's problems, critics say, lies in its unique structure. The message to Nebuchadnezzar is however long it takes for you to learn who is the Most High God.. Why is that, exactly? You do not know amillennialism from duck squat. Even the disciples were surprised by what happened. It went for far less than the first. As someone that leans amill and reformed, its all I can do to bite my tongue jeesh. Daughter- Interesting because I understood that BC did not write his own sermons. Much different than accepting people in without repentance IMO. I was feeling horrible.". Everyone does that, just with different things. Its actually a struggle for you to keep your commitment to your wife? MLD, I answered you already, in 688, like I answered your baptism error with the house of Cornelius yesterday. When you live in the mindset of the privileged then you begin to objectify everything in terms of how it takes care of you. It hardly makes their convictions garbage.. Even worse, they said church officials knew full well he was a pedophile: He'd been kicked out of another Calvary youth ministry in California after being charged with sex crimes there. LOL. Sure would make the shame easier to bear.. I think this is your passage HUGH. She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. Leaders who fall into sexual sin are generally never the same once the sin exposed, even when repentance and remorse is demonstrated. This is very important Michael. The covering tells me that whatever Bobs moral failures wereit warrants protection for the Body. You will never be forgotten! What kind of God would we serve if he chose some at random to go to hell and some to go to heaven. So that Until the Whole World fund raiser was never used for a new sanctuary as planned. You wont get hard news from them on one of the Sacred Cowsunless maybe a Ted Haggard b/c it was dude on dude. Of courseleave it to the Pharisees to fight amongst, not for, themselves. Sounds like from John 8 that Jesus sure had sympathy for the adulterer. Im pretty sure if it had been men, that Coy would have got nuked at a higher temperature. Face reality how could he be in the word and not be under conviction ? Whats up with that? You can try and stick anything on me you like. By being such a forgiver they make themselves out to be super spiritual, but as that blogger explains..to be spiritual is to know what the scriptures teach about how to handle this kind of situation. When you knowingly sin then, post-saved, you are willfully being an enemy of God and we all do it b/c we are all aware of our sin and we sin anyway. Some are called to a higher level and accountability, and how much more do they need our prayer and support? anyone check this in the greek? If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. My hearts desire was for healing and restoration of the many people he hurt and for his repentance. So, the next time she walks by, dont give a 2nd glance. This is not good, and this is what can happen. We are told 20,000 attend the church. If one sticks around for awhile, those friendships and identities will develop. Many comments by those who attend CCFL. why did your wife divorce you, were you unfaithful? And when some were gone like that in recent years, it was probably said, they were troublemakers, or, they didnt respect the work of God, and so on and so on. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. Am I hearing that part of fundraising project plan involved Bob and his wife putting a price on the biblical practice ( and requirement for elders) of hospitality, charging people to have dinner or lunch with them. I had not heard it before today and I am glad I did. But you are void on answering my points even right now you did not respond to the Acts 2 interpretation charge but diverted back to Luther. After Until the whole world hears fund raising, I personally wondered where the 60 million raised went. Also keep in mind that many here have something in common and that is bad experiences with churches and pastors, while some of us remain to try and minister and fellowship, as well as listen and empathize, with those hurts. The dicey part for this church is that there is a chance that some leadership people knew this was an ongoing problem for years. Great article to consider: http://touch.sun-sentinel.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-79853971/, The only ones that are monogamous are the ones who have no choice because theyre either too old, too fat or too ugly or too poor. It will be interesting in this post-Coy(tal) era to learn the truth as it comes out. BTW My Grandmother the mother of 12 and Grandmother of 33+ and a bunch of great grand kids was the most Christian woman I ever knew and she was a devout Catholic so was Mother Teresa for that matter. Coy has had a national ministry, not just one to the local church and his fall is a matter of national news. Not one of us is truly living a life of purityand are struggling with some kind of sin. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Ive never been married. I think they had about 10 so far. Why is same-sex marriage an issue in the election of the new Scottish First Minister? I hope you all dont choke on these morsels of gossip. We still sin, we still are capable of the same evils as prior to being saved and thats why accountability measures in the churches and checks and balances to power in both religion and politics is vitally necessary. From what I heard Coy had a dozen or so businesses which were probably all ministry related. Sordid details. You hate the answer. It is a struggle not to disrespect and dishonor her? Antonio, I think you were best served by disagreeing with MLD. The department assigned the case to Det. They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. March 4, 2023. Good for you. By the end of that harrowing call on August 20, 2015, police knew the accused predator was no ordinary suspect. Hooked on porn for years. About half a year later, the victim visited the police department and said she had an "experience with God" and has found forgiveness for Coy. 14 And they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines on the west; together shall they spoil the children of the east; they shall put forth their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. Why else would Mrs. Coy leave? . I knew his daughter, he was a good dad. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. To simply read the Bible simply you would never come up with conclusions like; God has chosen some to go to Hell randomly, Jesus only died for the Christians, man does not have a free will to choose salvation, and the many false conclusions Calvinism draws. At least it is for me. Unreal. Bob has helped save thousands with his teaching and we should leave the punishment up to God and pray that he will repent and use this fall to come back stronger than ever. Over two decades, Coy had built a small storefront church into Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, a 25,000-member powerhouse that packed Dolphin Stadium for Easter services while Coy hosted everyone from George W. Bush to Benjamin Netanyahu. I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. No, we give first aid and rehab, knowing full well that all of us have faced the same arrows. Im Glad God is in charge and not most Christians. Im glad its yours and yours alone, this way perhaps you might just keep your hypocrisy to yourself, just be ready that when you judge a man, you are ready to be judged as well! And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom. So what you are saying is if all the other guys had IQs of 120 then Daniel and his buddies had IQs of 1,200? Secondly the Bible will say adultery or fornication but fornication can include many types of different types of sexual sin, its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. #464, Unfortunately, I see this all over the place in American evangelicalism. I sincerely hope you will stop wasting your time on this blog, seeing each of for who we really are, a bunch of very failure ridden representatives of Jesus, just faking our way through every day and butchering this faith called Christianity. I plainly tell you who I am, where I am coming from and what I believe and you continue to assert that I am something other than what I claim. and going to Heaven! And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! You can listen at their website. Most of us ended up here due to similar circumstances, i.e. Flynn, one cannot separate doctrine from practice; the two do not exist separately. Early life, education and early career. When you are dealing with human resource issues at a corporate level there are legal and illegal ways to speak of a persons departure from the company. Gary #633. The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. Life now consists of unfair scorn for Diane and the kids. I knew you could. Maybe the crime scene was unprotected late that night.