I tried that, didn't work. No problem. Population adds supply on a diminishing scale from 0.01 supply per province in a state of 30.000 people, to 4.25 supply per province in a state with 23.6 M people. I'm convinced it's a bug, so I tried reloading then restarting, but no luck. You must then click Another province with a Port/Naval dock that has NO land connection avaliable. Attack (with a higher max penalty for units defending (-50%) than units attacking (-20%)). It explains how the Navy, in the century after 1890, was formed and reformed in the interaction of purpose, experience, and doctrine. I'm in a captured port on an enemy coast and want to reinforce a flanking force by naval transport to another port I took by invasion. Each extra click will place construction orders to increase it by a further level. I want to get my new divisions over there to make sure I'm all good. Now I cannot move them, even in this previous save. There is something missing, and now I know what it is. As is the case for other ways to extend supply hub range, the increasing amount of supply drop-off as the distance from the hub (counted in provinces) increases means that any increases are likely to only be at the margins (ie, perhaps an increase of range of one province). I click the green "go", the arrows on the plan route move (normally they are stalled if something is wrong), and the troops sit there at the origin ports. Supplies are not produced, but rather the level of supply in a province represents a support capacity (it could be thought of as a soft stacking limit). Can someone state definitely exactly what assets are needed to transport troops over water to a foreign land? Try to take a port. It is important to bear in mind that if supply falls below a threshold, the air unit will also not receive enough fuel, reducing mission efficiency even further. I don't want to restart; that'd just make me not play the game again. HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods - Store . The total supply hub/port capacity is based on the connection between the hub/port and the capital, and for ports, the level of the port (both where the convoy departs, and where it arrives). In terms of industry, it has 3 military and 10 civilian factories, 3 naval dockyards, plus 14 additional open slots, 4 aluminum, 202 steel, 40 chromium, and 70 . Each level of rail connection increases the supply of a hub by 5, to a maximum of 35. if connected by river, the supply hub is considered to have a level 1 connection. You build a navy by researching ships and building them in dockyards. Redirect to: Construction#Naval base; Retrieved from "https . Questions, Paradox Selecting the supply hub, and then clicking the middle (top) of the three icons that appears. For instance, I set up an amphibious invasion plan for a port along the southern coast of China. I suppose this is humor. I feel a bit stupid having to ask this, but how do you transport a division by ship? This will make the troops transport across the water. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Cannot assign divisions to naval invasion orders Steps to Reproduce . Inland, however, supply hubs need to be used, which require 20000 CIC (modified by any construction speed and infrastructure construction bonuses). If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. This template is going to be your best friend, especially early game, and is able to withstand battle against most units on the field. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command teleport. State supply is evenly distributed to all the units that are in the state (including air and naval units), before other sources of supply are used. All rights reserved. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How do I transport units over sea? Any advice? Increasing the level of the rail connection to the hub. I saw that you need ship to transport your troops to cross a sea. Furthermore, you could start taking some of the focusses from "Plan East". What are best Hearth of Iron 4 mods that'll make your Hoi4 . Allied divisions share hub supply with divisions of the host country, but the host country divisions will probably be a bit better supplied as theyll be able to access whatever state supply is available as well. It's very important to bear in mind that hub supply falloff works increases significantly for every extra province distant from the hub, port or capital - so while it is possible to extend hub range, individual changes may be relatively small, and it will often take a substantial investment to increase range enough to push it out to the next province from the hub. Why buy a book you can download for free? Remove "random state" infrastructure rewards from focuses and allow us to place the reward upgrades manually. or tell you why you should have engineers in your marine division (you did, didn't you?). Naval warfare. Each tile of railway costs 170 CIC, +130 CIC for each existing railway level (to a maximum of level 5), so its relatively quick and cheap to lay a level 1 railway down, but a long level 5 railway is a serious industrial undertaking. I cannot move ANY troops across any water to any province, only by land. Supply hubs provide supply to each province based on a number of factors, the most important of which is the number of provinces between the province being supplied and the supply hub, with this being modified by the level of the rail connection to the supply hub from the capital, the level of infrastructure, terrain, and the weather. On the coast, ports act as supply hubs, and are considerably cheaper (5,000 CIC for the first level of the naval base, with a further 1000 CIC added to the cost for each subsequent level). You are using an out of date browser. Ask a new player or non-player, "please navally invade province X". These change in gradients to elegantly display the supply situation at a province level in a way that is digestible for hundreds of provinces at once. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? I cannot move ANY troops across any water to any province, only by land. Log In Sign Up. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is a community maintained wiki. Opening up the production interface, and selecting the Railways button, and then clicking on one of the white numbers in a black circle on a rail connection between two hubs this will place construction orders to increase the rail level between the two hubs by one level. How do I reinforce my landing troops?. Why there is no basic equipment capture ratio at the beginning of the game? Aug 3, 2016 @ 6:17pm or we have no access there #7. equinox1911. #4 Quicksilver Jun 13, 2016 @ 1:05am First click the naval invasion button. Views: 0 Screenshot from 2022-02-17 10-17-46.png . If there are less trains than the network requires, there will be a reduction in hub supply available to divisions drawing it. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. They'll have to have convoys, as it says in the article. Found the internet! If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Port: Amount of supply requested of the hub, and shows paths to any ships that may be drawing Hub (but not State) supplies from the port. Supply hub: Amount of supply requested of the hub, and highlights the railroad connection to the capital. As Japan, this is completely game breaking. While the AI wont do this, if you want allies not to be involved on a particular front, its possible to toggle off supply for allies on a hub-by-hub basis. The whole point of landing behind enemy lines is to gain initiative and having to move my troops from Genoa to Libya to Marseilles instead of taking the direct route sucks. How to disable naval transport on an army or at least in general. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Honestly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into with naval invasions, so much so it was hard to articulate what questions should be asked. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This obviously requires a navy. You may have to delete the order, move them, bring them back, and recreate the order. I have no idea how to get my forces over to Europe. Provinces received supply from all hubs in range. For example, if playing as Italy, I may try to land behind French lines, and the invasion goes fine, but if I click to reinforce, the default is to order the units to try to blast though the lines rather than naval transport to the captured port. change to a bright green color (bright yellow if there is a 5% to 50% chance that the troop transport convoy will be engaged by enemy forces en route to the destination port, bright red if there is a > 50% to 100% chance that the troop transport convoy will be engaged by enemy forces en route to the destination port ). Actually building railways can be done in a number of ways: Each additional level of rail will increase the size of the total amount of supply in the hub, which means the amount of supply flowing from the supply hub outwards is also increased. When I hover over the "go" button, no flags are raised. There is no conversion time, however, for supply hubs. NOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your HOI4 launch options - it will not work otherwise. So I'm playing a Hungary and have taken over Yugoslavia and mainland Greece and want to invade Crete (I am also at war with the Western allies). I often have a problem of wanting to transport troops to a place that they can reach by land, especially if it involves going through an enemy. Each land unit also has an internal supply situation, that is separate from, but related to, the level of supply in a province. right when they go to the port they go right back, They are probably in an army that has an active plan (frontline etc), only happens in my captured province in the middle east. Graco Extend2fit 3-in-1 Vs 4-in-1, Hearts of Iron 4 can be unapologetic ally brutal to new wargamers with the sheer amount of systems involved, and especially after several DLCs and patches. Note, however, that if youre fighting on allied territory, you cant use the state supply system. Why is this the case? BICE also introduces a minimum consumer goods level . A divisions supply will move towards the amount that can be supported in the province, whether thats up or down. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Press J to jump to the feed. Economy Policy: Similar to the base game, this law represents your country's industrial mobilization to war. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Hope this helps. Note that there can be a delay between a low supply state being reached and the full penalty kicking in. You must first have them on a region that has a port, then move them to another region with a port. Aerial supply is provided by transport aircraft on a dedicated mission and is available in an air zone. I just need to have some in the harbor ? How the do you get armies across water? Thanks for the answer! For more information, please see our The rate at which it drops varies, but it should enable a division to operate for 2-3 days at full supply efficiency even if the province it is in is not fully supplied, before the stored supply drops below 100%. For naval units, being less than fully supplied impacts directly on spotting efficiency and repair speed, but it also reduces the rate of fuel received, which depending on the fuel situation can have an impact on their efficiency in combat as well. 5. In this monograph, the authors state that Russia planned the war against Georgia in August 2008 aiming for the annexation of Abkhazia, weakening the Saakashvili regime, and prevention of NATO enlargement. See the table below for some examples: Infrastructure provides 0.3 per level of infrastructure, as long as the infrastructure is undamaged (see the table below for infrastructure values) if damaged, however, the amount of state supply provided by infrastructure is reduced until the damage is repaired. I have set everything up and can see the arrow going to the target but I just cannot assign any divisions. remake - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNT9SXixWow #gaming #hoi4 Press J to jump to the feed. Aug 3, 2016 @ 6:17pm or we have no access there #7. equinox1911. Converted to per 1 million people, the scale slides from 0.3 supply per million sparsely populated states to 0.18 supply per million in very densely populated states (e.g. This is the first attempt to understand the full scope of the USSRs offensive biological weapons research, from inception in the 1920s. You need to research transport techs to increase that cap. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. CK2 Cultures Reborn, a . Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of . I wish there was a manual embark option. Went Italy first but have military access with all Axis nations. This game really could do a better job explaining why something can not be done. my friend is dumb that's why I made this. If you don't have enough convoys you can't launch an invasion. Both weather and terrain have an impact on the supply system - the tables in the weather and terrain pages on the wiki provide the figures for the various supply impacts for different terrain/weather states. Naval units don't participate in the land unit supply system. What is the timeline of Hearts of Iron 4? Right click on the port that you want your armies to arrive at, and theyll depart from the nearest port. To achieve the maximum of any divisions, having combinations of 10,20,40 width in divisions will grant players high effectiveness in any given battle. They work similar to naval invasions, just their range is limited, you need air superiority to execute them, they are much faster and instead of convoys, you need enough transport planes in the local air base to bring all your paratroopers to the target location. Information, Frequently Asked Set up a naval invasion plan and it will automaticly assign convoys as transports. None of the other categories seem to fit, and at least I got a good laugh out of AI stupidity. Which was either introduced recently or hugely increased, Is there some kind of a penalty for occupation done by non-majors? Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Naval base. I tried to invade Malta but my 8 troops always got it's ass kicked despite artillery, air and naval superiority there by angry Brits. I have plenty of ships in the area required naval superiority along the route, plenty of air cover (I've already completely occupied Britain), full intelligence, the planning period is complete, etc. If my initial naval invasion is successful and my army grabs the province, how do I get more units to land? New York Times Divisions with a battleplan that requires naval transport will now have convoys assigned to them automatically. I'll try this if the issue reproduce (since I cancelled order thinking that maybe i cannot start naval invasion from a puppet harbor). Where is the code in HOI4 that defines how an AI decides on events (e.g. Press J to jump to the feed. If you land in a non-port region you have three days to secure one before you run out of supply. So, drop them behind enemy lines for the best effect. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Chinese states). An air units supply is based on the level of supply in the province containing the airbase. herculoids gloop and gleep sounds John Paul The Great Catholic University Alumni, As long as the total amount of supplies required by units in the province is less than that supplied, units will be fully supplied. I want to get my new divisions over there to make sure I'm all good. Pushing the Caucasus all the way to Korea, the only barrier stopping the advance is the sea. Bright (light) blue: there is a large amount of available supply, Dark blue: there is a small amount of available supply. One thing to bear in mind is that units with available hub supply will still draw state supply, even if the hub supply is sufficient for that units needs. Note that if the convoy route supplying the port is raided, the amount of supply provided will be reduced until the route has recovered its capacity. In Hearts of Iron 4, logistics consists of getting personnel (replacements), and equipment where they need to be in order to support the fighting forces, as well as ensuring the level of supply where the unit is, is high enough for that unit to operate effectively. JavaScript is disabled. A newly-captured hub will only be functional once it is connected by converted railroads, and it wont be connected until every province has had the required number of days under friendly control to convert. If it can trace a path using convoys, other ports, and railways back to the capital, a port will be supplied by sea without needing a rail connection. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The total draw on the supply capacity of a supply hub. I am playing my first game as Japan. i just got the game and i put them on a province with a port and clicking on another port but does it have to be your port or could it be a friendly port? To transport them between friendly ports, have them first move to a province with a port, and then order them to move to another port province by clicking the harbour icon (the anchor). Reddit Coins 0 coins Reddit Premium Explore. Yes, in HoI4, naval invasions are a confusing game mechanic. so you either have not convoys or you don tknow how to do that: Make frontline/garrison/retreat order where you need it and thats it (keep in mind you must have a prot, and the other one is that you must have all troops on a port and move them to another port. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. No problem. All rights reserved. Your troops need to be assigned to an army. 2019, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Logistics&oldid=60516, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Play Hello everyone, I'm trying to invade Italy via marine invasion, however, I have 4k convoys, but I don't know how to convert them into transports? You can't just move troops to an enemy port, the only way to do that is a naval invasion. Dr. Derrys fremstilling af det to-mneders felttog i Norge i 1940 er den frste officielle fremstilling, der fremkom efter krigsafslutningen. I just see a message on the 'arrow' that says 'no divisions assigned 0 transports' I have just basic Transport researched so only try assigning a max of 10 divisions but whatever I do when I try and assign to the order I just get a red 'x' under the mouse cursor. With the first naval invasion tech, you can only transport 10 units. Yeah, this is another basic feature that should have been covered in the tutorial. What does pausing the AI do in Hearts of Iron 4? This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. Increasing the level of motorization of a hub or army. As a front advances into enemy territory, enemy-held rail lines and hubs may come under friendly control. Naval invasion can bug out. Cookie Notice To move troops across water you have to first move them to a province with a Naval dock/Port, which looks like an anchor on the map. Yellow: There is insufficient supply for the units in this province, but there is still enough to provide a reasonable partial level of supply. Previously, I could right click to an overseas location regardless of them being in a port. Hub, population and infrastructure elements will be allocated based on the proportion of the states provinces owned by each side, while state supply from victory points is provided to whoever owns the provinces containing those victory points. Bright red: There is insufficient supply for the units in this province, and they are suffering significant supply-related penalties. Like state supply, the total amount of supply provided via this is available in any province in the air zone in which the air supply mission is flown (regardless of whether it is in range of the transport aircraft or not). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Both ports and supply hubs can be constructed in the territory of allies, and of subjects. I use a big army to defend my ports all over asia, i dont have any naval superiority in all that zone so its needed to prevent naval invasion, but when i get invaded some of my division goes to defend . 7. This can be improved by two different tiers of motorization, by clicking on the appropriate icon (see example below). The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. only 10 divisions can be assigned to naval invasion orders at any given time. If you have armoured trains available in your inventory, they will automatically be used before other train types. Valve Corporation. Supply is shown in the game primarily via the supply mapmode. Wont let me move soldiers to naval ports and transport them? This command adds the specified amount of naval utility to your naval . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. However, immediately after a drop Paratroopers have minimal organisation, so dropping them directly into combat is almost always fatal unless they completely overwhlem the enemy. This will make the troops transport across the water. Outside of aerial supply, improvements to the level of supply in a province over the course of a game will almost entirely be due improvements in the amount of hub supply provided. Double standards. One change that is indicative of the process is the removal of transport ships. It will prompt you to click a port the invasion will launch from. hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base. Two Ocean Navy Act Sub-branch ; This Branch gives naval technology research boosts and production cost modifiers.