Dongles on the TV ( Firestick anyone ), Handhelds..etc.. But they didn't do that. Define the line between business and consumer. Nadella rose steadily through the ranks of Microsoft management. It's pretty simple, we all dream about making it big and changing the world for the better or if you're a materialistic person, making alot of money. The mobile division was a money pit that was unlikely to turn a profit anytime soon (ifever); Bellifore even said that they had a PAY developers to make WP apps. Gates is pulling his strings now. Apple and Google leak like seives and MS know they keep their cache with the big reveals. It was about creating the other technologies can run so as those technologies mature people will have a platform to deliver those desirable technologies. A survey says managers feel employees slack while working from home. I'm sure this was not the only factor to Windows phone being in the state it's currently in, but I think this has a lot to do with it! If there was one bone-head move in recent times I would reverse it would have been leaving HP out to dry. I think one of the issues is secrecy. What is Nadella going to do about this apparent lack of caring about consumers? I think it is a very intense business to do the digital "rights" management etc. I currently have a 950XL. One thing for sure Microsoft killed off it's chance to reenter the smart phone arena again, Consumers , it's oem partners. In the scenario where the mobile is the Personal Computer it is much more important than building a laptop, an ultra mobile PC, a PC anything in fact. As a consumer, I am now no longer interested in MS apps or services, and am now figuring out whether to switch to Android (and Google's apps and services) or Apple. This is BS and not even an apology. Satya was just the guy that had to make the decision to pull the plug, but WP had been brain dead for a while already. But so is the future. If i can take my uwp over to some other lte device in the next year or two im happy. My step sister's husband works for Microsoft, and he was stunned to hear I still owned a WP! Don't need them. - Organization Culture It seems that organization culture of Nadella Satya is still dominated by turf wars within various divisions, leading to managers keeping information close to their chests. It never translated to consumer sales for Apple computers. And PC volume has been the savior of the Windows 8.x platform as it has slowly arranged its ducks in a row. New Delhi: As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's son Zain, who was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP), died on Tuesday (March 1) at the age of 26, this rare congenital disorder that he suffered from, has created buzz.While Cerebral means related to the brain, Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles.Hence, Cerebral Palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or . Maybe it's a symptom of their hiring practices and cost cutting, but too many people who work at MS don't actually like the company. So that re-affirms Microsoft is committed to their own platform first and foremost. SInce Nadella seems to be incapable of grasping the strategic environment he finds himself in given the context of the tech industry, let me put this in retail termsit's 2005 and Google is Walmart, Apple is Target, and Microsoft is Sears. Apps were coming over fairly regularly and MS put a lot of energy into its Xamarin purchase and development. The only thing wrong with Windows Mobile was that MS did not commit to developing the OS and decided that MS did not need the consumers anymore. I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". Nadella is an Indian-American business executive. He has some good leadership skills, as he managed to increase Microsoft's profitability by 268% since taking over. If you are not making a mobile device then you are not creating the ecosystem for your services. Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows 8.x that is mostly focused on improving the Mouse And Keyboard experience, not its touch brother. Po example Microoft Flow only in Ios and Andorid in W10M not this. that Microsoft would fill in the mobile device space. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. Look inside most of our elementary schools. we also need to put the blame on AT&T. I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. Folks Microsoft is a company that gets most of it's income from selling software and services to Enterprrise/Business customers.and to people who sell or and use Desktop PC's. They stupidly justified every move of Microsoft instead of criticizing it. - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. For all his many faults, at least Balmer had some inkling of the need to maintain a foothold in the consumer space, even though he did it WRONG by trying to BUY marketshare via the Nokia purchase as opposed to building a MS-owned vertical manufacturing base. When I had that thought I realised just how annoyed I am with Microsoft. However, I also now have other devices I thought I'd look to MS to full fill. 96% of his compensation was performance-based, up from 71%. Nadella said it's cloud first. They will also see how easy and tempting it is to stay with just one ecosystem. But as noted by NOT having a precesence in Mobile with a OS that cleanly integrates into the PC, they are failing. Plus, with WoA, a true plug-in Continuum experience running traditional Win32 apps in a desktop experience. You stop doing useful things if you don't learn. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. The next step is to move to that model for Windows-powered consumer devices. The point is, Microsoft was WAY behind. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares his thoughts on work from home culture. What is he planning to do to correct this? They've prob hushed up in light of this article lol. Nadella Satya first hand witnessed the impact of it where it has seen lower demand of its products from middle class customers in US and EU market. You may want to try. A very distant third, and dropping fast. But I've seen it time and time again in previous articles. Microsoft must rethink its business looking for a leadership with strength in marketing to achieve strategic agreements that allow the company to recover its level of competition. I will never understand how a software GIANT can be so damn bad as software. Give me a call when you hit 51% anywhere consumer market based. no not old desktops. Do you know what 8.1 brought for me? Microsoft is now worth more than $2.26 trillion. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. ??? The rise was based on hopes that the underlying technology will live up to the prediction by Satya Nadella, the company's CEO, that it would "reshape pretty much every software category that we know." . I'm not bitter or angry - that takes too much energy - just a little heartbroken because I have to give up something I love. Now, we're having to move on. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. So back to windows i went.twice! Analysis of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study. Able to create hardware and software products that are compatible with other technologies/products. Spotify doesn't work on my 950 either, I get the same revolving dots as you. Even within W10 product delivery it has been a mismatch of poor services - Cortana language/accent limitations, region dependencies, store credit card (cc) limitations (only cc of the region set can be used). WP7 was the transition from Windows mobile and kept all of it's functionality in a touch environment similar to WM 6.5. I still love my now essentially abandoned 950XL. - Robust Domestic Market that Nadella Satya Operates in - The domestic market in which Nadella Satya is operating is both a source of strength and roadblock to the growth and innovation of the company. They have opened the door and made it easy for the competitors. What they haven't done is clearly shonw "what comes next" in mobile. I am confident they have something truly amazing in the pipeline (presumably 2019). On 16th June 2021, Nadella has been further appointed as the Executive Chairman of Microsoft, succeeding John W. Thompson. Zero trust in that company anymore, zero. Moving forward, the 1520 simply needed a refresh and would have been quite a nice threesome with the 950 and 950xl. March 2, 2022, 9:52 AM PST. Your arguments about why this is a mistake are all very true and obvious. Your phone would become a Windows Pocket PC running UWP apps with the ability to make phone calls. That is why world share reached 4%. LOL, the only thing worth copying from a Lumia was the camera technology. Now, even if the next big thing coming from Microsoft will be awesome, gorgeous, stellar everybody will ask themselves: "Is this thing going to last at least for 2 years? It's just business. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. Also, I was a Band user and a Surface 2 RT user MS has lost my trust as the only things that are actually still supported are my laptop and my Xbox (though they don't really do anything with the Kinect anymore). Actually after the 520 i equipped my family with 635, 640, and 830. By Antonio Planas. The excitement, expectation, thrill, is just not the same).. By sticking with the current project he not only earns respect from consumers, he also makes his loyalty a rallying and starting point for everyone. Most of us have probably embraced the new ideas at the Build pep rallies only to find out 24 months later that it was nothing more than an infomercial using many of us as the foot soldiers for the revenue stream. The app-gap seemed to be coming to an end with the acquisition of Xamarin as a magic tool to gain developers attention. They seem to care about users of other platforms more than they do about users of MS' own services. I would buy one. I love how everyone seems to think Google and apple can conquer every market. They simply do not respond to touch. Balmer got it right when he wanted to populate users with inexpensive and fully usable handsets which bumped up the share to 4% world wide and around 15%in Europe only to be divested by Nadella. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Nadella grew up in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad and studied electrical engineering at Mangalore University (B.Sc., 1988). Opportunities and Threats are factors that are analyzed in view of the prevalent market forces and other factors such as economic , social, health & safety, technological, legal & environmental, and political. It seems entertainment and software are what Microsoft can handle (and precariously, at best, if you consider their bungled XBOX messaging over the years). I chose to go with a Nokia 6 (running pure Android 7.1.1) and use Microsoft apps on it. Nuttela's Puffer-in-Chief LOL. However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. This is what we should expect from MS? Ballmer did, but of course short term profits is what share holders think about. Instead they killed it with their lack of interest. Look at Corvette. Literally any effing body can do that in his position. At least they have Azure MS waited way too long to get serious about the mobile platform. Only to see that it was all a lie and have it sold to LG. Perhaps if Microsoft developed more apps that worked more like the windows version which has tabs directly linking to NSN, Office Online and it would relieve some of the loss of Windows phones. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. And i have owned an 830 and then a 950xl since Not true. But it seems there arethose that just can't get engaged with it. That marks a 10% increase compared to 2021. There isn't a single company in the world that earns a dime by selling very cheap phones. It is Satya's defeatism and lack of vision and conviction that led to this. Microsoft has been in the mobile market since the days of WINCE. How likely are you to continue to believe and trust the Microsoft ecosystem"? The notion that it wasn't making headway is just a lie. You killed the original middle ground, you numbnut. It is a slow and sure death, and current management will leave the mess to their replacements. I have a simple straight question for Jason Ward in order to better understand and "position" his analysis and Warditorials. About the time I got around to rewriting the app, since it worked just fine keeping it as an 8 app I took my time, 10 was coming out. It's all good in their bank account for now. Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. They can't even get a Cortana powered speaker off the ground. They should have kept alive the Windows 10 Mobile until they will be releasing the next big thing. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. This time, it promises, will be different. Even a ******* can become king..with loyalty and hard work.. We have been loyal..its about time Microsoft started being loyal to itself, its vision and to us as well.. That fanboy attitude also helped killing Windows Phones. Satya Nadella "Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience." Satya Nadella "We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work." Satya Nadella "Ultimately, it's not going to be about man versus machine. Given all of this, it will basically be seen by the public as Yet AnotherWindows Phone. (I know that is carcastic, but there is a bit of truth therein) There was no commitment to follow through. I'm actually considering holding my nose and going to Apple in the hope of finding some systemic consistency. History does repeat itself, and in the corporate world it is usually because of poor management and lack of vision. It is written by Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston and deals with topics in areas such as Organizational Development Leadership, Organizational culture I understand why they pulled out. If people aren't using Microsoft in their personal lives, it won't even enter their heads to use it in their commercial lives. They need to be serious on there each and every commitment. Apple has tried for decades to crack Enterprise and their desktop share hasn't moved. And sadly true. They dominate in the iPhone That is it. And silence for 2 years from MS, resulting in speculation everywhere, like the guy who wrote this article here. I like the platform because it does what I need it to do. The worst enemy of Microsoft could be inside the company, and because of that is mandatory for all employees to be re-evaluated, to measure their degree of commitment with Microsoft's goals. Now that the dust has cleared on the CEO question, those who hoped for the role and did not get it could exit. Now in many countries including Canada, either those users are still stuck on WP8 and no new devices (not even the HP Elite x3 or Lumia 950 been released yet) or they moved on to Android. Satya is just like this but on steroids. Thats not an enviable job. Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. Mobiles are now the gateway product to tech not enterprise systems. In 2007 he was elevated to senior vice president of research and development for the companys online services division, and he later served (201113) as president of Microsofts server and tools business, which annually generated some $19 billion in revenue. There were other quarters where the % was higher, but sales were lower. Bing is much more than just a website - it's the search infrastructure and tech at the heart of MS Cloud computing. Apple has HomeKit, Google something similar, Alexa also interfaces with a host of other services. Yes, I am a disgruntled Microsoft phone owner who paid a premium price for a premium phone and is getting shafted by Microsoft once again. And lastly taking simple things like a weekly calenders view or linked in boxes away in 8.1 and waitingb11 and 12 months to give them back is not acceptable either. Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities or skills in which Nadella Satya lacks. All business end-users are consumers. All rights reserved. I mean seriously how hard would it have been for them to fork Android into a WP like looking OS. So give them a fair listen. What really hurt Windows Phone was empty promises that they lost interest on keeping. Google now has a year's worth of my use and it's assitant, while not as nice as Cortana, has customized itself to me. Are you kidding!?!? Current management thinks they cannot lose because of the Windows desktop dominance, but they are wrong because both consumers and enterprises seek intergrated solutions these days. Rest 80% of the strategic targets are not achieved because of incomprehensive planning, limited resource allocation, and poor execution. And users on Android and iOS simply replace MS services with Google's and Apple's. Guess which is going to win mindshare and therefore developer attention? That is cured with royalties or being good at releasing bug free OSes and apps, Ah, downvoted for pointing out the truth, Android apps did nothing but hasten the demise of BB10. If Microsoft fail to get a smart phone into the market within the next 5 years and gain market shares then that is it for Microsoft. It's not that Nadella lacks an ego, and the robust financial results his company has racked up give him undeniable bragging rights. DO NOT bring back gates. There is only one near-term way Microsoft could save mobile. No, but the folks who drive them sure do like the ride. So the Surface and tablets can use Android Apps like an Android tablet would do. 8 years? and the world wide carriers will be afraid to deal with Microsoft smart phones under Satya Nadella's leadership. On consumer devices, the cost of a license is going to have to drop dramatically. re-add all the phones that could run the creators update to the feature 2 branch or red stone branch. There are things I found on my 928 8.1 phone that my 950 W10M still cannot do? "I did not get why the world needed the 'fourth' ecosystem in 'Cloud Solutions', unless we changed the rules." It will destroy the last Microsoft mobile fans left and leave a real bad reputation for Microsoft as a company. How will Microsoft stay relevant? They develop for Windows and they get mobile, IOT, Desktop, tablet etc. On top of that, all of Apples 100 million phones sold in 6 months are still in use 2 years later. Simply because they never pay. If this isn't just stupid IDK what is! There are many companies in the world that sell software for more than 20 billion dollars (including Microsoft). Windows and MD is in serious trouble because he left the only market that matters. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. Mobile phones are not phones. Weaknesses come from lack or absence of five key resources & capabilities - activities & processes, past experiences and successes, physical resources such as land, building, human resources, and financial resources . Windows Azure, Microsofts IaaS and PaaS cloud computing could services slip given that Nadellas attention will be now more broadly distributed. It was doomed to failure, and it did fail. It's that re-affirmed bias that drives most developers to target the platform with a larger base group. It would take, at this point a complete 360, but than again they've already done that twice. Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course.