" Sherlock, this is your big brother Mycroft," Mummy cooed. Sherlock took Mycroft's hand and wrapped a tiny fist around one of his fingers. Press J to jump to the feed. . He is thought to be very lonely and isolated. In fact, go read their Mycroft: The Early Years Series), The British Government Takes Control - orphan_account (unfinished work, dom!Mycroft x sub!Lestrade x sub!John x sub!Sherlock), Youll never be alone in the bone orchard - Sarah T (John meets Mycroft before Sherlock, one of my favourites), Im not a Goldfish (Im a Koi) - shnuffeluv(Unfinished work thats actually pretty cute), Mycroft, MI6 and You - freckleslikeconstellations(Teen!Lock). His lower lip trembled as he held out his left hand . Facebook. Portrayed by: I'll burn the heart out of you. To me, logic is the key to saving humanity from its self-destructiveness.. Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9733299/1/Anything-Else-Miss-Anthea. Family: Mycroft had her security access rescinded and brought her in for questioning on the matter, but she convinced the Holmes brothers she was not involved in betraying either the UK embassy in Tbilisi or AGRA. "Whatever it is, i'm ready." 'La Douleur Exquise,' is the heart-wrenching pain of wanting someone you cant have. Sherlock could remember the exact moment he first met John Watson. And Sherlock (God I wrote Sherlcock again). Mycroft and Sherlock is a mystery novel by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anna Waterhouse. Mycroft was later informed on Christmas that he might find Adler dead and had "her" brought to the morgue of St Bartholomew's Hospital for Sherlock to identify, after which he gave Sherlock a Christmas cigarette as he seemed sad at the idea of her death. John works on his internalized homophobia and Sherlock makes it seem simple. But, he goes along with it, believing John has an entirely different motive for his affection. If you love Mycroft, go read it! When BBC transformed the well-known tales into the 21st century, a new wave of interest rose and many fans discovered Sherlock's stories for the first time. That struggle between reason and group-think is the major social issue in our country. Thanks for the reviews, guys. Combined, they become a strangely unique and unstoppable force. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (directed and co-written by Nicholas Meyer) Spock mentions an ancestor of mine, before quoting Sherlock Holmes. On those nights, he needs John to stay at home with Sherlock and look out for him. Premise number one: Mycroft asked me why I wanted him to check the CCTV. Crossovers are a popular way how to bring two different worlds, fandoms together. New Netflix film Enola Holmes gives Sherlock Holmes a family beyond his estranged brother Mycroft. Mycroft had once told Sherlock that caring was a weakness, but now, looking at John, he finds it a weakness he doesn't mind possessing. I really liked The Least of All Possible Mistakes . Moriarty is injured in the pool explosion. He is an almost entirely socially detached and calculating individual with an exceptional degree of self-control. Silent tears were coursing down Sherlock's cheeks. No Ordinary Catsworks with the concept that Mrs. Hudson adopts a cat named Sherlock. Right down to the year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Though he recognized theoutstanding genius of her superior intellect, Mycroft was aware of Eurus's disturbing personality and actions. The mere mention of her, and recallingmemories of Eurus,brought even higher guardand dread than even Charles AugustusMagnussen's name. The heart remembers. Despite the hostility/rivalry the latter maintains toward him, Mycroft cares greatly for his brother, Sherlock, although his ways of watching out for his brother are unorthodox in the extreme. The primary conceit of this novel is that Watsons stories The Final Problem, and The Empty House (which featured Holmes death and return to life) were fabrications to create a cover story for what was really going on. Sherlock was sitting up on the gurney, his hair matted with blood, a hand supporting a visibly broken arm. ("The Hounds of Baskerville") After Moriarty resurfaced, was found not guilty in the "trial of the century"(which he set himself up for) after extorting the jury, and left Sherlock with a threat of owing him a "fall," Mycroft had John brought to him at the Diogenes Club he frequents to inform him that four top international assassins, who he believed were sent by Moriarty, had moved into flats close to 221B Baker Street, and asked John to watched after Sherlock before he left since Sherlock's sibling rivalry toward him caused him to refuse Mycroft's help. It's a fun read, especially for fans who know the heroes of both fandoms well. Plot? Sherlock is known for doing various experiments. The notion of Sherrinford and the idea that Mycroft and Sherlocks family origins are unclear in the Doyle stories created fertile ground for fans to casually assert random theories as pseudo-canon. MysteryRomanceDrugsViolenceHumorSherlockThrillerFluffMurder MysteryBbc SherlockAngst Parentlock Sherlock Holmes had never seeked the company of others. Along with them, she meets many new faces. For example, according to these books, Sherlocks father died in 1860 when Sherlock was just six years old. The Holmes House is plunged into despair. I created a couple of one shots (some a bit fluffy) in my mindpalace and wanted to share them with you. The big denouement of the book is that Holmes suffered from severe trauma stemming from having witnessed his father (maybe Siger) murder his mother (maybe Violet) after having discovered that Violet was having an affair. The British Government gets in unusually violent trouble with his boss. (There Ought To Be Clowns) - daasgrrl(Pre The Final Problem, just a short one), Alone On The Water - Mad_Lori (just a very sweet Major Character Death story), (Series)In Arduis Fidelis - DontAppallMeWhenImHigh (various (including Sherlock x Magnussen), omega/alpha/beta, pretty long). Sherlock has said this to him too, as even Sherlock has friends but Mycroft has none (that he considers friends at least). For the moon boys all three of them found the one who was there equal. It's short but I really like that Mycroft and Sherlock managed to fool Sherlock for so long. In Meyers version, Holmes was actually being cured of his cocaine addiction by Sigmund Freud during this time. (There are a ton of Marys, too, at least one of which became Watsons wife, but we dont need to get into that, right now.). In the time that followed, Mycroft and their parents came to see them play on one such occasion. Mycroft needs to settle some things with the new pathologist at Barts, so he calls the lab around 11 pm to make some demands. During the meeting, Mycroft, neglecting to mention he's Sherlock's older brother, told John that Sherlock may even consider him his arch-enemy. (Originally titled John's Imaginary Friend. They're about my favourite characters of Sherlock BBC: Sherlock We are on an infinite hiatus with this show, so read up! A few weeks later, Irene started mailing him random presents from all around the world that he was supposed to gift to Sherlock in an act of courting him. He wears a ring on the ring finger of his right hand. He'd faked his death. Solution? He is on a diet, which Sherlock comments about frequently. And heres the more porny corner of the internet if youre interested in this kind of stuff: The Principal -@animelover101746via @imaginemycroftholmes blog (very good portrayal of controlling!Mycroft, basically my favourite), Sometimes You Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind - Cinderlily33 (Headmaster Holme), (Various x reader series) Untitled - homecestisbest(x Read series with various different characters though Mycroft is the recurring one, daddy!Mycroft)), Brothers Share Everything - ObsidianButterfly (Mycroft x Sherlock x Reader, slightly dom!Mycroft sub!Sherlock), The British Government'sPrivate Session - 1sherlocktogo (more sex), Visiting Mr. Holmes - Morgoth (rough sex), (series) The Adventures of Daddy Mycroft and Baby Girl - Cinderlily33 (daddy!Mycroft, plot what plot? RELATED: Sherlock (BBC): 5 Most Likeable Characters (& 5 Fans Can't Stand). Just like the Doctor and Sherlock, Sherlock and Doctor Strange or Tony Stark share some character traits. Mycroft was later informed that Sherlock had finally left his flat (after a mourning period), and had him tailed and watched to make sure he was alright. (Also, don't worry. Mycroft has a habit of kidnapping people to talk to them, instead of using more conventional methods. Mycroft also cares a lot about John, as in Eurus' last game at Sherrinford of trying to force Sherlock to choose between killing Mycroft or John in order to be granted another chance at saving the 'plane' from crashing into the city, Mycroft, despite the asset his superior intellect would contribute, tries to manipulate Sherlock into killing him over John out of regard for them both, a gesture that Sherlock himself recognized and admitted made it even harder for him to raise the gun. You might remember back in 2017 when Benedict Cumberbatchs Sherlock Holmes met his secret and criminally insane sister Eurus Holmes (Sian Brooke) in the 4th season of the BBCs Sherlock, but Enola Holmes (Millie Bobby Brown) came first. He looked at cases for the Met, he spoke to Mycroft when absolutely necessary, and he took clients when one found him and was desperate enough to push for his help. What about the Holmes parents? It should be the start of a wonderful romance, but Sherlock's past with Victor Trevor prevents him from believing that John's feelings for him are real. With the counter-terrorism project foiled, Mycroft brought Sherlock to the plane to confront his unwitting aide in its failure and apologized for pushing him into Adler's path. When Sherlock found Mary after she ran off to lure her former comrade from her family in an effort to keep them safe and convinced her to return to London after her old comrade was killed by police in Morocco, he phoned Mycroft after having a breakthrough on the word "ammo," which was instead the Latin word "amo," which means "I love," implying perhaps Lady Smallwood whose code name is "Love" and who sent AGRA into Tbilisi may have betrayed them. This is pretty much my first fanfiction ever, so they help. She's smart. and suddenly the sharp, hidden secret of Holmess teeth, closing on the soft patch of skin just below the corner of Watsons jaw, half possessive, half hungry. She didn't hurt him, but Mycroft was afterwards locked in her old cell. When Sherlock phoned him later and requested his help, Mycroft pulled strings to allow him 24 hours of unlimited access to Baskerville to help him solve his case. Characters may be a bit OOC. Though his mother abhorred Mycroft's actions of secretly institutionalizing Eurus for decades,Sherlock recognized that Mycroft had done his best considering everything regarding Eurus. I've been searching for a really long mycroft/ofc for a long time and thought I had read most of them. Then Mycroft set Sherlock on the chair and looked at him. kelly turlington first husband. kier bridgend order bags Did Sherlock or Mycroft have any children of their own? Constructive criticism and Brit-picking will be much appreciated. sherlock fanfiction mycroft protects sherlocklist of amazon trademarks sherlock fanfiction mycroft protects sherlock. The boy says.Rudi put his hands on the boy's shoulders with a dreadfully serious frown. The Holmes brothers both in fact did have a heart, and that heart was not a what but a who. Please consider turning it on! John is invalided home after he is shot in Afghanistan.Official records diagnose him with PTSD.Yet he dreams of the perfect life with an amazing man.But is the truth worse than the dream? sherlock notices mycroft is feeling lonely and down, and he, together with the wife, comes up with a plan to surprise him. Irene Adler revealed that Jim Moriarty's nickname for him was "The Iceman". Chapters: 10 chapters + prologue & epilogue Type: adventure, friendship, family, drama Rating: T Main characters: Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson (no slash / no incest) Timeline: Set after 2x01 "A Scandal in Belgravia" and before 2x02 "The Hound of Baskerville" Summary: When Mycroft mysteriously disappears somewhere in central Europe and the worst is assumed: Sherlock . He scares, especially Mycroft. (In my opinion at least), https://archiveofourown.org/works/16384976, https://archiveofourown.org/works/1148908, https://archiveofourown.org/works/2752964, https://archiveofourown.org/works/19660741 (I recomend this one! It is unknown if this is symbolic of anything. I'm not sure what. Can be pretty much anything: a character study, case fic, AU or slash (just please not PWPs or omegaverse, mpregs, etc., and definitely not Mycroft/Sherlock). Baker Street Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. - Lestrade Settling into a normal life, or what would pass for normal with a pregnant ex-army doctor and former harem keeper Omega and a consulting detective genius Alpha, ought to be relatively easy for the couple, given what has gone before. Summary: Young Sherlock was different, and his father didn't approve. Also, during the wedding of John and Mary, Sherlock had phoned Mycroft just after Mycroft had finished exercising and asked him why he was out of breath. In the case of To Sleep, Perchance to Smother Your Flatmate With a Pillow, Sherlock decides to realize a study focused on sleep. Greg comes home with a black eye and Mycroft is not happy at all.Maybe he'll soften when he hears the reasons for his lover's condition. Enola Holmes gives the siblings mother the name Eudoria Holmes, which, arguably sounds better, since there are a ton of other Violets in the Sherlock Holmes canon. As all fans of the show will know, John wasn't so lucky at dating until he met his wife Mary. Occupation: (note: if I have one of your works listed here, you can request me to link it to your Tumblr) (note 2.0: I do not ship anyone in any particular way *ok maybe a have a penchant for Smallcroft*. However, one of the oldest and best-established is Sherlock Holmes and his adventures. To be reincarnated and given a second chance was a happy occasion. Mycroft also harbors a love for vintage cinema in his home, silently quoting the lines by one of the leads. The answer is yes, but it requires even more layering to your own personal fan fiction narratives. "Yes, Mummy." Sherlock's eyes were now on Mycroft's hand. Revealing himself from his disguise to him, Mycroft then watched over the tapes of psychiatric evaluation sessions of his sister done against Mycroft's orders. Can they tame them? It was a Christmas when everything seemed to happen at once and the walls of deception that separated the Holmes brothers seemed insurmountable. Mycroft is also made fun of for his working-out. Mycroft Holmes (Gatiss) ("The Great Game"), After Irene Adler, a dominatrix with a passion for making trouble, took a number of compromising pictures of herself with a female member of the royal family, Mycroft had Sherlock and John brought to Buckingham Palace to be briefed on the case and to assign them to recover the photos, which they failed to do. He just jumped from a building. In 2017, talking about his graphic novel Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook, Abdul-Jabbar told me that creating a more roguish version of Mycroft allowed him to be more adventurous with [his] approach., But, even within Abdul-Jabbars Mycroft stories, there are some tonal shifts. Pairing is Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade. Sex in lots of different places and lots of different eras, I only like red roses if they're from you <3, I watched the second movie and ran to Word, Sherlock's shoulder actually gets tended too, no beta we die like Mycroft must have in the second movie. Told in little one-shots/snippets. In Once More, With Feeling, Sherlock and John aren't dating. The brilliant cat soon grows bored so Mrs. Hudson decides to get him a cat friend. Harry is the shadow ruler for the magical government. After two years of undercover work, Sherlock finally succeeded in dismantling Moriarty's organization but was captured in Serbia shortly afterwards. Later, Lady Smallwood gave him her private number in case he might like to get together (no doubt so he can make up for falsely suspecting her before) at the end of this episode. A lot of fics on AO3 ship Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. In their effort, American agents tried to get the phone, causing Sherlock to suspect Adler had more than compromising photos and that something big was coming, but Mycroft ordered him to leave the case be from then on and stay out of the way. 1.2K Stories. He appears to be very adept at learning languages, claiming to learn Serbian in only a couple hours, with Sherlock revealing he used to be even faster when he was younger. That is, until Jim Moriarty steps into the picture. Mycroft is shown to be much more capable of faking or maintaining a degree normalcy than his brother, whereas Sherlock is ostracized for his behaviour, Mycroft is highly respected by his peers. ("The Sign of Three") A month after the Watsons' wedding, John phoned Mycroft after discovering Sherlock in a drug den and on drugs again, and Mycroft contacted Philip Anderson and other fans of Sherlock's to search his flat for drugs, and Sherlock explained his drug relapse was part of a plan for a case involving blackmailing media mogul Charles Augustus Magnussen, after which Mycroft sent Anderson and the others away with a threat not to reveal what they have heard and warned Sherlock not to go against Magnussen, or else he will go against him too (because Magnussen was a government asset who is useful, it would later be revealed). Sherlock had no intention of stopping, he did not care about his life, until Moriarty made good on that promise with something that the two brothers never thought possible or expected. Throughout this episode, Mycroft was consulted by Sherlock for information on various people, including whether Moriarty had ever had an interest in Margaret Thatcher (Mycroft said he had been involved in various international crimes, but nothing specific to Thatcher in the last year of his life), and on the elite freelance assassin group AGRA (whose backfired mission in Tbilisi, Georgia Mycroft explained to have been the reason he made the call to end the British government's use of freelancers). :) Thank you. The Letter in the Wallbrings back one of the most frightening villains fromDoctor Who - the Weeping Angels. A collection of one-shots in the Enola Holmes movies fandom! It's sometimes easy to forget that there's more to John Watson than just being Sherlock's sidekick and good friend. When Sherlock was later shot during the course of his case and mysteriously vanished from his hospital room before he could be questioned as to who did it, Mycroft gave DI Lestrade knowledge of two additional bolt-holes where Sherlock is known to go when in need of keeping out of sight. Some fluff , some smut , each 'one shot' is usually over 20,000 words so they're more li A modern century man died and found himself reincarnated back in time of the 19th century France. Sherlock heard Mycroft's voice in his head, telling him that love was the stupidest thing a person . And Mycroft. accident on roselle rd in schaumburg, il Likes ; alan partridge caravan Followers ; pitt county jail bookings twitter Followers ; harry and louis holding hands Subscriptores ; studio apartment for rent in mill basin Followers ; slip and fall payouts australia Because Sherlock Holmes fandom is so much older than most other fandoms, its tough to find the line between amateur fanfic and professional pastiches. Just over three weeks later, Mycroft was contacted by Mrs Hudson, Sherlock's landlady, for an unknown reason, and despite her violation of traffic laws, stood down the police confronting her from over the phone. There is no correct order to read this book. There are many older fandoms such as Star Trek. Very slow burn Sherlock/OC, it barely exists in this one. In a sense, Meyer gave Holmes an origin story much like Batmans, but in this version, the hero sees one of his parents act horribly, in response to the other parent committing a lesser crime. Sherlocks occasionally inconsistent sense of justice could be described as having stemmed from this. Despite this,Mycroft does hold a measure of sentiment for his younger sister, occasionally speaking toEurus andexchanging consultations ofher genius insight with 'treats' such asa violin and, despite the extreme danger that in part came from it, a genuine unsupervised conversation with Jim Moriarty for five minutes. Fifth installment in the series, takes place between The Great Game and A Scandal In Belgravia and focuses on John and Sherlock learning to navigate their new relationship. Greg comes home with a black eye and Mycroft is not happy at all. She also publishes in a number of Czech magazines. He also cares about his parents very much, as he keeps them informed as to whether Sherlock may have relapsed on drugs and, though definitely misguided, he also lied to them about Eurus and said she died in a fire after being taken away, feeling this was kinder than telling them what she had become (a complete psychopath). Nationality: When these two men clash, it's fun to read and this light-hearted fic will help the readers relax. . Eurus was institutionalized at age five after her psychosis caused her to kidnap Sherlock's best friend Victor Trevor in jealousy (she killed him) and also to burn down their home of Musgrave. Mycroft is Sherlock's one protector, the only one he can trust when Father's gotten angry. how to get a towing contract with geico university of west london ranking world university of west london ranking world He also wonders if Sherlock knew about the frankly startling protectiveness John has apparently transferred to his only surviving kin. The mind is weak. Kath has loved movies, TV, and literature ever since she was a child and her father first played Star Trek for her. Allison Cooper is not your average girl. This notion of overlapping narratives is probably the easiest way for a casual (or serious) Holmes fan to sort out the competing truths. He just hasnt quite realized yet what the driving force behind that instinct really is. He suddenly wonders if this is what Sherlock saw in him, that first day. Sherlock was becoming like a wraith, a shadow that passed through London's crowds without making contact. "He's going to help take care of you. No, Sherlock was hiding this. Holmes Boys #6: When People Die. It is mentioned in "The Final Problem" that, along with tradition, he remains seven years Sherlock's senior in the BBC adaption. And that heart had ceased to exist ever since he had become QuarterMaster. Sherlock is a dragon, a fact he's kept hidden from John, even if he hasn't managed to keep his need to hoard items completely from him. As he dismissed the official about feeling sentiment for Sherlock, he briefly told the official "You know what happened to the other one". Parents: Government official, "the British Government"[1] He is thin, wiry, unhealthy. He stated he was looking for answers as to what drove his brother off the rails, and asked John's impute while wondering why Sherlock had fixated on Smith. He also is shown to have the ability to hack into cash machines and make them display messages he wants the user to see. Sure enough, there it was. He is also implied to have a great say over certain policies: the fact that the British Government stopped using freelance agents for missions after the incident in Tbilisi is his initiative. But they're all good reads! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just please dont force it down peoples throats. Probably smarter than him. ("The Six Thatchers"). - Unknown sherlock fanfiction mycroft protects sherlockmichigan high school wrestling team rankings 2022 Rudolph "Rudy" Holmes (paternal uncle, only mentioned by Mycroft) He later called John again after Sherlock had tried to assault a certain Culverton Smith, and had him brought to Baker Street after going there with some others and finding a meth lab in the kitchen. Some fluff, but pretty dark. It turns out to bring them together. During the brief conversation, Mycroft stated Sherlock was a security concern and that his being Sherlock's brother wouldn't affect that any more than the last time (revealing there was another Holmes sibling). In the case of To Sleep, Perchance to Smother Your Flatmate With a Pillow, Sherlock decides to realize a study focused on sleep. Sherlock ultimately succeeded in thwarting the terrorist plot(an attempt to blow Westminster Palace and wipe out the parliament, headed by Lord Moran who was arrested quickly afterwards), and their parents came into town for a concert Mycroft had promised to take them to, yet he comically called Sherlock to ask him to come and take over at the interval, not enjoying himself at all. At the airport, Mycroft saw Sherlock off after he was given a last talk with John Watson, however, quickly called him back when every TV screen in the country was hacked to show a video of Jim Moriarty repeating "Did you miss me?" Mycroft is fluent in Serbian. However, Sherlock knows that John has been searching his stuff, and may be aware of what Mycroft has done (and what he has asked John to do). His wife thinks he's having an affair with Mycroft. ((I'm not good at descriptions!)) While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mostly, though, he just withdrew into himself. And considering both Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes belong among the most popular British fandoms, it won't come as a surprise that a lot of fics like to combine them to create something new and refreshing. A week has passed since the disappearance of Victor Trevor. Before she started working for the government she had an carreer as detective, this is were she met Sherlock H A 20 year old, who was suffering found herself in love with her savior. Mycroft Holmes is Sherlock Holmes' and Eurus Holmes' brother and is traditionally older by seven years. Sherlock and Mycroft dedication scene from Sherlock season 3 episode 1 [4] In this episode, it is also asserted that his priority level is "Ultra". It is the second novel in their "Mycroft Holmes" series utilizing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 's characters of Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes. Another John-oriented story focuses more on the romantic side of his life, his relationships. Arriving the next morning, Mycroft was again disrespected by Mrs Hudson, before explaining the traumatic events regarding Eurus from their childhood that led to her incarceration. Casual at living life, enjoying it sometimes and then enjoying the bizar. However, despite his lack of romantic interests, it is suggested that he is not a virgin unlike his brother Sherlock. There are signs throughout the series that Sherlock Holmes is right about Mycroft's high position in the UK Government, such as his ability to control CCTV cameras at will. Nothing can stay secret for long, however, when one's mate is a master sleuth and lacks self-preservation skills. Enola Holmes is streaming now on Netflix. She then arrived to confront Mycroft and tried to blackmail him and the government with her camera phone's contents, however, Sherlock finally cracked its password, gave it to Mycroft to make up for having ruined the project, and they refused Adler's plea for help despite knowing she won't be able to avoid her enemies for long without the phone's protection. Unexplained occurrences begin to happen to John and his friends, and he slowly discovers the truth about the one he loves.