Klaus says the French Quarter is Marcel's home and if he is welcome, he would like to stay for awhile. Marcel is described as hot, sexy, handsome and very attractive. He had ended dying, too complicated and confusing to explain but Elijah had ended up dead for a few episodes. After Tristan de Martel was disposed of, Marcel became the leader of the Strix. A daydreamer, wordsmith, charmer, camera-poser, and hodophile are her other personalities to explore. Klaus chooses to protect Marcel by daggering Kol. When are we all going to learn that bringing back dead supernatural beings is the WORST POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM? He then gets a call from Cami telling him she'll use Finn's feelings as an advantage. In The Devil is Damned, Marcel goes to The Bayou to warn Hayley that Finn knows about Hope. Elijah tries hard to stop Marcel and Klaus, but Marcel gets shot and dies during the scuffle. Super Speed: They are also considerably much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. (I'm still trying to recover from Klaus' epic failure last Tuesday.) So he can compel him. In The Map of Moments, he helps Cami not to be possessed by Rebekah. I might be a little biased since this is my sign, but come on, it's Beyonce. However, the two celebrated the victory until Marcel returned to his loft to find Josh unconscious and the captive Sofya missing, as the Mikaelsons learned the auction had just been a distraction in a larger scheme made by Lucien Castle. Marcel was also banished from the French Quarter by Elijah due to Rebekah and his great betrayal from 1919. Marcel then gets his nightwalkers inside, and inside the nightwalker bar he confronts Josh about being a spy for Klaus. Later, he asked Davina for help in creating daylight rings for his vampires but she refused, saying that as new Regent of the witches, she couldn't risk looking like a vampire sympathizer. However, after seven years together, Rebekah rejects Marcel when he proposed to her because she wants to put her family first. And Haylijah fans will be happy to hear that . What episode does Lucien die? When he woke up, Davina was gone and he tried to get Vincent, Kol, and the Regent Van Nguyen to revive her immediately, worried it was too late. Once the spell was completed, Marcel took Davina to his loft, fearing Klaus' retaliation but she was furious with him for not believing in her and trying to stop the spell. Biographical information If you can sing like her, too, it's a plus. The other vampires gather and surround Marcel. Slave (Formerly)Klaus' Protg (Formerly)Soldier (Formerly) Leader of the New Orleans VampiresLeader of his Vampire ArmyLeader of The Strix (Formerly)The Hollow's anchor to the living world (Formerly)Prisoner (Formerly) Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. He lets Rebekah know he's in charge and everything in New Orleans is his. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'viebly_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',610,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Marcels fate is full of mystery and uncertainties, making him one of the most desirable characters of the series. Marcel denied any of his vampires being responsible, reminding him that he wasn't the only vampire in the city. Marcel went to the Cauldron and addressed the witches, acknowledging that they had five years of peace but now their witch problems were becoming him. Marcel recalls the last time he saw her (when Mikael was burning the city down and they fled). After a summer fling, Cami and Marcel remain good friends until Cami's death in No More Heartbreaks. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, Marcel is still grieving Davina's death. He returned home and continued living with the Mikaelsons; Klaus and his siblings Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol at their compound. The story revolves around the vampire families and their tussle with the werewolves. At The Abattoir he interrogates Kol. After last week's bloody, game-changing episode left everyone in peril, The Originals will return with "From a Cradle to a Grave". After a heated debate where Kol told Marcel he was never a Mikaelson, Marcel agreed with him, saying he was happy that he wasn't. (What a bitch.) The next day, Marcel and Klaus are in a bar. Marcel apologizes to Klaus for bringing Mikael to town all those years ago. However, right before his death, he wanted to live happily. Indebted, Marcel thanks him. On how they need her help to bring back Kol. The fight seemed to be going poorly, with Mohinder easily beating down Marcel. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the recent murders in the city where it looked like compulsion was involved. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, Marcel is still in exile on the other side of New Orleans tries to enlist Thierry to take back the city. Lucien was on the roll and bit him which made his death a surprise considering he was a Mikaelson. Later, he meets with Klaus in Lafayette Cemetery, where Klaus admits that he was never a good father to Marcel and that he had failed him, to his eternal shame. Before that was Mystic Falls and he built a school for her. Marcel went to desperate lengths to protect her as he loves her like his own daughter, but the event could not be avoided and Davina eventually agreed to go along with it for the sake of the town's citizens. #1 Kol Michaelson | Does Marcel Die In The Originals? Eventually Marcel finds out that Cami has discovered the supernatural world due to Klaus compelling her and using her for his plans to reclaim New Orleans. Unlike previous synopses for episodes throughout the season, the synopsis for The Originals' Season 1 finale is strikingly vague. It had been revealed in the series that Marcel is the one who drove the werewolves out of the French Quarter in the 1990s, and was also the man who hired Brynne Deveraux (not knowing she was actually possessed by Cleste Dubois) to place the original Crescent Curse on the Crescent Wolf Clan. Vincent demanded that Marcel get the Mikaelsons back to New Orleans so he could heal Hope from the power that was draining the life from her, even going so far as to say she was in a way, Marcel's sister, since he was Klaus' adopted son. Meanwhile, at Camille's she has left post it notes all over her house reminding her not to trust Klaus. He plans on keeping Klaus in there for 52 years. Rebekah says she thought he was dead and accuses Marcel of being afraid of Klaus. In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, along-with his vampire army, he gets stuck in the Abattoir when Finn casts a boundary spell on it. In returning to New Orleans after a century, Klaus reunites with Marcel who has taken over his previous position as King. Rebekah is pissed and hurt because he chose Klaus over her again. Of course, I expect "From a Cradle to a Grave" to shock us all and leave us sobbing over having to wait until Fall 2014 for the series' return. Does Marcel die in the Originals? His desire to see the Mikaelson pay for the crimes grew so great that he was able to be goaded by Rebekah into stabbing Klaus with Papa Tunde's blade instead of killing him, Rebekah claiming that she wanted to see him suffer rather than die. Below, TV Fanatics Miranda Wicker, Kelly Thompson and. Suddenly the werewolves come and bring a dead vampire with them. Shen broke free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. When the ancient vampire society known as The Strix arrives in New Orleans, they approached Marcel and offered him a place among their ranks as a war was brewing between the three remaining sirelines of vampires. She not only lost her Uncle, but her brother Sean earlier and in the later seasons her own life. He is also very brave, being one of the very few who can speak defiantly in Klaus' presence without worrying about his own life in the process. Marcel and Cami almost share a kiss when Diego interrupts to tell him about what happened with Thierry. Das Orakel Die Enthullung Der Jubeljahr Geheimnis Recognizing the way ways to acquire this book Das Orakel Die Enthullung Der Jubeljahr Geheimnis is additionally useful. Marcels changing characteristics and storyline gave him a huge fan base. supernatural, miraclebaby, tvdfa. Now on his deathbed, Josh recalls the first day he met Marcel and how loyalty was the very thing that made Marcel spare his life. Conclusion. If she earns those ten points, then Vincent will drop the spell that's keeping her here. Now Klaus gets the point and is getting ready to fight. Aya countered that Davina was a former Regent and it was a shame she only joined them after her shunning. Killed by He asks Josh if he has any luck on that dating site he's on. Tristan agreed and asked him to come with them so he could see everything being a member of The Strix really had to offer him. He returned as a decorated hero. One of Marcel's followers comes to give him news of some killings of the local vampires. Unfortunately for fans like myself the show is ending, season five is going to be the last. Then he gets a call from Klaus who informs him that Davina has escaped and he goes to him to find out what happened. Vincent asked Marcel if The Strix might have something to heal Cami but Marcel regretfully explained that The Strix didn't have a solution for something that never existed before like Lucien's poison. His sad demise was enough to make us weep for a few nights. He takes his role as leader seriously and enforces the rules he made without fail, though he is not above getting carried away since he supposedly killed a witch in front of many viewers for this reason, though its revealed that said witch used magic and took part in the harvest ritual where she had her own daughter sent to her death. He then encourages Josh to get Davina to practice magic again for her own protection, which Josh does. After collecting Lucien's blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening condition. When the time came and Marcel still held the charter, he was named the new leader of the ancient vampire society, having used his cunning instead of brute force to make up for the age difference between him and his rival candidates. Lucien Castle (Season 3, episode 20) The Originals 3x10 - Tristan gets trapped by Cami . Proving to their Aunt Dahlia that he was ruthless, he had ripped Gia's daylight ring off and forced her into the sunlight while making Elijah watch her burn right in front of him. One can easily fall in love with this sweet character. Later, Davina learned of the secrets Marcel had been keeping from her and lost her trust in him. Last seen Elijah relented and Aya seethed over her loss. The CW. In fact, Marcel has so far been seen to actually permanently kill someone only five times: One was with Jane-Anne, and the other was with Bastianna. Just after Cami died at the Lucien's hands (or teeth, if you want to get technical), The Originals said goodbye to Davina in "Where Nothing Stays Buried." After swearing to Vincent, Kol and Marcel that she would do everything in her power to bring the witch back from the dead, Freya sacrificed Davina to defeat Lucien . He's persuaded the humans to look the other way, chased away the werewolves and locked down the witches with some kind of secret. He told him that he'd have until sunrise to try and figure out who took his ring and then get it from them, despite The Strix members mostly being far older than Marcel. The " what episode does tristan die in the originals " is a question that has been asked for years. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_(given_name), 'The Vampire Diaries' Creators Break Down Season 4 | EWs BINGE | Entertainment Weekly. In Chasing the Devil's Tail, Marcel is part of a plan to trap Finn after that's successful. Marcel takes that as meaning she knows that she's not okay. She explained that his role was simple: he would go into the compound under the guise of friendship, stab Elijah with the cursed stake and free Tristan; rescuing their leader and imprisoning the head of their sireline in a single swift move. Rebekah brings Davina back and gives her to Marcel who takes care of her. Once in possession of the moonlight rings they had stolen from Hayley and the Crescents, Francesca and their brothers triggered their curses and used the rings to control their transformation, allowing them to bite all of the vampires in Marcel's Army and leave them for dead. Marcel was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1810 to a female slave and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. You can also watch the spin-off series, Legacies on Netflix as well. He tries to get Cami to help a resurrected Davina after the latter is suffering from PTSD. Klaus, as a peace offering, gives Marcel some of his blood so Marcel can give it to the man he bit. Now for those predictions: Davina and Cami are joining forces to take down Klaus? Marcel finds Rebekah on the balcony and greets her. In Gather Up the Killers, Marcel had run New Orleans for five years after defeating the Mikaelsons and capturing Klaus. Marcel caves and takes Rebekah to see Elijah. The Vampire Diaries told the story of a girl who was thrust into a supernatural world. He changed his temperaments according to his needs. Marcel rants about them being the villains in Lucien's story, and how foolish he was to ever trust them. Aiden was a werewolf who had a romantic relationship with Josh, a vampire.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'viebly_com-banner-1','ezslot_15',612,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-banner-1-0'); Well, worry not! He lets Sabine use her magic to track Hayley which she does to the bayou. He reveals he had Josh lift the key Kieran had to protect Cami as people would come for it. Klaus tells Marcel about all of his indiscretions, Marcel takes everything in stride. Marcel deeply grieved Davina's death and avoided ruling the French Quarter for some time. What Does It Mean When Someone Shares A Note On Instagram In 2023? Unpleased by the Cami stunt, Marcel gives her a dressing down in a manner that can almost be equated to threats. He then takes Kol offscreen in Davina's Room. Marcel gave the white oak bullet to Elijah but after some debate among Elijah and his newly revived brothers, Kol Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson, he didn't destroy it, instead opting to keep it save, much to Marcel's chagrin. Marcel has been able to greatly stagger Klaus with a single punch, knocking him off balance, in another episode he managed to disarm Klaus of Papa Tunde's dagger with only one hand and during the penultimate episode, he went toe-to-toe with Klaus and even if very briefly, dominated the fight before inevitably being defeated by the Original Hybrid. Does Ash Die In Euphoria? Marcel Gerard As Marcel was the potential threat to the lives of Mikaelsons, they decided to stop him at any cost! Klaus then gave him the name Marcellus, meaning "little warrior", which has been shortened to Marcel. He asked Elijah to just comply with the added security and to stay put so The Strix could find the last white oak. No, Marcel did not die in the Originals. So, let's think about this Klaus would be heartbroken if he actually had to kill his surrogate son and it would make him wildly unpopular with fans for doing it. After a conversation with Josh, he goes to Thierry in the Garden because Thierry is the only one he trusts. Marcel had began his plan to reclaim the French Quarter with Thierry, Diego, and many other vampires by his side leading to an all out war: Marcel's Army vs. Klaus, Elijah and the Crescent Wolf Pack. He later sleeps with Cami after she was almost killed after Kieran had a psychotic episode and they had been drinking, with Marcel taking a dream web he realized a witch was using to spy on Cami.