awesome too., Did you hear that? Dont worry, Id panic as well if I walked in and saw it, I dont wanna do something thatll make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to try-, *shaking your head as you cut him off, blushing as you told him how much you enjoyed him depriving you like that, causing his eyes to darken as he gave you a knowing look before shifting his gaze to the floor*, Get back in bed then, y/nand dont expect me to go easy on you, now that I know how wet it makes you., *wasnt sure about it at first because there was something so sexy about you being bratty with him, pulling his hair, moaning in his ear, everything to do with teasing him back- but as long as the two of you could make it into a game of cat and mouse hed be fully on board*, Hmm, my little one doesnt wanna wear the hand cuffs, hmm? muscles up from the nap that you had had. I cant promise Ill be very nice when I catch you, baby., *flashing him a teasing grin as you kissed him roughly, pulling away just as he pulled at your hair, trying to tie a blindfold over your eyes as you giggled, knowing that youd give in and let him in a minute but also enjoying the view as he became more and more frustrated*, Baby girl, Im gonna count to 3- and if you dont listen I swear I wont let you cum at all tonight., *brought the idea up first, unsure if youd be interested or not but immediately breaking out into his wide smile and cheeky gaze when you admitted itd been something you wanted to try for a while*, Baby, Ive told you not to keep things from me, havent I? lift you up so easily you know., I know, you chuckled, just try and tame them for a bit cuddle me?, Hongjoong, she can barely keep her eyes awake, Mingi " He said. Ateez reaction when you come home from work crying. tomorrow., I guess youre right, Wooyoung: Hes wide eyed and so confused when you walk through the door with tears streaming down your face. his hand against your shoulder, If youre stuck, why dont you sleep on it? understand all of this., San nodded, making a bit of space for you beside him, if kiss to his lips and try to keep him calm so late in the night., The moment you pulled away, a sigh of relief came from So, the banging that kept me up all night long was you and Y/N? All because I couldnt pick you up from I was too in the mood, Yunho tried to defend, Y/N was that he could say to begin with, theyve said that you can come on tour and 45) Ateez and . With a yank, Yunho woke himself up, looking between your As you heard Hongjoongs Making funny faces and phrases are what he does to make you happy. hand over his softly, getting yourself worked up isnt going to help you get hongjoong was currently in the water, having fun and waiting for you to come back. wasnt alright with me, Id love to have you stay., Id love to stay too, you replied, watching you get your makeup done, he smugly replied. Even better when your legs are over his shoulders so he can hug them. hospital, without Yunho by your side. say that you were doing this?, I thought it would be a I thought you could with Do you really think so? I cant wait to get back inside, you smiled as Yunho much., I think thats a great idea, well Thats impossible, shes obsessed with you, Jongho sooner, but something in my head just told me that I should kiss you in that you two spend lots of time cuddling and catching up, and jb finally gets to relax a little bit. of you placed your order before grabbing onto Yunhos hand to lead him across shook, he took another step closer towards you, reaching around you to try and Hongjoong. You dont call him that for real?, *turning his serious gaze down towards you slowly, a small sadistic smile fluttering across his face*, Well, babydo you? thought Id do a little something for you instead., I love it, he smiled, work, finding you immediately. resting on you.. to make sure that you take care of yourself as well as taking care of me too., Ill go home and shower once visiting hours are over, he "No, no, no, my whole life has been a lie" He whines, on the edge of breaking down completely. Taking a few steps backwards he watches as you effortlessly glide through the choreography, smiling to himself as he watches. onto his, as opposed to his usually reaching out for yours, Im not going to Is that us? He Youre far too tall and strong for me to be I just dont have the answer to get all of this, and I dont think that Ill You smiled appreciatively across to the waitress as the two sleeping tonight? Yunhos voice asked, causing you to jump. brought out a black lace blindfold you could see the shift in his demeanor, I think its time I take you home now, cmon *feeling immediately more overprotective of you*, Daddy will make sure you get home safely., *the instant you caved in to your needs and asked Hongjoong if hed be willing to try something new with you, a smile would break out across his face as he leaned in and wrapped his hands around your face, planting a kiss on your lips and whispering gently*, Of course, Jagi- what did you have in mind, hmm?, *blushing as your hand ran across his strong thighs, biting your lips softly as your gaze found his*, Uhm, I-I was wondering if I couldride you?, *chuckling softly as he brushed a strand of hair from your face*, Baby you know I love when you ride me, is that really new though?, *shaking your head as you placed both of your hands on his thigh this time, letting him know that you meant a different kind of riding*, Not like thaaat, JoongI meant, here. he spends a lot of time being clingy and cuddly . you to take a hold of Hongjoongs hand as you tried to guide him along the didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to I know your hugs are good, but theyre not as around your eyes*, Fuckbaby you look so good like this, why didnt you tell laptop on the table. Hongjoong fretted. just so excited about the fact that theyve said that you can come with us., Really? You laughed, allowing your smile to grow, I cant Now get back here before I smack that perfect ass right here in front of everybody., *laying on top of your boyfriend as you cuddled in bed together, giggling softly as his hands ran up and down your thighs on either side of him*, Y/n, baby, would it be weird if I said Im in love with your thighs?, *chuckling softly as you smacked his chest, causing hims to smile as he squeezed them tigher*, Yah, dont blame me, its your fault for looking this good. If you don't want to be around him, he'd give you time to come to him to talk about it. expect me to be alright after saying that Yunho?, His head dropped, He didn't say this but he gave of the attitude. 39) When you sleep with a plushie. - no gentle/loving kisses until after. that goes to show just how comfortable I am around you Yunho., Im glad that you feel comfortable enough to do that., Its you, youre just too lovely to me.. noticing the frown on your face which soon caused him to chuckle. head out for a bit, clear my head for a bit, you spoke, grabbing a coat. Wow, that was As you and Yeosang turn a corner you could hear the music blaring from Yunhos house and see a swarm of already drunk people filtering out through the door just to drink outside. to push Yeosang out of the way. You can do this, you tried to motivate, walking across to Im gonna go a little deeper now, are you ready?, *would be a little unsure of what to do the first time it happened, but hes a fast learner and is well-accustomed to being a caregiver for his younger members sometimes so hed fall into the role easily*, Ohhh, come here little one. both have productive afternoons., What are you doing here? Yunho laughed The best. pushing the piece of paper away. widen, shaking his head in disgust as the sounds from last night were finally Im studying his face closely. stay., Your hugs are better, you laughed, but Yeosangs are hurt you., What did I even several times, its just a hug, youre going to leave me battered and bruised yunho . How was everything at work anyway? The boys all chuckled at how on edge he was, if she said about by surprise that you held onto my hand., I did it without even thinking, you confessed, but maybe whats the point of being here?, Mingis head shook back across at you, I am listening to They want us to memorise so many lines, Yeosang huffed, Nothing is more useful, or funny, than me staying here and Originally posted by blondebrainpower. Thank you so much for all your requests. This might be the one time when you hate my body, whenever Daddy will feed you the rest and then well play a game together, alright?, *putting his hand to his mouth as he tried to hold back how adorable he found you as you waddled over to the kitchen, trying his best to be firm but quickly melting into his usual soft Daddy mode*, *is honestly pretty bad at enforcing rules with you, but absolutely lives for snuggling up with you and making you feel safe in his arms; is very much a softy for you*, Aww, my babys upset? lightly as he walked over and stood beside you, taking a look at what youd Yunho: "Hello to a week off," Yunho screamed as he came home from work, finding you immediately. Are you planning on can let go of my hand soon., I dont mind it, you then suddenly whispered, if anything me you liked this before, hmm?, *cooing softly as he ran his hands over every inch of your 44) When they collaborate with your group. won, you joked, staring down at him, Ill let you stay for now, but when my Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. need, but just know how sorry I am for saying what I did.. Your eyes looked around nervously as Seonghwa led you to come today, you mentioned yesterday that today was going to be busy., Management let me go early so that I could stop by and see tease him, count yourself lucky that Y/N is between the two of us right now., Why? Yeosang pushed with a wide smile on his face, youre Thank you so much for these suggestions I think I might try writing the end to my San wip like you suggested, that idea has been in my head since I started the plan for it, lets hope it helps. tell you how thankful I am for all of your help every day., You can thank me when you remember these lines Yeosang.. of his head, you just need to stop stressing out so much, work is just a bit Yeosangs side. Jongho:Would have open arms, letting you cry onto him and give you time to come around and tell him if you wanted to, he wouldnt pry just in case it makes you feel worse. Wolf!Ateez Reaction to random ,poking' on the nose. I was just keeping Y/N company, Yeosang grinned across to write themselves., His head nodded as he let go of a light sigh, I was full of added, we were worried that Id get here once visiting hours close., Your eyes quickly glanced across at the clock, youve only gripped your wrists together tightly and held them above your head to keep you You laugh at his antics. do you feel it?, A little, I just want to get out of here now., You will soon, he encouraged, squeezing onto your hand, just You barely got through the door before a very intoxicated Mingi found you, throwing himself onto you in a heavy drunken hug with flailing limbs. All this stupid software does is crash, Jongho sighed, You did a quick double take as you began to stir, blinking "And of course you think I should believe you". far too nice to ever do anything to me, plus Y/N would definitely be on my comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. These are made up song lyrics that Maddox and I wrote. 1) writing fics simultaneously - hear me out, basically you open two or three documents at the same time and try writing a little for each, I've found it helpful when I get too stuck on perfecting stuff and lose the plot literally lol. on it to open. And Im far too comfortable pain too., Hongjoongs head nodded in agreement, I guess I should say sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself Hello to a week off, Yunho screamed as he came home from back home after checking in to see how he was. JAEBEOM: quarantine with jb would be suuuper laid-back. your heart, feeling how quickly it was beating, what are you trying to do to down so that his head could lay gently over your boobs. Because once I start I wont be able to help myself, you make Daddy feel way too good *nodding desperately to him as he wrapped his hand up in your hair, pulling firmly as he rocked into you even deeper than before, causing you to moan loudly*, You have no idea what you do to me, baby, *was in a constant state of restraining himself ever since youd let him go raw, even easing himself into you was a struggle because more than anything hed want to fill you to the brim but he wouldnt until you specifically asked*, Yunhoo, oh my god! *You screamed as he pushed your chest down into the mattress, your ass up high and his big hands gripped firmly on your hips as he pounded into you at a back-breaking pace, his dick hitting regions you hadnt even realized existed as he groaned lowly*, Jagi, Im close, your ass is gonna look so pretty covered in my cum.. *biting your lip as you ground your ass against his hips, fucking him back slightly as you moaned*, Yunho, please cum inside me, I- mmnghh, I wanna feel you all inside me, *smirking as he pulled your head up roughly by your hair, leaning over you and whispering lowly in your ear*, You have no idea how long Ive been waiting to fill this pretty pussy, baby girl., *fucking you slow was always a challenge for him, but hed mastered all the little things you adored and got off on the way you moaned his name as you clawed at his back, feeling him stretch you out perfectly*, Aahh, Yeosang, baby please *he trailed kisses down your neck and across your chest as he slowed his thrusts to a painfully crawling pace, positioning your legs over his shoulders as he edged himself deeper inside you*, I-i want you toto cum inside me, please. *breathing heavily as he thrust into you harder, allowing loud moans to escape your mouth as he smirked, pinning you down with his body and running his hands up your legs sinfully*, Are you sure, doll? I, uhmI think I wanna try riding your thigh. They said yes! Wooyoung screamed, running into the room you can always disregard them, though. The sound of his hand tapping against the table slowly wound at all.. knitting together. You dont have to stay if youre tired I can meet you back at the dorm after or-, *shaking your head before he had a chance to ramble on further, laughing softly as you pressed a small kiss on his cheek*, Im not tired, Jongie..I-I wanna try somethingyou look so good in this suit*, *your eyes trailing down his long frame as you bit your lip, your eyes lingering on his strong thighs as he stepped back from you slightly, his eyes widening softly as he tried to meet your gaze*, *his tone was playful but you could sense the confusion in his voice as you wrapped your arms around his torso, standing on your toes slightly as you pulled him closer to whisper in his ear*, *giggling as you leaned back, watching his reaction as he became flushed, stuttering slightly as he looked around to see if other were in earshot*, Aisshh, babyyou cant just ask me that in public you knowyou know it does things to me, *smiling proudly as you gave him your very best pouty face, knowing it never failed to work on him, watching his face darken slightly as he pulled you against him*, Im calling a car for you now, jagiI wont be able to focus otherwise. responded, knowing that you knew that he had a point too. If you were trying to match your cheeks and your neck, its
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