How big or small a role it plays in that story is completely up to you - but no matter what kind of magic system you're devising, you need to know it inside and out. For your points about my magic system: yes, I know magic isnt real, so I will have to break some physical laws in my fictional world. This suggests that telepathy and telekinesis (at least if I go with something like your suggestion) imply some form of teleportation. Occasionally you may want an arbitrary system it adds humor and entertainment to Harry Potter. Each of these works with each other and the level of each step determine how much oomph the next step has to produce an effect in our world. Or does it speed up molecules/atoms to heat up an object (if we have mostly realistic world)? Should I make what Interferers can do more specific (not just adding-energy-to-system)? Nullify and boost it? A curse rang out as he knew he should of just got up instead of trying to weave when he was too tired to focus. Who will use magic: the protagonist (hard magic), or the antagonist / side characters (soft magic)? Everything is what she deems fair. :). These individualized magic systems can be a great way to make characters stand out, but they also come with their own challenges. We've covered limitations in several parts already, whether it's how powerful spells are or how much power you can gain, but it's important to emphasize limitations again. In the TV show Im writing, there are dryads, nymphs, and naiads, which are all parts of nature. Would it be possible to gain power in your universe or is everybody limited to what talent they're born with? > how are you handling the problem that (I would imagine) youd have to assign EVERY object/environ in your game world a energy attribute/variable. There are 4 main types of magic systems in fantasy. Weve seen them move and break rock, so it follows that they could make a hole through a mountain. Magic would be cheaply acquired from soil the plant cant grow in, and they wouldnt have to worry about getting sick from overeating it. Caster is Eco, Given controls animals, which is basically mind control. A damned if you do, damned if you dont scenario. In real history governments & monarchies & over influential groups typically only become so due to Power, which they get from either, Food, Armies, Technology or Money (and usually one of those can help get you any of the others)- but in a fantasy world Magic would be on that list (the extent of which would depend on its abilities but regardless a group of Mages would without a doubt. Why is it important for a hard magic system to have rules? weft threads could determine the properties of the warp threads, i.e. It could range from absolutely anything to a single effect such as moving objects or pausing time. A substance can be traded on the market, gods can be prayed to, and individuals might be sensitive to magical energy or maybe everyone has machines that do it all for them. Caster is Shocker, Given is Air and Weather In the first book, Ron doesnt know any troll-slaying spells, so he uses the Levitating Spell to knock out a mountain troll instead. Dryads represent trees but usually can move about unless they are hamadryads which are locked to a particular tree than a tree type. I just made it up, I had no idea there was a magic system out there that was so similar. I gave the most basic rundown I could. (Incidentally has one of the worst magic systems in literary history). this is all super helpful! Sorry about the comment length and the long worldbuilding paragraph. Ive found this post while looking any information about making own magic system for an cRPG. Thats because Disney movies are based on fairy tales and fairy tales dont write up rules for magic. Life is movement and if part of nature isnt moving (even the earth) then it resembles death and not life. Another way of looking at sources is from a material point of view. Because the setting is divided into nations that correspond with the elements, the Avatar is the only person who symbolically belongs to all the nations. Some extra stuff: There could be plots in which some would try to exploit/affect this source of energy but there could be a mental cost, such as suffering and being unable to think straight, for those who had to provide it. These symptoms will get worse over time. If it was merely about Harry learning magic more of that logic would be needed. VINE DWELLER, based off of forest nymphs from folklore in design, moderate chance of getting medium to strong Eco magic, extremely rare chance to get weak magic of another Type as well. Its important to define what the magic user can manipulate and how/why. As you can see there's a lot to explore, but if you're looking for names you're at the right place. If I were you, I would make sure every complication you have is something thats important to you. In my world, magical ability isnt something youre born with, or ordained its contracted, and the Mages Guild, who hold tremendous political sway, (as their magical abilities provide a fundamental key to the functioning of the expansionist Empire that serves as the primary backdrop/Antagonist) is whisking people away in an attempt to stop that fact becoming common knowledge and keep their power consolidated. I like your idea about the gods randomly interacting with the world. Here we will get into seven different bases to help you create your unique magic system. (I wont deal with it here and now, as this reply is getting too long already and you never mentioned it in your comment). Certain effects that were considered: See the LessWrong articles Universal Fire and Universal Law for one explanation of how all physical laws are tied together. Magic, though commonplace, isnt an essential element in fantasy fiction. Will have to give it some thought. It requires words of power, and a magical energy called Deathlight, which is obtained by killing ghosts. The key traits of a soft magic system are outlined in the graphic below. Obviously you can also combine both ideas, just because you can combine spells doesn't mean you have to. They will be, Time and Space, Light and Darkness, and Mind and Body. Many systems treat magic as energy similar to heat, magnetism, electricity, or movement. Heat Because the powers are not very hard to control, Givens are feared and supposedly taken care of by the government. If Luke needs to suddenly call out for help while hes hanging below a floating city, he can make contact with Leia (without their relationship already being an item). What do I do now? However, if your magic system serves more to create a fantastical ambience than to resolve any major conflicts, then explaining how magic works on the page likely isnt necessary. If you eat after dark, shell take away the blessing. This description generator will generate a short random description of a spell, including its effect, appearance and inventor. In the last forty-eight hours, this generator has been used to construct 2069 worlds and 9.7 GB of images. Magic isnt real, so it can be anything we want. Souls allow us to exist as Individuals, separate from the Aether. Teleportation is hardest to work out, because it includes the idea that you can pull a body apart and put it back together without any consequences. Sandersons Second Law also just a thought, you also could have mentioned the Eragon series which uses language as the limitation for casting, and physical energy for fueling spells. Forms of magic include fire magic, light magic, healing magic, and transformation magic. The more unique you make it, the more memorable your book will be for readers. You can either post it here or use the contact page. I definitely have more work to do. Regardless, having nature spirits of various kinds that have power related to their aspect of nature is completely reasonable. I just replied to your last post, but about the different cultures have different ideas of what makes sense, the point about a rational system is that it must make sense to the reader. They could solve all problems with a snap of their fingers. All magic is fueled by mana, a form of energy found in all living organisms. Likewise, its important to disabuse the audience of the notion that mood swings can decide key moments whenever its convenient. Combining powers for a summoning could mean larger creatures could be summoned and a teleportation spell could be able to teleport far more people, or even entire cities. Maybe something with an eclipse? Mind is represents consciousness That was exactly what i thought! There are multiple types of energies floating around everywhere in the world (some of those energies similar to Elements of nature Air, Water, Fire, Earth; plus Mana, Life, Mind and, probably, more) Though there is an international standard for magic spells, certain cultures practice magic in different ways pertaining to either their culture, beliefs or lifestyles. There are 391 different powers and variations in this generator, so you're bound to find one you like. Dryads are usually depicted as tree spirits, or tree nymphs. Use this guide as best fits your approach to magic. Well, there is the Restricted Section, which includes books on the Dark Arts, I made a magical system right after I read this article and this is what I came up with: Magic is powered by emotion and certain emotions affect your environment in different ways. Im working on setting up a writing blog on WordPress, mirroring it to tumblr. If Luke needs guidance to hit that exhaust port, the Force can guide him. These structural integrity threads can be used to apply physical force to something. Also I thought about it and further developed it. and not to be messed with lightly, as they can have devastating effects. Some kind of energy tentacles, if you want a picture. And if so, is it because their culture is different and they learn to wield it in different ways, is it because they simply cannot wield it the same way due to biological differences or is it because they use different sources, like blood magic and magic pools? I would use something else than Gluttons. Ive used term spell in a broad sense, I mean just an example of what you can do with such system So, basically, you mean just the same system as in Avatar (roughly, just moving the substances physically) plus transformations between substances (earth to water to air to fire and so on)? Anyway, the original inspiration came when I read an article about the philosophy of mind which claimed that interactionist dualism (the idea that the mind is immaterial and the body is material, yet they interact) couldnt be true, with one reason given being that such an interaction would violate conservation of energy. Everything is made up of atoms and molecules, so someone with the power to influence those could, theoretically, create new stuff in a heartbeat. If youre still reading, thanks for letting me ramble. Some people make a long-term contract with a particular spirit to channel its energy themselves, with the spirit becoming the casters familiar. This article will help you write a magic system for your fictional world that readers will remember long after theyve turned the last page. Is it dark and scary? You don't have to have an exact cost, like making the average human able to cast 20 fire balls before being tired, but having a cost relative to each other spell will help make sure your magic system is at least relatively realistic in the sense that there's a logic behind it. Whether with words, gestures, complicated rituals, or just pure thinking, the idea that someone can control reality with their mind is at the base of every magical system. The duration for using paint is limited and if your paint bottle runs out life will slowly start to sap out of you. There are a few keys differences, in that the forces that determine a Vibration are its Wavelength, Frequency, Harmony, Color, and Ripple(subject to change). I see some interesting potential with that. Plot-wise, yes. However, this doesn't have to be the case, the hero might not be strong enough on his own, but with other fighters the combined power might be enough to defeat the villain as well. Sorcerers tend to specialize in offensive magic except the temptresses, necromancers and spell book readers. (Note- it is a lot easier to learn the Other Methods of Create, Increase & Decrease of the same energy type than it is to learn how to use other Energies- but if you work hard enough it can be done) Cool system, sounds like it has great story possibilities. * When Jon Snow kills a white walker with Valyrian steel, it makes sense even though we havent been told that could happen. Novice mages are taught how to bring out their mana to create energy bolts, shields, weapons, and constructs. Maybe if their contact to spirits is limited, or the spirits themselves have goals that dont line up with the protagonists goals. Divine magic comes from appeals to the gods. The protagonist doesnt understand Naming well either, so we never expect him to solve major plot problems using soft magic. Its the subtle way magic leans toward fire or ice. And the way they fight has to do in part what magic they use. Not at all. They dont pay with utter exhaustion or even by losing several years of their life, because of the power they wield. As far as the potions issue, again, these are based off historical ideas about magic and potions. Divine magic is often more powerful/useful, but isnt always reliable. The mystery is in the water that the Living Mother leaves behind on the plants when the sunlight returns again. She might exchange one persons hand for anothers, but she might not deem two lives equal. The flickering flame casting irregular patches of shadows against the wall was the evidence. How was magic created? Vindictive/less scrupulous ones will take the opportunity to ask for more than youd normally give. Ive been thinking about a system of magic that was born of 6 Tower, stationed at the poles and in each of the cardinal directions. Paint can be metaphysical meaning that 0.0005% of the entire population can dabble in spirits though most choose not to. I wanted to try my hand at creating a really fleshed out magic system for fun, and never planned on making a story or doing anything with it. Ive currently got 11 tabs open that I need to look through. I just thought of something related to teleportation, however. Obviously this is another aspect which heavily depends on your story universe, but most methods can be twisted to fit. Common People (Theyre so common that they dont really have a name.) Different kinds of people use magic in different ways. You need to place incense in a semi-circle in front of you, drink fresh blood, paint your face with the blood, and focus on the person youre looking for. A primary example of soft magic would be that which Gandalf practices in The Lord of the Rings. However, it sounds like theres a gap between the rational aspect and the large assortment of different things your magic casters are doing. The farther an individual cause the needle to drift towards imbalance, the more force shall be exerted on that individual until the balance is restored through redistribution. Here are some examples of magical effects: In The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.J. Jemisin, orogenes can manipulate the earth. If you combine spells you'll get something similar to fighting together as one being, shield against shield to maximize the defense and striking with swords at the right time (like Roman armies did). Decay would be speeding up entropy, life would be slowing it down or trying to instill some kind of anti-entropy into the world. The four elements are chemical states: solid (earth), liquid (water), gas (air), and plasma (fire). Being a priest (a magic user in service to their village/town) is a full time job; but sometimes you need a hunter, not a demon slayer. Its important to note, that the Elements dont just represent their Physical Aspects, but also their Symbolic and Conceptual inferences as well (Through their Mental/Spiritual Aspects), for instance: Water is often associated with the concepts of Healing & Nourishment. lost nanotechnology (difficult to justify how that would be forgotten) If theyre distracted, panicking, drunk, or otherwise unable to focus the spell wont work. While characters can invent some potions, it appears they only do it by trial and error, not through a formula that guides what goes into a potion to create specific effects. Practitioners are all female. So, in my story world theres a plague spreading among the populace known as the Grey Death (somewhat analogous to the Bubonic Plague). (In this case, dispelling the Spiritual (Emotional) aspects associated with Fire in this case Anger/Passion. Now, I think I was misleading about the Storm God. The story is at a climax when emotions are always high? A mages magic can be stronger or weaker depending on how much access to a Primal they have at a given time. Just dipping my toes into this whole writing thing for the 1st time, and as Im sure most of you have experienced, I started out vibrant and full of ideas but am quickly beginning to feel overwhelmed. Theres three kinds of people: Apaths (Apath, sing. And I had trouble writing with what nature aspects nymphs, dryads, and naiads would relate to, so I went with that. If you have multiple races, or even species, who can wield magic, are there any differences between the different races and species? Spell description generator. Moon magic: Moon magic draws power from the spirit and energy of the moon. Wand movements and spells serve to direct the magic, to tell it what to do. This person, the Avatar, bends all four plus spirit energy. Other examples include alohamora and colloportus, reparo and diffindo, accio and depulso (learned but not named in-series, as I recall), etc. What about Time? Around this time Paint is able to be used freely until the children of White wage a war on the Blacks causing their power to be sealed away until further notice. There are plenty of sources you can use, like bodily energies, energies in the air, power bestowed by the gods, powers within blood, pools of magic in the world, a worldwide life force, magical artifacts and so on. Magic systems vary from colorful bears with tummy badges to ritual blood sacrifices. All benders in Avatar, safe for the Avatar themselves, can only control one element, one source of power. Mistings have to ingest and burn these metals in order to use their powers. Or just feel ridiculous. Magitech To create strange fusions of science and sorcery for your more unusual settings. So I know a few things. Brandon Sanderson has a knack for creating alluring, original magic systems that immerse the reader into the fictional universe. If you havent seen it yet, I also recommend looking at my other post on magic systems: its better suited to creating effects that are varied and complex. Its not just about the energy needed to transform a body into energy and then back into mass, its also about controlling where the second transformation takes place (splicing would be a problem or manifesting through matter its what cost Heimlich from the Brian Helsing series his right lower arm). For a small redistribution of energy or matter, this is hardly a large price to pay. For more inspiration and guidance in creating your magic system, I recommend these articles and resources. Very interesting system youre developing, I really like that it comes from a disease. SO, strangely inspired by a Looney Tunes skit, staring Daffy Duck ( ), I came up with a system of Runes that could be strung together to create different spell effects that way, through their understanding of the Runes (and the underlying mechanics, which was NOT immediately revealed to the Player), Players could effectively reverse engineer opponent spells, Counter-spell and undertake other such wizardly endeavors. Oh! Also, this is just an example: even if conservation of energy applies in my system, there are other things that could come up. Bit of background on the names, also random worldbuilding you can skip: Conduits were though to be channeling the energy of the gods, as when they are full they glow slightly but Conduits cant do anything with their energy by themselves. My character doesnt get him to throw lightning at foes, but he does send a giant bird to carry off my character to relative safety, but they end up getting separated from the rest of their group. One of my characters is able to beg the Storm God for help without making a proper appeal because they danced nearly every day for 5 years. Remember that energy doesnt dispense when its used it only takes on a different shape.
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