im taking prescription pain meds, [6] Harvards Buckner wins Alzheimers award for reading our minds, February 24, 2011, accessed August 19, 2013, accessed August 19, 2013, [8] T. J. Wardill, P. T. Gonzalez-Bellido, R. J. Crook, R. T. Hanlon. For temporary relief, go to the basement, lie on the floor, or move around. Too much time on social media may increase feelings of depression. Regular meditation has been shown to increase alpha waves - your relaxation brain waves and reduce beta waves - the brain waves of active thought and learning. Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and read out something that from the outside, there is no way you possibly could tell is in there. Repeat it until you feel more clear headed. =NZBJ!6S!^#3g$P Read a book to a child, or make your way through your novels with a friend or partner by reading them to each other. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. If you spend a lot of time being active, try a painting or cooking class. PLEASE note: Using NLP in communications isnt abuse in itself. Aerobic exercise has brain boosting effects. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In this research, the following conclusions were reached: 1) Many countries have developed various types of mind control methods: drugs, microchips, nanotechnologies and electromagnetic waves. Leaders of mind-control provide ample structure, rules, and assignments to keep targets constantly on task. But Reynolds foil, being much thicker, will be even better at attenuating the frequencies than the blankets. Microwave Irradiation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, review of its history and studies to determine whether or not related health defects were experienced by employees assigned in the period, 1953-1977, prepared at the request of Howard W. Cannon, chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, published in 1979 by U.S. Government Printing Office in Washington, disclose that since 1952, the Soviet government began directing microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Note that aluminum doesnt block ELF waves (Extremely Low Frequency, below 500 Hz), only higher frequency EM radiation like radio, microwaves, and millimeter waves. % of people told us that this article helped them. NY 10036. It may also affect your ability to read things in-depth. By using our site, you agree to our. I am a current victim of mind control (was implemented on me by a former friend), been so for about a year and a half now and I can tell you all that this programming really takes a toll on me as a person and going about my day. Marc Chacksfield is the Editor In Chief, at DC Thomson. My sister named her daughter the same name as her and asks me which one I am talking about in conversations, its really aggravating. Creating value in the metaverse: An opportunity that must be built on trust, Mohamed Heikal, Ruben Duarte and Joe Abi Akl, Cooling the planet: US researchers develop newclimate-friendly method of cooling, How to decarbonize concrete and build a better future, This timeline charts the fast pace of tech transformation across centuries, Here's what Americans think about generative AI like ChatGPT and DALL-E. Could 3D printing help solve America's housing crisis? microwave energy, government study says. Individuals who recognize the techniques or effects in their or someone elses life can also look to this list. Kind regards . I got such extreme torturing A response to advances in neurotechnology that can read or alter brain activity, new human rights would protect people from theft, abuse and hacking. Meanwhile, aluminum foil hats actually increase signal exposure by acting as antennas and resonant cavities unless they are grounded, so you can forget about that. When that goes, everything goes.. Any protection is better than no protection. Second, you can take additional steps to reduce the level of EM radiation in your home, by blocking these signals. In the alternative, or in conjunction with litigation, petition legislators for a regulatory statute to ban harmful Satellite or other equipment harmful frequency transmission. Had more kids ads targeted at them. Below is the Energetic Clearing Technique to Stop Mind Control. The doctor was a Mrs. Wang. Argue for broad protection against an infringement of a citizen's liberty. Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based wonder drug they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops. By 2009, Japanese scientists at Toyota and research lab RIKEN announced a thought-controlled wheelchair that used an EEG sensor cap to capture brainwaves and turn them into directional commands in. One university, Johns Hopkins, has already made great strides in mind control, creating a prosthetic limb thats partly controlled by the mind (opens in new tab). good luck to all of you. If Facebook, one of the biggest tech companies in the world, is working on mind control then it feels like this is a piece of future tech that might actually hit the mainstream soon. Beam forming and steering is a type of technology where theres an array of little antennas embedded in a flat dish whose output and timing can be individually digitally controlled so that their fields sum into a single narrow beam that can be aimed. Accurate history gives people a basis with which to learn and accept new information perhaps about mind control weapon abuses and how they have been used wrongly against society. If you cannot obtain a signal detector, take your best guess at which windows or walls to cover. So that's where mind control is right now, but where will we see it in the future? At Shortlist you'll find him mostly writing about movies and tech, so no change there then. Metaphysical principles of immunity and how this connects to chemtrails. ^V@u!31*eQA =R3B1Os: HXOa[[HHS(iC .#ygF$(E(d3Q@P^-qxk[V\-(& $rF"JWBy5=,i (L2rtS43Jb e"0%6 )]7,K%C>=6&}#C/~~/i4F If you need to use pen and paper to work out the problems, thats okay. A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allowed them to look deep inside a person's brain, and to read their intentions before they act. Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals! The more you are in control of your own mind and emotions, and the more observant you are about your own behavior, the less influence these signals have upon your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. They are correct is doing so; however, only those agencies of the government that are most likely to engage in ESMC or aid the perpetrators or allow them free rein in operating have . 86fqW8nHwY9Z1EEkbLXdNcaew9aFs6KkgBzZKB4XfMddF6WzY69JvHHCtg32CWfehD8J1xpzcPE6BBxEajBCAsCW6JEHwXa, How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals. It is a tell-tale sign that they are trying to control your mind and are quite successful in it. After an hour or two (or a week or two) check the remaining windows and compare their signal strength to what you recorded previously. When the target moves, new calculations have to be made, which takes several seconds. What do you think about female mind control? Try a new restaurant or type of ethnic cuisine. Emotional blackmail (withholding love and acceptance) and now a prearranged marriage to a girl that I didnt get when we dated and she sure didnt get me. This would be done through an EEG headset that would essentially control an operating system. It does block a lot of effects the targeting tech do But without a device to measure whats really there, your subjectivity may get the better of you. Depending on the type of detector, you may also notice peaks and troughs in the signal strength, as you move the detector in a linear direction; these are the nodes and anti-nodes of standing EM waves being detected. surprised im alive. I bought the subscription through Maschinenring. I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. Ronald Morgan, 18, a teenage high school dropout who told investigators he was acting on Gods orders confessed to beating his father to death with a baseball bat on May 27, 2001. Platform beds made of wood are available to support a futon mattress. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). A civilian policeman. It sounds impossible, but its closer than you may realize, said Dugan (opens in new tab). Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality. Banana plug to Alligator test leads. New human rights that would protect people from having their thoughts and other brain information stolen, abused or hacked have been proposed by researchers. Counselors are the rally point for those who are mentally abused. Artificial microwave voice-to-skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar at the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal American Psychologist in the March 1975 issue, the article was titled Microwaves and Behavior by Dr. Don Justesen (1975). I have faced every kind of torture for 2 years each day and night. 1. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. [Mike Parker, CIAs Bourne Identity Plot (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007] [2], Many researchers, using nanotechnologies had developed implantable electronic chips that established new nerve connections in parts of the brain that controlled movement or even altered emotion and thought. She was like a little trapped marionette being controlled by invisible strings. Its a huge signifier as to where this innovative technology may go next, and it's heartening to know that some of the biggest brains in the world are currently working hard to bring mind control to the mainstream. They may also be used for monitoring purposes. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. This Expert Has the Secret to Easing Your Mind. She also requires the cooperation and support of the governments of Australia and China, and requests assistance from the United Nations and other governments in investigating her case. Soon after the F8 conference it hired Emily Mugler as a Brain-Computer Interface Engineer, and revealed that it was working with a number of universities in the US to help this research become a reality. Some victims organized meetings to meet together to discuss how to fight well. They turned the migraine pain so high This would allow a beam to target specific parts of your brain, provided the power level is high enough to get through skin and bone. Not using the foil because as soon as I covered my head theyd turn the migraine pain up to unbearable levels. The pressure in your head may disappear, only to reappear if you pull the blanket down again. Use instead air mattresses, waterbeds, wooden cots, or futons. %%EOF BHlcXbxi3/)=>}[0w5( ?;L@IzX)-'D. When I sent the news to Wikileaks, I realized that Martina and Marco Sommer were involved. Was never there since it was confirmed that there was a horrible mix up! I will only give a few as example. Duncan is literally shaking with nervousness as he gives the speech, probably because he knows the information he is letting out is so sensitive it could get him killed. The allies victories at both fronts in winter and spring of in 1945 resulted in the collapse of the Nazi regime. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. In the journal Plos Biology, they wrote that it took attempts at mind reading to a whole new level., Harvards Buckner won the Alzheimers award for reading our minds in 2011. It does not matter which side of the blankets faces the wall as far as effectiveness goes, but put the metallic side (which can be scratched off) toward the wall or window so that it doesnt get rubbed off by stuff in the room brushing up against it. They can damage DNA. Shipping calculated at checkout. This may be through work, school, friends, or family. 12 October 2021. That is an easier percentage to calculate by hand. General Boris Ratnikov, who served in the KGB department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta that people in power had resorted to various methods of manipulating individuals thoughts since ancient times and that it was hardly surprising that secret services adopted the practice when it acquired a scientific foundation in the twentieth century. It wont fit in the slots anyway, which carry dangerous electricity. The earth is a pile of shit and nothing besides! make sure everyone I can get to knows about it. In some cases, military bases were used to hide these covert activities. Majority of the symptoms were: pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, high fevers, constipation, faece and piss incontinence, sexual harassment, sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, artificial emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness), and manipulation of memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories). Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992, but Ratnikovs department detected attempts to program the presidents mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to Japan. Torturers also can make her say things (forced speech). Nevertheless, aluminum shielding is a good first step to greatly reducing the level of incoming microwave radiation. They are ruling the world controlling innocent people`s Minds. Neural control of tuneable skin iridescence in squid. If you find yourself slowly being isolated from your friends and family, then this is a probable sign someone is trying to control your mind. The tracking speed is slow, and when the target moves, the signal takes several seconds or minutes to search and find the target at his new location [this was as of 2002-2004, so by 2022 its probably faster now]. Please help me find a way to help her. (I have a long story to tellbut i think this is enough at the moment). References. Over time, you'll start to feel happier, more balanced, and in control of your feelings and sense of self. But the times I did, I had to inform the person that THEY had to leave their environment before I could work with them. Check out this 2016 presentation from Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA agent, black ops insider and mind control expert who worked on numerous mind control technology projects). Year Torture Began: 1970-1980: 29 (9.80%); 1981-1990: 40 (13.51%); 1991-1995: 34 (11.49%); 1996: 18 (6.08%); 1997: 5 (1.69%); 1998: 11 (3.72%); 1999: 6 (2.03%); 2000: 16 (5.41%); 2001: 17 (5.74%); 2002: 15 (5.07%); 2003: 12 (4.05%); 2004: 21 (7.09%); 2005: 15 (5.07%); 2006: 17 (5.74%); 2007: 11 (3.72%); 2008: 23 (7.77%). Millimeter waves have a hard time penetrating water, so the effects would mainly be within an inch of the surface of the skin. I also wouldnt put my family at risk by association. Now she has 2 small children and cant do much of anything. We All Have Thoughts That Spiral Out of Control. This is the start of mind control, where your actions are changing because of what another person is doing. They mind controlled them. Then, i knew who is the Evil doing everything behind the technology. You!! [3]. Necomimi Emotion Controlled Brainwave Cat Ears (opens in new tab) are exactly that fake cat ears that you wear, and which will react to your emotions. If you recognise any of the above examples, then it is time to break free from this person and their attempts to control your mind. Patterns of electrical activity in. Ratnikov, who subsequently served as deputy head and then senior consultant at the Federal Guard Service from 1991 to 1997, said his department was in charge of safeguarding top officials in post-Soviet Russia against any external influence on their sub-conscious. Groomed them give them cars, holidays and took them to late night parties and got them drunk more often so their mind becomes so vulnerable and weak as well as dependent on there desires that they lose focus on themselves and independency that they crave to be attached so that its easy for controllers to corner them in to marriage and family as well as using religion as an excuse to get married when the controllers dont believe in religion or will pretend to believe in it or take bits out to use and condition the controlled person for their evil malicious agendas. Can i use it for my benefit . The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patients brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity. This stuff has been around for decades. What is Google Takeout. NLP is a little harder to spot as anyone using it is likely to be a professional. endstream endobj 163 0 obj <>stream He started out life as a movie writer for numerous (now defunct) magazines and soon found himself online - editing a gaggle of gadget sites, including TechRadar, Digital Camera World and Tom's Guide UK. Another metal-penetrating type of radiation are scalar waves, also known as longitudinal electric waves. He quoted a Russian army major in relation to weapons that affected the mind, It is completely clear that the state, which is first to create such weapons, will achieve incomparable superiority. Thomas expressed concern about information dominance, though he stopped short of the moral implications.
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