: "The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. They were daughters of wealthy, elite families that threw expensive parties. Have we done enough to prepare them? It is my heritage this day It is chanted aloud on Mondays, Thursdays, and Shabbat, according to a yearly cycle. Torah calls to you as it called to our people: First line:The days come and go. While putting this reading into JewBelong, I was like, Hey, I know Shelley! I just never knew this attorney with three sons from Florida was also a poet! Shes a funny one. Family, old friends, dear friends, school friends, dance friends, Hebrew school friends, mentors. It is first used with reference to Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel (Genesis 32:29), the one who struggles with God. Always. It is traditionally held that there are 613 mitzvot (plural) in Judaism, both postive commandments (mandating actions) and negative commandments (prohibiting actions). our hearts filled with love, our arms outstretched It was like being a local rock star in Detroit. ~ James Wolk, My parents were Orthodox Jews but not very regular Orthodox Jews. . Maybe all b'nei mitzvah struggle with identity, rules, clothes, traditions, expectations.But can anyone see who I am, hidden by make-up, or by a crew cut and tie?Years and years later, I can say: Today I am who I am.Surely Adonai understands that.- Ray Bernstein. Stay in the know . the human struggle for peace. May it shine within you We didnt keep kosher or observe the Sabbath. Your email address will not be published. Hard to argue with Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sassos wishes of love, meaning and wisdom from a parent to a child. The siddur was Siddur Sha'ar Zahav, a new prayerbook created by Sha'ar Zahav, an LGBTQ Jewish community in San Francisco. Create and share by tagging @HallmarkStores. that we might be present to lifes everyday wonders. I take deep pride that you say what you think and feel, that you rant, that you complain, that you say what you want and need. First line: May a kind word, reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. A heartfelt wish is another great thing to write in a bar/bat mitzah card. Your email address will not be published. No miracles were wanted or needed For this vaccine And for that we are grateful. Express your gratitude with these thank you messages and ideas from Hallmark card writers. Members of the boy's family are also called up to the reading of the Torah, and a special sermon is frequently delivered by the rabbi, stressing the boy's new responsibilities and privileges. 9 Fun Luau Party Games for Kids. I am very proud of you and just want to reflect back to you that. As part of the ceremony, I spoke what was in my heart and mind to Ruby on this special day. May we and our children and our childrens children Beautiful lesson, beautiful reading. Required fields are marked *. He's welcomed to anybody's bar mitzvah. He died in 1204 and was one of the greatest Jewish scholars of all time. Whenever we listen and hear, First line:How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! The path is yours alone and alone you must travel upon it. The name also refers to the land of Israel and the State of Israel. The Torah is considered the heart and soul of the Jewish people, and study of the Torah is a high mitzvah. While watching a family friend read from two Torahs at his Zoom bar mitzvah on April 12, Aviva Preminger, who lives on the Upper East Side, saw that her son Nathan Hiltzik looked "crushed" at . (JK, but we will send you fabulous emails once in awhile.). We ask ourselves, have we truly prepared them for this? We wonder what would be comforting to hear. Okay, being that we get furious when UBER says its still 2 minutes away, its sobering to remember that Anne Frank wrote this while she was hiding from Nazis. Of course, a bar/bat mitzvah has a spiritual significance that graduations dont have. Spiritual Teacher/Spiritual Seeker. Mazel tov., Warmest congratulations on your bar mitzvah. Now There Are Pararabbis. He said, Hey guys, if you work hard and be successful, youll get one of these. Ill never forget that. Hitler had been in power only six months, and his boycott was already in full effect. 65 True Religion Quotes On Success In Life, Alexander Hamilton Quotes For Success In Life, Inspirational Agriculture Quotes : Agricultural Sayings, Reduce Stress And Anxiety At The Workplace, If a girl comes to me first for a prom or a bar mitzvah and she likes the way she looks and her boyfriend likes the way she looks, shell come back. ~ Betsey Johnson, I grew up in a secular suburban Jewish household where we only observed the religion on very specific times like a funeral or a Bar Mitzvah. ~ Jesse Eisenberg, When I celebrated my bar mitzvah, there was no cake. Last line: I am so proud of you!. Commandment. The Army-McCarthy hearings were televised. Wording for a Bar Mitzvah invitation or a Bat Mitzvah invitation must include the basic details of the celebration. The kids that really flourish are often the ones who have been given real unconditional love by their parents. Just start to sing as you tackle the thing that cannot be done and youll do it. But it really moves me. You are a strong dancer, my girlon stage and in life. Last line: Im standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me. (Courtesy of ) Public speaking is fulfilling, but preparing is so hard. The person who receives the aliyah goes up to the bimah before the reading and recites a blessing for reading of the Torah. Tradition relates First line:Somebody said that it couldnt be done, but he with a chuckle replied that maybe it couldnt, but he would be one who wouldnt say so till he tried. A short mazel tov message by itself works well for a recipient you dont know as well, but you could also use it to round out a longer message. I understand that." ~ Joan Larkin "Being a writer in Hollywood is like going to Hitler's Eagle Nest with a great idea for a bar mitzvah." ~ David Mamet Maybe asking that question is part of preparing them. May you continue to grow in wisdom and faith from this day on., Wishing you a great time celebrating your bar mitzvahI hope its a day youll always look back on with pride and happiness., So proud of the dedicated way youve prepared for this day. The book isn't cheap, but it's well worth the price. Its also appropriate to include a religious message, as long as it aligns with Judaism. John Zorn. Its a time Hallmark writers offer up inspiration to help you find just the right loving words to add when you sign a valentine. I said no, I havent written anything because theres really only ONE thing I want to say to you on your bat mitzvah day. Jacob's children, the Jewish people, become B'nai Israel, the children of Israel. Ten Mitzvahs. As I have received Torah from your hands, The Five Books of Moses, and the foundation of all of Jewish life and lore. Thanks for including me in your big day!. The second thingI want to give you is actually something youve already claimed formally for yourself today, and that is your identity as a bat mitzvaha daughter of the commandmentsa woman with a Jewish heritage and Jewish identity. I know I'll be turning and returning to it often. come to study Torah as a gateway to Truth and Love. These Bar Mitzvah quotes will inspire you. Step 2: Prepare to bless The reader will show you where the Torah reading begins and ends. Inspiration. First line: May everyone who shares in a Jewish life feel welcome and integrated. Compassion for others, as well as deep compassion for yourself. And thats because when you are vulnerablewhen you let life in and really let it touch you at your core,and you let your self, your authentic self, out, in all of its realnessits exquisite. There are also special readings for holidays and other days. Commandment. Sometimes, when Im feeling particularly blocked at my computer, I miss the days when I could just point my camera at something interesting and wait to see what happens. ~ Stefan Merrill Block. Get JewishBoston This Week. This notion of remembering Judaisms foundations and meaningful traditions are the driving forces behind JewBelong. You have a whole spiritual journey ahead of you. Should I just stick to my other services? They are almost as much a step into the unknown as funerals-though I assure you, there is life after graduation. ~ Gloria Steinem, The fact is that people who strap bombs to their bodies to blow up families at a Bar Mitzvah in Israel, plant bombs at a nightclub in Bali, or slit stewardesses throats and ram airplanes filled with innocent Americans into office buildings do not do so for any reason related to poverty. A warm closing before your signature provides a nice finishing touch for your bar/bat mitzvah message. I mentioned I still needed to write what I was going to say during the service. ''the one who struggles with God.'' Today is your Bar Mitzvah, a very special milestone in your life and in the life of your family. that when IsraelLit. Inspiration Bat Mitzvah Musings. Hes also known for this quote, You should listen to the truth, whoever may have said it. Good, right? It treads a nice balance between traditional and innovative. If a girl comes to me first for a prom or a bar mitzvah and she likes the way she looks and her boyfriend likes the way she looks, she'll come back. I hope you find it valuable and inspiring too! with mitzvot, the Way of Harmony, Justice and Compassion. It is also said that its blast will herald the coming of the messiah. 13 Fun Dance Games for Kids' Parties. by the Shofar blast of Truth; this is Torah. First line: There was once a man who stood before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. It is also said that its blast will herald the coming of the messiah.. Our sages said: Whatever a faithful student We had the most wonderful celebration and deep, heartfelt ritual! Last line:And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness. You might choose to highlight all the hard work and schvitzing (sweating) with a message of pride or with a compliment for the bar/bat mitzvah. Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. Last line:It is Judaism in action, and Judaism is inherently and deeply a religion of action, a way of life, a way of living. Share this reading if youre ready. Its a very cool thingand it may inspire some new thoughts for you as you think about what you want to write. you prepare This week is my oldest daughter's bat mitzvah.. As my husband is the rabbi of our shul, most of our congregation will be attending.Many of our congregants have attended bat mitzvahs in the greater community where girls lein or lead services but know that the daughter of the Orthodox rabbi will probably have a more traditional service. Okay, maybe this beauty should be required reading for every parent. Often the hardest part of writing a speech for your child's bar/bat mitzvah is getting started. Sam Keen 123 Author: Sam Keen. Usually celebrated with an aliyah to the Torah and other festivities. I rly enjoyed reading this speech, my bat mitzvah is in 2 weeks and this has rly helped me for ideas. Warm compliments and pride are good themes to include. 7. Cash. It takes huge strength, hard work and a tenacity to be a ballet dancer. So youve got a bar mitzvah card or bat mitzvah card you need to sign? Fun Ideas for Celebrating a 50th Birthday. First line: May the One who blessed ourancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless our child who has come forward this day to the reading of the Torah in recognition of their desire to live a worthy Jewish life. Upon my bat mitzvah, some 30 odd years before Orli's, he sent me a letter: Now that I was coming of age in the Jewish community, he offered the words Moses says to Joshua as he assumes the . According to the Torah, God, in the presence of the Jewish people, gave Moses the Torah on Mount Sinai (Har Sinai). Enjoy it! Ive done it since I was bar mitzvahed. His Hebrew name isMoshe. Id seen it all before I ever walked into a recording studio. ~, Allowing yourself to stop reading a book at page 25, 50, or even, less frequently, a few chapters from the end is a rite of passage in a readers life, the literary equivalent of a bar mitzvah or a communion, the moment at which you look at yourself and announce: Today I am an adult. When I was done, oneof my dear friends came up to me and said, You have to share that speech on your blog. Spy Games for a Secret Agent Birthday Party. Last line: Anything can happen child, anything can be. And of the many things I could be talking to you about today, I want to talk to you about your strength and your voice. It is traditionally held that there are 613 mitzvot (plural) in Judaism, both postive commandments (mandating actions) and negative commandments (prohibiting actions). Our sages said: Whatever a faithful student The advice to be patient with ourselves and to live our lives in the moment is still entirely relevant today. During this moving ritual, family members and loved ones stand side-by-side and pass the Torah down to the Bat Mitzvah to welcome them into the chain of Jewish tradition. Hey, can you watch the phones on Friday? I loved the energy of Mendel. ~, I just had we had instances like, for instance, when I turned 13, she threw me a bar mitzvah. 7. Ruby said: Seriously, Mom, the bat mitzvah isthisSaturday and you havent written a thing!. You could say that he is America's greatest author and humorist. Why isnt there a blessing for that person who is not Jewish but participating in a Jewish home/life! The last thing I want to offer you today has always been yours and will always be yoursand thats me. The following examples of bar/bat mitzvah card wishes will help you get started. And the cool thing is, you get to explore and discover what deeply enriches you, what lights you up and what connects you to your unique definition of God, Spirit, Shechina,Adonai. When you address wedding invitations or another piece of formal correspondence, traditional etiquet Get special ideas for what to write this year during tough times. The third thing I want you to have in your life as a powerful woman is compassion. There were 200 people gathered outdoors to participate in a beautiful Shabbat service run by Maya where she led us all in the prayers, read her Torah and Haftorah portions, gave a wonderful D'var Torah (speech), and invited family and friends to be called up for aliyahs. Easy peasy. Last line:Your presence here makes us stronger and wiser. She helps women create a healthy and positive relationship with their food and body so they can love their body and life! QuotesGram. Her stories bring us to attention When 1:55 came and the other half of the class left, Meryl Lee whispered, If she gives you one after we leave, Im going to do Number 408 to you. I didnt remember what Number 408 was, but it was probably pretty close to what Danny Hupfer had promised. This is your support; this is your community. That is great! Jewish Holidays TheRebbe.org Chabad.org Video ChabadU Audio Classes News Kabbalah Online The Jewish . If you chose to learn more, you will be taken to a website not affiliated with American Greetings. | I can only compare it to my Bar Mitzvah. ~ Shia LaBeouf, There was a year straight where every weekend, I went to at least one bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah, and we would all go, and it was a lot of fun. The Myth of Chabad Outreach. Oh well. Amen. A Jewish child needs neither a formal ritual nor party to enter adulthood. Sign up for eternal bliss and inner peace. So what should you write in your bar and bat mitvah invite card? . We used this reading at our own simchas (Hebrew for celebrations) and we know youll love it, too. I want you to take the wise words that you shared today about letting yourself make mistakes and go out and give the world the gift of your power. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); One-stop shop for progressive Jewish books and ritual objects, Placement resources for rabbis and congregations, Professional group for people leading schools in Reconstructionist congregations, Professional association of Reconstructionist rabbis. But its kind of like how people can get fooled by the grace and femininity of ballet dancing. In Hebrew, each letter has a number. Truth was revealed to us Hate to be the one to have to tell you this so thank goodness Kahlil Gibran did it. I plowed through as much Borges and Joyce as possible, read the first half of V. and spent whole Bar Mitzvah checks on Beat poetry. ~ Simon Rich, I had already been a young singer. First Birthday Party Games and Activities. Wishing you blessings and joy as you step into adulthood From Family If you're related to the recipient of your bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah card, you'll want to write them a more heartfelt and personal message. We got inspired when getting this JewBelong website together. The only thing I remember I killed! Edgar A. And Bob Dylan was bar mitzvahed. ~ Kevin Sessums, I never really liked cool books. Might be our favorite reading. Its also a song. I still do. this,too, is Torah. Usually celebrated with an aliyah to the Torah and other festivities. Man, Dick Dale shreds. monthly budget of middle class family. Last line:May you live a long, healthy, happy, and peaceful life, any may you be the change you want to see in the world. Ten Mitzvahs. Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Its one way of embracing their new adult status and doing some real good with it. Close the Torah and hold both handles while reciting the blessing. Yet it was for this that we raised them, that they might grow up to take their places in the world. Sadly, both inner struggles and external setbacks are an una Find just the right words to tell dad just how much you appreciate him even if you cannot be together this Father's Day. Sarah Rudolph April 9, 2018 . I want you to know in your journey of life that I am always on your side. She believes that every woman deserves to feel good in her own body. (Im so proud of you, I had to say both. set yourself firmly on the Way of Justice and Compassion. Helpful tip: Even for those of us who dont come from a Jewish faith tradition, mazel tov is one in-culture phrase thats easy to say or write without feeling awkward or like were trying too hard. It is traditionally held that there are 613 mitzvot (plural) in Judaism, both postive commandments (mandating actions) and negative commandments (prohibiting actions). Celebrating the faith and deep-rooted traditional aspects of a bar/bat mitzvah is another great way to go with your message. First line:We hope that this child draws inspiration from the examples of her foremothers. Last line:Boundless are you, Eternal One our God, Source of all life, who has kept us alive, sustained us and allowed us to reach this occasion, First line:Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ritual Committee: With clarity and sometimes surprise, we begin to see the kind of adult they are becoming. and may my struggles be for the good. Now youre well on your way to writing a bar or bat mitzvah card message that theyll enjoy ALMOST as much as the money you put inside. Sinai is ever present. Secondand more importantlyheres a little something to show you just how proud., With money/gift card enclosed: Hope the happy bat mitzvah glow just lasts and lasts. Sam Keen. He spots a person on the ground . Summoning up offensive stereotypes or poking fun at Jewish culture is anotherand should absolutely be avoided. quotesgram.com. so do I accept the challenge of Sinai The challenge is one of both freedom and responsibility, This passage is referred to as a parshah. It also must contain the child's first, and often middle name, and it needs to contain the hosting parent's names (first and last names). It is chanted aloud on Mondays, Thursdays, and Shabbat, according to a yearly cycle. wrote a book called Hows Your Faith? This crossword clue Bat mitzvah reading was discovered last seen in the August 1 2022 at the Daily Pop Crosswords Crossword. I liked the readings so much that I got online and ordered myself a copy of the siddur right then and there. First line: As you travel along the path that will be your life, may you walk on firm ground, with the wind at your back and the sun shining gently on your face. Mitzvot are those tools High Holidays Booklet - Just Print Copies! to all who know me, B'not mitzvah were in the very early stages of being accepted in Conservative Judaism. Bar and bat mitzvah mean, literally, "son and daughter of the commandment." Bat mitzvah is Hebrew, while bar mitzvah, historically a much earlier ceremony, is Aramaic. Before weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs, and what have you. The term under God was inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Allens Tonight Show premiered. Rabbi Jay Karzen, coined the "Jerusalem bar mitzvah king" by The Jerusalem Post in 1997, has stories to make you laugh out loud or cry tears of joy. amidst much lightning and great claps of thunder. I'm a man, I hope. "People need what they think of as a poem to be read at their bar mitzvah, their wedding, a funeral, whatever. Traditionally, bar mitzvahs are 13 years old and bat mitzvahs are either 12 or 13. These students of the faith put in a lot of hard work preparing for a special Shabbat service at their synagogue, in which they read aloud from the Torah and sometimes lead prayers or chants, too. Your email address will not be published. a whisper of Wisdom echoing within and without. By Megan Haave on February 23, 2023. For example, the wording must include the date, time, and synagogue for the service. Anyway, the point of all this is that this relevant blessing is in his book and you are gonna love it! inspirational readings for bat mitzvah. First line:Your Children are not your children. First line:Do not imagine that character is determined at birth. For a video on What to Expect at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, scroll down to the bottom of the page.. Coming of age for a Jew, which happens automatically at age 13 for a boy and 12 for a girl, is termed bar and bat mitzvah, that is, obligated to perform the Jewish mitzvot (commandments). June 14, 2017, 10:30 AM. First line: Listen to the mustnts, child, listen to the donts. She is the founder ofNinaManolson.comandNourishedWomanNation.com. Not only are these occasions inspiring to see and fun to take part intheyre also a very big deal in the life of a person of the Jewish faith. Bar Mitzvah Poems - Popular examples of all types of bar mitzvah poetry to share and read. A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a coming-of-age ceremony for Jewish boys and girls when they reach the age of 12 or 13. All rights reserved. People love that stuff. "Here's to you, Bat Mitzvahshining bright today and carrying the light of faith into tomorrow." "What a joy it is to welcome a young man like you to our community of faith. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shelley Miller became a bat mitzvah in 1966. "A Bar Mitzvah is the time in his life when a Jewish boy realizes he has a better chance of owning a team than playing for one" - Jerry Reinsdorf. Bring this unique gragger to the Megillah reading and wow your friends and family in thematic Purim style! Last line:Just take it bird by bird.. It's a beautiful object, a beautiful book, satisfying to hold. First line:Here with you our friends, we feel so greatly blessed. 1. to discover the Way; Best Balloon Delivery Services. (Levush O.Ch. The Torah itself a scroll that is hand lettered on parchment, elaborately dressed and decorated, and stored in a decorative ark. Never miss the best stories and events! not telling cause it is social media on January 07, 2019: Way to show what youre made of!, I hope you feel proud of yourself as you wear the tallit and read from the Torah. I suspect that the second reading would speak more to the adults in attendance (who remember the slings and arrows of adolescence, as it were) than to the b'nei mitzvah kid. revealed in the rising sun, the rustling tree, This is one of his beauties for sure. I observe Shabbat. But nobody came. We never went to synagogue. Betsey Johnson. The only thing youll need to remember is your password, and from personal experience thats hard enough. These speeches from my bar mitzvaha mix of both funny and sinceremight give you some inspiration for your own bar mitzvah speech. May the words of Torah be pleasant in our mouths. JewBelong would like to take this moment to remind you that if you do define tzedakah as charity, it is great to give to the world, but it is really nice, and needed, to give to Jewish causes too. Because if they didnt, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way Id be found in a corner. It was over when I was done. ~ Andy Kindler, Before I published my first book, I worked for a while as a documentary and wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and a part of me still mourns the lost filmmaker Ill never be. The plural of bar mitzvah is b'nei mitzvah. But you should push yourself to leave it in. :) First line:Many of you have made the historic and unprecedented decision to raise Jewish children. We have a thing. The Torah is typically passed from one generation to the next and ends up in the arms of the child who is having the Bat Mitzvah. Paralegals. Lit. Because someday Jack is going to get off his ass and pop the question and youre going to get to plan that wedding you've been thinking about since third grade. It is first used with reference to Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel (Genesis 32:29), the one who struggles with God. This past Monday night, the four of uswere sitting down for dinner and we were chatting about the bat mitzvah. These best bat mitzvah gifts strike just the right note, whether you're seeking a religious object (like a kiddush cup, Torah pointer, or Shabbat candlesticks), a decorative piece of Judaica (like . Ritualwell content is available for free thanks to the generous support of readers like you! And, as it turns out, many of these ideas can also work as bar mitzvah gifts for a young man. First line: I thank you for this wondrous gift of life. Swansons manufactured its first TV dinner. Paramedics. to live in harmony with my people and my world. You Are Here: what happened to calista flockhart zta password zip inspirational readings for bat mitzvah Alison loves inspirational quotes so much so that one day she left a sign on her door that read, "Free compliments, take one," and that's how her cool Bat Mitzvah theme developed. But Im still so happy for you! For The Fun of It. And in addition to fine renderings of all of the prayers one would expect from any good siddur, it also contains prayers and liturgies which aren't in the average Jewish prayerbook -- blessings for discovering one's sexual orientation, prayers for Transgender Day of Remembrance, and so on. I was bar mitzvahed and all that. This is a lovely wish for children, for anyone really. Literally translated, the Yiddish phrase mazel tov means something closer to good luck, but its more commonly used to congratulate someone. Mitzvah Stories: Seeds for Inspiration and Learning: Milgram, Goldie, Frankel, Ellen, Schram, Peninnah, Schwartz, Cherie Karo, Strimling, Arthur: 9780984804801: Amazon.com: Books Books Literature & Fiction World Literature Buy new: $19.99 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime FREE Returns seeking the power of mitzvot I need By Nina Manolson What I Said to My Daughter on Her Bat Mitzvah I want you to be the powerful woman that you are. Torah is the voice of Sinai speaking to v. 9/18/2018 My Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Temple Isaiah Version 3.0 Inspiration: May it be Your will, our God and God of our ancestors, that You lead us in peace and help us reach I talked to Ruby about being a powerful woman, and the five things it takes to be a powerful woman in this world. Once a week. And in addition to reflecting back to you what I see, I want to offer youfive things to take with you as you go through life as a powerful woman. This reading calls on each Jewish daughter to look to her foremothers for inspiration and wisdom. I dont know why. Below you will find a collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging Bar Mitzvah quotes, Bar Mitzvah sayings, and Bar Mitzvah proverbs. When a Jewish girl turns 12, she has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish adult, including the commandments of the Torah. calling me to affirm not only the dignity of self But first, heres a super-quick primer on the celebrations that might help, too: Bar/bat mitzvah literally translates as son/daughter of the commandments. This rite marks their entry as adults into their faith community. Last line:And from Yael the courage to do what she knows she must do. When in doubt, skip the funny and keep your message straightforward. If (like me) you collect siddurim, this one is really worth owning. I want you to be kind with yourself. At 3, you cant make those choices I supported my family, and if I got fired or missed an audition, Id be punished as if Id messed up in school. Amen.
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