those guys are motherfu***** i went to the interview and i interviewed with a guy but he was so suspicious though, when he asked me for a 99$ but it should be on a bank account not cash( so they can steal my infos) but when i told him i dont have any money on me now he seemed Confounded and annoyed and there was three girls sitting on the other table they kinda laughed when i said i dont have the money, and so he immediately ended the convo and said i can come back tomorrow and give him the money and i said okay great cuz i actually believed him he was so convenience but and thank god i didnt have money on me cuz if i had i would give all my infos but thank god i didnt give him anything and so he ended the convo right away cuz in my opinion he knew that i would go back home and look up the company name and i will find this post and so i will never come back and give him anything and thats exactly what happened and thank god ive read this post this author is genius thank you so much screw those guys. People who smoke, have a poor . I dug and dug until I found which is the new recruit site. I received a call from a rep from primerica. Split between two people working full-time, it really wasnt that impressive. However, companies, I was in college when they reached out to me about coming there to work. Some people are so desperate for money that they are blind to this. Was this review helpful? And also when he would say how much money people would make he would wait for me to respond and I just gave him a blank stare. Then I looked up Primerica and this lovely blog popped up. He kept asking me weird questions and giving even weirder examples. He made me give him my SOC over a zoom call, he was filling out an application for ME! Karma. Im grateful for this site and the posts here. At worst it means you have a poor product or poor reputation which is most likely deserved. Furthermore, in order to get into a hedge fund, one has to invest more than a million dollars out of pocket. So the First 20 minutes seemed normal, but then it got suspicious. Weeks went by and I dismissed it completely, until I listened to this podcast: Great article, thanks for the extensive information. (I was sitting with my daughter at the time of the call) The lady was insisting on contacting me after talking with my daughter and again my daughter told her to call me the next day. But it is however a business opportunityand lets face it other insurance do not function internally much differently. The first level is the office or team level, the second level is the agents who work for the office/team. He proceeded to tell me that he called his partner about me and said I am great with people and would love for me to join their team if I was open to opportunities. After, of course, buying into the company and getting my license, etc. PYRAMID SCHEME. Something was definitely off. When i asked for a website he diverted the conversation to something else. Her jewelry looked awful nice for a receptionist. Yes, you must be licensed, for life insurance and securities. Thank you so much. Oh, and I will be getting a term life-insurance policy, just not through Primerica as they do not show up on anyones top ten list of term life insurers. Im canceling my interview for tomorrow. The recruiter may actually be vague in most cases when trying to get people to come check out the company but that doesnt mean they the information you will get about saving for retirement, etc is false or lies. He never mentioned the name of his company, only that he was impressed and wanted to figure out if I was a good fit the sort of leading language Ive seen others report thats meant to make you feel desired and special. I, actually sat through the orientation, and afterwords the deception started. I just went to a meeting last night, everything previously written by past people are true. I have a friend who just signed on with this company. I will be posting this to all of my social media, explaining what a scam this company really is. (including advances). I thought the man I was working one on one with , who was soooo nice was helping me set up online banking , which is what he said , but in reality he was going into my account taking money out which he said they were not gonna do unless I signed up for the classes at a later date. So far, my experience has been very positive. I have reviewed their annual reports (available online). I was brainwashee by Islam and than when finally was free away from and than this so called god/family/business cult comes along Oh how sorry i am for my 10 years of life These companies actually have them sell their products. Well I actually went and talked to someone of those guys in the company but at the beggining I thought this would be fake because I ask one of them about the website and he started talking me about the money Id make and he didnt gave me anything but to be honest nobody have to pay to be hired.. Dont believe in Primerica. I just hope it was a legit employee just trying to recruit more people. what kind of car would you like to buy? A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent and unsustainable investment pitch that relies on promising unrealistic returns from imaginary investments. I feel more insulted then anything right now because I think the two I met were only there to seek for people. It appears that some above posters (mostly young) do not realize this? Then after 45 mins he told me to come back. No one says where these happened tiothem, and i would like to know where they live, and how many people in that area experienced the problems written about here. They need to bring in new people all the time to train them, when all they are really doing is using up their warm market to write business. None of them could answer my question(s) without talking themselves in a circle. I went with desperately expecting to land a job . Just thought I would share my very recent experience and thank you to the author of this blog for posting this, otherwise I may have been suckered into an interview but then again, I dont typically work or have any experience in the financial industry and tend to stay far away as it is for positions like this or anything to do with insurance etc. He wasnt really giving me a clear description of the job, but I still heard him out. I never identified the gender of my child (which is a boy, by the way). People do real research before you blow an opportunity and not this Google cap where anyone can post anything on it. A manager? I just got a call tonight from someone who started to ask me about my resume. Everything else followed was muffled. I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow, but something was really fishy about the entire thing. Yes. I was VERY unhappy in my job and I had been actively looking. Fact remains if you had joined the Primerica team and never reached any level of success you were probably not even trying and waiting for something to be given to you. Have worked as a broker before, was in an MLM in the 90s, and I just dont like being cutthroat and lying to people. In order to be on the NYSE, you have to be vetted., Anyone who can defend the morality of the scum who works and represents this company is just as bad. At first I was questioning that, arent you supposed to use a business card? I put down my 5 usual references for jobs and returned the clip board to the receptionist. After he finished his little job show-and-tell, he walked out and in walked his grandmother, (Im assuming.) At least i can say i tried on something that could have worked. My initial interview appointment was a positive experience, but the compensation structure (or lack thereof) was raising red flags. Ex boss explains that he also wants me to set that up as an employee benefit. It is a pyramid scheme in which 99% lose money. I didnt have to read much of this thread to decide that I am no longer going to the interview that I have scheduled for Tuesday. Primerica doesnt look to good to be true. @Tracy Coenen take a look at your life seriously baby girl because youve been mislead all your life and its time to wake up for real. So, I just said to him, actually there are 3 of them (including Curtis and a lady with a hair cover) that I will decide first and will give them a call within 24 hrs. His wife starts asking questions, social security number? but after reading this I wont be going. That drives traffic to this page, where potential victims are getting the real story and are able to avoid the company! Pull out your phone. He then asked me to write down 25 people in my contact list over 18 and he would call them for me to see if they would buy insurance and give me part of the profit and get me started. Didnt alarm me as I never heard of Primerica. What might those be? WOW. I noticed that he put me as a recruiter on one of them, and himself on the other. You pray upon my people and I think you suck. I also just had the same call and scheduled interview for friday. I thought that was weird; if youre going around job recruiting at Target, you should probably have a business card. God am I hungover. She asked for my number that way her trainer would contact me to set up an interview. I can see her answering it even in the middle of the night to talk me out of cancelling. I could hear a party going on in the background and the aroma of delivered pizza hit my nose. They provide various types of insurance, debt management, financial investment, and credit monitoring services. Im not recruiting people into a pyramid scheme and praying that they recruit more so that I can make a few pennies. But to shut down a business just because over 100 of you said it was crap and the rest followed after you did your own research. I wouldnt say I was victimized. * What is a pyramid scheme exactly? He told us the incredibly vague story of how he managed to get one individual from $20,000 in credit card debt down to zero and then into a mutual fund with a 9% interest rate. The woman who did the phone interview was very nice but once I got off I didnt even recall what the job was really about and realized she set me up in a few days for an in person group interview. I got a call a little while again and it seemed very odd. Then why was he so eager to get ahold of my stack of resumes, leads I had paid for?? Important Mutual Fund Disclosures She asked if I was interested in working with them, and I said yes. Once the new recruits, the professional-looking man and a scared-looking, awkward young guy who looked about 20 and was wearing ripped jeans and left on a bicycle, had left, John was photocopying the paperwork to put in the mailbag for tomorrow. I told them that Id have to think things over, though it took a couple of times for me to say that so that they understood. It was a group interview. I just advise that people dont get that education from Primerica or any other MLM. I felt awesome, like he had seen the potential in ME to want to spend time teaching me. good looking into this before going to my interview today. BUT, there was something not quite right about him, too smooth. That site already gets an, People need 2 stay away from mlms, it will ruin you, Its a mind control cult, its a scam, you need 2 leave, Not according to nasdaq. I kept my head down and fiddled with my phone, then shuffled some papers in a folder, desperately trying to look busy and important. Allow me to tell you about it. Customer Service PFS Investment clients with Legg Mason, Invesco,Fidelity, American Century, Amundi Pioneer, Nuveen and Franklin Templeton funds may check their accounts here. 1. transfer job locations to my home time and end up getting paid a little more + be with all my family + be happier. I told him I usually work in the summer but this summer didnt work out so I started taking some summer courses. They are legal, but unethical. Made $100 in a single month. Its not a business, its a scam. Now I also understand more about success too. If Im not doing something productive Id rather be at home sleeping and spending time with my husband. Luckily, I was sitting next to her so the moment she said it was from Primaerica I told her it was a scam. I believe the only way to get ahead in America is by entrepreneurship, MLM and/or Franchise if you can afford it truth be told, if you think about a PYRAMID, you could look at your job as one. Also this was my first job interview, as Im a student. As shes leaving, she stops and says, You know, I never do this because its disrespectful to approach people at their jobs. A few evenings ago. 1 PRIMERICA PARKWAY DULUTH, GA 30099-0001 UNITED STATES . He contacted me about a week ago about a possible part time job opportunity working for him in a company that he said earns him more money than his full time job at the funeral home. The big guy stated he made over $500,000 last year. Luring young grads seems to be low hanging fruit for these guysmostly because these hungry go-getters that dont know any better. It takes time, effort and tears to build something you want. When I ask again what is the role of being a customer service to the company, all that he is saying was that I will be talking to their clients. Something about more information.. John said, crisply, Im offering an interview, thats the first step in the process. He launched into his clearly rehearsed and scripted talk.
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