Im not scared of much, but this guy gives me the heebie-jeebies. Chapters: Journey To The Valley Of Repugnus, When Ratchet prepared to upload what they had of Windblade's mind, a shark broke in and stole her body. Transformers: Cyberverse Story Club. - Bumblebee, Part ferocious fighter, part freaky metal shark-jet with lasers, Sky-Byte is Megatrons first choice for missions that border on the impossible. Summary of Arc 1: Bumblebee. Nice. Making his way to the cityspeaker chamber, Bumblebee was found by Shadow Striker who took him to Windblade's braindead body in the infirmary. He didn't like this one bit. Nombre de saisons: 4 Nombre d'pisodes: 64 Synopsis: Lorsque Bumblebee commence souffrir d'amnsie, son partenaire, Windblade, vient la rescousse et rpare ses puces mmoire, lui permettant de redcouvrir ses aventures passes sur Cybertron.Une fois ses souvenirs rpars, Bumblebee obtient un indice qui le conduira lui et Windblade pour terminer leur . I Am The Allspark, Guarded by Prowl and Rack'n'Ruin, Starscream attempted to unleash his AllSpark power upon reawakening, only to realize he no longer had it after Rack'n'Ruin mocked him for it. Hes fast, tough, and bursting at the seams with enough firepower to handle any situation. Infinite Vendetta, Acid Storm eventually finished the reprogramming of Vector Sigma, allowing Starscream to absorb it and increase his power. Though, like the others, Bumblebee was initially disheartened, his fighting spirit was restored when Optimus returned to the bridge and ordered a course set for home. Venus Alpha as she helps her amnesiac friend Bumblebee, remember his past with the help of their friend Windblade, helps wake up her old friends, find the Allspark to . Includes Windblade figure and instructions. As Bumblebee tended to his leader, the Decepticons seized the AllSpark before the now feral scraplets turned on everyone. When Soundwave reprogrammed the supersoldiers, they stopped fighting, and Bumblebee questioned what had happened, realizing in horror that Soundwave had sacrificed himself to destroy Tarn. Sabotage, As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. Fractured Starscream sent Slipstream to scout the planet and locate the artifact while he rallied the Decepticon fleet. During their break time, Bumblebee and Grimlock got into a fight that caused the Purple Play-Doh to get injured several times in the process. Please consider turning it on! He's always inventing the neatest stuff -- weapons, armor, explosives, the works! The Extinction Event, Back at Grimlock's base, the Dinobot revealed a map of Pangaea which Teletraan used to place the Ark at Mount St. Hilary. With the alien dead, the three moved outside to deal with the brainwashed Croaton. On the sea floor, Bumblebee found a service hatch just as Chromia caught up with him. I like the Transformers Au. His "Sting Shot" Action Attack gimmick causes a blade to pop out of his right arm when triggered. Hes a rude dude who wouldnt know loyalty if it hit him in the face. Bumblebee joined Hot Rod and the other Autobot forces in the Valley of Repugnus, where they formed a plan to retake Cybertron. How did Cyber Starscream end up here? Bumblebee attacked his arch foe only to be defeated and once again being saved by Grimlock. A Camien Autobot city speaker and warrior who puts truth and duty first a good friend of Autobot Bumblebee She transforms into a VTOL jet Telepathic, flight, wing turbines that concussive blasts of wind. When the disruptor was destroyed, Bumblebee raced back aboard the cargo plane, escaping only thanks to Shadow Striker's glitchy limbs. Contemptuously, Megatron threw Starscream's body onto the moon's surface as the Nemesis left. Completed. AN: So, as I mentioned in the description, this story was inspired by an idea Mae Catt, a writer for Transformers: Cyberverse, had for a redemption arc for Starscream.In it, he would've emerged from the remains of his Quintesson judge body with amnesia and carried with him a psychic shard of Windblade, which would've only said five phrases, and Bumblebee would've befriended him. Ok, so sometimes he blows things up. Leader of the Seekers and Megatron's second-in-command,[1] Starscream is the kind of guy who'd sell you out to Megatron in a heartbeat, then sell Megatron out to whoever offers him more power. "- Bumblebee, "Megatron is bad news. It is me, Prowl. The End Of The Universe IV, During the course of the invasion, Windblade had overexerted herself freeing the brainwashed Croaton. As one, the Cybertronians gave him contradictory information prompting him to take Arcee as a hostage, threatening to kill her. Unable to convince Windblade to join him, the two took a last trip to Maccadam's, now totally ruined, where the old barkeep offered them some energon from his private supply. Waving her after him, Bumblebee entered only to fall under the thrall of the Dweller being forced to attack Chromia before she used his own stinger to free him. - Bumblebee, Transformers: Robots in Disguise Team Combiners Game, Transformers Robots in Disguise: Power Up for Battle. Both were great main characters, w/BB suffering from amnesia at the start. Left in the dust by Hot Rod and the cheetah's speed, Bumblebee failed to make it to the GroundBridge before it closed. Transformers: Cyberverse focuses on the adventures of Bumblebee.A damaged memory chip leads to amnesia for Bumblebee, which leads him on an adventure to recover the missing memories of Cybertron.He is joined by his friend Windblade, who journeys with him so he can remember everything, but Megatron sends his Decepticon assassins after the pair try to save their friends from harm. Current stories in the series are: Arc 1: Bumblebee ( AO3 link) (Complete as of June 11, 2021) Attempting to spice up the game, Starscream made his way to the Cubes and reprogrammed the AI in one of them to cause chaos only for Bumblebee and Windblade to foil his plot. Though Bumblebee wanted to go back for their friend, Optimus soon arrived, carrying the wounded tactician over his shoulders. Sensing an end to the millenia-long conflict, the Matrices of Leadership, one each borne by Megatron and Optimus Prime, are up to some shenanigans. An EMP storm soon struck the vessel, locking Bumblebee, and everyone else, in position before Grimlock and Arcee managed to restore power to the ship and their crewmates. Starscream's Children, Starscreams next scheme would involve him kidnapping Cheetor and Bumblebee, which he did by sending his seekers to pursue them. Dark Birth Confident that these peace talks would fail, Bumblebee lounged around with Hot Rod and Cheetor before Slipstream was killed by Bludgeon, sparking a free for all. Include Ratings . He has a habit of destroying everything in his path to clinch a win. - Bumblebee, Cheetor is the Allsparks mysterious guardian. This page was last modified on 22 January 2023, at 12:52. "- Bumblebee, "Dead End would love to bring an end to every Autobot that he comes across. Transformers toys from Transformers Bumblebee Movie, Transfor. Attempting to spice up the game, Starscream made his way to the Cubes and reprogrammed the AI in one of them to cause chaos only for Bumblebee and Windblade to foil his plot. When Windblade travels to Earth to find the Ark and the All Spark, she discovers Bumblebee and together they search for the Ark and All Spark. Their resolve strengthened, the Autobots breached the volcano where they found the Ark. Sea of Tranquility While unable to catch up with the Decepticons, the Autobots were able to disable the planetary engines with which the Decepticons intended to destroy Earth. When Megatron revealed that Starscream had gone rogue, it set the stage for the next round of Autobot/Decepticon peace talks. Transformers (Marvel Generation One) | Bumblebee | Romance Bumblebee X Oc. Windblade finds where she fits into Starscream and Bumblebee's relationship. It's cringy, and I may or may not delete it off the face of this earth. This is real. Seconds before the cryo-gas overtook Bumblebee, Teletraan detected the AllSpark only for the scout to fall into stasis before he could abort the hibernation sequence. Cyberius is now free from his previous captors, but what's next for him? Matrix of Leadership, Starscream watched the beatboxing match between Soundwave and Soundblaster, seemingly unhappy with Soundwaves victory. Cube, Starscream later attended the rally where Megatron unveiled the Decepticon faction and emblem. Plus, Acid Storm spends all his free time chasing my friends and me around the Earth. "- Bumblebee, "Shockwave is devious, brilliant, and totally mad! Only one human appears, and for a few seconds, but glad I watched this. Lastly, he has forearm-mounted, Starscream's voice actor in the Japanese dub gives him the same mannerisms and histrionic personality as, Starscream's death in "The End Of The Universe IV" hurt. Trials Starscream's brush with death had left him insane, believing he had come back from the AllSpark with the purpose of creating a new era of peace by returning all other Transformers to it. Starscream's Children, As Cheetor attempted to find his place in the Autobot chain of command, Bumblebee decided to train him as a scout. Optimus Prime (voiced by Jake Tillman) - Leader of the Autobots. Nevermind.) Megatron stared at him, his expression deadpan. Im practically his right-hand bot -- which proves hes got really good taste. Maybe its his catlike form? Passing back through the portal, the Autobots found themselves in the Scientist's laboratory, facing off against his endless supply of bodies before Wheeljack tracked the Scientist's command signal to his true body, a diminutive organic creature, and squashed him. Thundercracker brings the muscle, but team Autobot brings the victory. . Hi, there! I just dont understand why she has to be so mean about it. Supersoldiers teleported in and restrained everyone, as Tarn declared himself the true leader of the Deceptions, and his intentions to annihilate the Autobots. - Bumblebee, "Theres no one Id rather roll out with than Grimlock. Cyberverse Scout Class Bumblebee is a Legends-sized toy that transforms from a robot to a robot sitting down a "transformational" mode in six easy steps. During his early attempts to free the Cybertronians from the Loop, Hot Rod tried to free Bumblebee to no avail. Perfect Storm, When a distress call from Chromia came in, the Autobots repaired an old space bridge to try and quickly return home. However, his plan was foiled when Optimus Prime destroyed the device connecting the emitters. After being separated from Optimus and Windblade, Bumblebee told Cheetor to press on and find the AllSpark even as the scraplets swarmed him. Dark Birth Reaching out to his Seekers, Starscream rallied them to him and had them procure Vector Sigma. Battle For Cybertron I Battle For Cybertron II, After Chromia informed Windblade of a backdoor to the Well of the AllSpark, "Team Hot Rod" began making their way underground. Once he'd used a triple-barrel ion shoulder cannon to deter the Decepticons, the two set down in cave that looked like Bumblebee's head where they used the patch to remember more about Maccadam. Information he was only telling Bumblebee because he made sure that the scout would never tell Optimus, a statement he backed up by ripping out the scout's voice box. The End Of The Universe I, Holding the assembled members of his species prisoner, Judge Starscream ranted to them about the injustices that they had inflicted on him over the course of his life before he demanded Prime and Megatron's locations. Once a rich bounty of energon had been detected on a frozen moon, Bumblebee joined Optimus and Grimlock to find the source only for the trio to be attacked by native insects. Production. The Journey, As the Ark arrived over Earth, it suffered an engine malfunction prompting Teletraan-1 to reactivate Grimlock so he could deal with the problem only for a hull breach to open in the hibernation bay. . With no alliance to be had, Optimus declared that the Autobots would have to stop Starscream on their own. After Astrotrain had taken Megatron X away, Ratchet presented the recovered Windblade to the Autobots, Bumblebee hugging his friend. Versions of Bumblebee have appeared in other continuity families, including: I want to tell you about the Transformers! With the help of Chromia and another Autobot (*cough* me), the noble Knight of the Primes is released from captivity to once again join the quest to the evil heart of Crystal City. . There they found that Teletraan-1 was dead and Teletraan-X quickly began to upload himself into the ship's mainframe only for Shadow Striker to arrive and destroy the drone. He's always eavesdropping on our plans by messing with our electrical impulses, or something along those evil lines. When Windblade called him back in via cityspeaking, the two found Starscream trying to sabotage the match and tried to thwart him, an adventure that ended in Bumblebee himself being on the Cube court and becoming the star of the show. Though the former star brought Bumblebee to the moon, his obsession with the macabre led to the two exploring the abandoned communications hub where Bumblebee was haunted by ghosts of fallen warriors. This is the book where I bring all of your requests to life! Whiteout, While joyriding through a desert, Bumblebee was found by Windblade only for amnesia to prevent him from recognizing her and mistaking Thundercracker for a friend Windblade had brought. The Other One. Along with Hot Rod, Bumblebee was assigned to guard Cheetor, the three remaining on the outskirts of the battle under orders to not enter the Threshold of the Well until a direct path had been cleared. Free shipping for many products! Allspark Further use of the patch helped Bumblebee remember going into stasis and the AllSpark being detected but he could not say where the Ark had wound up. Cube Bumblebee took his new friend to Maccadam's Old Oil House where he introduced her to his many friends and the barkeep himself who pegged that the duo were hiding in a cave. In Episode 15 of 'Transformers Cyberverse,' Windblade, Bumblebee, and Teletraan-X discover a deactivated Autobot that turns out to be their old friend, Grimlock! Spotted, The Decepticon would then hasten his plans further with the timely arrival of both Jetfire and Sky-Byte, and approached both of the warriors with the promise of defeating one another. Autobot insignia is missing the white shape inside the top section, Play Doh Videos | Bumblebees Giant Robot Construction Transformers x Play-Doh | The Play-Doh Show, Autobots VS Decepticons! Word to the wise--if you see a plasma blaster in her hands, duck. The last step of conversion automatically activates Windblade figure's signature Turbine Thrash Action Attack move! A great combo for trying to destroy the Earth. Always up for some fun, he often finds himself playing off against his friends' temperaments. - Bumblebee, "Ah, Acid Storm. His boogying brought out a vengeful Shadow Striker. Eruption, Months of Earth-bound battles eventually resulted in the humans becoming aware of the Transformers. [5] Bumblebee (Scout Class, 2019, 2021) Action Attack: "Hive Swarm". The End Of The Universe IV, Starscream's head, as depicted from his time as a Quintesson Judge, was eventually recovered at some point following the downfall of the Quintessons by Meteorfire and stored among his alien memorabilia. As a propaganda move, Megatron made a video directed at the people of Earth that claimed that Starscream tragically lost his life at the hands of the Autobots. So they are together. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. Shes got the whole nothings-gonna-stop-me-from-saving-the-universe thing going on. Maccadam's Like many bots of the time, Bumblebee was drawn to the rhetoric of the charismatic gladiator Megatron. When the group reached the multiverse drive, they were confronted by the Scientist. Allspark, As Cybertron's condition deteriorated due to the loss of the AllSpark, Starscream led Thundercracker, and Nova Storm to the Grand Imperium where the trio attempted to slay Optimus Prime only to be bested and forced to retreat. Party Down, When passing through a dense asteroid field, Bumblebee, Cheetor and Hot Rod broke out the solar-wave boards and went surfing solar flares before they discovered unusual formations in the rocks. Windblade and Bumblebee discuss their impending creatorhood and sparkling, and enjoy the calm before the storm. Please be aware that your use of such third partys linked website is subject to their privacy policy and terms of use, which may differ from those of Hasbro. After the Prime made an incredibly awkward speech, celebrations began in full swing, He was later a victim of Wheeljack's malfunctioning AllSpark Energy Emitter Badges, driving him to attack everything in a maddened rage. With the Titan's city mode now serving as the Decepticon capital, Hot Rod sent Bumblebee was to scout their territory. "- Bumblebee, "Slipstream is really good at telling others what to do, and also really good at strategizing ways to stop us Autobots. She has enough of it. As the two duked it out, they found themselves pinned under a beam where Shadow Striker recounted the tale behind her survival and reconstruction. Hell sell you out to Megatron, and then sell Megatron out to whoever offers him power. 2023 Hasbro. Bumblebee is totally the bravest, coolest, most epic scout in the Autobot ranks or, at least, he thinks he is. It was then that the still alive Jetfire turned up, requesting aid in his vendetta, only for Optimus to turn him down, prioritizing the search for the AllSpark. Grimlock (voiced by Ryan Andes) - King of Dinosaurs and Dinobot. I do not like anything that is not orderly. Focus: Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars, Since: 06-22-20. Megatron Is My Hero Poking around the shuttle some more, Bumblebee found a Cube, reawakening his memories of his and Windblade's first meeting. Heading to Wheeljack's lab to see if the inventor had any useful inventions, Bumblebee bore witness to Grimlock gorging himself on Hyper-Fuel, Bumblebee racing after his overcharged friend only to constantly bested by his kinetic energy. They rescue other Autobots, then have wild adventures on Earth & Cybertron. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Whirl, Megatron and Prowl help make everything worse in their own special ways. Along with Chromia, Bumblebee followed in a shuttle to the Argon Sea, diving in after it. The beacon led them to a missile silo where they found Teletraan-X, an auxiliary data drone from the Ark. With great regret, Bumblebee was forced to leave Windblade behind as he got Teletraan to safety. Bumblebee cursed his nasty tendency to catch feelings for flight frames. Transformers: Cyberverse . Normally I'd say that I'm so not afraid to take on a henchbot. [1], While Bumblebee and Hot Rod were racing, they were attacked by Megatron, Clobber and Starscream. King of the Dinosaurs, Bumblebee crashed in the Himalayas and eventually reawoke, though suffering from heavy amnesia. BUMBLEBEE CYBERVERSE ADVENTURES|WINDBLADE|AUTOBOT|MINT CARD LOT. is it not as cool when I say it?" -- Ha, ha, kidding guys, it's me, Bumblebee, doing my Prowl impersonation. Transformers x Reader (OLD) by StephoIsHere. However, Sky-Byte, not fooled by the Autobot ploy, attacked the Ark and broke onto the bridge, Grimlock knocking the attacker back out into space. bayverse. Though they have traveled far and fought fiercely, the Autobots and Decepticons have only one true home, and whoever rules Cybertron controls the fates of all the bots who occupy the planet. Realizing such events would never occur, Bumblebee shattered the memory revealing Windblade had been replaced by Shockwave who demanded to know where the Ark was in exchange for Windblade's safety. While it seemed as though Cheetor and Bumblebee escaped through the Groundbridge Nexus, they were unexpectedly attacked and paralyzed by Acid Storm, who took them back to Starscreams new lair. After breaching the field and shutting down the Planet Smasher, the Autobots followed into an underground bunker. He re-routed his circuits to increase his T. rex power. Sea of Tranquility, As Starscream seethed over this, the Autobots destroyed the Planet Smasher, prompting the Decepticons to retreat underground and enact their backup plan of using planetary engines to smash the moon into the Earth. Battle For Cybertron III. 96 Stories. - f***o (325) vsrl ltal kldtt visszajelzs. An average day in Starscream, Windblade and Bumblebee's new lives together. So complete that one wonders if they had to choose, would they follow Starscream or Megatron? Problem is, his memory chip was damaged on Earth, and now he can't remember his critical mission, or how he got to the planet in the first place. Optimus Prime is the best leader an Autobot can ask for, and the worst nightmare a Decepticon can imagine. Retreating back to the Ark, Cheetor used the AllSpark to reconstitute the Sharkticon homeworld, securing peace for the aliens. In Episode 9 of 'Transformers Cyberverse,' Bumblebee revisits memories of his arch nemesis Shadowstriker and learns there's more to being a hero than just knowing how to fight. This is my old Transformers x Reader Book if you wish to read. $19.00. SEE TRANSFORMERS APPS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR DEVICE! As Optimus made a statement to the human race, Bumblebee noticed an animal watching them only for it to disappear when he tried to show it to Hot Rod. Hot Rod then sighted the moon cheetah outside the Ark, the two scouts racing after it. I'll have to battle Decepticons, outrun an explosion or two, and be heroic- basically, I'm in for one epic ride across the Cyberverse."-Bumblebee The resourceful Windblade uses her telepathic Cityspeaker powers to defend justice with the Heroic Autobots.
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