AH I SAID ARRON YOU KNOW THAT THEY TOOK THEIR CLOTHES OFF WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE? Their affidavits can be read here and here. But what absolutely cannot happen is that 1 cop having his reputation, career, family, and future be staked on the guilt/innocence/fortitude/silence of that dick-lover Terry. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, AND HES BEEN FOUND THERE BY YOU SEVERAL TIMES? It is my belief that only Stevie and Chris were stripped at this time because Michael was most likely already unconscious. Coincidence? RIDGE OKAY, NOW THE CONVERSATION YOU HAD WITH HIS AUNT WHAT IS HER NAME AGAIN? I learned about this case 3 years ago. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. Turtles would be most attracted to areas that were soft and already leeching blood, according to experts and that is why it appears as though Chris groin had both stab wounds before death and animal predation wounds after death. Terry is an absolute sadist, psychopath and was never properly investigated, and I know The Hobbs Family Secret is true, possibly The Puzzle. My theory is that when Stevie saw Terry there, he was scared, very scared. If Terry truly had bitten and stabbed Chris scrotum, it would explain perfectly the questions around Chris death. Additionally, they would have focused on someone who lived in West Memphis and knew the Blue Beacon Woods well. Jamie Clark Ballard, who lived only three doors down from Terry and Pam Hobbs, has supplied a sworn affidavit, as have both her . AND THAT WHITE TANK TOP MAN. (Dixies statement) When Narlenes husband was interviewed he said he saw two people walking on the service road, but was not sure who they were. That hair was then secured to Michaels body as Terry tied him up. Left: Buddy Lucas Right: LG Hollingsworth. Buddy allegedly confessed that when the four returned to the truck, Terry and David looked to the teens and promised to kill them if they ever spoke of the crime to anyone. David Jacoby is the key to this case. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. And why would Jacoby publicly and openly admit that he lied under penalty of perjury and to police back in 2007? Hobbs' was. ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. Is there any reason NOT to believe Terry Hobbs is guilty of the murders other than simply believing that the West Memphis Three did it? When the police asked Aaron why he thought his friends were murdered, he told them that he believed his friends got caught spying on the men and that the man with the white tank top told the others to hold them while he killed them. WE NEED TO GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE. I have a very strong suspicion that Narlene lied about dropping LG off at home and there is ample evidence to support this. The dynamic between them must have been s fucked up and dark and tense. My question is this: If you are of the opinion that the WM3 are guilty, how can you be sure? At all. We can assume this because of the 6:00/6:30 sighting from the service road. What this shows us is that Jacoby knows the truth. The kind of men who do these things are, uh. A Calhoun County man has been missing for weeks now, leaving his family searching for answers. I cant be sure, but its possible that the interviewer in this deposition meant Roy not Ray. If Michael had kicked Terry that could have been the impetus that pushed Terry to hit him back. Lastly, Stevie branch apparently told his cousin that Terry was molesting him and Amanda. Theres no debate about that because there were steep inclines on the sides of the ditch where all three bodies were placed, making it impossible that they were just tossed in from either the east or west bank. I am scared and I am fearful . The most severe injury to Stevie came from being stomped on the back of the head and its very likely that this injury was the very last thing to happen to Stevie. Richard took another polygraph saying that LG was not with him the night of the 5th and he passed. That makes sense to me. Todd Moore, father of victim Michael Moore, found the evidence against Hobbs unpersuasive. He was called a 'baby killer.' AARON: MICHAEL AND CHRIS SAID NOT TO TELL NOBODY, RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? She said some very odd things about TH: "he gets a look that's plum(sp?) Also, according to LGs aunt, Dixie, LGs mother, Linda, came to her work the next day asking where he had been the night before. He snapped and hit the boy. Flashback to 1993, 4 months after the murders, Pam said that Terry told her he didn't get mad, he got even. When LG was later questioned by police about who exactly had dropped him off, he claimed that he had borrowed Richards car that night strictly to go to the Laundromat and get his cousins phone number. Although I have gone into great detail describing how this murder took place, in reality, the experts believed it would have only taken around 20 minutes to carry the murder out. Hobbs was calling loudly at the children and ordering them to return to his house. A rather uncommon knot for a regular person but a very common knot for a former butcher or farmer. There is more evidence, also, that LG never went home that afternoon. They then went and dumped the boys bicycles into the bayou, cleaned up the area and left by dark. BLY BUDDY UM, LEFT A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THE KIDS GOT KILLED AND SHE SAID, HE DIDNT COME BACK UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. When the boys were found, along with their clothes the following day, there were two pairs of underwear and 5 socks missing from the crime scene. (Charlotte Bly interview). The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. The suspicious part about this is that in a deposition taken in 2009, Terry Hobbs had the very same allegations implied against him that Billy Stewart made in 2013, four years later, but this time the implications were made by Natalie Maines lawyers. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. I allege that all three men returned to Terrys home and cleaned themselves up, which most likely involved washing mud off their shoes. If LG had been dropped off at home at 4:30, surely he would have changed out of his shirt and tie by 9pm. If the boys had their bicycles with them, which I believe is very likely, that means Stevie and Michael would have been quickly caught whereas Chris, who had no bicycle to push, would have gotten caught a bit farther away. i.e: wrestle. A boy who is passed out does not need his clothes ripped off as quickly or roughly as one who is awake and struggling. golden age crime fiction conventions . I know that all the experts agree that Michael was unconscious while he was tied up but I dont know about Stevie.. There is no way that if this really occurred, Terry would have allowed those boys go home to tell their parents that, not only was Terry Hobbs in the woods having sex with men and teenagers, but he punched his stepsons friend in the head for catching him. LGs whereabouts that night are equally suspicious, if not more so. Which means that when Natalies lawyers dug into Terry Hobbs past, there were obviously some people who made similar allegations to the ones Billy made 4 years later. Mark took Chris home, spanked him for being in the middle of the street and not waiting at home, told him to clean the carport and left him there cleaning at 5:30. However, I do believe the women saw the three boys and that they also saw them with Terry Hobbs; they testified under oath and under penalty of perjury and they are credible sources. That means that they may have punched Stevie, but may not have taken it farther than that. This case has just been trapped in my mind since I heard about it and it breaks my heart every single day. But the deeper I dug, the more I realized that not only was there no evidence to discredit that these four men committed this murder, all the known evidence supports the notion that they actually did do it. I allege that Terry tied up one side of Stevie and then told either Buddy or LG to finish doing the other side. One thing that was agreed upon if you read between the lines, is that Chris was dead before he was put in the water. I believe at this time, Terry directed his attention to Stevie and bit him repeatedly on this face. Upon arriving home with his younger daughter, he told police that he did not see his older step-son, Stevie. Why was Terry 18 minutes late picking Pam up? Police Officer Regina Meeks had been called to Mark Byers home at 8:10 and filled out a police report for the missing children with both the Byers and Dana Moore. My feeling is that LG, thinking of a close and safe spot where he could go, would have asked Terry to drop him off at the Laundromat, less than a mile away from Terrys house. RIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS? I admit that when I first read the alleged Buddy/LG confessions I was skeptical. When police asked Dixie if the car that LG was spotted in was Richards, she too, vehemently denied it, stating that she knew Richards yellow car well, and this wasnt it. I believe that inhismind, the boys deserved what they got because they shouldnt have been spying. In my opinion, it shows that this theory is actually exactly what happened. If Terry had been spotted driving around with LG by either the Moores, Byers or any policemen who might have been in the vicinity, that could have raised some difficult questions for Terry to answer. When Aaron Hutchinson spoke about the clubhouse, he referenced the boards numerous times. VICKIE: THE DEAD END ON MCAULEYRIDGE: ON MCAULEY BYVICKIE: BY THE APARTMENTSRIDGE: OKAY, ALRIGHT. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. Statement made by Anthony Hollingsowrth, cousin to LG, to police. I rewatched the paradise lost docs and in the last one, just before the murders, Pam had "kissed a Mexican" and Terry said that years later when he brought on the lawsuit with Natalie Maines. What really stands out to me is that the guilt or innocence of the men known as the West Memphis Three has been wildly debated through the years. Then he changes his story again and said that Narlene did give him a ride home around this time. Whats equally puzzling is the fact that almost nothing about the two mens alibis is the same, yet they both claim to have been with each other. The new evidence establishes that the last person who had custody of the three boys before they vanished and died was Terry Hobbs. The bathroom window over my tub was partially open and my yelling could be heard outside. He had LG and Buddy rip off the clothes of the boys and then pulled out a knife and began to bite and stab the scrotum of one boy. 5:30pm According to both Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby, Terry and Amanda show up at the Jacobys at approx. LG was actually a suspect from the very beginning, and its actually really shocking to me that he was not further investigated. Apparently, Stevie had injuries to his penis that he believed were self inflicted. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. That 1 cop cannot be subjected to the stigma of liking dick. I am not scared of that boy. There is both an interview and an affidavit signed by Jacoby and neither of those mention anything about Terry propositioning him. He believed that the men, this time, saw the boys spying and killed them. In the autopsy reports, it was concluded that Michael was swiftly and violently attacked and was likely unconscious for almost the entire assault on the boys. random bruising on legs that don't hurt madonna university room and board was terry hobbs ever found. VICKIE: HE STAYED. I believe it is because the truth had finally and for the very first time, been exposed. However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. In accordance with the alleged confessions and as stated previously, I believe this kick would have sent Terry into a rage and he would have instantly punched Michael in response. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME?AARON: IT WAS BOTHRIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING?AARON: IT WAS, WHEN EVER WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WE WENT THERE ABOUT FOURRIDGE: OKAYAARON: AND THEY NEVER GOT THERE BEFORE WE DIDRIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. THEY WERENT SCARED THAT MAYBE SOMEBODY HAD SEEN THEM IN THERE ONE DAY? This is supported by evidence as well. As noted earlier, the autopsies revealed that Michael was quickly incapacitated with a few defensive wounds to the hands, which implied to the Medical Examiner that Michaelwasin fact the first one to be attacked. For years, the stepfather of one of the three children killed in West Memphis, Arkansas, has maintained his innocence, despite public outcry to investigate him. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. (source) All of these interviews and statements show that not only did LG not have an alibi, but he lied about his alibi and asked other people to lie about being with him, too. In part 3, when suing Natalie Maines, he said he wanted The Dixie Chicks to be "humiliated" as punishment when asked what he really wanted out of the lawsuit. However, she drove a small four door car and there would be no room to pick up her sister if she already had six people in her car. Not only was he punishing and dominating him, but he was expressing his repressed anger and shame associated with being bisexual or homosexual. It also would make sense that Terry would carry shame, deep shame, if he were secretly homosexual. I think Michelle died of a broken heart, possibly organ failure due to drug abuse. If they had focused on what the evidence at the crime scene really revealed, in addition to the details from Aarons interview, they would have been looking for a male or males who knew the victims well, were rumored or known homosexual or bisexual men approximately aged from 20-30 years old, and a person(s) who was free to frequent the woods in the afternoons from 5pm- 8pm at night, Monday -Thursday. According to Fox 13 Memphis, Benca previously said the evidence was intact and they plan to move ahead and test this evidenceusing the latest DNA technology available to hopefully identify the real killer(s) of the three children in 1993 and exonerate Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jesse Misskelley.. By 7:05 the three boys may have been spotted by Terry or one of the others. He also confirmed that one of the teens, Buddy Lucas, had admitted to his involvement in the murders with the other three men. Douglas believes the act was meant to dominate, control, humiliate and punish. I believe it was because Stevie was hit repeatedly on the left side of the face by LG. No matter whatgreen vegetable Stevie ate, the fact that it was a green vegetable and that it was partially digested shows that Stevie had to have eaten some vegetables sometime between 5:00 and 6:30. In fact, the very first place that he and Pam looked before Pam went to work was Michaels house. Everybody said that Damian, I know that hes suppose to have 666 on his shoes. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. The nudity and tying is what makes it even more sick than just bashing their heads in. At the time of the murders, LG was only 19 and spent most of his time with an unmarried man who was in his 50s. Within a week of that delivery, I also delivered marijuana, cocaine, and crystal meth to Mr. Hobbs in Memphis, Tennessee, on Madison Avenue at a gay bar called J-Wags. I dont believe when Terry first saw them that he intended to kill them. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. Aaron, Michael and Chris had always gone without Stevie and the one time Stevie did go, the men did not show up. I believe Terry would have changed altogether since he was at home but neither Jacoby or LG had that luxury just yet. At the same time, she felt she must lie to protect her nephew, as she may have been told that his participation was very small. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. In fact, in 2012 the animal hair found on the boys bodies was tested; revealing that the animal hair was from both canines and felines. According to David Jacoby, he and Terry drove down Barton street searchingfour separate times, passing Michael Moores home each time. AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID. The 3 were let out of jail on an Alford Plea, which means that they admit that there is enough evidence to find them guilty (and thus the case is considered closed) but still maintain that they are innocent. I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. Furthermore, the time the boys were seen doing this is also around the time that Aaron Hutchinson claimed they had first seen the men in the woods. Basically, anything that both sides agree with I consider to be a fact because its gone undisputed. transfer betterment to vanguard. I think its open to interpretation. AND I TOLD AARON, ARRON DOESNT KNOW ABOUT SEX AND WE TALKED ABOUT IT AND ALL THE BOOKS THAT YOUVE SEEN UM HE SAID THAT THEY HAD THEIR PETERS IN EACH OTHERS BUTTS AND SAID THEY WATCHED. Was there anyone else who knew how to clean up blood better than Terry did? thirty minutes to clean up the crime scene before it got dark. 3:15 Michael Moore shows up and asks if he and Stevie can ride bikes together. Terry admitted himself that he whipped Stevie and by Amandas own account, Terry was a violent man who left welts and bruises on her when he hit her. When his friend Richard failed a polygraph, he admitted that LG had asked him to lie. Friday, January 20th 2012. The children never returned home. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN?AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. RIDGE WHO WERE WORKING IN CONSTRUCTION WORK? It is likely that you will come away from this with a clear understanding of who murdered Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Chris Byers and why. Why else would *Chris* have patterned bruises on his thighs(could be finger marks)? I recall a man was outside across the street working in his yard. I think its likely that Terry took the board with him as well to dispose of later or had it thrown in the bayou. "I was yelling for Terry to get out, and ultimately Terry ran out of my home and ran downstairs into his unit. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. She even described one brunette boy as being heavy set. Meaning to me that he was the third one caught).
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