post-template-default single single-post postid-13172 single-format-standard, Summary of Sally Dentons Bluegrass Conspiracy & Los Angeles Connections. Logout. Consequences and Effects. At the time Ralph Ross was the head of organized crime and intelligence unit for the Lexington Police Department. Im personally fond of the belief that the moon isnt real. After not arriving to her doctors appointment and all of Melanies clothing was in her room at her parent house. Doubleday, 1990. That person had new information about the location of her body given to him from a key figure in the investigation. It sure caused havoc here with The Bluegrass Conspiracy. "It just went on for month after month and nothing, nothing.". Melanie Flynn went missing in January 1977 and many believed that her disappearance was tied to the infamous Blue Grass Conspiracy. Yet ultimately press coverage exposed the conspiracy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Lexington woman went missing in 1977 after leaving work at the Kentucky High School Athletic Association. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Its time to Talk. bluegrass, in music, country and western style that emerged in the United States after World War II, a direct descendant of the old-time string-band music that had been widely played and recorded by such groups as the Carter Family from the late 1920s. . In the latest episode of Uniquely Kentucky, Amber Philpott dives into "The Bluegrass Conspiracy" with Sally Denton. There is a big difference. And yet, in spite of this amazing accomplishment by a bluegrass artist, she was kept off the television broadcast. Both men would serve the majority of their sentences and then return to Lexington upon their release. In the latest episode of Uniquely Kentucky, Amber Philpott dives into "The Bluegrass Conspiracy" with Sally Denton. Or, the other reason that Thornton resigned was because he knew what was about to happen with Melanie Flynn. #1. I happen to believe that the same requirements from the Feds that began in the 70's (the CIA training) was in effect in LA during that time and later and caused the LAPD Intelligence Squad to come into existence. If I came out and publicly announced that it was satire, those taking it seriously might still believe it anyway, so what good would it do? The taxidermied bear on display at the Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall in Lexington, Kentucky known as the "Cocaine Bear" is NOT the actual bear that died in the drug smuggling saga known commonly as "The Bluegrass Conspiracy.". ----------------- Andrew Carter Thornton II was born on October 30, 1944, in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Powered and implemented byFactSet Digital Solutions. Henry Vance Loses Appeal. All rights reserved. The plane that Thornton jumped out of crashed 60 miles away in Hayesville, North Carolina. With public doubt and criticism of Dentons reporting still lingering even after she left, Denton and Kurtz agreed that it was the circumstances surrounding Thorntons death - when his parachute failed to open after he jumped from a plane with cocaine, cash, guns and gold strapped to him - that finally lent more credence to what they had been saying all along. This training has the potential (and the history as per Bluegrass Conspiracy and others) of being USED by government against the ordinary citizen. [Channel] 27 had to take a little bit of criticism from various people when Sally was doing various stories about the police department, Kurtz said, many of which ended up in The Bluegrass Conspiracy., (Dentons book: The Bluegrass Conspiracy: An Inside Story of Power, Greed, Drugs and Murder, was first published in 1989. The son of Carter and Peggy Thornton of Threave Main Stud farm, he grew up in the Lexington, Kentucky, area and attended the private Sayre School and the Iroquois Polo Club. After giving the police all the details, the case of the missing Melanie Flynn started to become highly publicized. On Thursday, crews focused on digging in one particular area and brought in an excavator to dig two holes. This woman was indicted (but managed to have charges dropped), she supplied money, was involved in game fixing in the NFL and college games, was interviewed in the disappearance/death of Melanie Flynn (a party girl) who was last seen in her presence and more. Fans have actually been seeing an Alison Krauss hologram on stage. Lexington, though a diverse and alluring city in many ways, has not always had a sparkling reputation. They're still looking," Siegel said. But with the way Kentucky is churning out revolutionary country performers these days, it could have made for a cool backdrop and soundtrack to an intriguing film. Why? I believe almost all of them, too, whether they become discredited in the media or not. Brown, Jr., Dan Lasater (Bill Clinton), and the whole crew. It is time to leave Americaif you are into digging into conspiracies becauseuhthe police state is gonna be gulaging guys likeus. | Opinion, Bill to end anti-competitive bourbon barrel tax a positive start | Opinion. The main director of the Bluegrass Conspiracy, Andrew Thornton III, was the only one who truly suffered any consequences. But to try and pull all the threads together - I mean, honestly, its taken me almost 40 years to connect a lot of the dots.., THE BLUEGRASS CONSPIRACY That's the big conspiracy theory in bluegrass music, but we also have numerous other ones, which I feel compelled to share with you now. At the time they were looking for cocaine that they believed was missing. The presidents of all the major streaming companies from Spotify to Apple Music are all Danish, are all the same person, and are all related to Mac Wiseman. Book Overview. In 1968 Congress created a special appendage of the Justice Department to financially assist state and local police departments in battling new, complex national crime wave that had accompanied the riots and demonstrations. clnk&cd=1, Plea for Commutation of Death Sentence of I dont think so. Judging by their obituaries, they lived out their post-penitentiary lives in an exceedingly forgiving community that didnt give their infamy a second thought. Some took this seriously, others saw it as satire. Local citizens had major issues with their authority and suspected abuse of power. Flynn's younger brother, Brad, searched this same area seven and a half years ago and let LEX 18 speak to him. And if you stay here, theyll frame you and get you silenced, and find a legal way to do it. In the latest episode of Uniquely Kentucky, Denton is asked if she thinks there will ever be answers in the Flynn case. After the divorce of George and Evans, Brown stepped into the picture. 5) Take a look at the MEXICAN MAFIA MURDERS AFFADAVIT that I posted at Austin IMC. "We will exhaust all of our leads again, and hopefully we can come up with something that will help the family out.". To make it seem as there was nothing fishy was going on, Melanie would take Canan to lavish parties thrown by Anita and Preston Madden; mostly Anita would host the parties while Preston followed her around like a lost puppy. Many LOCAL law enforcement personel were at that picnic/campout that weekend. Brown, Jr. was married to the ex wife of Robert Evans of Paramount Pictures fame---the Heidi Fleiss case--and had been the lover of Denise Brown years before---connected to drugs---tied in with the Cotton Club murder---etc. 'Shakespearean twist.'. Something that struck the police, however, was that Melanies keys and purse were not found in her car at the site were her car was found. The alleged strategy was that now if people Google frozen Disney, theyre bombarded with stories about the movie and not ones about frozen Walt. THE GOOD OLE BOYS ROUNDUP. We have trained cops now all over the US that could do black bag jobs, surveillance, wiretaps, etc.====trained by CIA. Living in Kentucky near all the event mentioned in The Bluegrass Conspiracy I found this book to be really historical and cool. Required fields are marked *. A narc cop is believed to have been the one to kill Melanie Flynn (baseball player Doug Flynn's sister). 2022 FOX News Network, LLC. Bluegrass Conspiracy: Where are they now? $4.95. My Profile Her ex-husband was Robert Evan's fame of the Cotton Club Murders and Denise's former lover and Paramount film producer. Melanies parents started to think about why someone would want to get rid of their daughter. The movie Cocaine Bear opens Thursday in theaters. Her father had been on city council. I was off at my annual professional convention, he said. Everything is painted black. Each time I see the Kentucky Derby on TV now I will enjoy a nice chuckle, thanks to Denton! Among the major players were Governor John Y. It was a wonderful reading experience and I highly recommend it. If they're true, Louisville fans won't see a Roman Empire-like collapse but it's possible Pitino could do something similar to Lute Olson and take a leave of absence in order to deal with this matter. Over half of the current board members are paid by Coke to advance this agenda. Bluegrasses are found in temperate and tropical climates worldwide, and several have naturalized in areas outside their native range. We have our conspiracy theories in the world of bluegrass music, too, Im happy to say. The Elizabeth Banks directed film starring Kentucky's very own Cocaine Bear has begun production.. One day however, they finally caught up with him. Denton, Sally: The Bluegrass Conspiracy, Around this time, many Lexington police officers took their uniforms to the Earley Bird Cleaners. ured prominently in the so-called Bluegrass Conspiracy in the early 1980s. The "bluegrass conspiracy," as coined by author Sally Denton in her book-length investigation of the scandal, describes the exploits of Lexington's most rich and powerful families and their . The story eventually balloons into a mammoth scandal known as the "Bluegrass Conspiracy", but no trace of Melanie is ever found. In addition to leading his own band, with whom he tours and records, Jones is an award-winning broadcaster and songwriter. 17 talking about this. The Bluegrass Conspiracy. Many LOCAL law enforcement personel were at that picnic/campout that weekend. . Timeline. That saga is chronicled in Sally Denton's 1989 book, "The Bluegrass Conspiracy." The 175-pound bear's body was found several months after Thornton's and preserved with taxidermy. Some of the "players" of "The Bluegrass Conspiracy" are said to have lived near Cornishville, which is not far from "The Triad." These "good ole boys" will destroy without conscience, as "Kentucky has the meanest people in the world." And as documented, they can make it look natural, or accidental compliments of the CIA . I left Kentucky in 1983 and developed what I had uncovered during my three-year stint there into the book The Bluegrass Conspiracy: An Inside Story of Power, Greed, Drugs and Murder, published by Doubleday in 1989. They waited until after the death of Jimmy Martin to carry out this threat. 3) You can find my blog at Beans banality. You can send the photos to I suppose we will never know. On Monday, Brad told LEX 18 that he is glad his sister has not been forgotten. Margaret "Maggie" Murdaugh, 52, and Paul . They are trained with military equipment and in wire-tapping, surveillance and swat team/military tactics (which in my opinion is the cause --or partly the cause of some the terrible tragedies when swat teams go into the Wrong house and kill somebody). Thornton seemed to have grabbed anything and everything he could before falling to his death. Governor Brown ALSO owned that Florida golfing resort that Jean speaks of at the timethat was known for the drugs, prostitution and mobster connections. In 1990, just before the Earleys were murdered, Walsh became Chief of Police. The Universal Pictures film, described as a "character-driven thriller" highlights the events of the infamous Bluegrass Conspiracy.. I rest my case. Cookie Notice Cops were video-taping, wire-tapping citizens (prominent citizens, NFL players, actors, actresses) using drugs, gambling, prostitution and porn---all out of a house belonging to then Democratic Governor John Y. Melanie had a doctors appointment scheduled later that day at 5:30. Privacy Policy. The writer mile Zola exposed the affair. 4) I exchanged posts with you at conspiracy cafe where you put the Blue Grass Conspiracy post. I read this on planes, in a hotel room, and at my residence. When Kentucky Blueblood Drew Thornton parachuted to his death in September 1985carrying thousands in cash and 150 pounds of cocainethe gruesome end of his startling life blew open a scandal that reached to the most secret circles of the U.S. government. I also put an affadavit on The Christina Moore Murder at Austin IMC. ---------- Thats how a lot of these theories work: they simply take on a life of their own. and our Were these guys getting security clearances or security background checkups? But, there's also a dark side to the region. There is has been great music every decade and also complete turds every decade including the vaunted 1960's and '70's. according to our reporting partners at the Lexington Herald-Leader. It was just a shared hallucination by the attendees. Her car was found a week later in Lexington. Among the major players were Governor John Y. This training has the potential (and the history as per Bluegrass Conspiracy and others) of being USED by government against the ordinary citizen. I think that little "picnic" that you mentioned--The Good Ole Boy Roundup--in Chattanooga, Tenn. is a prime example. Remember the Round Up in Tennessee that was investigated about the time of the Simpson case where the agents showed racism. Windstorm knocked it down. The origin story of how Kentucky for Kentucky obtained the "Cocaine Bear" including the involvement of . Dentons reporting turned over the rocks, and the evils - the weevils - came out, Kurtz said previously, highlighting the continuous nature of the revelations during that time. And he has to "go along" with what those backers do whether he may agree with it or not. Theyre all interconnected globally and will find anyone: ANYWHERE. A unique variety of people make up the population, from tobacco farmers to entrepreneurs and lawyers. On September 3rd, the Mount Sterling Advocate released a news article that Canan had been released from jail at 63 years of age. - Sandra K. Lindheimer, Middlesex Law Library, Cambridge, Mass. Melanie may go by the names of Melanie may go by the names of Melanie Dee or Melanie OHara. The search is expected to continue for days. Miss George has spent several nights in the LIncoln bedroom in the current administration. He was younger, a hunter (familiar with and admits to camping out and survival training), very bright, etc. Required fields are marked *. "An attractive young lady, daughter of a prominent family. Hatched on Manhattan's Upper West Side, its motives remain shrouded in mystery . +44 (0)7540 787812 It is an inside story of power, greed, drugs, and murder and it blew the lid off of Lexington, Ky. when it was released. The contents inside the purse were, lipstick, a perfume atomizer, and two bottles of medicine, one of which was Melanies antihistamines (The Charley Project), which she had been prescribed by her doctor because of her allergies. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided byRefinitiv Lipper. Ross turned his attention to Andrew Thornton. Lexington and state police took equipment to scan underground and took K-9s to the area. The Bluegrass Conspiracy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Melanie never arrived at her doctors appointment and never arrived home. They recruited . Flynn worked for Canan as an undercover informant, and a fellow police officer once testified that Canan admitted killing Flynn. Esquire magazine recently published a list of the top 30 conspiracy theories prevalent in the United States. We'd love to hear from you. Daniel Goldin: NASA's Creature from the Black Vault, Part Two: ORWELL IN SPACE, NPRs This American Life Whitewashes U.S. were there TOGETHER. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 859-299-3636| FX's Justified has returned, and with it, our weekly postmortems with showrunner Graham Yost, who'll once again take us inside the writers room. Amanda Gilbreaths brotherthe one who stabbed the guy in. That was absolutely unheard of, she said, and we were only scratching the tip of the iceberg then.. The Lexington Herald-Leader reported that police were relying on information provided by an elderly person who wanted to get this off their chest. I am left to wonder whether either Vance or Canan was the whisperer. Lexington, KY 40509 "Carole Bizzack, 64, of Lexington, Ky., wife of an Eastern Kentucky University Regent.". Denton, a former investigator for Jack Anderson, relates a sordid tale of corruption in Lexington, Kentucky. Dave Evans and Dr. Phil are actually the same person. Both of Melanie's knew that Canan was involved in the disappearance. A couple of months earlier, Lexington narcotics cop Andrew Thornton's body was found in a front yard in Knoxville, Tennessee, along with bags containing 70 pounds of Colombian cocaine, some $4,000 in cash, night vision goggles, two . Jill Crabtree will be the only one with knowledge of the tunnel system now under construction that will connect the bunker with the IBMA offices in Nashville. November 28, 2007. Investigators are asking specifically for photos of the area from the 1950s through the 1970s that may show what buildings and other structures that were in the area. For more information, please see our His death inspired a story . Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Everyonein law enforcement is in on corruption. It is a highly-fictionalized account loosely based on fact, from a story that has its roots in the Bluegrass. There is has been great music every decade and also complete turds every decade including the vaunted 1960's and '70's. LEX 18 was told that a credible tip was what led detectives to the campground near Murphy's Landing. The most serious came in 1972 when Melanie fell off a running horse. When Kentucky Blueblood Drew Thornton parachuted to his death in September 1985 carrying thousands in cash and 150 pounds of cocaine, the gruesome end of his startling life blew open a scandal that. Professional Reviews. xxiv, 473 pages ; 20 cm "When Kentucky Blueblood Drew Thornton parachuted to his death in September 1985 carrying thousands in cash and 150 pounds of cocaine, the gruesome end of his startling life blew open a scandal that reached to the most secret circles of the U.S. government. However, Bobby started to grow weary of the whole situation. One of my most watched YouTube videos (more than 16 views) first appeared here and suggested that Bill Monroe actually died in 1982 and that a mysterious Committee of Five People makes all major decisions about bluegrass music, including awards nominees and winners. Also believe that Melanie was abducted, murdered, and her body was disposed of, that location to this day is still unknown. When found after his free fall, Thornton, was wearing night vision goggles, a bulletproof vest, Gucci loafers, a army green duffel bag containing 40 kilos of cocaine valued at $15 million, $4,500 worth of knives, and two pistils (Andrew C. Thornton II).
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