What was it that attracted her to him? (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. Anderson: I bet she has friends, invisible friends because no one could hear them. Mr. Chong: If he thinks you are going back to your bullying ways with them, you arent Lincolns friend anymore. (Lincoln sat on the couch and switched from a sports channel to a channel with Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack with the movie playing, Lynn Sr. gave him a steak to put over his black-eye, three days later on the start of the first school week, Lincoln was sitting on the bus next to Clyde). WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. Lincoln: You will someday, to your right are Luna and Luans room, the center doorway is Lynn and Lucys room, the door next to it is the twins room obviously, the door on the right is Lisa and Lilys room. (Taylor grabbed and hold Lincoln's hand and Lincoln held to her hand as they walked to Mr. Bolhofner's trailer together, meanwhile at the bus, Lynn was sitting next to a kid, but behind her were the same two boys Anderson and Pablo as they kept taunting and teasing her because she is no longer hall monitor, they chuckled as Lynn was getting real annoyed). (See the end of the work for more notes.) Rita: You know how Lynn is sweetie, she'll learn her lesson. Mr. Chong: That's what I thought, hanging out with the wrong crowd, not too bright are you? (Anderson pretends to cry like a baby, Pablo joins in as they both chuckled, they stopped and then turn to him one last time), (Lincoln didnt move a muscle or said a word, he just stood there on the ground). Aladdin, The Good Dinosaur and The Jungle Book is owned and created by Pixar and the Walt Disney Company. Taylor: Thank you, if you don't mind, would you like for me to escort you to the principal's office? School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, your duty as hall monitor has been terminated, remember? Anderson: >to Taylor< I said get out of the way so I can punch him. View source. The sisters were all sitting at the table waiting for their dinner. (While Mr. Mooney is still teaching, Cameron and Lincoln are talking to each other.) Principal Ramirez: As eight graders, it's your responsibility to lead underclassmen to the right path and set a better example of them, if you lead them down that path, they will achieve great success and a brighter future for them, but take them to the wrong path and there will be consequences which could lead them to bad choices in their future. She turned over a new leaf? (The front door bursted open with an angry, black-eyed Lincoln glaring at Lynn, she notices). LENI: Yeah, Im fine. Mr. Chong: Well, I see that you are making excellent progress, now are you ready for lesson two? WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. Pablo: >to Anderson< You know hes got a point. Lynn: Okay, no to prove that I Lynn Loud am a better hall monitor. Pablo: Oh, pretending to be a friend to that white haired chump and picking on the babies later on is pure genius. Lincoln: Thanks Taylor, see you at lunch. and "No Bus no Fuss" are considered terrible because of non-sensical plots, unintelligible character development and cringe-worthy stereotypes there are on these said episodes (even though I find them both Mediocre in my opinion), so I made this story as I felt sorry for Lincoln for what has happened to him on those said episodes despite my lack of interest in him, but I wanted to make this story as a strong anti-bullying message since the writers of that show refuse to give out new idea's and recycle the same elements that has been repeated, I hope you enjoy it. He ran right to his room with tears falling out of his eyes. Taylor: >to Lincoln< I wish I could have tried one of your Dad's dishes for lunch, wanna trade? Taylor: >to Lincoln< Dont mention it, Im just looking after you. (Up front, Bernie was looking from the rearview mirror with angry eyes and circles his hand with finger pointing up signaling her to turn around, Lynn in defeat did what she was told to do and grumbles). Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< That's lunch detention with me and my Tuna casserole. Mr. Chong: Thats your choice, our discussion is over, you want to continue with your lessons? Lynn Loud Sr. Lincoln: >to Taylor, shocked and annoyed< You lied to me? (The camera is cut off and Lincoln and Clyde rushed to Taylor and gave them a high five). (Lincoln started to play his game without worrying about Lynn, the next day, Lincoln was riding Vanzilla alongside Leni, Luna, and Luan as Lynn Sr. was the one driving them to their respected schools). Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. Taylor: I should have let him sit in the back with us, but the boys forced me too--. Principal Ramirez: I'm very proud of you for making the right decision, now hurry along, the program starts in five minutes, oh have you gotten lunch yet? They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. Principal Ramirez: Thank you for reporting this to me Lynn, that was the right thing to do. Lincoln's friends: >to Taylor< Nice to officially meet you Taylor! Lynn: Youre welcome Principal Ramirez, now that Ive learned my lesson, you think I could get my job back as Hall monitor? Lincoln: You're not? Lynn: Thats right, I cant be harassing people. Taylor: I know, I should have respected your wishes. Web9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) by Red16dragon YOU ARE READING 9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) Action During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Mr. Chong: Think about it, tomorrows lesson will be about cyberbullying and why you do it, our lesson for today is over. WebLola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! (Taylor and Lincoln both walked out of the Principal's office and they waited for their respected parents to come, Taylor even spoke to Lincoln in a calming matter). Taylor: >to Lincoln< This will only hurt for a few seconds twerp, so stand still. (They both hang up and go back to fullscreen with Lincoln in his bedroom as he is reading his comic books including another Pacific Rim issue, the next day, Taylor was in the guidance office with Mr. Chong as he teaches Taylor on taking advantage of others is plain wrong). Lincoln: >in Locker< Uh, a little help here? Lynn Sr.: >to Loud siblings< Kids dinner's ready, it's Taco Tuesday, >to Lynn< but not you Lynn, you can't have dinner with us, we will send it up to your room! aylor: I understand, well anyway, it was nice talking to you, enjoy your night. Lincoln: That's the worst advice I've ever have gotten from you! Sisters: YEAH! Principal: Ah, Taylor and Lincoln, so nice of you both walking in unharmed, >to Taylor< How was your first lesson? To end his miserable life. BULLY: Y-Yes! (The stench got to Chandler as his face turns green and retreats to his new assigned seat, back in the guidance office, after Taylor told him the whole story). Lynn Sr.: Well, you gave him trouble long enough, you can scold him or give him tickets all you want to, but you can't physically harm him like that, if you keep this up, everyone will think you will be a bad influence on him. (The other sisters except Lynn came surrounding Lincoln). Mr. Chong: Okay, we will end this lesson if you ask. (Both Anderson and Pablo cackled silently, he speaks to Taylor pretending that she succeeded). WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom. (Then on a Wednesday, as Lincoln was getting in line, trying to get some food, Taylor swiped the food from his tray). What was it that attracted her to him? Taylor: Im not kidding, Im done with you guys bullying others just because they are younger or smaller than you, look at yourselves you're eighth graders, just like me and Lynn! BULLY: Y-Yes! WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. Lincoln: Oh yeah, I remember on our first encounter, I'm sorry for taking your seat on the school bus. Taylor: Than I'll consider that a trade, see you tomorrow Lincoln, goodnight. Lincoln: Thanks, but, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? (The bullies, laughed at him some more, leaving Lincoln annoyed, then on a Tuesday, as Lincoln was opening his locker, Pablo picked him up and shoved him in there, he closes it locking him on the inside). Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! (Principal Ramirez handed Taylor a badge, Taylor gives Principal Ramirez a handshake). (The rest of the family even Taylor were enjoying their dinner, from outside, Anderson and Pablo using binoculars begin to spy on Taylor to see what she is doing, so far Taylor wasnt doing anything, after dinner, Lincoln was about to play his game, until Taylor walks in). Lincoln: >angered, to Anderson< Anderson! Lynn Loud Srs brother Luke and his wife Max come to visit Royal Woods for the summer with their 4 daughters, Brooke, Belinda, Bethany, and Brenda. "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Pablo: Maybe its not what we expected, so I think she is making friends with them. WebA/N: Hello everyone, I give you my Loud House fanfic. (Anderson grabs him by the shirt, Lincoln is scared). Rita: Thanks to you young lady, you are grounded for the rest of the month. Anderson: >to Lincoln, aggressively< Stick to your own group and stop including Taylor to your little baby group! Lynn: >annoyed, to Anderson and Pablo< Why don't you chumps leave me alone!?!? WebWhat A Wonderful Loud. Lincoln: In a family as big as mine, at some point we can agree that his cooking is terrific, but at other half, his cooking can have a sort of a weird taste to it, sometimes he even cooks it raw and it gave us a stomach ache for weeks. Here is my 29th fanfiction. Enjoy! I expect comments. WebLola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! Lynn Sr.: You were not being fair to Lincoln, you clearly had no right to hurt him like that, you are forbidden to be hanging around with Lincoln, if you get closer to him, we will have to extend your punishment to the next month. Lincoln: When you live in a large family, youll get used to it. (Taylor laughs at him and walked away, chef Pat gives him left-over Brussel sprout casserole making him feel nauseous over it, Thursday, as Lincoln was getting to the bathroom to whizz, Anderson grabbed him and shoves his face by the toilet). Anderson: >to Taylor< Well done Taylor, just like we always planned. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Junior, Why didn't you bother helping him? Taylor: Do you think they make documentaries about the effects of Bullying too? Taylor: These boys are no longer welcome in my sight, do what you think is right. Anderson: I dont know, but I too have the same questionWhy? (At the Loud House, as Lincoln was asking his parents about Taylor coming over they both replied to him). Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< No sassing me young lady, go to your room now, >to Lincoln< son, I'll get you a steak for your eye, sit here on the couch and rest for a while. Lynn Loud Sr. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Here you are, once you are done with his class, I'll see you in the hallway and I'll escort you to lunch. *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. LOLA: Now, get out of here! Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. SoulKiller13. Mr. Bolhofner: Oh Loud, I didn't expect you to be so early. Rita: >to Lincoln< So Lincoln, How was school? Clyde: >to Lincoln< Hey Linc, is everything alright? Lynn: Are you going to keep running in the hallway? Taylor: Yuck, Really Mom? Taylor: It was sad because it took me back to a time it made me a monster, but I have learned a mistake from the past. He ran right to his room with tears falling out of his eyes. (Taylor left the guidance office and walked back to her classroom, in the hallway, one of the sixth graders was trying to go to the bathroom, but it turns out that he had a comic book in his pocket that he wanted to take out, so Lynn spied on him). Taylor: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, run, save yourself, hes too strong, run while you still can! WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. Taylor: Sorry you had to deal with them, but you are right about one thing, they have no control over me. Rusty: >to Lincoln< Well, at least you are going to have a better school year now that Taylor is more redeemable to you. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Thank you, >to Lincoln< Come on buddy. Taylor: Oh I used to have him in class, he was chill before he went crazy. I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." (Anderson pulled Taylor away from Lincoln, she puts on her helmet and gets on her bike, she turns to Lincoln with a tear in her eye). (Taylor left Mr. Chong's office and walked into the hallway where she sees Lincoln walking out of the nurses office with an ice pack on his arm, Taylor started to feel sorry for him, she knew she didn't need to approach him, she needed to wait for the right moment until school was over, she came back to her eighth grade English classroom, she got to her seat and payed no attention to her two friends Anderson and Pablo, after school, just as Lincoln was getting something out of his locker, Taylor cleared her throat in a non-intimidating matter, Lincoln shrieked in fear and shields his book to his face). I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. Taylor: Greeting Royal Woods Kangaroos Im Taylor, you may know me as the bully on the bus, or the hallway, I want to make a quick apology, the reason why I was bullied was because someone on my family bullied me at a young age, and because I was prepared for middle school, I had to defend myself against anyone who would pick on me, after that, everyone was scared of me, except Anderson and Pablo, the wrong group that I accidentally ran with, they manipulated me into doing something I wasnt supposed to do, and I owe everyone a huge apology and I deserve a second chance, but I would like to inform everyone that being an eighth grader is a lot of hard work and discipline, as eighth graders, its our responsibility to lead all sixth and seventh graders down the right path and have them make the right decisions, if we were to lead them the wrong path, then we would set a bad example for them, just because someone older than you bullies you, doesnt mean that you should bully others, and I have learned my lesson, any continuation of a bully may cause others to have depression, low self esteem, low peer pressure and suicidal thoughts and bullying is the number one causes of these consequences, so my motto is, Be a buddy, not a Bully, this is Taylor signing off. Lynn: One problem dad, Principal Ramirez doesn't care about her students, she's too occupied, even if someone is bullying him, he still has much to learn about middle school. Anderson: What the heck are you doing in there? Anderson: >to Taylor< Thats right, keep your mouth shut, this is between me and the sixth grader. (Chandler gulped as his breath got to Chandler resulting him to faint, Lincoln grabbed the cushion from his seat and tossed it away, later at lunch, Taylor sitting with Lincoln plans to trade lunches with him). He didn't know and honestly, after a lot of soul searching and self-doubts, he didn't care. Mr. Chong: Thats what I want to hear and I love it, you have to note this, you have to put the past behind you, bad things happen and you cant do anything about it, if you cant change the past, you can definitely change. Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. Anderson: >to Lincoln< Youre mine sixth grader. (Anderson releases Lincoln, Lincoln landed on his rear and gets behind Taylor, Taylor pats his head in kindness but keeps her eye on the bullies).
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