In addition to the high cost of transporting goods to the state, the small population of Alaska also contributes to the high prices of goods. You can spend lots of time hiking, fishing, whale watching. Hike through Denali National Park or cruise the Seward Highway. In 2019, the timber industry in Alaska generated over $935 million in economic activity, supporting over 5,500 jobs. The states population is relatively small and sparsely distributed, with much of the population concentrated in the urban centers of Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. The state experiences powerful volcanic eruptions time and time again, including the most powerful of the 20thcentury at the Novarupta Volcano. The cost of groceries and health care are also higher in Alaska compared to the national average. Watching these animals in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience. When Alaska was first established as a state in 1959, its economy was primarily based on fishing, mining, and other extractive industries. With its vast, unspoiled wilderness and strict environmental regulations, Alaska is a true haven for clean air and water. One of the most effective treatments for SAD is exposure to bright light. The states rich history is evident when you look through its national parks, museums, artifacts, and its famed oil industry. However, the higher cost of living is a trade off for higher quality of living. You have to be careful, though, since it is wilderness, and while they have a good Search and Rescue, sometimes they never find people who get lost, besides danger of slides, injuries. Dog sleds remained an essential mode of transportation even after the Gold Rush era. $1,019 7% higher than the US average. Alaska is surprisingly far from the rest of the United States. Engaging in cultural values and respecting Alaska Native heritage is fundamental to understanding Alaskas diversity. However, it can also mean that the state has limited resources for funding certain programs and services, such as education and healthcare. This event caused the Valley of 10,000 Smokes at Katmai Park. After all, as they say, laughter is the best medicine, and theres no shortage of dark humor to be found in the Land of the Midnight Sun. Each year, residents living in Alaska full-time receive royalties from the funds earnings. Best Places to Live in Fairbanks, Alaska Fairbanks AK rests close Arctic Circle famed principally for its natural sites such as Chena River State Recreation Area where visitors may take part in different water sports or simply enjoy some peace & tranquility while walking along sandy beaches! Mushing is a sport or mode of transportation powered by dogs. You can limit this disadvantage by finding a home in or near Anchorage because there is a natural gas infrastructure that gives you access to this affordable fuel. One of the things that makes Alaska so special is the way it stirs your soul. It is the perfect place to learn snow sports. pros and cons of living in sitka, alaska. With its vast, unspoiled wilderness and lack of crowds, Alaska is a place where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature in a way that is truly special. Thanks for the replies! In fact, according to a survey conducted by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, nearly 75% of Alaska residents say that they know their neighbors well and feel a strong sense of community in their neighborhood. Even though the economy of Alaska is fueled by the oil and gas industry, you will discover that the cost of gasoline is much higher than it is in the continental 48 states. Because there is plenty of sunshine deep into the night during the summer months, you will discover more opportunities to explore trails, kayak in bays, and embrace the explore waiting within. The trails in the city are closed frequently because of bear activity. I actually love all of them! The worst thing for most people is the dreadful cold. You will also need to consider the cost of the trip before deciding to travel. This can be a difficult adjustment for newcomers living in Alaska. The industry also contributed over $2.2 billion in state and local tax revenue (talk about a vice grip). Popularity and image, which are always expressed through money and possessions, lead people to have materialistic values and be concerned about the status quo. One of the things that makes the sense of community so strong is the fact that many Alaskans are involved in outdoor activities together such as fishing, hunting, and hiking. The Pros & Cons of Living in Ashland vs. Bend, The following errors occurred with your submission. Whether you prefer the hustle and bustle of a large town or the seclusion of a remote area of the state, there are plenty of options throughout Alaska. Military, Federal jobs, and Oil subsidize housing costs which drives up the price. Despite their small size, mosquitoes can be a big problem in Alaska, particularly for outdoor enthusiasts and those who live in rural areas. What many people do not realize is that Japan actually occupied two Alaskan islands during World War II for 15 months. The state of Alaska has the lowest taxes in the United States. The more rural cities can feel like youre on the surface of the moon. When you live in the state, then you are 15 minutes from being out in the wild, no matter where your home happens to be. Because it is a lot colder in Alaska than in other states, your heating costs during the winter are going to be significantly higher. Millions of marine animals, birds, and fish were killed. The median home prices for homes in Anchorage are $299,000, Fairbanks $222,000, Wasilla $239,000, and $185,000 for Kenai. Every winter, thousands of Alaskans suffer from SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, backpacking, and snowmobiling are all activities that will become part of your life when you move here. This becomes obvious if you have a family emergency happening outside the state. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, salmonberries can be found on Alaskas hiking trails. Instead, it relies on other sources of revenue, such as taxes on oil and natural gas production, to fund state government services. As symptoms become more severe, suicide can result. However, the median salary can vary depending on factors such as the specific job, level of experience, and location within the state. Including the: Pacific Ocean Gulf of Alaska Bering Sea Chukchi Sea Beaufort Sea Despite these challenges, there are efforts underway to improve access to fresh produce in Alaska. The Alaskan highways overall road quality and their feeder routes are good, except for some summer road construction. When you move further north in the state, thats when the cold really becomes an issue. Contrary to what many people believe, living in Alaska is actually quite expensive with the cost of living nearly 30% higher than the national average. Half of the current population of the state lives in the Anchorage metropolitan area. This is higher than the national median salary, which was $45,790 during the same time period. As a result, no urban developments have emerged in those areas. They are indigenous peoples of the state. The median values are higher for some of the bigger cities, with Anchorage and Juneau standing at $303,601 and $364,295, respectively. This dividend comes from a permanent fund that is fueled by the oil and gas industry industries. The military base nearby and international immigration has created a cultural melting pot in the area. The rise of other modes of transportation, such as planes, trains, and snowmachines, has reduced the need for dog sleds as a mode of transportation. When you consider that they receive a yearly sum from the Permanent Fund, living in Alaska is a great way to save money. Timber is another important resource in Alaska, with the states forests providing a source of wood for the construction and paper industries. You can whale watch in Juneau, watch or participate in dog sledding with huskies, explore ice caves, view the beauty of the Northern Lights. Outdoor activities are literally endless for the adventure-seeking individual. Sitka cost of living is 116.6. This is a favorable statistic, as the national average is $1,450. The majority of people in the state are homeowners, however. The summer season is also an enjoyable time in the state, with long days, plenty of sunshine, and a mild climate. Although the overall cost of living in Alaska is relatively high because groceries and resources need to be shipped in and imported from great distances, real estate prices are rather affordable. Moose, brown and black bears, caribou (aka reindeer) elk, musk ox, wood bison, wolves, lynx, wolverines, eagles, etc, etc. Mountain View in Anchorage is rated one of the most diverse places to live in the United States. There are many reasons why Alaska living is amazing. If you choose to buy a home, know that some cities exempt seniors from part of their property tax. Another negative effect of the darkness in Alaska is the impact it can have on your safety. As a local in Alaska, I can say with 100% certainty (according to my taste buds) that the fresh seafood here is absolutely top-notch. You heard it right, if outdoor recreation is important then living in Alaska just got easier. If you are down-to-earth, then you will love the easy-going flow of Alaska. Some homes can get through the season using coal or wood with an interior stove to limit costs, but you will be trading time for money with that choice. Pros and cons - 5/23/2010 Just like most places, Parkersburg definitely has it's pros and cons. 3. Alaska is a good place to live for folks who appreciate the stunning natural beauty and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, and are alright with a high cost of living and challenging weather. Because food, other than the local food, needs to travel a great distance to get there, the prices are relatively high. Another issue is the lack of available land for development. Anchorage never had a venue large enough for famous musicians to performuntil recently. Sitka has 15 fishing charter companies, while Skagway only has three. This can make it difficult to access basic services and amenities, such as medical care and grocery stores. If living in a more remote area of the state and want to see the capital of Alaska, plan to take a boat or plane. Living in Alaska Pros and Cons Pros You will experience the great outdoors in Alaska in a way that you never have before.
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