The African Union's democratic principles have gradually reduced corruption and unfair elections. Absence of a standing army: Another problem faced by the African Union is the fact that it lacks a standing or ready army which makes it difficult when it comes to enforcing political decisions of the unions. Equally, neither federalism nor confederalism would likely work. ONE ECONOMY One leader in control of a big entity with enormous resources, judging by the political history of modern Africa, would be extremely dangerous. (accessed March 4, 2023). UNECA estimates that AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by 52.3% once import duties and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. However, at the same time, unified government can prove to have disadvantages as the presidents ultimate goal is to be reelected which would mean appealing to the moderates. It brought us all together to argue or agree. We would also set high tariffs on imported goods inorder to support our own manufacturers. If any african becomes the head of state, they will immediately be opposed by other ethnic groups. The Protocol establishing the PSC is in the process of ratification. U are just giving the same caucasianised view that makes the real solutions to Africas problems impossible without even proposing a better one. P.O. Problems have existed and theyll still exist even after we pass . The positive effects is that many countries have resources that can be used to support the country . No where has that dynamic force proved more decisive than in the African struggle for decolonization. Each state was to have equal powers and in most ways was to be independent of the other states. True had it not been for them Africa would still be primitive however they helped by spreading trade ethics etc. If we want something badly we must first tackle the obstacles. 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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Factor s kicking away unity should be delt with accordingly before uniting . African society is too complex to work under a unitary system. The majority of trade unions are independent of the employer. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The upshot of such discourse shows that colonialism has divergent interpretations. The AU rightly recognizes the demographic dividend to be reaped from the regions youthful population structure, as numerous countries in Asia have benefited from over the past two decades, and, hence, member states are encouraged to link their growth performance and development pattern to the creation of employment and socio-economic opportunities especially for young people. Africa has the population to influence geopolitic in Europe and China. Quest for Unity African countries, in their quest for unity, economic and social development under the banner of the OAU, have taken various initiatives and made substantial progress in many areas which paved the way for the establishment of the AU. This change is not only in the economic sector. Required fields are marked *. Either way, the geopolitical structure of the continent would not allow for such unification. As the Peace Conference progressed, more nations ratified the Treaty of Versailles and joined the League of Nations, the embodiment of President Wilsons fourteenth point. iam a kenyan and i think youve just locked your mind to think that the U.S.A wont work.youve just revolved around one problem in diffrent should also have consindered the benefits of the unison rather than the downsides.the issue of tribes should also not be the seperating factor.and even though we speak diffrently we are one people. However, the OAU was largely criticized from the beginning. As a result, companies' ideas often get stolen. Subduing terrorists would be easy if done quickly and undercover. The trade initiative will also diversify intra-African trade as it would encourage more industrial goods as opposed to extractive goods and natural resources. Africans are dependent on other people. We just need leaders with a backbone, like Mugabe and Gaddafi. Our diversity is our strength. One of the incoherent assumptions of this school of thought is that colonialism brought different tribes together without considering their distinct cultures. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, union members had median weekly earnings of $1,041, whereas nonunion members earned $829. Its goal of integration has fostered one identity and has enhanced the political, economic, and social climate of the continent, thereby giving hundreds of millions of people a healthier and more successful future. But if you realize that once united we could create a line of credit using the continents aggregate resources and fund projects which will make us all financially more competitive and secure. A filibuster is a tactic in the senate which delays an action or bill and ultimately defeats the bill until it is thrown out. Distrust among member states: The issue of distrust sometimes rears its head to hinder the smooth operation of the African Union. if you are not a baker do no come here to tell us we can not bake because the ingredients can not be combined or can not be found. I understand that inorder to recreate new structures we have to destroy existing ones and every one who prides themselves of their color and heritage will not be afraid of what will happen next. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. My problem is their budget. Together we are able to come up with solutions to our problems. Am talking about having a common situation that we all find ourselves in regardless our ethnicity, country political ideology etc, that is being a black people continuously oppressed and maimed our economic, critical and abstract regards on how to run our affairs . Division amongst African nations due to sovereignty 3. Find out more by visiting the links on right. Richard, Katherine Schulz. The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. Different ethnic groups are not a problem if we all have one common goal. A few nations, like Niger, Mauritania, and Madagascar have been suspended from the organization after political events like coup d'etats. The African Union is an organization that was established on July 10th 2002 in South Africa. It is way past time for africa to be united only thing missing is a fearless leader. For an area like the EU, this is a substantial part of the economy. Regardless of whatever economic model is adopted in a unified Africa, it would be difficult to make it work for every society. INEC: The Flop in Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election, Britain must Withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Islands. Dont get me wrong Swahili should be learned to improve communication amongst us, but that should not come to undermine our own mother tongues. Its thus imperative to set up long-term, people-centred, innovative and inclusive measures to promote peace. European nations that are more economically stable cant even become one nation but we are asking all african countries to be one nation, Ridiculous. The last AU summit failed to agree on the adoption of a continent-wide trade proposal, but awareness of the importance of trade barriers for economic growth is not lost as a development priority seeing that theme of the 19th summit, 9-16 July 2012, is Boosting intra-Africa trade. We believe in our weaknesses and think we cant do better without the hands of westerners.African people dont copy with modern laws and regulations. Divide and conquer has been and will continue to be the strategy of the opposition. Today, Haiti has many problems, but i can tell you we are the most proud black nation on earth. Therefore, If the law of nature tells us that living things do change, and history shows us as time goes by, nations have changed, I dont see no reason why Africans cant change. If time was stationary, I would have no problem accepting all what the writer has said. We can only unite without Egypt,Algeria,Tunisia, and those Arabic countrys .if Africa unite it would only take 20nto be one of the most powerful countrys in the world . And we will remain a third world continent until the time comes that we unite. They know I can make their home look better and work better. I also think that deviding the continent into blocks would be the best way to go about it. These include fighting in the Western Sahara, conflict in the Maghreb region involving the Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the Somali civil war, and the Allied Democratic Forces and Lords Resistance Army insurgencies in Uganda and the DRC. This is premise one that I would use for my argument to reach my conclusion. #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. The United States Government can be described in two ways. I agree 100% with everything you have said here.,,, China is taking over Zambias National Assets, but the Nightmare is just getting Started for Africa, #AfricaLF17 Register to attend the 2017 Africa Liberty Forum in South Africa, 5 Reasons Why a United States of Africa may Fail, South Africa: Research says Covid-19 Alarmism is doing More harm than Good. In conclusion, If I can move from Africa thousands of miles away to the U.S.A and not only live but thrive, I dont see why a Kenyan man or a woman cant move to any other African country and be able to live. However, several smaller multi-state organizations exist in Africa, like the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States, so the African Union can study how successful these smaller regional organizations have been in combating poverty and political strife. It is only a matter of time for those called developing nations to join the developed ones. They threaten interstate and regional stability. I dont believe there are over two thousand languages. Just Eat is an online platform dedicated to the intermediation between restaurants and consumers in the takeaway food service. To some extent, Malema is right. It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. Especially with the world pushing for green tech and infrastructure, we have an edge at getting in on this as most of our infrastracture is new and some dont even have greenhouse gas emmiting infrastructure. Unfortunately, Africa still is under the drip of those oppressors. This report is going to analyze their 2nd expansion, which took place in the United Kingdom during the year 2006. Its not fair and not right, people need to realize you fix your own back yard before you fix others. Malema proposed Swahili as the ideal language for a united Africa considering it is the most widely spoken indigenous language. we need to get rid of the mental shackles that are still in our mind, making us to believe that other races are great and supreme than us!! My question to those who against unification. Think of it, we have it all here, including diamonds, gold, oil and gas. Another amalgamation of a sort, especially a larger one, will only create further problems, moreover, Africans have always been autonomous. The Organization however, encounters a great deal of challenges in performing its duties. In the future, the African Union hopes to benefit people of African origin living throughout the world. Do you think his death was a coincidence? But, the fact of the matter is that only nonliving things are the ones that doesnt change. Today we are talking about these difference because we were told so. it will happen through thick and thin and commitment of the people who believe its beneficial to our people. The AU now pays more attention to international development cooperation and relationship with international partners than has hitherto been the case. Retrieved from The OAU provides the arena within which common African policies are forged, or disputed, and where the tensions of inter-African relations can be released. The regional bloc occasionally gives early warnings of brewing conflicts in member states. The author of this blog is Professor Franklyn Lisk, More information on the Centre for Globalisation/Regionalisation, Experts DirectoryTelephone ListingsCommunications OfficePress and Media RelationsImage LibraryUniversity ProfileSocial Media, University of WarwickCoventryCV4 7ALUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)24 7652 3523Fax: +44 (0)24 7646 1606. For any comment about my idea ,please clarify it from me . The African Union, or AU, includes every independent African country except Morocco. Often, those who have strong feelings of nationalism share a common language, common culture, and common history, as the text says on page 532.