Its also been known to help heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Leaky Gut Syndrome. These should pass once treatment has been completed. A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach or your duodenum, the first part of your small intestine. Our bodies can handle a certain toxic load; and our bodies are wired, if given the right dietary advantages, as well as low-stress, and good supplements, to be able to usher those toxins out of the body. . My other question is which are the minerals contained in the clay? Great question. Bentonite clay needs to be given on an empty stomach and not to be fed food, herbs or medications until at least 2 hours after consumption. Do not pick it off when dry. Because of the uncontrolled nature of this study, it is not possible to determine how influential bentonite clay, as a single element, was on the observed weight loss, so these results should be approached with caution. However, there is no problem with refrigerating it. It may sound strange at first, but did you know eating clay could actually be really good for your health? Organ function is benefited by the reduced toxic load: Bentonite clay absorbs toxins before they get processed by the liver and kidneys. Best! If you smoke, quitting smoking can lower your risk for peptic ulcers. You might find the information on this website: Sorry I cant help more. I have my whole family on it). 1 Some polyphenols help to heal stomach lining ulcers faster, while others have antibacterial effects and help kill H. pylori. Im so glad you felt that benefit and pray for your continued improvement. Hi! Constipation will resolve with the continued use of clay and extra water. I really appreciate your informative article (and all the comments and answers!). But would this method still be effective as Im not taking it internally? is it better or not? BUT, I take 25 mg of synthroid every morning for hypothyroidism. In this study, the clay exhibited a large amount of oxidative stress upon just the cancer cells without damaging the DNA. In total, this popular clay contains around 70 trace minerals. The application of a clay paste will also prevent itching as the sting heals as in the case of bee stings. It can be a long process but its encouraging when we find tools that help us actually feel better! Thank you for writing the positives and the negatives. zeolite powder; A pinch of Himalayan salt and/or baking soda; I recently just bought the clay and drank it with the psyllium husk. Laboratory tests indicate elevated levels of lead. Here I want to briefly address concerns about the safety of consuming bentonite clay. Baby Powder Asbestos Dangers: Should You Worry? Once bentonite clay is moistened, it immediately binds to nearby toxins. I am not sure that it is a good idea to take them both at the same time. Bentonite clay energizes! This plant material is effective for many as a laxative. When my son was about 7 he had a plugged saliva duct in his mouth. His dentist said he never saw anything like it. I heard sodium- bentonite clay doesnt expand and remove toxins as well as calcium-bentonite clay. Horses: For internal detox and ulcers clay must be hydrated. They say it is ok to take AT THE SAME TIME Im taking their other product to repopulate the intestinal flora and kill the candida.. so taking a probiotic and other medication for the yeast removal. I do take both! Your tips on timing, etc have been very helpful. Bentonite clay cleanses the body of toxins and gives energy to cells. Whatever you do, dont stir the clay with a metal spoon or allow it to touch anything metal. One question, since theres iron in the clay and I can tend to be iron deficient, would drinking the clay regularly help with that? This is so interesting! Hi Rita, You could make a batch and leave it at room temp, in a dark spot, like a cupboard, and then make a new batch, for up to a week. Redmond Clay - more info available here. No, quickly is not the benefit. Thank you so much! Hi, can you please clarify which Bentonite is better for internal detox, Calcium or Sodium. Im starting myself on diatomaceous earth and bentonite clay now to clean my insides out. By protecting the gut wall and decreasing the amount of pesticides, toxins, bacteria and chemicals that could potentially enter the blood, the body is better able to protect itself. Beyond that, in the fridge and in the dark is best. There was mold in my earlier home, and I m worried about gadolinium cause I have had MRIs in my pastdon t know if clay can help getting rid of gadolinium, don t like having that kind of stuff in my body Many thanks for this article! Bentonite clay could be taken anytime its convenient on an empty stomach and about an hour before eating. Hi Megan, Can you please address the reason why not to use distilled water with calcium bentonite clay? I know the essential oil ingestion is not safe-but if I make some paste w/out it? 5.0 5.0 . Thanks. Thank you for commenting! Hi! HI, Ive just ordered some to help with what appears to be dermatitis. Thanks for putting together all of this helpful info for us! You have to buy through a distributor, so I became one for my clients. Will taking the bentonite clay help clean this out of our system? Quantity Clear Add to cart SKU: N/A Categories: Digestion, Wound care Tag: Bentonite Description Additional information Reviews (0) 11 days ago I gave my dogs a single dose 3 month flea medication. (Not sure what the cause is yet.) Very interesting! I feel good about ordering some of the bulk bentonite clay through your amazon link because I can support your work in some small way. immediately. . I recommend you find a great functional doctor. But if any person is taking sodium bentonite clay, they should feel great about their choice, too, because both are good IMO, and edible sodium bentonite clay is more affordable. Bentonite clay is most commonly used topically. You'll receive a confirmation email shortly! Great, Sandra, all the best to you and your husband. Ill be showing your article to my whole family and most of us will probably be trying this. I take Sonne Detoxificant, it is the best. The clay should also be odorless and not have much of any taste at all. Added to that, it alkalises your system and also lines your stomach with a slimy protective coating while remineralising your body. It crosses the blood brain barrier so could be a good choice for gadolinium. I am in total shock, frustration and low emotionally since this very bad flare happened 3 weeks ago for no apparent reason. I think we should detox one organ per time right? And finally, I take a thyroid med first thing in the morning and have to wait an hour before I can eat. I believe everyone should take bentonite clay (or a similar supplement that draws toxins to itself), to help prevent disease. While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have,for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. 1. Hi Dianne! Yeah, thats a great correlation, that both clay and charcoal absorb or attract toxins to themselves! and question! If you choose to consume bentonite clay, be sure to do it only in small quantities and use clay sold by trusted merchants. It has natural swelling abilities, swelling 1518 times its dry size when combined with water, making it an effective hole plug.. Bentonite claynot only binds excessive acidity, it can also kill infections such as H. Pylorias it is strongly antibacterial and remove toxins, parasites and heavy metals that could be causing irritation. Add 16 ounces water, and shake vigorously. Love your website and writing / info . realky cleanes you out ,it is the best!!!! Revitalization of cells allows the organs to function better and the body to rebuild itself. Toxins are also absorbed before they get backed up in the colon. Bottom of the jar says 100%Natural Calcium Bentonite (green) Clay. Bentonite clay binds to unhealthy substances in the mouth, such as around the teeth and on the tongue and gums, and helps to remove them before you swallow them and become sick. Hi Megan! So I was thinking on using bentonite clay for ulcer while I haul. How should I time it around my coffee with collagen and MCT oil? I eat a very clean diet, exercise hard 5x a week and take an array of very good supps. Today the clay is harvested mostly in the U.S., France and Italy. Best wishes! What does the clay mixture taste like? While there are over a hundred scientific studies about its uses and safety, plus thousands of testimonials, there are still a couple of voices that say otherwise. Im including here a link to my article about IC, which may be helpful: A lot of my clients are now taking nano-particle zeolite, too, because it restores gut function throughout the alimentary canal, including the bladder, detoxes the whole body (including the brain) and is gentle. Green clay helps to heal the horse's ulcers. It looks similar with some similar benefits! I feel that the clay, whichever one it is, will counter-act with the probiotic and the other products. Bentonite clay is also alkalizing, renewing the bodys inner environment and making it inhospitable to the growth of cancer cells. While Bentonite has some marvelous properties it is also very high in lead about 730mcg per Tbs. So glad and happy to help. (Learn more about pelleted Daily Gold .) Combine about cup bentonite clay with 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon. Or, do some people actively add magnesium to bathwater? Thanks again very much! If your doctor thinks you have a high risk for developing peptic ulcers caused by taking NSAIDs, your doctor may recommend changes to lower your risk, such as. You will notice within the second sip the acid starts to calm down. Don't get left behind! I have been suffering a relapse of CFS/ME/Fibro ONLY WORSE than I could imagineafter toxic mold poisoning. Healing from radiation poisoning and the strengthening of the immune system! Using bentonite clay during your detox is a great way to eliminate the toxins faster and reduce detox symptoms. food-safe, bulk bentonite clay supplement, intended for internal use. Id like to know about your personal experience . I actually love what its done for my body. Used Medicinal grade Bentonite clay for acid reflux,works within a few sips. I appreciate your reply and all that you do! Best wishes! He prescribed medication (sinequan 25mg) to be taken nightly or when needed. Hi Everyone, I heard on a radio program ( KGNU Boulder ) called Tributaries with Robin Clare interviewing a man by the name of Neal Borschtheart ( SP ) whose grandfather bought land containing Clay in Utah which he may be his now. Think back to grade school science class for a minute.