When considering a design of your own, use the following questions to help guide you. Let the blue fire possess you and be at one with Fthaggua! A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. Believed to have been spawned or created by Yibb-Tstll (according to the Necronomicon), this faceless and batwinged entity is considered by some to be a Lesser Old One, although some resist this classification and describe it as a unique and particularly large specimen of a nightgaunt. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: UBBO-SATHLA STR 300 CON 1,000 SIZ 1,000 DEX 80 Aura For those reaching Ubbo-Sathlas lair, this grotto may be something of a nightmare plain in which millions of strange and exotic lifeforms are birthed, age, and then die close to the entity. 61 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Tidal Wave: the movement of its massive body combined with its will (2 magic points), creates monstrous tidal waves able to capsize boats and devastate coastal communities. Each of the entities in this chapter has a boxed section called Typical Physical Manifestation that details movement, build, forms of attack, damage delivered, and armor (including immunities and so on). The information within is designed to bring the creatures and bizarre races of the Cthulhu Mythos to life at the gaming table, as well as all manner of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. It may be possible to break such psychic assaults with a successful Psychoanalysis roll. Once Mu was lost and sank beneath the waves, Ghatanothoas worship greatly diminished. After seven days the flesh of the host fully corrupts, with its form taking on a semi-human approximation of Yu-mengtis true form; the Old One may continue to use this host body for a further seven days until forced to return to its pocket dimension or, if able to find a new host, it can continue its current manifestation. Fighting Embrace (mnvr) Psychic Blast 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+1D6 80% (40/16), 1D4 damage + 1D10+5 CON (see above) automatic (see above) Armor None. In addition, call for a Hard CON: if failed, the person suffers 1D4+1 damage plus the temporary loss of 5 points of CON per round (CON lost is regained at 1 point per day thereafter); if successful, 1 damage per round is suffered. Crush: targets any group within 5 yards/meters, all of whom may attempt a Dodge roll to avoid being crushed for 6D6 damage. How each person interprets such an appearance largely depends on their cultural and personal outlook, so it may sometimes result in a strange mix of human-centered belief and cosmic experience. Such cults as there are may deposit idols or effigies of the deity for some purpose, bringing doom to those unfortunates who look upon these nasty figurines. See Nyarlathotep: Avatar Profiles table for both humanoid and machine forms. BYATIS (Old One) The vison spoke of a one-eyed being whose beard was a nest of impossibly long trunk-like serpents, each the width of a man, and all mounted on a conical and tapering body possessing spindly legs. Yog-Sothoth seemingly controls the flow of time and gateways between dimensional realms and, despite being coterminous with all time and space, is somehow locked outside of our reality (and may only be summoned through particularly powerful magic). The process may be reversible with magic spells or the petition for help from another Mythos deity. Details the entitys POW and typical magic point value, as well as listing the most appropriate spells the entity may employ. The human Cthulhu Cult appears to be the most widespread and insidious cult devoted to the worship of the Old Ones. The splinter takes possession if the target fails a Hard POW roll. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Specialsee Powers, which mirror certain spell effects. One is led to consider those places where the atmosphere is wrong, where the veils between worlds are thin or brokenare these locations once touched by Daoloth? Remember to adjust damage bonus according to current STR and SIZ values if it has eaten. "Without doubt, the definitive Call of Cthulhu monster guide a full-color feast for the eyes and the absolutely essential compendium of Lovecraftian deities and denizens.". The Zanthu Tablets remark that Elder wards were placed on certain keystones to confine Ythogtha in this watery tomb in the furthest depths. 11. Unlike most others of its kind, the summoning of Ygolonac appears to be a simple (but horrifying) affair, with the summoner just required to read aloud the correct pronunciation of the name Ygolonac. Luckily, it seems the correct pronunciation is not quite what one expects, although there have been some unfortunate situations where a person has unwittingly pronounced it right. Planet life rots, creatures, and humans present illness (often strange skin growths), while locations carry an unwholesome and unwelcoming aura. Posted by Scott Edward Nash on 30th Sep 2021. 1) and The Malleus Monstrorum, also published by Chaosium, Inc., provide further information, but are not essential for running this game. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GNOPHKEHS STR 200 CON 500 SIZ 150 Powers Awaken: frozen and sleeping within the ice, Gnophkehs requires a special ritual and the sacrifice of at least 150 SIZ worth of human victims to be awakened for a temporary period. At the heart of the town is a square in which stands the Moon-Lens, a 50 foot (15 m) tall metal pylon. 73 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters have summoned the god, but not successfully bound it, being dissolved only to be reformed, atom by atom, in some other place, world, or dimension. ) 184 Yegg-ha (?) DEITIES BY TYPE A question mark in parentheses signifies the entity may or may not be a member of this category. Otherwise, may ignore or randomly attack those within 5 yards/metersthe Keeper may elect to use a Group Luck roll to determine the situation. But, nevertheless, if such music could be captured (by human, mi-go, or other) and replayed, it could pose a most awful weapon. If affected, are charmed and unable to take any action that would cause the Queen harm, perhaps to the extent that they would throw themselves in harms way to protect her. Damage: provides a single instance or may be applied per round (assuming damage type is in constant contact/effect per round). Dagon appeared somewhat humanoid, possessed of a bulbous body from which arms and legs emerged as well as numerous tentacular growths. For most scholars, their conception of Hastalk is often wayward and imprecise, likening the entity to a disease and failing to understand that, rather than a contagion, Hastalk is a mutating force. In this, we see how differing cults interpret Mythos commands in varied ways, with vastly different results. Magic POW: 135 Magic Points: 27 (60)** Spells: Animate Mummy, Appear Human (variant), Bind Enemy, Bring Haboob, Contact Lloigor, Create Child of the Sphinx, Implant Fear, Parting Sands; others as the Keeper desires. The corpses of such victims may occasionally be found in the Waking World, their bodies scarred with concentric rings of charred flesh while their clothing is strangely undamaged. The answers may be forthcoming in time but are not likely to warm the heart nor ease the mind. Often, such individuals are musical geniuses, for whom this music acts like a Rosetta Stone: a pathway to understanding levels of sound and music heretofore unknown. From this oil-sheened blackness, it sent forth boneless pseudopods, each as thick as man, but no head did it possess. Posted by nicholas Bariola on 1st Jul 2020. I have a copy of the 2006 Malleous Monstrorum and this is a drastic improvement. According to the accounts of the wizard Sunda-lon, allegedly gathered together by the enigmatic R. S. Scarwound in the privately published Agonies and Deliriums (Boston, 1785), Vulthoom rests below the surface of Mars in the subterranean ghost city of Ravormos, once home to the Aihais. For those within 5 yards/ meters, the CON roll is Hard, and damage increases to 1D4+2. Such knowledge may be fragmentary, depending on the state of the remains. Or head on over to the Trove discord server or The Alcove discord server. Each round spent within the deadly cloud requires another opposed CON roll (equipment negates this). The Outer Gods are said to govern the universe on a grand scale. Hydras body, on the other hand, was represented as a long and twisting fishlike thing, more like some gigantic eel. Then, an enormous black shadow falls across everything and the Messengers writhing mass appears, clawing its way into this dimension and down out of the sky. 84 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Aura A distinct sense of wrongness surrounds this deity and all things associated with it; something so terrible that to behold it is to know eternal suffering. Many favorites of the Mythos find their way on to these pages Azathoth, Great Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, Yog-Sothothas well as plenty of less common creationsByatis, Idh-yaa, Rhan Tegoth, and Vorvadoss, to name but a few. Sold by: Gumnut . Such encounters appear random, although rumors exist of a certain calling ritual that may summon this avatar to open a way to other places in return for payment. Those outside this area see everything twisting and elongating in odd directions, while those inside see themselves being twisted and stretched, which provokes a Sanity roll (1/1D4 loss). Fighting Envelope (mnvr) 50% (25/10), damage 1D6+1 + STR 4D10 50% (25/10), damage 8D6 Prktha Krnk Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. If suffering the loss of half or more hit points, she changes into a monstrous form, equipped with claws, fangs, and serpentine hair, and may strike at attackers while she attempts to exit the scene. Her fury is absolute, capable of lashing out at up to four opponents. Certainly, while such human historical and cultural correspondences suggest a direct link to the Dagon and Hydra of the deep ones, the evidence is patchy and fragmented at best, and could conceivably simply be a matter of coincidence, although grains of truth are often to be found in the human record emerging from the hidden seeds of the Mythos. Fighting Tendrils (mnvr) Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Powers Idol Manifestation: over the centuries a number of statuettes of this malign entity, hewn from an unearthly gray-green stone, have been discovered. The Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum on Roll20 includes: A combined Compendium with all book assets, including rules pages for presenting the mythos and monsters from both volumes. Thus, humans who fail to succeed with an Extreme POW roll suffer a penalty die to all actions other than self-preservation (combat is unaffected, although the object of ones attention may be an illusion provoked by their mind attempting to make sense of their environment in the presence of the Old One). Entire clans or cults may worship a Great Old One, with organizations stretching from a small group to a worldwide conspiracy. Her head was similar to Dagons, although thinner and more angular. An awesome complexity of globes, rods, and cylinders of crystal, metal, and fleshy rubber. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. Possible Blessings Hand of Sickness: grants an individual immunity to disease while also making them carriers for all manner of earthly and alien sickness, able to infect others and incite epidemics. For inclusion in this list, a supplement must be designed to be used with either the Chaosium BRP Call of Cthulhu rules or the d20 Call of Cthulhu rules produced by Wizards of the Coast under license from Chaosium. Or, gathering up handfuls of fleshy humans to feed their monstrous appetite. Those affected become obsessed with finding Carcosa (or somehow bringing Carcosa to them): seeking out lore, painstakingly reading and rereading The King in Yellow text, creating works of art, seeking others of a similar mind, and so on. Of course, we would imagine such individuals are deluded and insane to apportion such motivations on an unknowable alien mind. There was no head, just the bloated bulk that once was Humphries, expanded and filled with the majesty of Ygolonac! Sanity Loss: none; 0/1D6 when looking into a splinters eyes and seeing cosmic infinity within. Possible Blessings Divine Physicality: some are blessed with physical changes, with parts of their bodies reshaped to take on aspects of Tsathoggua, such as furry skin, misshapen toad-like heads, or strange limbs. Aura Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points. Of course, there are some who describe Tindalos as nothing more than the atoms of Azathoth given form, wrapping such theories into the common belief that all things begin and end with Azathoth. A Luck should be made, with failure causing the consumer to grow weeping eyes across their body, which results in the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day until permanently insane. Magic POW: 115 Magic Points: 23 Spells: as the Keeper desires. Check out our full 7th Sea Second Edition product line. The satyr form is humanoid, with a human-like muscular torso, arms, and head, while its legs and feet are goat-like. Mundane weapons (incl. (swords, knives, spears, and so on) or artifacts (keys, mirrors, idols). Another reasoned argument proposes that Dagon and Hydra are facets or avatars of Great Cthulhu, as portions of the whole that did not become trapped or imprisoned in sunken Rlyeh. To those devoted to Rlim Shaikorth the frozen citadels appearance upon the sea is cause for celebration, while for others it is a harbinger of death. May stomp once in a round. Those swallowed have 1D10+6 rounds to escape before they are disintegrated and die. Combat Attacks per round: 3 (claws, bite) Bast transforms human-seeming hands into cat-like claws while growing long and sharp teeth. Given its earthly imprisonment, encounters will mainly concern those who venture into the quaint countryside and villages of the Severn Valley, particularly for students of folklore wishing to delve into the tales of the Berkeley Toad, leading them into an underground tunnel and cave system. ), its streets strewn with Elder Sign wards to warn and maintain the magical imprisonment. AVATARS Both Great Old Ones and Outer Gods may produce avatars, which might be considered portions of their greater self, distilled into distinct and self-aware manifestations. Lastly, careful interest should be given to the Caduceus organization (see Chaosiums The Two-Headed Serpent) and to the separate but powerful Explotaciones de Amaranto (Amaranthine Holdings), based out of California, US. May 30, 2015 Last Ringo's RPG Trove - 30 different folders 1PG Games, Abandon All Hope, Atlantean Trilogy, Cartoon Action. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: Augury, Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Chasm to Hell, Curse of the Rat-Thing, Dread Curse of Azathoth, Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Wrack; and, knows all other spells writ or yet to be written. Humans may have the opportunity to make a Jump or Hard DEX roll to avoid this fate (10D10 damage). Hold and Drain (mnvr): with success, the target is bitten by the circular mouth at the end of the gods face tentacle, which latches on and does not let go. Other names: the Twin Blasphemies, the Twin Monstrosities. All of the classic adventures can be played with HeroQuest Glorantha. If the target cannot dodge (a success is all that is required to move out of the way of the slow advance) or is unable to move (frozen in fear or Transfixedsee below), the Old One moves inexorably forward to touch them and cause them to age and die (see Entropy nearby). are registered trademarks. Powers Body Modification: Shub-Nigguraths form is not fixed, it is able to warp and reshape its mass at will: creating, extending, absorbing limbs, appearing humanoid or monstrous, and so on. Monster Summoning: some may be blessed with the knowledge to call forth and bind lesser Mythos entities. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyarlathoteps human form collapses and then begins to bubble and change form into a monstrous avatar form (usually the Bloody Tongue). Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D8 Sanity points to encounter Zoth Syra and/or Yoth Kala. "An old school game with rules-light mechanics designed for the kind of game play popular in the early days of role-playing games. It reforms in 200 years. Perhaps this is simply due to an apparent geographical closeness but may hint at a deeper connection between these Old Ones. Given its snake-like association for humans, some may mistakenly attribute symbols of Ossadagowah to Yig, with possibly unfortunate consequences. This possession lasts for 2D6 hours but may be continued by Cyegha if 5 further magic points are invested, although the target is always allowed to attempt a new Extreme POW roll to break free whenever the possession is renewed. PROFILE: THE SKINLESS ONE Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points when encountering the Skinless One. Consequently, in view of this and its known history, Zathogs animosity toward the Elder Gods is fierce. Cult In ancient times, Yibb-Tstll was said to have been worshiped as the god Yib; however, no remnants of this cult are believed to exist in the modern world. No direct linking please. 18.7k. Thank you to everyone who participated in Chaosium's Halloween Malleus Monstrorum Contest and especially our three winners: second runner-up Robert Horowitz for his dust-men, first runner-up Bruce L. Priddy for his Father-Of-All-Sharks, and grand prize winner Chad J. Bowser for his pallid dancers. Many presume the Elder Ones had a role in casting Ghizguth to Earth, like so many of the Old Ones seemingly imprisoned here. Sometimes, the curse manifests in a bloodline, causing babies to be born with serpentine features or as full snakes.
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