In a related case, involving a malpractice claim against DePerno, he argued the Kreis Enderle firm invented a claim of misconduct to deny him state unemployment benefits. Not authorized by any candidate. Gretchen Whitmer also won another term with Democrats taking control of the Legislature for the first time in 40 years. Nessel joked about a "drag queen for every school" during an event in June. DePerno faces incumbent Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel on Nov. 8. He has a wife and three children. Those allegations, contained in never-before-reported documents out of Kalamazoo County Circuit Court, were only made public because DePerno sued the firm in an attempt to cash out his shares and transfer the lease on a company vehicle that was repossessed after his firing. "The creditor's exam was scheduled for today," Connors said in court on Feb. 7, 2020, according to a transcript. DePerno committed fraud, deceit and dishonesty with regards to bogus billing, duplicate billing and write offs, in addition to other wrongful acts, his former law firm Kreis, Enderle, Calendar and Hudgins PC alleged in a 2006 legal filing. "There is currently a hearing scheduled for March 12, 2020, at which time petitioners will presumably be arrested pursuant to the bench warrants," DePerno wrote. Matthew has published 21 legal reports based on his findings from the forensic audit. As recently as last month, he criticized the GOP-led Legislature for failing to. Matt attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree. State Rep. Ryan Berman is also running. Matthew DePerno is an attorney who serves clients worldwide from his office in Kalamazoo Michigan, USA. DePerno, 53, is a Portage-based attorney who primarily works on tax cases and worked primarily in Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties. As a tax attorney who worked primarily in Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties, his legal career has been marked by discord. I just think this guy is going to be looking for election fraud under rocks," LaBrant said. DePerno holds an English degree from the University of Michigan, a law degree from the University of Detroit Mercy and a graduate degree in taxation from the New York University School of Law. That happens all the time, and then things are resolved.. The probe is completely ridiculous and part of the reason DePerno decided to run for attorney general, he told Bridge, likening it "totalitarianism" since Nessel's office battled him as opposing counsel in the Antrim County case. Matthew DePerno: What to know about Michigan GOP attorney general candidate. State Rep. Steve Carra, R-Three Rivers, has been an outspoken DePerno supporter. DePerno also transferred "his interest in the marital home" to his wife's trust for $1, according to the lawyers for The News. The office of Dana Nessel, the Michigan attorney general, said that Matthew DePerno and other people had persuaded local clerks in three counties to hand over election equipment. Thus began another unexpected legal fight, as the Moffits hired a new attorney to stop the foreclosure sale and sue DePerno for legal malpractice, alleging he fought their insurer without their consent, overbilled and padded billings, including a $13,000 charge to reassemble their case file after DePerno parted ways with his law firm at the time, Veritas Group. I dont have a bad word to say about him, and other than people he grew up with and has been around his whole life, I probably got to know him better than anybody since the November election, Bailey said. The guys got no ethics at all, William Buhl, a retired Van Buren County Circuit Court judge and former Republican, told Bridge. If you cant abide by the laws and the rules, how do you have the moral authority to prosecute criminals?. DePerno is a leading advocate for a forensic audit of the 2020 election. Republican activists across Michigan will soon gather to select the next leader of the Michigan GOP.The decision will help decide the future of the Republican Party after a midterm election that . Asked about his candidate's changing financial status, Shepard said DePerno's law firm attracted a lot of new business during the period after early 2020 partly because of restrictions Gov. During her speech before the first vote, Karamo touted her decision last year not to concede the secretary of state race to Benson in November and said the party's current leadership operated like a "political mafia." Hes helped a Portage high school studentrejoin the tennis teamafter she had been kicked off following an illegal search of her car that revealed remnants of marijuana, DePerno said. Buhl, the former judge, had already been retired for six years when he began observing DePernos legal work because he was asked to serve as an expert witness in the Moffits malpractice suit. DePerno took on "several cases regarding the unconstitutional nature of these lockdowns and mandates.". DePerno called Buhls accusations total nonsense and told Bridge the matter was ultimately dismissed by the grievance commission, as it should be., While Buhl said the professional code of conduct for attorneys prohibits him from revealing results of the grievance commission investigation, he called DePernos characterization of dismissal the farthest thing from the truth.. Matthew DePerno, who is likely to be Republicans' nominee for attorney general in Michigan, is among a group of election deniers running for offices that have significant authority over voting. But he never did, the Moffits attorney alleged in the malpractice suit. 500 Terry Francois St. SF, CA 94158. 123-456-7890. He cut his teeth as a tax attorney in southwest Michigan but eventually expanded his Portage-based practice. Thus began another unexpected legal fight, as the Moffits hired a new attorney to stop the foreclosure sale and sue DePerno for legal malpractice, alleging he fought their insurer without their consent, overbilled and padded billings, including a $13,000 charge to reassemble their case file after DePerno parted ways with his law firm at the time, Veritas Group. "They don't make guys like him anymore. Two attorneys quit, saying they could not represent DePerno without violating the canons of ethics. So DePerno represented himself, an unorthodox move the liability insurer asked a court to stop before also agreeing to a settlement with DePerno. I have always supported Matt DePerno, said state Rep. Angela Rigas, R-Caledonia, as she entered the convention on Saturday. State Rep. Ryan Berman is also running. "I think it's extremely problematic," Truscott told Bridge Michigan. He is currently representing an Ann Arbor firefighter who he said was fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. "We tried to plot our strategy that way. Another factor in his decision to run: Trump, who in July encouraged him to enter the race. Matthew Wilk of Northville said Republicans cant rely on the state party to do things the state GOP used to do. Some Republicans voiced frustration and uncertainty about the partys direction Saturday. The nomination wont be official until a separate August convention, but the early endorsement will allow a candidate to raise funds and campaign as the presumed nominee. Anthony DePerno, 21, is majoring in Supply Chain Management at MSU and is expected to graduate this Spring, 2022. She has repeatedly made unproven and false claims about Michigan's voting system. The sheriff's office this week didn't provide a response to questions about the warrant. Nessel's race was seen as one of the closer statewide campaigns during the tight midterm race. 38th State Senate Candidate for Michigan. In his suit, DePerno said he had explained "the background of every issue identified" and "rebutted any reasonable notion of improper conduct.". during the general election campaign, but a special prosecutor is investigating him and others on allegations they illegally accessed voting machine equipment in their efforts to investigate the election. Samantha DePerno, 19, began her sophomore year at MSU this past Fall, 2021. Trump, who has touted DePerno's legal efforts, endorsed him to be Michigan's attorney general on Sept. 16, 2021. The ProAssurance Casualty Company alleged DePerno made unreasonable demands of attorneys they had hired to represent him in the Moffits malpractice suit. People get into disputes and they say things about each other in litigation, he told Bridge in a phone interview. "From his dangerous stances on abortion and birth control, to his embrace of Donald Trumps most fringe election conspiracy theories, its clear that Michigan needs to reelect Dana Nessel as AG.". Instead, the Oversight Committee urged Nesselto investigate those who have been utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends.. In another suit, the Michigan Court of Appeals dismissed a DePerno request to disqualify a judge from a lawsuit involving lakefront property easement, and highlighted an unusual comparison DePerno had made in a 2015 court hearing. In 2005, DePerno launched his own law firm in Kalamazoo County, where he's practiced tax and real estate law. A Republican-led state Senate panel that spent months investigating the contest found no evidence of widespread fraud. The grievance commission, the investigative arm of the Michigan Supreme Court, only makes its findings public if it authorizes formal charges against a lawyer with the state Attorney Discipline Board, which it did not do for DePerno. Matt is a native of Michigan and has been a Kalamazoo resident with his wife, Laura, since 1994 after receiving his law degree from the University of Detroit Mercy. Kristina Karamo, who refused to concede her 14-point loss for secretary of state in 2022, beat former attorney general candidate Matt DePerno, who had Trump's endorsement, in three rounds of . It just screams out: This is why people hate lawyers. We dont need this in our profession.. And I continuously showed that throughout my career. Beginningin June 1995, he practiced at Kreis, Enderle, Callander & Hudgins, but he had a falling out with the firm, which accused him of "acts of fraud and dishonesty" and alleged he "padded" his billable hours. In order to win the chair position, a candidate had to receive more than 50% support. DePerno filed a lawsuit on behalf of Antrim County resident Bill Bailey, and he and his supporters claimed, without evidence, the problems were because of the technology itself. But the changing tallies led to a wave of concerns and conspiracy theories about what had happened. He also represented former state Rep. Todd Courser in a sex scandal cover-up case, which ended with Courser. He has claimed he wants to prosecute Nessel as well as fellow Democratic incumbents Gov. Getting Trumps endorsement was huge for DePernos campaign. His experience and record of success has benefited individuals, small business, and multi-national corporations. He went on to earn a graduate qualification at theNew York University School of Law. If a person does not appear and the bench warrant is issued, that means should that person be stopped while driving or anything like that, it will show up on the polices system," Dallo said of what would lead to an arrest. He fights the fight for the little guy, and for the good guy. DePerno also has fiercely loyal supporters who defend his legal work, including clients, who contend hed make a strong attorney general. Firm: Michigan AG hopeful Matt DePerno fired over padded, false billings, Campaign donors love a winner, dump Michigan GOP for Democrats after election, Turns out, young voters didnt sway 22 election in Michigan, records show, Basically broke, Michigan GOP to charge delegates to attend convention, Share the article you just read on Twitter, Share the article you just read on Facebook, Share the article you just read via email, Michigan stopped Ohio toxic waste last week, but we import waste every day, Democrats push Michigan gun reforms. but he had a falling out with the firm, which accused him of "acts of fraud and dishonesty" and alleged he "padded" his billable hours. DePerno worked as a partner in a law firm before opening DePerno Law Office in 2005. DePerno skyrocketed to fame in conservative circles in the aftermath of the 2020 election, alleging voting machines were compromised because unofficial results were skewed toward President Joe Biden before they were corrected. Guy's office sent the official numbers to the Bureau of Elections at 6:35 a.m. on Nov. 7, 2020. When Courser and DePerno sued The Detroit News over its original reporting on the sex scandal, Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Timothy Connors dismissed the case and ordered Courser and DePerno to jointly pay $79,701.63 in sanctions. The sides eventually settled out of court in 2008. It was a "trick," DePerno told the state Court of Appeals on Feb. 26, 2020. During her remarks on Saturday, Karamo said she refused to concede her 615,000-vote loss to Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson because the election was a "fraudulent process." I think the party recreates itself locally. John Engler. But he told Bridge he cannot discuss details because of a confidential settlement. She has a long history of volunteer and community involvement. Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Timothy Connors signed a warrant in February 2020 for DePerno's arrest after he failed to appear for a creditor's exam in an unsuccessful defamation case brought by his client, former state Rep. Todd Courser, against The Detroit News. A court filing showed the bench warrant was stamped "canceled" on May 6, 2021. Michigans nonpartisan, nonprofit news source. But court records show judges have repeatedly sanctioned or complained about his courtroom conduct. A lawyer by trade, DePerno rose to political prominence challenging the 2020 presidential election results and spearheading a lawsuit over the vote in northern Michigan's Antrim County. A secretary at DePernos second law firm the Veritas Group said in a sworn affidavit that she had heard yelling from the conference room as he met with the Moffits. Thank goodness that most of my cases were nothing like this one.. "Someone had to step up and take charge of what was happening. Vote Karamo. DePerno raised nearly $400,000 for an Election Fraud Defense Fund in 2020, and critics have urged him to disclose what he did with that money. DePerno is willing to take on "the status quo of corruption," Carra said. "The Washtenaw County Sheriff Department said they thought the bench warrant was so outrageous that they did not consider it enforceable," Shepard said. Heres what the laws are now, Michigan State shooting update: 2 more students released from hospital, Michigan has far more power outages this week than other Midwest states, Michigan outraged toxic waste from Ohio derailment shipped to Belleville, MSU shooting: fourth victim identified, discharged from hospital, Michigan lawmakers send Whitmer tax cuts; $180 payments are dead, Michigans lousy infrastructure has many begging: Fix the damn noisy roads, Michigan State shooting: Alerts to students delayed as police rushed to campus, Where Michigan attorney general foes Dana Nessel and Matthew DePerno stand, Dana Nessel: What to know about Michigan Democratic attorney general, Matt DePerno banks on Trump bump in Republican race for attorney general, Firm: Michigan AG hopefulDePerno fired over padded, false billings, DePerno, others linked to vote machine tampering case headed to special prosecutor, Matthew DePerno: Dana Nessels election probe worthy of Saddam Hussein. "He will never give up, and thats why they absolutely cannot stand him.". It was also in place as DePerno met on Jan. 6, 2021, with staff for then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about the election, a convening he has acknowledged on a Republican group's candidate questionnaire. He was fired from one law firm, fought over client records after leaving a second firm and was accused of assaulting a client amid a fee dispute, according to court documents and transcripts reviewed by Bridge Michigan. Will you please support our nonprofit newsroom? In at least one instance, DePerno admitted that he falsified billing to a clients account, the law firms attorney said in a court filing. DePerno had represented an older couple Ronald and Cathleen Moffit whose home burned down in 2011. DePerno had padded billings, claimed excessive write offs, manipulated the firms timekeeping system and logged hours with no explanation, according to the interoffice memo prepared by Kreis Enderle administrator Mike Beam. The News eventually sued Laura DePerno in Kalamazoo County court, and Matt DePerno challenged the Washtenaw County court's ruling in the state Court of Appeals. ", Eric Castiglia, chairman of the Republican Party of Macomb County, said DePerno is gaining steam politically because of his focus on the "rule of law.". But he told Bridge he cannot discuss details because of a confidential settlement. "The sanction award far exceeds the petitioners' ability to pay," Baker wrote in a filing on Jan. 9, 2020. As he's campaigned for attorney general, DePerno vowed to "investigate and prosecute Gov. "I don't have a bad word to say about him, and other than people he grew up with and has been around his whole life, I probably got to know him better than anybody since the November election," Bailey said. The grievance commission can also privately admonish an attorney or place them on contractual probation, but those lighter punishments are not made public. ", "If it wasn't for Matt, we'd be out on the streets," Dernis told Bridge. DePerno lost to Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel by 9 percentage points in November. In a Feb. 26, 2020, filing in the Court of Appeals, DePerno addressed the warrants facing him and his client. She was speaking out against "fake issues" that she said were dividing people. After realizing there were problems with the numbers, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy's office canvassed the election results and reported official numbers. DePerno received a bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, a J.D. Trump has thrown significant political weight behind DePerno, endorsing him, speaking on his behalf at a Mar-A-Lago fundraiser and announcing plans to stump for him and other endorsed candidates at a Michigan rally on April 2. Nessel's office began its investigation in February, before DePerno was her opponent. Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel, whom DePerno is hoping to unseat, and her supporters have made DePerno's efforts to undermine the 2020 presidential election and the uncertainties surrounding his finances key issues in the race to be the state's chief law enforcement officer. Glaser of Cass County, Michael Farage of Grand Rapids Scott Aughney of Jackson County, Kent Boersma of Muskegon County and Drew Born of Kent County. John Engler. Kristina Karamo (Secretary of State) - $796,022. "Weve watched the Attorney Generals office and some of the positions theyve taken, and theyve been more political than legal," Greene said of Nessel's office. Kallman declined to detail the issues. DePerno and Karamo were viewed as the favorites because they have been working with delegates for more than a year as it was the delegates who nominated them for attorney general and secretary of state last year. Greenlee, who's worked in politics for more than three decades, appeared to be gaining some level of support on Saturday. Buhl, the retired judge who had prepared to serve as an expert witness for the Moffits legal defense team, asked the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission to investigate DePerno in 2016. DePerno formed his campaign committee to run for attorney general 12 days later, on July 14, 2021. Matt and Laura have three wonderful children who are all current or former students at Michigan State University (MSU). Regardless, voters should trust him to run the states largest and most powerful law firm the attorney generals office because he is a fighter, DePerno said. DePerno got his law degree at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in 1994. I think were going to focus on local issues, Wilk said. The COVID-19 pandemic hit Michigan weeks after the DePerno bench warrant was signed. Their insurance company initially offered to pay them $123,360 for personal property losses and living expenses but asked a judge to determine whether another $80,000 should go to the Moffits or the IRS, to whom they owed money, according to court filings. Karamo lost to Benson by 14 percentage points. 2023 Bridge Michigan. A year later, with the fire reimbursement case seemingly resolved, DePerno presented the Moffits with a $109,879 check from their insurer $13,421 less than the original payment offered three years prior and a $137,779.38 bill for his legal services, according to the malpractice lawsuit. People need to see a competent party, Karamo said. Trump's campaign lawyer, Christina Bobb, worked with DePerno on the convention floor. The convention lasted about 11 hours with delegates battling over how the votes at the event would be counted and last-minute jockeying among the 10 candidates for party chair. DePerno had represented an older couple Ronald and Cathleen Moffit whose home burned down in 2011. Longtime GOP mega-donor Ron Weiser, a wealthy Ann Arbor businessman, opted against seeking another term as party chairman. ", called on DePerno to detail what happened with the money, sought a special prosecutor to consider potential charges against DePerno and eight others because of an alleged "conspiracy" to gain improper access, The DePerno 9: Outspoken election critics tied to Michigan tabulator 'conspiracy', a Democrat who was named the special prosecutor in September, endorsed him to be Michigan's attorney general on Sept. 16, 2021, vowed to "investigate and prosecute Gov. I will continue to fight like hell to restore Michigan to all it can be and I look forward to continuing this journey with you all.". Metro Detroit lawyer Jalal J. Dallo, who practices criminal defense, said bench warrants are typically ordered when someone is supposed to appear in court but doesn't show up. On Feb. 6, 2020, Connors signed a bench warrant for DePerno's arrest and for him to be brought before the court "immediately" for failure to appear, according to a document. Trump has thrown significant political weight behind DePerno, endorsing him, speaking on his behalf at aMar-A-Lago fundraiserand announcing plans to stump for him and other endorsed candidates at aMichigan rally on April 2. 469 views. All rights reserved. Maddock called DePerno and Secretary of State hopeful Kristina Karamo the strongest candidates to address the stolen 2020 election and push for a forensic audit of the states voting in that contest. Weve been there for you with daily Michigan COVID-19 news; reporting on the emergence of the virus, daily numbers with our tracker and dashboard, exploding unemployment, and we finally were able to report on mass vaccine distribution. The Moffits never filed a criminal complaint. But DePernos critics say GOP delegates should take a closer look at his legal career, which reveals a series of disputes with colleagues, judges and clients. And I continuously showed that throughout my career. I think its extremely problematic, Truscott told Bridge Michigan. DePerno had been endorsed by former President Donald Trump. Some Michigan Republicans say they are . (FOX 2) - Republican Matthew DePerno has conceded the race for attorney general to Dana Nessel, releasing a statement thanking voters for showing up for the candidate. Thousands of Michigan Republican Party delegates participate in the convention as they considered who should be their new leader after suffering historic losses in the November 2022 election. All (DePerno) was interested in was generating fees for himself and protecting his way to collect it, Buhl said. In 1994, he received his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and the following year his Masters in Taxation Law (LL.M.) As attorney general, youre the states chief law enforcement officer. Miller called it a sad day for the GOP. DePerno called Buhls accusations total nonsense and told Bridge the matter was ultimately dismissed by the grievance commission, as it should be., While Buhl said the professional code of conduct for attorneys prohibits him from revealing results of the grievance commission investigation, he called DePerno's characterization of dismissal "the farthest thing from the truth.. I've taken on tough cases. The billing allegations could be a disqualifying factor for DePerno as a candidate, said John Truscott, a Republican public relations professional who served as press secretary under former Gov. But court records show law firm colleagues confronted DePerno in October 2005 and presented him with evidence detailed in a confidential memo included in public filings, along with 190 pages of internal billing documents. But he told Bridge he cannot discuss details because of a confidential settlement. And I think were peaking.". Elissa Slotkin announces bid to succeed Debbie Stabenow. The grievance commission, the investigative arm of the Michigan Supreme Court, only makes its findings public if it authorizes formal charges against a lawyer with the state Attorney Discipline Board, which it did not do for DePerno. Kari Lake, a champion for election integrity and the America First Movement, has officially endorsed Matt DePerno for MI GOP Chairman. ", We're not just a news organization, we're also your neighbors. And in early 2022, state Rep. Ryan Berman of Commerce Township, who previously ran for attorney general as a Republican against DePerno, said DePerno's "skeletons have skeletons. 2 min read. Especially if the Judge has expressed a dislike for rapists., Kent County Circuit Court Judge Donald A. Johnston, who presided over the disqualification hearing, denied DePernos request to remove Dodge, and noted that, I dont know of any judges that have ever expressed a like for rapists.. Ultimately, I collected the fees that were due to me, DePerno told Bridge. Taxation 1994-95 University of Detroit Mercy School of Law For months, Matthew has tried to take his findings to the Michigan Legislature, asking for their support in demanding a Statewide full forensic audit, to no avail. "Incredibly, the appeals court noted, DePerno made the following analogy: lets assume a Judge was raped. From beginning to end, the problem is you.. "Were going to win.. In a recent letter to Michigan GOP precinct delegates, Trump called DePerno an "incredible attorney" who "led the charge in calling out obvious voter fraud by suing over the election in Antrim County, where an error by the Republican clerk skewed initial results in favor of Democrat Joe Biden but was quickly corrected. Democratic President Joe Biden beat Trump by 154,188 votes in Michigan. Consumers Energy, Manchester Market partner for free community breakfast, Career partnerships expand within Manchester school district, Dance Masters of Michigan attend solo title event competition, Village establishes change of use ordinance, Environmental incentives to conservation easements: Residents learn about land management & preservation, reflecting the community of Manchester since 2013. He argued Michigan needed "the guidance of a fighter. ", More:Matt DePerno's rapid rise in GOP politics mired in controversy, lawsuits. But Greene's organization changed course and endorsed DePerno earlier this month. She becomes the first Black person to lead the Michigan GOP. Kallman had hoped Greenlee would pull out an upset. The Oak Park educator and conservative activist will take the reins months after the Michigan GOP in November lost long-held majorities in the House and Senate and lost races seeking to oust the incumbent Democratic governor, secretary of state and attorney general.
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